Chapter 259

"Hu Die, here, here!" Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan went to the airport to pick up Hu Die who had returned home, and saw Hu Die looking around on He Yacheng's back looking for them from afar, so he quickly waved and shouted to her.

"Zijin! I saw it!" Hearing Ran Zijin's shout, Hu Die waved to her excitedly, and then said to He Yacheng, who was carrying her on his back, "Zijin and the others are over there, hurry over there!"

He Yacheng was carrying Hu Die on his back. The people in front walked slowly. He wanted to go fast but couldn't. He could only look around anxiously. Afraid that Hu Die would be rubbed against him, he tilted his head and rubbed his forehead on the collar. Khan Zhu nervously said to Hu Die: "You lie down and watch carefully, don't let anyone bump into you."

"Got it! Got it!" Hu Die said well, but when he saw Ran Zijin, he couldn't help being excited, and he became restless on He Yacheng's back.

He Yacheng was angry and funny, and couldn't bear to talk about Hu Die, so he could only be careful all the time, looking at the people around him, and bumping into them carefully.

"You are so excited to see Ran Zijin, people who don't know think she is your lover!" He said with some taste.

"What's wrong with her being my lover? Don't you know, when I was in college, there were rumors in the school that Zijin and I were a couple!" Hu Die said to He Yacheng while waving to Ran Zijin.

He Yacheng's black line, where is it all? !If she really became a couple with Ran Zijin, then he and Leng Muxuan...

He couldn't help trembling in his heart, it was unimaginably messy!
After finally walking out with a group of people and walking up to Ran Zijin, Hu Die was so excited that he patted He Yacheng on the shoulder and said to Ran Zijin, "Zijin, this is my No. [-] bus! It's environmentally friendly and low-carbon. Sample?"

"Pfft!" Ran Zijin laughed, and pulled Hu Die off He Yacheng's back, "Slow down."

This is the Hu Die in her impression, the hearty, cheerful and very mischievous Hu Die, the healthy and energetic Hu Die, the outspoken and proud queen-like Hu Die!
"Zijin, I miss you so much!" Hu Die got off He Yacheng's back and directly hugged Ran Zijin into his arms, and the two hugged each other for a long time without being separated.

He Yacheng stood aside, nodded and greeted Leng Muxuan, looked at the two women hugging each other, and then thought of what Hu Die said just now, after all, he couldn't hold back, and stepped forward to drag Hu Die back.

"What are you doing?!" Hu Die glared at He Yacheng in dissatisfaction. Couldn't she be a little bit sloppy with her best friend?

"Rumor!" He Yacheng gritted his teeth and said two words.

Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin's hand and smiled, he suddenly understood what He Yacheng meant, and when he first knew that there were rumors between Ran Zijin and Hu Die, he was also very sensitive whenever there was a turmoil look.

"Let's go!" Hu Die didn't care whether Leng Muxuan was holding Ran Zijin's hand or not, and directly blocked her shoulders to go out, not forgetting to remind He Yacheng behind him, "Remember to pick up the luggage! My parents are coming One flight, don't forget to pick them up and send them home."

He Yacheng looked at her back dotingly, "Understood. You go to play with Zijin, pay attention, don't always be careless."

"Whispering!" Hu Die dismissed He Yacheng without looking back, and left with Ran Zijin.

Like He Yacheng, Leng Muxuan consciously let go of the two girlfriends whom he hadn't seen for a long time to have fun, and they stayed to take care of the aftermath.

"How about your investment? Do you need help?" Leng Muxuan asked He Yacheng while chatting while waiting for Hu Die's parents' flight.

"It's almost done. This time I made three plans. I used one and two spares to make sure nothing would go wrong. The first plan was passed, and it feels pretty good, but I still have to be careful in the future." He Yacheng's investment is in Taking care of Hu Die's free time to talk.

For this investment, he didn't sleep for several nights in a row, either reading materials and drawing sketches, or video conferencing. In short, he never dared to relax.

All his hard work has been invested in this business. If it succeeds, it will be his turnaround. His father will definitely look at him with admiration, and he will be more at ease in handing over the company to him.

