The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 268 Be careful with your life

Chapter 268 Be careful with your life

"Ya Cheng, I want to have a word with Su Maiqi, okay?" Hu Die looked at He Yacheng and asked carefully.

When He Yacheng heard Hu Die's words, his eyebrows twitched immediately, and he looked at her worriedly, not understanding why she suddenly wanted to talk to Su Maiqi.

From just now, when he was talking to her, he never looked at Su Maiqi. Now he heard Hu Die's words, so he looked over there. Su Maiqi was still kneeling there, helping the stall owner to pick up things and throw away After picking up the accessories all over the place, they were neatly stacked on the boards on the booth.

Seeing that He Yacheng didn't say anything, Hu Die just frowned more tightly and looked at Su Maiqi, then took his hand and said coquettishly: "Yacheng, I'll just say a few words to her, and I'll be back soon, you Just wait here for me! I promise she won't let her hurt me again!"

After she finished speaking, she raised three fingers, wrinkled her little face, made a grimace, and promised He Yacheng.

"But I'm still worried." He Yacheng held onto Hu Die's hand and didn't let go. He didn't want her to talk to Su Maiqi, and he didn't want to have close contact with Su Maiqi either.

So, the two of them froze.

After the two stalemate for a while, when they looked up again, Su Maiqi had disappeared in front of the booth.

Hu Die shrugged, raised her eyebrows, and pulled He Yacheng, "Let's go! If you don't call me, he will leave too. I don't want anyone to say anything!"

He Yacheng made sure that Su Maiqi was gone, so he took a step, and the two continued to walk to the playground.

Amusement parks on weekends are always crowded, even entering the gate has to be lined up, and after entering, He Yacheng queues up to buy tickets for the events that Hu Die can play, and Hu Die stands behind the usual line and waits.


Hu Die heard someone calling her in a small and soft voice, and looked back, only to see that it was Su Maiqi. She had lost a lot of weight, and her voice had become less pleasant.

If she didn't say that she studied vocal music before, no one would know that she had studied this, and no one would believe that she had studied this before.

"Oh. Are you coming to play too?" Hu Die thought that Su Maiqi hadn't said anything, but now that she came to find her by herself, she couldn't help becoming a little alert. When talking to her, she kept looking at He Yacheng.

"No, I saw you just now, and I wanted to come over and apologize to you." Su Maiqi wrung her hands, and looked at He Yacheng with restless eyes, "I was wrong that time in Zishan, I hope you don't mind."

Hu Die frowned slightly, and looked at Su Maiqi in disbelief. Her voice was indeed hoarse, and her way of apologizing to herself cautiously, lowering her posture, and sincerely without arrogance was almost the same as before. She is two people.

Seeing that Hu Die didn't speak, Su Maqi continued: "I didn't know that you would have an accident later, and it was so serious... Hu Die, are you in good health? I think you should be fine if you are like this, just be fine, otherwise I will be sorry for the rest of my life, and I will feel ashamed of you. Hu Die, I'm sorry."

"You..." Hu Die was surprised by Su Maiqi's apologetic attitude, and she didn't know how to talk to her for a while.

And Su Maiqi came to apologize suddenly, why did she feel a little scary and eerie?
"You still refuse to forgive me, right? But, it's okay, Hu Die, I have already promised He Yacheng with my life, I will never hurt you again, and I will never appear in front of you. In fact——" Su Maqi's eyes She shed a few tears, and looked at Hu Die with hazy eyes, "I originally planned to detour when I saw you in the future, but when I saw you just now, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart, thinking that I would come to see you last and apologize to you In the future, it will really completely disappear in your world."

Hu Die's brows did not relax. After hearing Su Maiqi's apology, her doubts increased a lot.

She looked at He Yacheng's place and saw that he was still queuing up, and it would take a while to come back, so she planned to tell Su Maiqi what she wanted to tell her just now.

"Your apology is actually unnecessary. But you, not being able to have children is a big blow to you, right? I am also somewhat responsible for this matter, so we can offset it. Also, on behalf of Yacheng, I have saved you He thanked him with his life. However, if you disturb my relationship and life with Yacheng again, no matter how he treats you, I will not intervene, but I will definitely not be as talkative as I am now." Hu Die The corner of his mouth hooked up, "It's not that I don't hold grudges, it's not that I don't know how to fight back, it's just that your current situation is already miserable, so let me forgive you for now!"

