Chapter 258

She wants to keep this moment, forever, because she has waited for this moment for so long, she thought she would never wait for it again!
Hu Die took He Yacheng's hand, asked him to hold the ice cream, and then took a few photos, and then used his mobile phone to log in to his Weibo account, sent these photos, and wrote a few words about his feelings feel.

"What are you doing?" He Yacheng wanted to see what Die was doing, but Hu Die refused to show him while holding the phone.

"It's nothing. You hold the ice cream, and I'll take another picture." She instructed He Yacheng to stand up, and adjusted the direction, chose a nice background, took another bite of the ice cream with the spoon, and inserted the spoon back , just took a picture, put it on Weibo again, and posted a new Weibo.

This time, the Weibo content only has two words - "It's so sweet!"

Attached below is a bite-sized piece of ice cream.

She really felt sweet, the ice cream was sweet, and so was her heart!
After finishing it, she quit Weibo and said to He Yacheng: "Let's take a group photo! A group photo of eating ice cream together!"

He Yacheng looked at Hu Die tossing lovingly, and nodded.Standing with her cooperatively, each eating ice cream with a spoon, while Hu Die took selfies with her mobile phone.

In the end, they took a lot of photos, all of which were photos of the two of them together, some of them were feeding each other, one was feeding the other, they looked very intimate anyway.

Hu Die had a great time playing, and of course she didn't eat too much ice cream at the end, because she knew that He Ya was responsible for her, so she was very self-conscious!

"Hu Die, let's go here and have a look." He Yacheng was suddenly attracted by an old Chinese jewelry store, and was about to take Hu Die in.

"Well, good." Hu Die was also attracted by the antique facade, and the ornaments displayed in the window were also very elegant.

Entering the store, the inside is very small, except for the accessories and jewelry boxes, there is only a small counter. Behind the counter, a sad master is making some accessories. He is wearing a wide apron and two arms on his arms. Black sleeves, a pair of round-frame gold-rimmed glasses of some age on the bridge of the nose, I feel like a craftsman in old Shanghai.

"The ornaments here are all antique-style, so beautiful!" Hu Die was attracted by the fancy ornaments, and couldn't help but look at them one by one, "Ya Cheng, look at this brooch, it's actually a phoenix! And these rhinestones Inlaid on it, it looks really expensive!"

"This is for a female star. She is going to participate in some kind of international film festival. She said she can wear traditional Chinese clothes, so she needs a more traditional brooch." The master raised his head and explained to Hu Die, Then he bowed his head in silence and went to fiddle with the unfinished things in his hands.

He didn't seem to care who came to the store, and he didn't seem to worry that others would sneak away from his store.

"Hu Die, I'll make you a brooch too. The ones in this shop are all handmade, and they all look good." He Yacheng really likes the things here, so he wants to make one for Hu Die.

"Then I want a butterfly shape, okay?"

"I'll ask the master." He Yacheng turned back and walked up to the master, just about to speak, the master answered him by himself.

"Yes, as long as it is the style you like, I will try my best to make it. Do you want pure silver and gold, or this kind of diamond?" The master heard that there is a business, so he put down the things in his hand and looked up. Hu Die asked.

"Diamond-encrusted! I think the diamond-encrusted one looks good." Hu Die said.

He Yacheng nodded, and said to the master: "It's the same as that of the phoenix. It must be all set with diamonds, and it must be the best rhinestones. It doesn't matter if the price is more expensive, but the best material must be used."

"No problem. But yours is made to order, and it will take two weeks at the earliest to get it." The master took out a notebook, which is an ordinary notebook, the kind that costs one or two yuan a copy in stationery stores.

But don't look at the simplicity of this book, the content inside is not simple, it is densely packed with orders from the master.

"Master, can we make a set of this?" He Yacheng asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" The set of accessories that the master said was different from what the general population said.

"Are brooches, earrings, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc., all in the shape of butterflies? And all of them are set with diamonds."

"Okay, then tell me what you want again, I will write it down, and then I will draw a sketch for you later, take a look, if you are not satisfied, I can change it."