He Yacheng has long wanted to manage the company himself. It's not that he can't, nor is he incapable, but his father has never believed in his strength, and he is not optimistic that he can manage the company well, so he is the top leader of the company to the outside world. , in fact, his father has the final say on all matters in the company, he is a 'puppet emperor'.

"That's good. If you need help, just ask. This time, no matter what, you have to show some results. Not to mention showing it to your family, it can also be regarded as boosting Hu Die's momentum, asking Hu Die to see your ability. and strength." Leng Muxuan was also happy for He Yacheng when he heard that He Yacheng was making good progress.

"Well. Try to get the real power this time. I'll be strong enough to marry Hu Die. I'm already behind you. I don't know if your son is born and I married Hu Die." He Yacheng is a man, and he often feels inferior. This feeling is most obvious when Hu Die is together. He always feels that he is not worthy of her, especially when he is not fully in charge of the company, has no real power and status, and always feels that he can't give Hu Die the best, and he can't give her the best. There is a certain guarantee, so it seems even less confident.

"What's the rush, Shaochun hasn't written a word yet." Leng Muxuan was the first one among their good friends and brothers to get married, and the one who got married relatively smoothly, basically except for the misunderstanding caused by Ruan Yifei. In addition, there are no more setbacks and stumbling.

It is precisely this point that makes He Yacheng and Mo Shaochun very envious, even a little jealous.

"Don't say it in front of Shaochun, be careful that he is in a hurry with you!" He Yacheng took a sip of mineral water and said to Leng Muxuan.

"Just tell him to be anxious. If you don't worry, he will never get out. What will you do if you don't marry in this life?" When Leng Muxuan talked to Mo Shaochun, he was indeed very direct, and he was not afraid that he would get angry, angry, or anxious , he just forced him to face the reality, don't always be immersed in the past and can't get out, "He just has one eye!"

"Aren't you relentless?" He Yacheng gave Leng Muxuan a white look, and then said with emotion, "Mu Xuan, don't tell me, we guys are all relentless! Back then, you did it for Ruan Yifei, no, To be precise, it is for Ran Zijin, and it has been for Ran Zijin. After going round and round for so long, I finally became a daughter-in-law and a wife. For Hu Die, I went all the way to the end and persisted to the end. The same goes for Shaochun , brother Shaodu too, he has a cinnabar mole in his heart, it can't be plucked out, and it can't be plucked out, it's the flesh of the heart anyway, it hurts no matter what!"

"My brother-in-law can't help it, and my sister can't say, it's all difficult. Shaochun has to deal with it. As long as we stimulate him from time to time, he will be stimulated one day." Leng Muxuanyi Thinking of the marriage between Leng Muwan and Mo Shaodu, I couldn't help feeling a little irritated.

"Oh! It's so difficult!" He Yacheng raised his hand to look at the time, "The flight is still early, shall we go to the club to play two shots?"

"Yeah. It's been a long time since I played." Leng Muxuan stood up and went to the club to play billiards with He Yacheng.

His driver, Yang Ming, sent Ran Zijin and Hu Die to the city, and was in charge of their itinerary, leaving him alone.

"Young Madam, this is the place you mentioned. Can I just stop here? There is no parking space further on." Yang Ming looked at the road sign and almost reached the place Ran Zijin said, so he found a place to park.

"Okay, let's go here. Hu Die and I will go to the cafe in front for a drink. You can go about your business. I'll call you when I come out." Ran Zijin said to Yang Ming after getting off the car with Hu Die.

She went out with Hu Die today, but Hu Die didn't drive, so she naturally wanted to keep a driver, otherwise how could she go back.

If Leng Muxuan found out that she was squeezing the bus again, he would definitely be angry.And Hu Die's health has just recovered, so she dare not ask her to suffer on the bus again.

"Zijin, I can't see it. Your role change is quite fast, quite impressive; the young mistress of the Leng family is domineering." Hu Die and Ran Zijin joked with her as they walked forward.

"Then if I don't learn a little, am I going to embarrass Mu Xuan? I was not born in a rich family, and I have to learn a lot of things now. You can remind me more in the future." Ran Zijin was really afraid of her own Some behaviors will make Leng Muxuan lose her place, so she took the time to read a lot of books on self-cultivation and manners in private. Recently, she plans to enroll in a crash course on cultivating ladies, so as to learn the etiquette rules of the upper class. .

