Chapter 270 The Murderer

"Zijin, who is that?" Hu Die also saw the travel-stained face in the crowd, it seemed that he had just returned from going out, and on the face was the weathered, mature, and sharp edge of someone who was drifting away.

She didn't remember that Ran Zijin had such a friend, and this friend didn't look like a completely kind person. The way he looked at Ran Zijin made people feel that he was not kind.

"A classmate in junior high school—a friend." Ran Zijin hesitated for two seconds before adding the word "friend."

She smiled wryly in her heart, if this person could still be called a friend, it would have lost the meaning of that friend back then.

"Xiao Xiao, you're back?" Ran Zijin waited until the person approached him, and then greeted her with a calm smile. The tone was neither alienated nor intimate, and the scale was just right.

"Well, I'm back. I just came back not long ago. I didn't expect to meet you here." Su Xiaoxiao finished speaking with an almost imperceptible smile on her lips, then looked at Hu Die and asked Ran Zijin, "Is this the last time you've seen?" A good friend? It was through her that you met your current husband?"

"Well. She is my best friend and the sister I know. As for the husband, you can say that." Ran Zijin still maintained a lukewarm attitude to Su Xiaoxiao, and then said to Hu Die, "Hu Die , Where is Uncle Wang? Tell him to come and pick you up first, Xiaoxiao and I may have a talk, and the matter of taking a walk will be fine next time."

"Don't you need me to accompany you?"

"No, Mu Xuan will come to pick me up later." Ran Zijin knew what Hu Die meant, she was worried about Su Xiaoxiao, afraid that she would hurt herself. "Call Uncle Wang, I'll see you get in the car before leaving."

"Okay." Hu Die could see that Ran Zijin and this little girl had old affairs to talk about, and they were not very happy, so she didn't want to disturb her, so she quickly called Uncle Wang.

Fortunately, Uncle Wang didn't drive the car too far, and he appeared in front of Hu Die a few minutes later.

"Miss, are you going back so soon?" He opened the car door for Hu Die, and then looked back at the strange Su Xiaoxiao who suddenly appeared.

"Yeah. Zijin met an old friend and has something to do." Hu Die said this, but it was actually Uncle Wang who explained it.

After Ran Zijin recognized her as a sister, Uncle Wang also regarded Ran Zijin as another young lady of the Hu family, so he treated her even more attentively.

"Uncle Wang, please send Hu Die home." Ran Zijin greeted Uncle Wang, and told them to pay attention to safety on the road. After watching the car leave, he turned to look at Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao was also looking at her, "It seems that you really married a high-class person and lived a life of a high-class person. Even your status has changed."

There was unabashed irony and contempt in her tone.

"Where are we going to talk?" Ran Zijin didn't care about her tone, and asked her calmly.

"That hot drink shop!" Su Xiaoxiao pointed to the hot drink shop that Ran Zijin and Hu Die had been to just now, and walked over there first.

Ran Zijin followed, the two found seats and sat down, each ordered a cup of coffee.

"Ran Zijin, didn't you love Qiao Zheqing to death before? Why are you marrying someone else now?" Su Xiaoxiao mentioned Qiao Zheqing straight to the point.

Ran Zijin laughed secretly, between her and Su Xiaoxiao, the only person who can talk about it now is really only Qiao Zheqing, maybe the only topic that can be talked about between her and her from the beginning is Qiao Zheqing, leaving him, she There was nothing else to talk about with her.

Su Xiaoxiao, the only good friend Qiao Zheqing brought her, she used to regard her as her best friend and best sister, but when she told her her most secret thoughts, she had a big fight with herself Then he transferred to XJ's hometown and never heard from him again, just like Qiao Zheqing who went to Finland afterwards.

In just a few days, she lost the best friend she thought she had, and the boy she thought she loved the most, and the boy she loved the most.

"Xiao Xiao, don't you love Ah Qing?" She asked Su Xiaoxiao back.

