The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 269 Defending the Love Alliance

Chapter 269 Defending the Love Alliance
"Oh, okay, I'll go right now."

As soon as Ran Zijin left, Leng Muxuan followed, and Kong Jiayi took the clothes bag and went to the bedroom with Leng Qingbai, leaving Bei Yiduo alone.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the empty living room, she couldn't help but stomp her feet vigorously!

"The child Duoduo is too thoughtful, it's not good." Leng Qingbai went to the bathroom to solve the problem first, then came out, and said to Kong Jiayi in the bedroom.

Kong Jiayi scraped up her new clothes. This bedroom was originally a guest room. After Leng Muxuan got married, they always came over, so Ran Zijin asked someone to reorganize this place and turned it into a bedroom for them.

"I can't see it. I really think this child is very pleasing and hits me very well. I have only one son, Mu Xuan, and one daughter, Mu Wan, and Mu Wan doesn't have a deep relationship with me. When I see Dodo, I just It's like seeing your own daughter."

"You! People say that people's eyesight will become poisonous when they get old, but your eyesight is getting worse and worse!" Leng Qingbai snorted softly, "Sooner or later, you will regret it!"

His son naturally understands that he is cold and cold to ordinary people, so he will not be kind to Bei Yiduo, but Ran Zijin is more soft-hearted. up.

"I know it myself! Zijin is a good child, no matter what, she is also my daughter-in-law, I will never bend my elbow!" Kong Jiayi closed the closet door, and turned to call Leng Qingbai, "Go out, Duo Duo is alone in the living room!"

Just now she knew that Leng Qingbai had something to say to herself, so seeing that she was going to the bedroom, she went to the bedroom first, and she didn't say anything.

And what she said that she knows well and her elbows can't turn outwards is also true, otherwise, why would she have sent Ran Zijin to the kitchen after seeing Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan's complexion just now, so that Bei Yiduo wouldn't say anything more? She doesn't like to hear it.

Besides, if Bei Yiduo complained a few more words, as a mother-in-law, she would have to pretend to say something to Ran Zijin, but she was not willing to say that she was a good daughter-in-law, so she sent her away. She also left, Bei Yiduo naturally couldn't continue that topic.

After this meal, Ran Zijin took good care of the two old people, serving dishes and serving rice, and took good care of Leng Muxuan, but he didn't talk much to Bei Yiduo.

Leng Muxuan didn't even say a word to her, he just felt sorry for Ran Zijin, seeing her take care of his parents, his food was cold, so he asked Aunt Zhang to refill a bowl for her, and he scooped it up for her himself A bowl of soup, wish her to eat more.

Bei Yiduo thought about what Ran Zijin said to her in the gift shop in the afternoon, 'no need for outsiders to intervene', and suddenly felt that the dishes on the table were tasteless, and she felt a little unable to eat.But she kept smiling, as if arguing with Ran Zijin, she also picked out some favorite words for Kong Jiayi and Leng Qing Bobucai to chat with them.

Ran Zijin felt a little unhappy, what does it mean that Bei Yiduo behaved more like a daughter-in-law than her daughter-in-law? !But being unhappy is unpleasant, but she didn't show it.

Leng Muxuan discovered it carefully, and put the chopsticks in his hand on the table with a loud bang, and with a dark face, he opened his mouth and yelled: "Twitter, twitter, don't let people eat. ?!" After yelling, he glanced at Bei Yiduo with his eyes that were obviously icy, "Just take care of yourself, my parents have Zijin to take care of them!"

Bei Yiduo's complexion changed as soon as he brushed it, becoming as white as paper.

"Mom, drink some soup." Ran Zijin turned a deaf ear to Leng Muxuan's anger, and continued to take care of Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai for dinner, "Dad, you have some soup, too. The soup made by Aunt Zhang is delicious. I just drink her soup." Only the soup made you gain weight!"

"Well, good." Kong Jiayi saw that Ran Zijin turned a deaf ear, so she also pretended not to hear.

Leng Qingbai didn't have any feelings for Bei Yiduo, so he didn't pay attention to her, so Ran Zijin was still at the table, and they were eating.

Leng Muxuan continued to pick up the chopsticks, and picked up two slices of pork liver for Ran Zijin, "Eat some pork liver, it will replenish qi and blood."

Ran Zijin nodded and ate with a smile.

