The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 257 Saw Him, Saw Everything

Chapter 257 Saw Him, Saw Everything

"What do you want to hear?" Hu Die lay on his back with her eyes closed.

"I'll listen to whatever you want to sing."

"Then let me sing an old song!" Hu Die said with a smile and curled her lips, "Just that Su Rui's "Holding Hands"."


"Because of loving your love

因为 梦 着 的 梦

所以 悲伤 着 的 悲伤
幸福 着 你 的 幸福
因为 路 过 的 路

因为 苦 过 的 苦

so happy with your happiness
追逐 着 你 的 追逐

因为 誓言 不 敢 听

因为 承诺 不 敢 信

所以 放心 着 的 沉默
去 说服 明天 的 命运
没有 风雨 躲 得 过

没有 坎坷 不 必 走

So hold your hand with peace of mind..."

Hu Die closed her eyes, immersed in her singing, expressing her feelings for He Yacheng.

At this moment, there is really no song that can express their current situation better than this song "Holding Hands".

Accompanied by Hu Die's graceful singing, He Yacheng walked forward step by step, and the Hu family's parents walked not far ahead, which could not only give them space, but also enclose them in a range that could be protected.

When Hu Die finished singing a song, the village was not far away. He Yacheng waited until she had finished singing the last note, and then said: "We are here. Hu Die, you sing really well. Sing to me more in the future if you have nothing to do. love to hear."

Singing is the best way to relieve stress and divert attention. He Yacheng saw it on the Internet, so he asked Hu Die to sing, lest she always pretend to be strong and suppress herself too much, which would be bad for her health.

"Okay." When Hu Die heard that He Yacheng liked it, she also became happy in her heart.

"The entrance to the village is so quiet today. Only a few children are reading and no one is playing football." He Yacheng told Hu Die about the situation at the entrance of the village.

"Then let's go and have a sit down, you rest for a while, and then go back." Hu Die put her ear on He Yacheng's back, she could clearly hear his heartbeat, it was beating violently because of walking, making a nice sound, Make her feel very at ease.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the peace of mind, and was unwilling to raise her head along the way.

He Yacheng carried Hu Die on his back to the entrance of the village, and placed her where he sat that day, while Hu's parents went for a stroll in the village.

Those children had seen He Yacheng and Hu Die before, and they didn't recognize them. They came over curiously and chattered and asked them: "Brother, sister, why haven't you come to play these days? We are still waiting for you to come to play football, brother." Sister, are you in good health?"

Hearing the children's laughter, Hu Die threw herself into He Yacheng's arms, closed her eyes and shook her head, "No, it should take a while. Do you guys look like watching this brother play football?"

"Well! My brother's footwork is very good, we want to learn from him!" Especially the boys, the most excited thing is to ask He Yacheng to play football.

"Yacheng, go play football with the children! I will sit here and not move around. My parents will be back in a while, and they will accompany me." Hu Die couldn't bear to dampen the children's friendliness and enthusiasm.

"I don't trust you." He Yacheng didn't bother to leave Hu Die alone.

"It's okay, I want to watch you play football!" Hu Die said with a smile. She has never seen He Yacheng galloping on the field like a child. It's good for her to listen to him play football once!
"Brother, we are here to accompany my sister. We are very good at taking care of others. There will be no problems. Go play football!" Several older girls said to He Yacheng.

"Yes! Ya Cheng, the children are with me! I promise not to move, you go! Please! I want to see!" Hu Die sat up from He Yacheng's arms, and pushed He Yacheng coquettishly.

"Then you sit obediently, I'll be right in front of you, call me if you need something, huh?" He Yacheng was worried, but he couldn't bear Hu Die's disappointment, so he had to stand up and go.

"Hmm!" Hu Die waved her hand towards the darkness.

He Yacheng went to play football with the children, but his eyes kept looking in Hu Die's direction.

Hu Die smiled and raised her head, listening to the children's play, facing that side.

"Sister, why don't you open your eyes?" A little girl curiously asked Hu Die who kept her eyes closed.

"My eyes are a little uncomfortable. I'm afraid that dust will fall into my eyes and hurt." Hu Die originally wanted to open her eyes, but she didn't open them because she was afraid of frightening the children.

