The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 255 He woke up, she had surgery

Chapter 255 He woke up, she had surgery
He Yacheng stayed in the emergency room for a day and a night, and when he was sent out, he was still in a coma.

Dr. Lucy rested for a day, and the next day was Hu Die's surgery.

Hu Die stayed in He Yacheng's ward all the time, except when she went back to sleep at night, she almost never left. She kept praying that he would wake up soon.

The doctor said that he would be fine, but the time when he would wake up was not certain. Although Hu Die felt relieved, she did not see him wake up after all, so she refused to leave no matter what and did not want to have an operation.

Hu's father and Hu's mother persuaded her for a long time, but she still stayed in He Yacheng's ward.

"I have to wait for Yacheng to wake up before going to the operation. If Yacheng doesn't wake up, I'm not in the mood to go." She felt sorry for He Yacheng and felt guilty. He would hit her directly, and He Yacheng wouldn't be injured just to save her.

"Hu Die, you are obedient. The time for surgery is discussed with Dr. Lucy. How can you change it? Even if Dr. Lucy has time, can you wait? You missed the best time for surgery, Do you know what this means?" Mother Hu said anxiously, her tone unavoidably a little bad.

"But, Mom, Ya Cheng became like this to save me. Do you want to make me feel guilty for the rest of my life? You know I'm not the kind of hard-hearted person. I'm sorry for him!" Hu Die also spoke in a bad tone because of her anxiety. And if you are stubborn, you won't leave.

"Let's go to the operation first, and it's the same when we come back from the operation. If you don't go to the operation, your mother will feel uncomfortable. It's not that she doesn't worry about A-Cheng, but the time of operation decided this time is the best time. We don't want to." You missed the opportunity." Hu's father has always half-hid the role of peacemaker between Hu's mother and daughter, so he has always spoken impartially and taken care of everyone's feelings.

"But..." Hu Die burst into tears, "Ya Cheng..."

"Miss Hu Die, go to the surgery, we'll just take care of Mr. He." Seeing this, Xiao Liu and the others hurried over to persuade Hu Die.

"That's right, that's right, we were the ones who took care of Mr. He. Miss Hu, you go to the operation. If there is any situation here, I will go over and tell you. Besides, Mr. He is in the hospital, and you are also in the hospital. There is only one hour away. It's just a floor, don't worry too much." Xiao Zhao also persuaded Hu Die.

"If he doesn't wake up, I won't go for the operation!" Hu Die didn't listen to anyone's persuasion, sitting there, and no one rushed to pull her, for fear of hurting her.

"You! Just humiliate yourself like this! I don't care about you anymore!" Mother Hu shook her hand and left in a fit of anger, slamming the door of the ward before leaving.

Hu's father knew that Hu's mother had always had a bad temper, that is, she had some patience with Hu Die, but now she has no patience with Hu Die, and she probably won't listen to anyone who speaks, so he didn't ask anyone to see her. Tell her to calm down alone, and he himself stays and continues to persuade Hu Die to go for the operation.

This loud slamming door not only startled everyone in the ward, but they didn't dare to make a sound, even the sleepy He Yacheng was woken up.

He slowly rolled his eyeballs, and then opened them. Through his unclear vision, he saw Hu Die who was sitting beside his bed crying.

Hu Die couldn't see it, so naturally he didn't know that He Yacheng had woken up, and was still crying there, "If I could see that day, and I didn't run around, Yacheng wouldn't be lying here, he was all for me! If Without him, maybe I would be hit by a car, and I would be the one lying down! Dad, Aachen didn’t abandon me at the most dangerous time, how could I abandon him ruthlessly! I am Don't leave him, just stay with him, just wait for him to wake up! I won't go for surgery, so don't try to persuade me any more!"

She chattered a lot, speaking very fast, and didn't even give Father Hu any time to talk.

After she finished speaking, she reached out and grabbed He Yacheng's hand, but the moment after she grabbed it, someone grabbed her own hand backhand.

"Ya Cheng!" Hu Die exclaimed, smiled and reached out to touch his face, "Are you awake? Talk!"

"Well, I woke up... Hu Die, it's my fault, I scared you..." He Yacheng said weakly, holding Hu Die's hand to touch his face, "Hu Die, you are going to have surgery, you can't miss it Time. If you miss the best time, I will feel bad. Also, you promised to work hard to treat, so you have to go for surgery."