Back and forth, Bei Yiduo became the forgotten person again.

Kong Jiayi really felt a little sorry, so she gave Bei Yiduo two slices of pork liver, "Duoduo, eat vegetables!"

"Okay." Bei Yiduo nodded, but she found it even more difficult to swallow the two pieces of pork liver as she moved them back and forth in the bowl.

She secretly went to look at Ran Zijin. It was rumored that Leng Muxuan was so used to her and loved her so much that she felt so distressed as if she was his heart and soul. That's it.

However, it was rumored that Ran Zijin was soft-hearted and kind-hearted, easy to deceive, friendly and bully, it doesn't seem like that? !

What Ran Zijin said to her in the gift shop today, and the manner in which she spoke, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a person who is easy to bully!

Two days later, the driver of Leng Zhai came back, Kong Jiayi asked the driver to take Bei Yiduo back.

In the days without Bei Yiduo, Ran Zijin's mood improved a lot, and the two of Leng Muxuan lived a happy life, occasionally going to the Tianyuan candlelight dinner, and watching the stars on the top of the building, sometimes in the company's They chat in the sun on the balcony outside the lounge, go to the cinema to watch a movie from time to time, and do their homework in the evening very harmoniously.

"Finally you are willing to give me some time!" When Hu Die entered the hot drink shop, Ran Zijin was already waiting for her, and she joked to her.

"What do you mean I'm willing to give you some time! Please, Ms. Hu Die, it's you who have been having a hot fight with your family He Yacheng recently, dating or something, and completely forgot about my existence, okay?" Ran Zijin watched Hu Die sit down, Then he said to her, "I ordered you a cantaloupe-flavored milkshake, mousse cake and matcha cake, two egg tarts, and a small fruit platter."

"As expected, you still understand me!" Hu Die waited for the waiter to bring the milkshake, and couldn't wait to take a sip, "It tastes good."

"How effective are the scar-removing medicines that He Yacheng gave you?" Ran Zijin saw Hu Die's hat and thought of her hair, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful. Although He Yacheng got her the best scar-removing medicine, what were the consequences? Really still not sure.

"It's okay. Some of the small scars on my body are gone."

"Where's the hair?"

"There is no improvement in my head, but I am still insisting on taking medicine."

"Yeah. The other day Mu Xuan said that there was a medicine that was very good for removing scars. He had already told He Yacheng, did he buy it for you?" Ran Zijin said after taking a bite of the matcha cake.

Hu Die's scars and hair problems, not only He Yacheng and Hu's parents are anxious to find a solution, but she and Leng Muxuan are also inquiring about good medicines and doctors.

"No. I haven't seen him for several days." Hu Die said to He Yacheng, the emotion on his face changed, "His mother has been watching him very closely these days. If he doesn't come home, she will He cried, made trouble, and hanged himself. Every time I meet, within a few minutes, I can receive a call urging him to go home!"

"Why? He Yacheng has put his mind down, why the fuck is he getting more worried?" Ran Zijinti asked suspiciously.

"Fuck that man, according to Ya Cheng, he always believes in some things that are not available, and there are so many things that are taboo! I didn't ask him out during this time, because I was afraid that he would be with a woman, saying that it was his The time is not suitable for talking about marriage. If you want to talk about marriage, you can marry randomly. You have to go home and go through her introduction. It is her introduction. Otherwise, the He family's family property will be ruined." Hu Die still finds it unbelievable. How can a modern person believe in those unreliable things, "So Ya Cheng has been crying and making noises and forcing him to die these days, so he has no time to come see me, I have been forgotten It's been a few days without a phone call."

"Fuck, is this targeting you?" After Ran Zijin asked, she thought it was impossible, so she overturned her guess, "It can't be! She hasn't met you yet, and she doesn't know about you and He Yacheng. ! And even if she knew, she had to agree, hoping that his son would marry you and go home soon! Who are you, the only daughter of the Hu family! Even if she is not smart, she can't even think of this?!"

"I'm also wondering. Maybe, her old man is not targeting me!" Hu Die shook the quilt of the milkshake, "Zi Jin, I met Su Maggie some time ago, maybe years ago."

"She's looking for trouble for you again?" Ran Zijin heard Su Maqi's three words, and immediately panicked. Hu Die's body is not fully recovered yet, so why did she appear like a ghost again!
"No! You can't imagine what she said to me at all! She said sorry to me and apologized to me. How horrifying was that scene!"