"Oh. It should be all right in a few days!" The child warmly comforted Hu Die.

Hu Die smiled and nodded, "looking" in He Yacheng's direction.

"Wow! Brother, you are amazing!" The children all envied He Yacheng's good footwork.

"Brother, shoot!"



"Goal! Goal! Brother, you are great!"

Amid the cheers of the children, Hu Die could tell that He Yacheng had scored a goal. She blushed with excitement, stood up, and instinctively opened her eyes to look at him——

"Acheng! Pass the ball!"

"Hu Die!" He Yacheng heard Hu Die's cry, and suddenly stood still, stepped on the football, and stood there in a daze. After several seconds passed, he asked in disbelief, "Hu Die, where do you think the football is?"

"Under your right foot!" Hu Die shouted excitedly, with a smile on her face, but shed tears!
She actually saw it!

She could see it!
Not only could she see her Ya Cheng, but she could also see such a small football!

She really can still see the light!

He Yacheng was stunned for a while, then suddenly shot a perfect goal, waved at Hu Die, and shouted loudly: "Hu Die, did you see it? I scored again!"

"I see! Ya Cheng, you are so handsome!" It was the first time Hu Die saw He Yacheng exercising, and it was at such a moment that she almost jumped up with excitement.

He Yacheng waved to the children, and quickly ran towards Hu Die, holding her in circles for a while.

"Ya Cheng, let me down quickly, I'm dizzy!" Hu Die shouted nervously, her face turning pale.

Seeing this, He Yacheng quickly put Hu Die down, touched her face nervously, and asked in a trembling voice: "What's the matter? Hu Die, besides dizziness, is there any other discomfort? Are your eyes okay?!"

If he lost sight of Hu Die again because he hugged Hu Die a few times, then he really deserves to die!

"After being spun so many times by you, can I not get dizzy?!" Hu Die scolded, then rubbed the center of her brows, "It's all you, spun so fast, I'm most afraid of spun around!"

"Oh." He Yacheng agreed a little slowly, and asked her again, "The eyes..."

"No problem! I can see it, but it's not very clear. I always feel that there are still some dots shaking in front of my eyes. I will ask Dr. Lucy to take a look. There should be no major problems." Hu Die explained with a smile .

"Then I'll contact Dr. Lucy now." He Yacheng called Dr. Lucy after speaking.

Seeing that Hu Die could see, the children on the side surrounded her curiously, scrambling to point their fingers in front of her, holding up books, shaking the football, and asked her: "Sister, can I see it? What is this? What is it in my hand?" What did you take?"

Hu Die answered them one by one with a smile, "This is football, and yours is a book. Hey, what you got was Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales. How old are you? Are you still reading fairy tales?"

"No!" A big boy replied shyly amidst the laughter of all the children, "This belongs to my sister, and my sister is her."

"Oh! Is that your jersey in your sister's hand?" Hu Die followed the boy's fingers and saw his sister.

"Yeah." The boy nodded, "Sister's eyes are really healed, that's great!"

Everyone was having a good time, and Hu's father and Hu's mother also came back. Seeing this, they thought something happened, so they rushed into the crowd, grabbed their daughter, and asked nervously, "Hu Die, what's wrong?"

"Dad, Mom!" Hu Die saw her parents and saw their faces that had aged a lot because of her, and suddenly burst into tears, rushing to hug them, "I can see now! I just recovered my eyesight! I I can see everything!"

"Really?!" Mother Hu supported Hu Die's shoulders, pushed her away, and looked at her crying, "Daughter, what clothes do you think Mom is wearing today?"

"The red coat is the one I ordered for you in Milan at the beginning of spring! You said you like this style the most, and you don't want to change it, you always like to wear it!" Hu Die said with a cry and laughed, and then looked at him. Hu's father with red eyes, "Dad, your hair is all white! It's my fault that made you worry! Dad..."

She cried and threw herself into Father Hu's arms again, hugging her father coquettishly and not letting go.

When He Yacheng called and turned around, he saw Hu Die's family of three embracing each other and weeping excitedly.

He walked over to separate them, "Auntie, uncle, don't get excited. Hu Die don't cry anymore, her eyes are just right, don't cry all the time." He wiped her tears and said to everyone, "Dr. Coming this way. Let's go back to the nursing home and wait!"