"Ya Cheng, do you really have to do so much? Brooches are enough." Although Hu Die was very moved by He Yacheng's thoughtfulness, it would cost a lot of money to do such a set, and she didn't want him to spend as much. , These accessories are dispensable, just one or two pieces, if you want to buy, you can never buy them all.

"Well, it's quite memorable to make a set. You keep it and give it to our daughter in the future. If you don't have a daughter, then give it to your daughter-in-law." He Yacheng smiled and planned for Hu Die.

"Just talk about unreasonable things!" Hu Die blushed, and shyly patted He Yacheng's lower back.

"Let me tell you the truth, what does it mean to have no idea? Once you get married, you should have a baby." He Yacheng said with great anticipation.

While the two were talking, the master had already drawn the sketches of the brooch, earrings, and earrings, and asked them to look at them before going on to draw others.

Hu Die and Hu Die looked at it, and they were both satisfied, so they didn't ask the master to make changes.

For the following items, for the style of the bracelet, Master Hu Diejiao changed the fully closed design to an open design, and the size can be adjusted.

"That way, no matter who you pass it on to in the future, you won't have to worry about it being too big or too small to wear."

"Well, you are still thoughtful." He Yacheng held Hu Die's hand, watched the master write out the order, and agreed on a day to pick up the goods, and then left.

When the time was almost up, Hu Die asked He Yacheng to pick up the car. The two returned to the hospital, met with Hu's father and mother, and went to get the test results together.

"You guys sit down for a while. Dr. Lucy has brought back the results for you, and he is watching with two other experts at the moment." Dr. Lucy's assistant greeted Hu Die and his party to sit in the office.

Not long after, Dr. Lucy came back with a stack of examination reports.

"Doctor, how is Hu Die's condition?" He Yacheng quickly stood up and asked.

"Overall, it's still very good." Lucy smiled, and showed He Yacheng and the others the laboratory test sheet. "Although the eyesight has not recovered to the previous level, there is absolutely no problem, at most it is nearsighted. After recovering, there will be no occasional deafness in the future. It is because I have been sick for too long and my body is a little weak. I just need to go back and recuperate. By the way, don’t you have very good Chinese medicine in China? You can try Chinese medicine for conditioning. "

"Well, that's good! That's good!" He Yacheng was more excited than anyone else, "I just met an old Chinese doctor, an old Chinese doctor passed down in my family. After returning to China, I will take Hu Die to see it."

Hu Die got good news again and again, and everyone was relieved, and happily prepared, planning to return to China someday.

Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan in China also had a lot of good things. First, Leng Muxuan's company made a lot of money from investment, and then they agreed on the wedding. On this day, the newly built orphanage also held an inauguration ceremony. Leng Muxuan even specially The largest moving company in H City was invited to move the orphanage.

Luo Yining and Nan Gonglie personally acted as directors in the orphanage, directing the people of the moving company to move the usable things in the old orphanage, throw away all the unusable things, and buy new ones.

"Mu Xuan, look how happy the children are. They are so excited to move to a new house." Ran Zijin stood beside La Mai, who had just sent away a cart of Gu Meihua's personal items, and in front of them were the busy children.

The children knew that they were going to move, and they all ran out to work, moving things, cleaning things, packing things, and doing things well.

"Children like new things, even new homes. When they reach our age, they will know that old homes are better!" Leng Muxuan actually sighed.

"Pfft!" Ran Zijin couldn't help laughing, "You are so emotional too. Do you think we are getting old?"

"No, we're still young and haven't had a baby yet!" Leng Muxuan focused on Ran Zijin with her bright eyes, and quickly sucked at the corner of her mouth secretly.

"Hey! Be careful for people to see!" Ran Zijin twisted his arm, so many people around, he dared to kiss her!
"If you see it, you will see it. I kissed my wife. It is legal!" Leng Muxuan pursed his lips, and the corners of his eyes curled up.

"Let's go over there now and have a look! Leave it to Lie." Ran Zijin wanted to go to the new orphanage to see how the move was going.

"En." Leng Muxuan nodded, took Ran Zijin's hand, got into the car together, and went to the new orphanage.