"You know that I love Ah Qing, and you still tell me that? Ran Zijin, before you appeared, I had a very good relationship with Ah Qing. My only dream is to grow up and be his bride! But your Now, your admiration for Ah Qing, and your Ran family's family business, make you my biggest threat! I know that Ah Qing loves you like a younger sister, so I treat you as my younger sister's care, but In the end, you fell in love with the person I love!" When Su Xiaoxiao said these words, her voice was a little trembling, her eyes were red, and tears seemed to fall at any time, but she resisted crying in front of Ran Zijin.

"I'm sorry. I realized it too late." Ran Zijin apologized to Su Xiaoxiao for her youthful frivolity, persistence and ignorance.

She still remembered the afternoon when she told Su Xiaoxiao that she liked Qiao Zheqing, the sun was shining, and they sat on the campus of XA Foreign Language University and ate cones together.

At that time, she was in her third year of high school, and Qiao Zheqing and Su Xiaoxiao were already freshmen in this university.

"Xiao Xiao, I want to tell you a secret." Ran Zijin licked the strawberry-flavored cone.

"What?" Su Xiaoxiao waited curiously for the answer. Her cone was peach-flavored.

"In the future, I will also take an entrance examination in foreign language school and study with Ah Qing. I like Ah Qing, I like it so much!"

At that time, the young Ran Zijin didn't notice Su Xiaoxiao's reaction after hearing the secret.

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed, and then loudly scolded Ran Zijin for being heartless, heartless, and ungrateful, and scolded her a lot, then Ran Zijin, who didn't know why, hit her back a few words, and she left her and ran away alone.

After running away, when Ran Zijin heard from her again, it was when Qiao Zheqing sadly told her that Xiaoxiao had transferred to XJ.

"You said you love Ah Qing, and I chose to quit, because I know that Ah Qing needs help from your Ran family, but why don't you go back to Ran's house, why don't you help Ah Qing, and why your feelings for him don't end well? After you died, you married someone else! Do you know what he paid for you?! Ran Zijin! You really are a wolf-hearted dog!" Su Xiaoxiao was so angry that she picked up the coffee in hand and poured it on on Ran Zijin's face.

Ran Zijin turned her face sideways, and the not-so-hot coffee rolled along her collar, looking very embarrassed.

"At that time, I was too naive and ignorant, so I couldn't even see that your kindness to me was charity, and I couldn't see Ah Qing's use of me, and I couldn't even see through the people Ah Qing liked. It's you, not me, and I didn't realize that you fell in love with Ah Qing like that, and you are the ones who really hit it off." Ran Zijin said as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring how embarrassing the coffee on her body was.

She thought back carefully, perhaps at that time she was aware of the relationship between Qiao Zheqing and Su Xiaoxiao, but at that time Qiao Zheqing was the only place in her life where she could keep warm and the only light in her life, leading her out of losing her mother Losing the haze of her family, that's why she clung to him tightly, as if she was holding on to the only life-saving straw, insisting that he was hers, and would always be her heat source and light.

"Xiao Xiao, do you think it's fun to cheat me and ask me to give you my true feelings and treat you as my best friend, but you blindly indulge Ah Qing to cheat me? Can I understand that, in fact, you Are you teaming up to deceive and use me, and when the Ran family really supports Ah Qing, you will get rid of me, a superfluous person who hinders your relationship? You actually planned it from the beginning? Seeing the clues, it ruined your plan, right?" After Ran Zijin finished speaking, he picked up the coffee at hand and poured it on Su Xiaoxiao's face mercilessly, then put the cup heavily on the small porcelain plate.

Now she is no longer a young and ignorant girl. After experiencing all kinds of experiences in life, she also understands many things that she couldn't see clearly back then.

In the past, she paid so stupidly, but was deceived to the fullest. Should she also ask for some compensation?This cup of coffee was not spilled by Su Xiaoxiao, but by the young Ran Zijin!
"You!" Su Xiaoxiao didn't expect that Ran Zijin, who was thin and weak and depended on her and Ah Qing for everything, would become so fierce and courageous.

"Su Xiaoxiao, I may have liked Ah Qing, but I have never loved him! Even if he came back to China later and said that he really fell in love with me, I have never been tempted by him! As for why you didn't talk to Ah Qing later? Contact Qing, I think it’s probably because you think Ah Qing won’t be able to get ahead without the help of Ran’s family! But later he became famous, why didn’t you go back to find him?” Ran Zijin didn’t give Su Xiaoxiao a chance to speak, and said very sharply with. "Or did you find him, and he has cut off all the ways you can contact him? You can't find him anymore, but you saw him on TV like me and he was going back to China, but you didn't know When will he come back, that's why I came back to City H to look for him now!"