"Well, go back first."

"Go, let's go."

Hu's father and his parents nodded one after another, each pulling Hu Die back.

He Yacheng felt sorry for Hu Die, fearing that she would be tired, so he consciously walked up to her and squatted down, "Hu Die, I'll carry you on my back, you sit on the eleventh road!"

"No need, Yacheng, I want to walk back with mom and dad." Hu Die could finally see He Yacheng who was worried about her, and she felt very happy to see him worrying about herself.

"No, I'm carrying you." Without saying a word, He Yacheng put his arms around Hu Die on his back and carried her away, "We have to go back and meet with Dr. Lucy, and let her check you up, you The situation is a little special, and it is better to check earlier."

Hu's father and Hu's mother smiled contentedly, this He Yacheng really loves their daughter.

"Okay then!" Hu Die has always had a straight temper, so she put her arms around He Yacheng's neck and let him carry her forward. Anyway, he wanted to carry her, and she didn't want him to carry it!

When he arrived at the nursing home, Dr. Lucy hadn't come yet. He Yacheng first poured water for Hu Die to wash his face, and arranged for Hu Die's parents to rest aside, without asking them to intervene in his care of Hu Die.

Hu Die can see by herself, and wants to do everything by herself, but He Yacheng just doesn't allow her to move around, for fear that something will happen to her again.

Hu Die smiled and sat by the bed, looking at the busy He Yacheng, her heart was sweet. She hadn't told Ran Zijin that she had reconciled with He Yacheng, and she thought about going back to China in a few days to give her a surprise.

Now she suddenly decided to ask Zijin to pick her up at the airport, and she asked He Yacheng to carry her out of the airport and introduce Zijin to her own No. [-] bus!
"Dr. Lucy is here!" Xiao Zhao walked in with Dr. Lucy.

Dr. Lucy looked at Hu Die's sweet smile, and the expression on her face relaxed a lot.

"Miss Hu, how do you feel? What's the situation now?" Dr. Lucy asked Hu Die while examining her.

"It's just not very clear in front of my eyes. I always feel that there is a layer of gray things, and there are some dots and dots. But generally speaking, I can see clearly." Hu Die said her feelings.

"Yes." Dr. Lucy nodded, "There is nothing wrong with the preliminary examination, and the recovery is not bad, but for peace of mind, let's go to the hospital for a detailed examination tomorrow, shall we?"

"Okay. Then I will go there early tomorrow morning." Hu Die agreed.

"Then Dr. Lucy, how is Hu Die's hearing problem?" Mother Hu heard Dr. Lucy said that Hu Die was recovering well, but she was still not at ease after all, hearing problem is also a big problem.

"It seems that I haven't heard Miss Hu say that I can't hear you recently, have you?" Dr. Lucy asked Hu Die.

Hu Die thought for a while, then nodded, "It seems that in the past ten days, I haven't paid attention to this, it seems that I can hear it all the time, but I don't know it very well when I fall asleep at night."

"It should be recovering." Lucy replied with a smile. "During this time, you all should pay attention at night. You can test it in various ways to see if Miss Hu can't hear you."

"Okay, no problem." He Yacheng smiled excitedly, his eyes and ears are healed, and his butterfly will return to normal soon!
"Then let's see you at the hospital tomorrow!" Dr. Lucy greeted everyone and went out to examine another patient living in a nursing home.

Everyone smiled happily, and the big stone in their hearts was put down. Dr. Lucy has always been very conservative in speaking, and now she said that she is recovering, which means that Hu Die is getting better.

"Mom, I want to go to the hospital early tomorrow. I'm going to go shopping after the examination!" Hu Die has been to Alaska several times, but she has never done a good shopping.

"No problem. It's all up to you! Mom is going to make soup for you, so you have a good rest." Hu's mother had already asked Xiao Zhao and the others to buy ingredients to make soup for Hu Die.

"I'll go and fight!" Hu's father followed Hu's mother consciously.

Xiao Zhao and the others will naturally leave, and will not stay to make light bulbs.

The room suddenly became quiet, Hu Die looked at He Yacheng, saw that he was looking at her with those fiery eyes, and suddenly blushed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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