"You accepted?" Ran Zijin really didn't expect someone like Su Maiqi to apologize, but the more Su Maiqi apologized, the more she murmured and became vigilant just like Hu Die.

"No. I warned her that if she dares to intervene between me and Yacheng again, I will never bypass her this time. I will never believe that she is a kind person! There is a saying, Jiangshan Yichang It is hard to change one's nature, Su Maqi can become a good person, not in the past few years, not in the next few years, why now, it is impossible not to arouse suspicion at all."

"So you think He Yacheng's mother might be targeting Su Maiqi? Now that Su Maiqi has appeared again, even if she has nothing to do with He Yacheng, she is still a woman by his side."

He Yacheng ignored Su Maiqi, but if Su Maiqi tried to get close to He Yacheng, wouldn't he still be by his side!
"I'm also worried about this problem. Su Maiqi's ghost is lingering. If she keeps pestering Yacheng, I really have to be that vicious woman." Hu Die raised her eyebrows, she believed that He Yacheng would never deceive her again , and won't have anything to do with Su Maiqi anymore, but she doesn't believe in Su Maiqi!

"It seems that we are in the same boat!" Ran Zijin sighed, "You don't know how warm-hearted Leng Muxuan's mother is. When we got married, she had a niece from afar, and she was very kind to her. That girl, how about One brother Mu Xuan is named Mu Xuan, and I was furious when I heard it, and I still have nowhere to get angry."

"Your husband should not pay attention to this kind of woman, you can rest assured."

"I'm worried about my husband, but I'm just like you. I don't worry about Bei Yiduo! You don't know, she is more like a daughter-in-law than I am when she eats with us. She can't say good things to my mother-in-law. And she doesn't move at all. Just shed tears, talk, and make people feel distressed. My mother-in-law treats her like a daughter. I don’t think Mu Xuan’s own sister is treated like that when she comes back.” Ran Zijin didn’t say these words. Nonsense, she came to the conclusion after observing for a long time, that Leng Muwan really didn't like Kong Jiayi very much when she came home.

However, Ran Zijin could more or less guess that the bad relationship between their mother and daughter was mostly due to Leng Muwan's marital problems.

"This is really familiar! According to what you said, I think, no matter what other people are, you must keep your eyes open and be on guard against this woman at all times! When you see something wrong, you must deal with it decisively!" Hu Die did. He wiped his neck, and then said in a bad mood, "We two sisters, we are really going to form an alliance to defend love! You have to keep an eye on those women who are eyeing you, or you will be squeezed out of the right seat sooner or later. I know what's going on!"

"Indeed! I found that red books can't give women a sense of security. Marriage will only make women more uneasy. Those who are suspicious will suffer from neurasthenia sooner or later, and they may be directly insane." As a woman who has just become a wife, Ran Zijin has a lot of meaning general feeling.

"Yeah, I'm the only one who asks men for red books and marriage all the time, but in the end, they want to lie to me, and they deceive me in the same way. Even if they gave me red books before, the ending is not the same. How much will it change?" Hu Die put her cheek on the table with one hand, thinking of Su Maiqi who suddenly appeared and then disappeared, and He Yacheng who hadn't contacted her for several days and didn't know how long it would take to contact her, suddenly felt No matter how delicious the dessert is, it will have a sour and bitter taste in your mouth.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, it makes the two of us look like resentful wives." Ran Zijin laughed at himself, "Are you still eating? If you don't, let's go outside for a walk!"

"If you don't eat, you won't taste the taste, it's terrible!" Hu Die waited for Ran Zijin to pay before walking out of the hot drink shop with her.

Ran Zijin is now Mrs. Leng's wife, and she is worth a lot, so she no longer rushes to pay her.

But she didn't know, in fact, no matter how rich Ran Zijin was, she still missed the time when Hu Die rushed to pay her the bill, it was such a wonderful time.

The two of them were not in the mood for shopping, so they walked along the street, just like when they were in school.

"Ran Zijin?!"

Hearing someone calling him suddenly, Ran Zijin looked up and scanned the crowd, only to find that face that he felt familiar yet unfamiliar.

It seemed like they hadn't seen each other in years!
(End of this chapter)

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