"It's simple. I'll ask my aunt to give me two lessons. My etiquette is taught by that aunt. Uncle Wang specially invited me to that aunt." Hu Die said straightforwardly, "Zijin, I actually think you're pretty good. You don't have to pay too much attention to the etiquette. Don't work yourself out for a man, change yourself for them, and lose yourself instead."

"That's right!" Ran Zijin smiled. Although he agreed with Hu Die's point of view, he wanted to learn it.Anyway, learning more knowledge will not harm people.

The two entered the cafe, ordered their favorite drinks, and chatted together, telling about their recent experiences.

"Hu Die, Mu Xuan and I plan to get married on December 12th, which happens to be Mu Xuan's birthday, and I want you to be my bridesmaid." Ran Zijin said with a blushing face, "I will throw you the bride's bouquet .Oh no, I forgot, we don't have bouquets."

"No bouquet?" Compared to being Ran Zijin's bridesmaid, Hu Die was more curious about why there was no bouquet. How could there be no such important thing as a bouquet? !
"Well, no. You will know when the time comes." Ran Zijin didn't explain too much, but asked Hu Die, "What are you and He Yacheng planning? It seems that your parents have agreed?"

She watched Hu Die walk out with He Yacheng's back on her back, so she knew they were reconciled.

"I don't have any plans, but my parents don't object to us anymore. The future plans will depend on Yacheng's performance."

"If it stabilizes, we should get married sooner. We are not too young, and many of our classmates are married." Ran Zijin said here, and then chatted with Hu Die about how much she had participated in during this period of time. For her classmate's wedding, she also showed her the photos she took. Together, they admired whose wedding was the grandest, whose bride was the prettiest, and whose wedding dress was the most fashionable.

"I think this color is good. It's purple. I also want to wear a purple wedding dress when I get married. Do you think I look good in purple?" Hu Die saw a classmate getting married wearing a purple wedding dress. She thought the style was very good, but the classmate didn't The key to wearing out the temperament of the wedding dress is that the classmate is not tall enough.

"Purple is not bad. Anyway, your skin is good, and you don't choose the color. Then ask He Yacheng to make it for you." Ran Zijin had heard from her classmates that their wedding dress was rented, worn for a day, and returned to the wedding company.

But how important it is for a woman to get married, a wedding dress is also very important, how can you rent one casually, and then wear it and then lose it, you have to keep it no matter what, hang it in the closet as a souvenir.

When she was discussing marriage with Leng Muxuan, she learned from him that the wedding dress could be made to order, so she asked Hu Die to make it too.

"Of course, if he asks me to rent a wedding dress to wear, then I will never marry him!" Hu Die said with a smile, and when she heard someone calling her name, she raised her head and looked aside, only Seeing a man standing by their table, "You are? Lu Zichen?"

She had never seen this man before, but her voice was too familiar, and he looked a bit like He Yacheng, so she naturally thought of Lu Zichen.

"It seems that I didn't hurt you in vain! You even remembered me!" Lu Zichen said with a smile, his casual look was comparable to He Yacheng's.

"Didn't you also suffer? Everyone gets what they need, don't be so stingy." Hu Die was very open about the deal, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"I want to be stingy, then I should stay and not leave, just drive He Yacheng away." Lu Zichen hooked his lips, "Just kidding, I won't take it seriously. Don't worry, I won't touch your He Yacheng either. "

He couldn't be more clear, Hu Die said this just to remind him to stop thinking about He Yacheng, she is really like a tigress in protecting her calf.

And he, Lu Zichen, is not a fool. He Yacheng married Hu Die. He doesn't want to see him, but he must give Hu Die some face, give the Hu family some face. If you have trouble with him, it doesn't mean you have trouble with the Hu family. Isn't that the same as finding unhappiness for yourself!

"Waiter, this table is on my account. Don't charge them later." Lu Zichen waved to the waiter and said, this is a good opportunity to get close to Hu Die and Ran Zijin, and it is also a good opportunity to get in touch with Leng Muxuan in the future. Naturally, he would not will let go.

(End of this chapter)

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