After hearing Hu Die's words, Su Maiqi's eyes flashed with panic, as if she was too frightened to speak.

Hu Die glanced at her lightly, "No matter what the purpose of your apology today is, I advise you to restrain yourself and think about your life before doing anything!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Die nodded on Su Maiqi's heart, then raised her head and walked to the front of the team to find He Yacheng.

She must have understood what she was going to say to Su Maiqi just now.

Su Maiqi watched Hu Die walking towards He Yacheng, then turned around and walked outside the playground.

She knew best what Hu Die meant just now. She said that she was thanking herself on behalf of He Yacheng, so what if she was not declaring her ownership of him to herself.

She also said to think about her own life before telling her to do something.

her life...

her life...

Her fate...what kind of fate...

After entering the temple, Su Maiqi put away all the emotions she had and didn't have, and went to get the incense and paper calmly. When she saw the tablet of the gods along the way, she kowtowed and put the incense and paper on her head.

After paying homage to all the gods, Su Maiqi came out of the main hall and saw someone drawing lots for fortune-telling in the small hall, so she went to help the nuns in the temple to greet everyone.

"Benefactor Su came a little late today. At noon, he was still talking about why you didn't come for the vegetarian meal." The nun was talking to Su Maiqi while unwrapping the guest.

"Today, I met someone I thought was an old friend, and I wasted some time because I said something." Su Maiqi held a small red bamboo tube for lottery in his hand, and it was filled with a lot of lottery.

Since the matter between her and He Yacheng was settled peacefully and the agreement was signed, she has often come to this temple, so she has dared to mix with the nuns in this temple and is very familiar with them.

She would come to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha every first and fifteenth day of the new year, and she also came here to read scriptures, copy scriptures, and help nuns organize everything in the temple when she had time on weekdays.

Over time, she will also release the lottery for others, and some guests will ask her to clear the lottery for them when they see her here.

"Old friends can be met but not sought. Meeting is fate." The nun smiled and said to Su Maiqi, and then said to the guests beside him, "This is a sign, within half a month, something good will happen to you as the master, you The son will also benefit from his good fortune."

"That's good. That's good." The guest was a woman, with a delicate appearance that didn't look old, and she was dressed very well. She looked like a wife from a rich family.

"This benefactor is really blessed. Good luck has come. Don't forget to burn incense and burn paper to the Buddhas who bless you, and thank all the gods for their protection." Su Maiqi said kindly to the guest.

The guest was naturally very happy when he heard the good luck, and talked to Su Maiqi and the nun for a while before leaving some money and leaving.

"Does benefactor Su want to draw lots today?" The nun asked Su Maiqi after the guests had left and there were only two people left in the hall.

"No. I don't have anything to worry about. I'm alone all day long. The store's business is tepid. It's enough to be able to support myself, so that I don't have to worry about food, clothing, and a place to live." Su Maiqi didn't plan to For fortune-telling, I started to pack the things in the temple with the nun.

They collected the excess incense and paper in front of each god, and put them in the special box for incense and paper at the door.

"It's the same with contentment and happiness. Benefactor Su, kindness must have the benefits of kindness, and the Buddha will always bless you."

While the nun was talking to Su Maiqi, a figure stepped in from the threshold of the small hall. He was still very handsome, dressed in a fashionable yet dignified manner, and holding three sticks of incense, he went straight to the front of the hall, knelt down and kowtowed to offer incense and make a wish. In one go, it looks like a frequent pilgrim.

Su Maiqi and the nun watched the person burn incense, stood up, and greeted her with a smile.

"Benefactor Zhao, you are here."

"Well, I met an old acquaintance today, chatted and strolled on the road, so I came a little late, otherwise I would have come before noon." The person called Zhao benefactor talked to Su Maqi and the others while I bowed to the Buddha statue, looking very devout.

She is also a frequent visitor to this temple, and she is very familiar with the nun and Su Maiqi.

