The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 279 Forced the real chapter

Chapter 279 Forced the truth
Since she married Leng Muxuan, Bei Yiduo came to the cold house more and more frequently, and later her mother often came with her.Their mother and daughter knew to please Kong Jiayi, if this was not to establish Bei Yiduo's good image in front of Kong Jiayi, what was it!
Many times, Bei Yiduo did things to Kong Jiayi far better than her daughter-in-law, didn't he just want Kong Jiayi to hate her, Ran Zijin, and admire her, Bei Yiduo!
"Hmph! How funny, you framed my daughter just now, and now you frame me. You have no evidence at all, and you can't find a suspect. You are using us as scapegoats!" Bei Yingcai looked at Ran Zijin and said angrily.

"Really? Then tell me, where were you and what were you doing at around twelve o'clock today?" Ran Zijin could tell that Bei Yingcai had been protecting Bei Yiduo, and she was even more sure that she did this. .

"I slept in the hotel room and didn't go out at all! I ordered the hotel's fast food by phone, and the waiter came to the room to deliver the food. She knows best." Bei Yingcai said.

"Really?" Ran Zijin raised his eyebrows coldly, and said to Nangong Lie, "Go and check the order records, and ask the delivery person."

Nangong Lie nodded, and split up with his subordinates to deal with it.

After a while, the person who delivered the meal and the person who answered the order call were also called to room 509.

"What time did you receive the order call?" Ran Zijin asked the hotel staff who answered the phone.

"It was about 11:30, but I remember very clearly that it was a man who called to order food from this house. He asked for a set meal for two, and asked us to send a vegetable tofu soup. We said this is They don’t want to deliver it, but they don’t want to pay for it. They insist on delivering it, but our manager happened to be there, and he didn’t like their shabbiness, so we agreed to give it away.”

"You guys are shabby! You don't even get a serving of green vegetable tofu soup!" Bei Yingcai answered after hearing the person answering the phone. On the face, she was a little uncomfortable because others said she was shabby, and she retorted loudly when she felt shameless. "We live here and pay so much money, you are so stingy!"

"Ma'am, we also follow the rules!" The person who answered the phone answered Bei Yingcai dissatisfied, and gave her a blank stare.

Ran Zijin ignored them, and asked the person who delivered the food, "Did you see her in the room when you delivered the food?"

She pointed to Bei Yingcai and asked.

"I didn't see it. I just saw a man with a very vicious appearance, who looked a bit like Zhang Fei, in the room. And that man was very tasteless. He even pinched my waist. I said loudly, please Self-respect, and I didn’t see any women coming out to stop him. I put away the dinner plate and other things, and finally got out of this room.” The food delivery staff was a little red, with tears in his eyes. At the time, their manager told them to tell the truth and not miss every detail, but this kind of experience was really embarrassing.

"Don't worry, we will help you get justice." Ran Zijin patted the delivery staff on the shoulder, then looked at Bei Yingcai, "Bei Yingcai, no one can prove that you were there after twelve o'clock. in the room!"

"No one proved it! But I was there! I was in the bathroom!"

"Okay! Then tell me, what did the delivery man say when he told the man in your room to respect himself?" Ran Zijin bit her lip and pressed her every step of the way. She couldn't believe that she couldn't get Bei Ying out The colorful truth.

"She said—" Bei Yingcai was stunned for a few seconds, and then said, "Please let go and be more respectful, or I will call someone!"

"That's not it!" The employee had already stood up and refuted before Ran Zijin spoke, "We are waiters, we must speak politely at all times, and maintain the image of the hotel. It is impossible to shout like this. What I said is: 'Mr. , please be more self-respectful, this is the meal you ordered, please have a good meal!' Then he still didn't let me go, I picked up the hot vegetable tofu soup from the dining car and held it in front of my eyes, staring at him, silently I warned him that if he did something bad again, I would pour the vegetable soup on him. Then he might be afraid that something would happen, so he said in a low voice, 'Damn it! What kind of pretense are you pretending! Sooner or later, clean up your little bastard! Get out!' When I heard this, I put down the soup pot, turned around and pushed the dining car and ran away!"