"It's not that I'm not going for the operation, I'm waiting for you to wake up!" Hu Die said coquettishly.

Father Hu and Xiao Zhao at the side were relieved when they saw He Yacheng woke up. Now they don't have to worry about Hu Die anymore. He Yacheng will always have a way to control her.

"Didn't I wake up? I'll take you to the operating room, huh?" He Yacheng struggled to get up, and Hu's father hurriedly asked someone to help him.

"You just woke up, you can't run around, I will go by myself. You wait for me here, I will definitely come back to find you. You are not allowed to sleep anymore!" Hu Die stood up with a smile, not waiting for He Yacheng to persuade him any more , consciously walked out the door.

Father Hu hurriedly grabbed her hand, led her out, and gave He Yacheng a meaningful look.

He Yacheng smiled at Father Hu, and suddenly understood what he meant.

Hu's father already knew about him and Hu Die, but he was not at ease with him, but he couldn't control Hu Die's feelings for him, so he could only turn a blind eye, but the premise was that he had to Be nice to his daughter.

He Yacheng was still worried about Hu Die, and ignored Xiao Zhao and the others' persuasion, got up and walked out of the ward by himself, and secretly sent Hu Die to the operating room before returning to the ward.

Xiao Zhao fed him the medicine, then took his mobile phone and reported to him: "Mr. He, Madam made dozens of calls to look for you when you were unconscious."

He Yacheng's eyebrows twitched, and he looked at the phone. Sure enough, dozens of missed calls were from He's mother's mobile phone number, and the text messages were all from He's mother. The remaining dozen records were from Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin. of.

They should all come to ask him why he didn't answer the phone and why he couldn't be reached.

"You didn't answer?" He Yacheng pinched the phone in his hand, hesitating how to call He's mother.

"No. But Ms. Hu Die took it once and told Madam that you were not in and told her to call later, but she didn't tell Madam about your injury." Xiao Zhao replied truthfully.

"I see. You go out first." He Yacheng told Xiao Zhao and the others to leave before dialing back to Mother He.

Mother He finally waited until the phone rang, and seeing that it was her son calling, she quickly connected and asked anxiously: "A Cheng, where have you been? Why are you only calling now? I'm worried to death." is you!"

Mother He actually started to cry as she spoke, and she cried very hard.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went to meet a friend, and I forgot to take my mobile phone when I left." He Yacheng lied, but he didn't tell the truth. He knew what He's mother was worried about, and the words of the bloody disaster seemed to be fulfilled .

"Really? Don't lie to me! A Cheng, I told you not to get close to women. Are you listening? Mom was scared to death. I thought..." Mother He only needs to think of the trick She was terrified, she had a son like He Yacheng, she could not rely on his father in this life, and she would depend on this son for the rest of her life, if something happened to him, she would really not be able to bear it.

That day, she was flustered, fidgety, didn't want to eat, couldn't sleep well, and felt restless all the time, so she thought of He Yacheng, so she called her son to ask if he was okay, but the phone was connected. But no one answered, she fell out of bed so worried.

In the past few days, she has been calling him, and even went to Leng Muxuan to help find him, but no one could contact him.

She almost went to the airport to buy a ticket to fly to the United States, and went to find him in person, and he finally called.

"I'm listening, not playing, I've been talking about things with my friends! Mom, didn't you say that I don't care about the company? This time, I want to invest with my friends. If the benefits are good, Dad will definitely look at me with admiration. I You must work hard, only succeed, not fail." He Yacheng told half the truth, when he was in the United States, he was indeed discussing some business matters with his friends, and he wanted to invest, but he was not close to women... …

He shook his head, this old lady, how can her fortune-telling be so accurate, should she go back and calculate whether this investment will be successful or not.

"That's good! You talk about business with your friends, and I'll explain it to your father. Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, I know you want to surprise your father!" Hearing He Yacheng's answer, Mother He felt Immediately he was more satisfied, but he was still uneasy and told him a few more words, "You must listen to me, that master is very powerful, and what he said is very effective."

"Understood, Mom, I'll hang up first. Pay attention to your health. I'll be back in a few days." He Yacheng coaxed a few words to congratulate his mother before hanging up the phone.