"Benefactor Zhao also met acquaintances, and so did Benefactor Su. Sure enough, fate is a wonderful thing." The nun said to Benefactor Zhao.

"Really? It's really a coincidence. I don't know what kind of old person the girl met. It should be a good conversation, right?" Zhao benefactor asked Su Maiqi.

"The former lover has broken up now. He has found his place. The relationship between the two is very good. It is also because of him that I come here to recite scriptures and worship Buddha in order to find peace of mind. Hurt by love." With a faint smile on Su Maqi's face, as if she had seen through the world, she casually took the bamboo tube with the lottery on the case and sent it to the benefactor Zhao, "I should draw a lottery today."

"Give me your good words, girl, let me draw a lottery." Every time Master Zhao comes to the temple to offer incense, he always draws a lottery for fortune-telling. No matter who is in the family, it doesn't count. There is no score, and I can't live in peace in such a desolate way.

She drew a lottery and handed it to Su Maiqi, "Girl, quickly untie the lottery for me. This is for my son."

When Su Maiqi heard that benefactor Zhao said that it was for her son, the right hand holding the stick shook violently, and the stick fell down without holding it firmly. Fortunately, the nun caught it and did not fall to the ground.

Seeing this situation, benefactor Zhao's heart suddenly tightened. He held his breath in his heart and dared not breathe loudly. He stared at Su Maiqi tightly with both eyes, and his voice trembled slightly, "Girl, could it be that this lottery is still not valid?" it is good?"

Su Maiqi looked at the lottery in her hand, then at the very nervous benefactor Su, and after a short silence, she said, "It's really not very good. Your son hasn't left with those dubious girls yet. Clearing the relationship? If it goes on like this, the consequences will be really unimaginable. Last time I calculated that he had a bloody disaster, and later I figured it out, it probably caused some brain injuries, but this? "

"Brain injury?" Benefactor Zhao frowned and thought to himself for a while, "I haven't heard my son mention it, maybe he escaped a catastrophe?"

There was an obvious gleam of luck in her eyes.

"This should not be wrong. You can ask him when you go home." Su Maiqi held the lottery in her hand, looked at it for a while, and then said, "There is a girl next to your son. Her life is too hard. There is Kefu It seems that if your son insists on marrying her, it will definitely lead to the destruction of the family, this girl is the life of a prodigal, and if she is not prosperous, she will not be prosperous."

"Really?" Benefactor Zhao bowed to the Buddha statue again and again, begging the Buddha to bless his son, and then asked Su Maiqi, "Then what can I do now? Tell my son to break up with that girl? The problem is that I don't know I don't know who that girl is, my son loves to play, and there are so many people around him... Sigh!"

Speaking of this, benefactor Zhao couldn't help but sighed worriedly.

"Breaking up is inevitable. The fate between the two is not enough. Being together is also a sin. They suffer, and you family members will also suffer. It's better to end this relationship earlier."

"Then that girl, can she... girl, can you figure it out? Where is she from?"

Su Maiqi closed her eyes and murmured something, before opening her eyes and said: "This girl is either rich or noble, she should be the daughter of a rich family. But I can't figure out where she is from here. Zhao benefactor, you should go back Please ask your son how he is doing. I hope you can persuade him to deal with this matter earlier, even if he does not marry or have children for the rest of his life, it is better than being with someone with a hard life and ruining his family."

"My God! What a crime!" After listening to Su Maiqi's words, Zhao benefactor's eyes were full of tears, and he patted his leg and said, "This son of mine never listens to me. He runs around all day long. No one can see it, what should I do?!"

"Benefactor Zhao, now I can only preach earnestly, talk to your son carefully, there will always be a way to solve the problem, don't worry too much." The nun has been listening, seeing that the benefactor Zhao is anxious, she began to persuade A few words.

"Well, that's the only way to go." Zhao benefactor wiped his tears with a handkerchief, and forced a smile, "Then I won't stay any longer, I'll leave first, and come back in a few days, please Buddha bless me son."

"Go slowly, I won't send you off." Su Maiqi and the nun watched the benefactor Zhao leave, and the two began to pack up the small hall again.

(End of this chapter)

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