Ran Zijin looked at Bei Yingcai, and the expression on the latter's face had changed.

What she repeated to the waiter just now was indeed made up by herself. She thought that the characters in the TV dramas would usually say that, but she didn't want to guess that she was wrong.

"Sister Zijin, I found this from the trash can in the bathroom!" Nangong Lie walked over with a bag, "It's the delivery utensils of the restaurant, they are all disposable, and among the two set meals, one has no People eat, the rice in this box is still the same!"

"There has always been only one person in this room, and that is the man who ordered the food. You—" Ran Zijin walked up to the back, pointed at the center of her eyebrows, and said powerfully, "Bei Yingcai, you are not here at all during the daytime." hotel!"

"Yes! So what if I'm not in the hotel? Can you say that I killed your relatives?!" Bei Yingcai said angrily.

"Your friend is called Zhang Feng, right? It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, he has already confessed all your crimes, and the price he got is a check for 50 yuan from me!" The waiter sent them away, and hinted that he would give them something to express his gratitude, and then said to Bei Yingcai.

"Impossible!" Bei Yiduo suddenly raised her head and said.

"Impossible what? Can't betray you? Or is it impossible to give up the opportunity to be the father-in-law of Leng for a check of 50?" Ran Zijin knew that Nangong Lie had arrested the man named Zhang Feng, but whether he told the truth or not Unknown, she was just defrauding Bei Yingcai and wanted her to tell the truth.

And you can guess without even thinking about it, that Zhang Feng was willing to help Bei Yingcai, but she was attracted by her old father-in-law, who became Mr. Leng, from now on. .

"This matter has nothing to do with Duo Duo." Bei Yingcai said dejectedly and slowly, she glanced at Bei Yiduo helplessly, her daughter is young after all, she can't hold her breath, she jumped into a trap set by others , Now it seems that it is impossible not to admit it.

"Mom!" At the same time, Bei Yiduo looked up at Bei Yingcai in panic, with disbelief in her eyes.

"Duo Duo, don't talk!" Bei Yingcai severely reprimanded her daughter, saying too many words would lead to mistakes, which was really shown vividly in her daughter!

"Speak!" Ran Zijin stood in front of Bei Yingcai, waiting for her to tell the truth.

"You let my daughter go first, and I'll explain! This matter has nothing to do with her, you can't catch her like this!"

"Don't even think about it!" Ran Zijin didn't expect Bei Yingcai to bargain, but she would not let Bei Yiduo go, not to mention that she might be an accomplice, if she is released and she does something crazy, those What about the children in the orphanage, "You'd better explain it quickly!"

"If you don't let him go, I won't say anything!" Bei Yingcai insisted.

"Then what?!" Ran Zijin slapped Bei Yiduo on the face without hesitation, never softening his heart.

She could tell that Bei Yingcai cherished her daughter very much, and she would definitely lose her composure if she tried to attack Bei Yiduo.

"You!" Bei Yingcai looked at her daughter distressedly, and then at Ran Zijin, as if she wanted to swallow Ran Zijin alive.

She already felt sorry for Bei Yiduo just now, but because she couldn't reveal her secrets, she has been enduring it. Now that the matter has been revealed, she doesn't need to hide her concern for her daughter anymore.

"If you don't tell me, I'll goug her eyes right away, no one can stop me!" Ran Zijin also resolutely refused to compromise. Bei Yingcai felt bad for not gouging out Bei Yiduo's eyes just now. It is very kind.

It's not that she is no longer kind, nor that she has become vicious, the key is that reality forces her to become tough.

The so-called people don't offend me, I don't offend others, people want to offend me, how can I let it go, don't ask, let people make progress again and again!
"Young Madam!" At this time, someone came in with Nangong Lie and called out Ran Zijin.

She turned her head and saw that someone from the bureau was coming, so she nodded to the person who came, as a greeting.

"Young Madam, we need to take the person away, and we will definitely find out the specific details. Please rest assured." The person who spoke may be a certain leader in the bureau, and he spoke with a leadership momentum, but to Ran Zijin Very respectful.