When we got there, there were many vehicles parked at the door, and the people from the moving company were busy unloading.

Leng Muxuan's car couldn't get in, so he could only stop at the intersection and get out, and walked in with Ran Zijin.

"Mother Gu's room is on the second floor. The first floor is too humid, and the third floor and above are too high. The second floor is the most suitable." Leng Muxuan pointed to Gu Meihua's room and said to Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin smiled moved, "You have thought so carefully, I would never have thought of these things."

"Of course. Mama Gu is your mother, and that's my mother. I care about people you care about."

"If you care, I will too." Ran Zijin said sweetly.

"This is my Young Master Leng's woman! She's pretty enough!" Leng Muxuan went straight up to the fourth floor with Ran Zijin in his arms, and opened the door to a house on the far side.

"Oh my god!" Ran Zijin was shocked by the design and decoration inside, it was just like Leng Muxuan's home, not to mention the complete European style, definitely luxurious, noble and domineering!

"Do you like it? This is a room specially reserved for us. We can live here when we come back here." Leng Muxuan pushed Ran Zijin in.

Ran Zijin walked around the room, although the bowl of noodles in this room looks simple, in fact, several houses are connected inside, although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs, such as study room, bathroom, audio-visual room and so on.

She was walking in the room, and when she saw the door, she opened it to have a look. When she came to a pink-blue door, she glanced at Leng Muxuan suspiciously, and then slowly pushed the door open. She was startled again.

"Mu Xuan, is this a baby's room?!" She looked at the furnishings in disbelief, there was everything there, and there were two cribs, one pink blue and one pink.

"Yeah." Leng Muxuan nodded, "Because I don't know whether I will have a son or a woman, so I prepared two, maybe we will actually have two in one go."

"Then do you like girls or boys?" Ran Zijin squatted beside the small crib, looking back at Leng Muxuan.

"I like them all." Leng Muxuan walked over, squatted down and hugged Ran Zijin in his arms, rubbing his cheek against hers, "As long as you give birth to me, I like it! Because it is my child and yours, It's our child, with my blood and yours in his body. Zijin, just thinking about it like this makes me so excited, I wish I could have a child right now."

Ran Zijin smiled softly, becoming more and more feminine, "Chinese New Year is coming soon."

"Hmm. I really want to celebrate the New Year now." Leng Muxuan knew what Ran Zijin meant. The New Year was coming soon, and they would be able to implement the human-creation plan after the New Year.

"Are you so anxious? Don't forget, when you have a child, it's time for you to rob me from the child. Are you sure you can win the child?" Ran Zijin smiled, and put his right index finger on Leng Muxuan's brow Draw the lines of his eyebrows and eyes.

"I'm the child's father, how can I not snatch the child?" It's not that Leng Muxuan didn't think about this problem, but he just wanted a child, and he really felt that he was the child's father, and the child would listen to him if he didn't If he wants the child's mother, how dare the child be disobedient and refuse to give it to him?

"Tch! Don't try to use your father's status to suppress children! Your autocratic management style is not suitable for today's children!" Ran Zijin very much disagreed with Leng Muxuan's overbearing.

"I don't call it autocracy, I call it strategy!" Leng Muxuan explained with a smile, it's all about doing what he likes, and then taking what he likes!

"You also play tricks with the child!" Ran Zijin asked blackly, whether or not to have a child, this child still has to play tricks with his father, what a 'tragic' fate!

"For the sake of the child's mother, I can only do this!" Leng Muxuan's expression of "I am also forced to help" made Ran Zijin laugh.

"Did Lie also prepare a room for kid Mu?"

Nangong Lie is a member of Leng Muxuan, and Leng Muxuan will "fake public affairs for personal gain", and Lie will definitely be there.

"Well. On the other floor, there are also such rooms. There should be quite a few of them. But the crib is not for Lie's child, but for Ran Zimu."

"..." Ran Zijin laughed, "I can't see that Lie is quite careful and knows how to love others."

"That's right, I don't even look at who I learned from." Leng Shao was arrogant again!

(End of this chapter)

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