"Ran Zijin! You're enough!" Su Xiaoxiao felt annoyed that someone was spying on her, "Why do you say that to me?! Yes! Ah Qing really fell in love with you later! But what about you?! Ran Zijin, You were in love with other people, but Ah Qing died because of you! You killed Ah Qing! If it weren't for you, he would still be alive and healthy now!"

Ran Zijin raised his head abruptly, looked at Su Xiaoxiao who was angry like a lioness, and suddenly grinned, "Are you here to lie to me again?"

Qiao Zheqing died because of her?

What a joke!
But why can't she laugh anymore?
Someone must be joking, it must not be the case!

"Do you think it is necessary for me to use a dead person to deceive you?! Ran Zijin, if I don't come this time, I may not know for the rest of my life that Ah Qing was in a car accident on the way to help you find the bone marrow that matches your brother. Death! After all, he is not willing to let your body be damaged and does not want you to suffer, so he knows that you are not willing to donate bone marrow to Ran Qindi, so he took the initiative to make a bet with Leng Muxuan. Whoever finds the bone marrow first will go to you and ask for it. Who do you choose to be with! But until he died, he couldn't bear to let you be sad, and he didn't tell you the truth!"

In an instant, something collapsed in her heart. Ran Zijin supported her heart and leaned against the back of the chair, unable to speak anymore. There were tears in her eyes, but she couldn't roll them out no matter what.

Car accident!

Why is it a car accident again!

Mom died in a car accident, Hu Die almost died in a car accident, and Qiao Zheqing also died in a car accident!

What a ridiculous thing this is, why is such a bloody thing not in the novel, but actually happened in her life? !
She covered her heart, unable to cry after all.

"If Ah Qing didn't cause the car accident to find bone marrow, do you think a cold and ruthless person like Leng Muxuan would take the initiative to ask you to go to the hospital to see him? Ran Zijin! Ah Qing died for you, but you married someone else and put your little one Life is so enjoyable, when you are smiling happily, don't you think about everything Ah Qing endured for you? When you were with Leng Muxuan, you never thought that it was because of him, he cheated Don’t tell me the truth about you, don’t you know the truth about Ah Qing’s death?! How good do you think your beloved Leng Muxuan is?! You think Leng Muxuan is a kind person who won’t lie to you Is it?! Or do you just love vanity and covet the position of the young mistress of the Leng family, so you just married Ah Qing regardless of whether you like him or not?!"

"No!" Ran Zijin yelled in pain, then whimpered and shook his head to explain, "No. I don't love Ah Qing, I really don't, I love Mu Xuan. Mu Xuan is the best person to me, he Don’t lie to me! There must be a reason why he didn’t tell me the truth. I didn’t know Ah Qing would do this. I told him that I have no feelings for him, and it’s impossible to be with him. I also told him , The person I love is Mu Xuan. I want to marry Mu Xuan and tell him not to disturb my life. But why doesn’t he listen?! Why is he so stupid?! He thinks he’s dead, and I will Are you in love with him? Why does he..."

Ran Zijin was incoherent because of shock and pain.

She was lying on the table with her forehead against the cold edge of the table. Was she an accomplice to Qiao Zheqing's death?That's why Su Xiaoxiao was so angry and questioned her like this!

But she didn't do anything, she didn't know anything!

But, in fact, he was indeed helping her find bone marrow!
So, she did kill him!
After a long time, the customers of the hot drink shop changed several batches, and the strange eyes that looked at Ran Zijin also changed several batches.

She finally stopped crying, raised her head, the seat opposite was empty, and Su Xiaoxiao had left without knowing when.

She stood up, wiped away her tears carelessly, went out, blocked the taxi, "Master, go to Guangbo Group."

When Ran Zijin pressed the password to open Leng Muxuan's office door, she had no strength left, and could only lean on the door frame slumped and look at the man who was working with his head bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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