"I..." Ran Zijin wanted to say something, but when he saw Nangong Lie's eyes, he had no choice but to change his words and say to the leader, "Then I will trouble everyone. Please give me back the truth so that the perpetrators will be punished." .”

In fact, Ran Zijin really didn't want people to take Bei Yingcai and Bei Yiduo away. The anger and hatred in her heart hadn't disappeared. She really wanted to get it back from them, and told them to try the painful one too. taste.

But when she thought about it, if she persisted, it would be a violation of the law, and it would not be worth paying the price for it, so she could only compromise.

"You guys take it away! You should be very clear about how to deal with the matter. After the president comes back, he will definitely thank you." Nangong Lie said to the leader in a completely adult manner.

"No problem, leave it to us, you can rest assured!" The leader told his subordinates to take Bei Yingcai mother and daughter away.

Ran Zijin supported her forehead, exhausted, yesterday's experience was too cruel, she didn't sleep or eat last night, and today she was almost exhausted.

"Sister Zijin, what's wrong with you?" Nangong Lie walked over to support Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin looked at the bright sky outside the window, shook his head, and let out a heavy breath, "I'm fine. Has Kid Mu picked it up? Is she okay?"

"It's all right. The children in the orphanage are all right."

"That's good, let's go to the hospital now." Ran Zijin walked out with fluffy steps.

Nangong Lie held her arm and didn't let go, "Sister Zijin, it's okay not to notify the people in the bureau. We can solve it ourselves, but the method is a bit disgraceful. But I think it's better to ask them to deal with it. Both Brother Muxuan and Brother Muxuan don't want you to be involved in these bloody incidents. Brother Muxuan often said that you are as elegant as a lily, and you should not do these shady things."

He didn't want to call the police before, but he did it later because of this.

Ran Zijin was well protected by Leng Muxuan, and she didn't want her to know the things they did that couldn't be brought to the table, so even if Bei Yingcai's mother and daughter were taken away by the people in the bureau instead of being cleaned up by them He also felt that it was worth it to relieve Ran Zijin's anger in such a miserable way.

Coming to the hospital again, Gu Meihua was sleeping, and Ran Zimu was taken care of playing with toys outside the ward.

"Sister Zijin, Lie, you're back!" As a child, she didn't know what she and the people around her had just experienced. She just smiled and couldn't detect any danger in the world.

"Well, Zimu, are you obedient?" Ran Zijin was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, and walked over to hug Ran Zimu tightly.

She felt uncomfortable, almost, Ran Zimu was going to be hurt because of her.

"Well, Mu Ke is obedient, so my sister here bought me a toy!" Ran Zimu didn't know what kind of mood and reason Ran Zijin was holding her, and he was still playing with the toy in his hand.

Nangong Lie stood aside, Ran Zijin in Leng Muxuan's heart should be Ran Zimu at this moment, he hoped that she would never know the dangers of the world, that she would be well protected by him, and that she would never be harmed.

"Sister Zijin, although Dean Gu's eyes have been operated on, I don't think we should take it lightly. I have already contacted the foreign hospital. We will send her there tomorrow, and the later treatment will be abroad." Nangong Lie Ren Ran Zijin hugged Ran Zimu, first went to see Gu Meihua, asked about her condition, and then turned around to talk to Ran Zijin.

"Okay. I'll follow your arrangement." Ran Zijin let go of Ran Zimu, stood up and wiped Nangong Lie's head, "Lie, thank you, without you this time, I really don't know what to do."

"One family doesn't talk about two families! Sister Zijin, you are too polite!" Nangong Lie blushed a little, and he turned out to be shy.

"Lie, I'm hungry!" Ran Zimu walked up to Nangong Lie and pulled his trousers, and said pitifully.

"Then what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you." Nangong Lie realized that Ran Zijin hadn't eaten yet, so he asked her what she wanted to eat, and went out to buy it himself.

Ran Zimu has always been more concerned about what he wants to eat, and he has to buy it himself to be at ease.

Not long after he left, Ran Zijin received a call from the leader who had just taken away Bei Yingcai's mother and daughter.

"Young Madam, Bei Yiduo said that she has something important to say if she wants to see you in person, otherwise they won't recruit you. So—"

"I'll be right there!"

(End of this chapter)

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