Then he called Leng Muxuan again, told them about the situation, and asked them to keep it a secret for him.

Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin had been preparing to get married, but they couldn't find He Yacheng, but they already knew a general idea from Hu Die, and because they didn't have time to visit him in the United States, they didn't go.

When He Yacheng heard that Leng Muxuan was preparing for the wedding, he was also anxious, thinking that after returning to China, he had to see the right time to tie the knot with Hu Die.

Hu Die entered the operating room. The operation lasted more than eight hours. He Yacheng was really worried. After making a few phone calls, he went to the door of the operating room and waited for her to come out, then picked her up and went back to the ward together.

"I want to share a ward with Yacheng, I don't want to live alone." Hu Die left the operating room, becoming more sensitive and vulnerable, holding He Yacheng's hand and insisting on being with him.

Hu's father and Hu's mother had no choice but to discuss with Dr. Lucy and get them to a ward, but Hu Die was isolated for fear that her wound would become infected.

Hu Die's eyes were wrapped with thick gauze, which made her very uncomfortable. She always wanted to fiddle with her hands, but He Yacheng had no choice but to hold her hands.

"I'm uncomfortable, tell me to dial, just one!" Hu Die said coquettishly.

"No, the fingers are so dirty, the wound is so sensitive, and what if you scratch it carelessly?" He Yacheng grabbed her hand but disagreed.

"..." Hu Die didn't know what was wrong. He Yacheng didn't tell her to move, the more she wanted to move, she felt uncomfortable all over if she didn't move. She twisted her body, "Yacheng, I want to drink water."

"Then you wait, I will pour water for you, but you are not allowed to grab the gauze on your eyes!" He Yacheng reminded him repeatedly before getting up to pour water.

Hu Die nodded obediently, but as soon as He Yacheng turned around, she reached out to fiddle with the gauze.

"Stop!" He Yacheng was already on guard against Hu Die's move, so when he turned around suddenly, he saw her fidgeting, and quickly pulled her little paw back before she grabbed the gauze.

Hu Die's plan failed, and she planned to use another plan in her heart.

"Do you still want to drink water?" He Yacheng asked gently.

Hu Die nodded, looking pitiful.

"Well, that's good." He Yacheng nodded, and then suddenly turned his attitude [-] degrees, "If you want to drink, you won't drink it! Hold on to me! I don't want you to have a longer memory, you always mess with me! "

"..." Hu Die was stunned, and then cried, "I want to drink water! I'm thirsty! How can you treat a patient like this! You bully me for being disabled!"

When she cried, the nurse and Hu's father and mother immediately cried. Seeing this situation, He Yacheng quickly went to pour water for her obediently.

"What's the matter?" Hu Die's biggest worry was that Hu Die was crying. She just had surgery on her eyes, so she couldn't cry!

"It's okay, I'm playing with her! Auntie, I'm giving her cold water so as not to burn her." He Yacheng explained with a smile, feeling aggrieved in his heart, he had nothing to do with Hu Die!

But he never thought about what to do with her, he just likes her, it's so interesting to fight wits with her!And women are just for doting, so he wants to dote on her, so why bother with her.As long as it's not a matter of principle, he will listen to her in everything, follow her, follow her.

When Hu Die heard He Yacheng's words, she secretly showed a triumphant smile on her face, so she wouldn't cry!The doctor said that the surgical incision is prone to infection, so she can't cry!
"This child!" Hu's mother also saw the smile on Hu Die's face, pinched her face angrily, and then called Hu's father, "Let's go out! Anyway, my daughter won't listen to my mother when she grows up. What are you doing here!"

She was still feeling uncomfortable because Hu Die didn't listen to her to go to the operation that day, and Hu Die naturally knew it, so she hurriedly opened her mouth and said loudly: "Mom, I want to drink chicken soup! The chicken soup you make is the best!"

"Remember me now?!" Mother Hu said harshly, but everyone could see her pampering.

"I've never forgotten it, and I haven't lost my memory!" Hu Die pouted and stuck out her tongue, making a grimace!

We battled wits with Hu Die for a few days, and she was going to have the stitches removed. Everyone waited nervously for the result when Dr. Lucy came into the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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