Chapter 280 Lost My Heart
"I want to talk to her alone!" Bei Yiduo said to the person who brought Ran Zijin after seeing Ran Zijin.

The officer looked at Ran Zijin, wanting to see her decision, saw her nod, said to Bei Yiduo, "Be honest!", turned and left.

Bei Yiduo sat on a chair, which was specially made for prisoners to sit on. Both hands and feet were controlled.It was difficult for her to move, let alone stand up, or she wanted to hurt Ran Zijin.

"What do you want to say, tell me!" Ran Zijin sat opposite Bei Yiduo, it was a leather chair that the staff member asked someone to bring for her just now.

Received a call at the hospital, saying that Bei Yiduo must see her, and there was something important to tell her, she came here without thinking.

"You should divorce Brother Muxuan!" Bei Yiduo said as soon as she opened her mouth.

"You're dreaming! Bei Yiduo, it's already here, don't you give up?" Ran Zijin was really angry, she clenched her hands tightly to suppress the anger in her heart, and didn't go up to give her two slaps.

"It's not that I don't give up. The key is that the person Mu Xuan loves is not you at all. He has been hiding one thing from you, and you will never think of it." Bei Yiduo actually had a mocking smile on his lips, "He I don't love you, you divorced him, and I want to be with him, even if he doesn't love me. I know you can't stand Brother Muxuan not loving you, so you better divorce and leave!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Ran Zijin heard Bei Yiduo's words, and for some reason, her heart skipped a beat, as if a bottomless pit suddenly appeared, she felt as if she was about to lose something. "Mu Xuan loves me so much, you are just jealous of me by saying that! Mu Xuan and I are in love, otherwise we wouldn't get married!"

"There are many purposes of marriage, love is one of them, but you are not this one!" Bei Yiduo said with a very positive tone.

"What do you know?" Ran Zijin was stunned for a moment, and asked with some difficulty.

By coincidence, she opened her mouth to ask Bei Yiduo this question.

Although she knew it was a trap set by Bei Yiduo, she still jumped into it involuntarily.

The bottomless pit in her heart seemed to have a five-star power, pulling her heart down, down, down again, but she couldn't get down to the bottom.

This feeling is very bad!
Ran Zijin's hands on his legs tightly grasped the fabric of his pants, and the skin on his legs hurt from scratching too hard.

"What I know is definitely useful to you. I can tell you, but—" Bei Yiduo raised a finger, "There is one condition!"

"What?" Ran Zijin felt that he was crazy, being led by the nose by Bei Yiduo, but he couldn't control his thoughts and consciousness.

"You make sure that my mother and I are fine, let us get out of here and not go to jail! Ran Zijin, this news is really important to you, and I was shocked when I heard it from others."

"Don't think about it! You have done such a heinous thing, and now you want to leave here?! Where's your conscience?" Ran Zijin's face was full of anger, and the ruthless light in his eyes was similar to that of the cold Leng Muxuan. compare.

Bei Yiduo looked at Ran Zijin and thought to herself, she was really influenced by Leng Muxuan so deeply that even her eyes looked so much like him.

"You don't agree to divorce Brother Muxuan now, after you know about this, you will definitely propose a divorce." Bei Yiduo's swollen face showed a confident smile, and his eyes were determined shine.

"What do you know? Are you going to say it or not? If you don't say it, I can guarantee that you will stay here forever. If you say it, maybe I can let you go."

"That's right." Bei Yiduo nodded, thought for a while and said, "Then let me start with why I dealt with Gu Meihua."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ran Zijin looked at Bei Yiduo's calm look, so he couldn't help but hit her a few more times.

"As you guessed, I met Muxuan brother at the wedding for the first time, and I fell in love with him at first sight. So I want to tell you to leave him, so I will use the people around you to force you. Ran Zijin, do you know? If I were Knowing Brother Mu Xuan before your wedding, your wedding will definitely not be held."

Ran Zijin didn't say anything, and continued to listen to Bei Yiduo.

"My plan is to kill Gu Meihua. If you leave Brother Muxuan, then you won't touch anyone else. If you don't leave, you will be a child in the orphanage. I thought about poisoning. There are many people like that. You also know how many children will be killed in one action. You will definitely not sit idly by, right?"

"You crazy person! No! You are simply not human!" After hearing Bei Yiduo's plan, Ran Zijin felt a chill in his heart, thinking that if he didn't find Bei Yiduo and the others in time, the children in the orphanage...

She shivered, unable to comprehend Bei Yiduo's crazy behavior.

It's just falling in love with someone, just wanting to rob someone from her, yet she can do such horrible things to innocent people!

Bei Yiduo is only in her early twenties, how could she have so much scheming, Ran Zijin couldn't figure it out, at her age, she was still a girl who knew nothing but learning and making money.

"In order to get Brother Mu Xuan, I feel that I am willing to do anything. I love him, and if I love him, I should give everything for him. Even if he doesn't love me, I will love him as if I were not fighting a fire!"

"Mu Xuan won't love you. The person he loves is not you, but me! He said that in this life, he determined that I was his woman. I remember what he said at the wedding, and everyone Remember, it will also help us witness our love and marriage!"

"Are you still dreaming?! What a pathetic person!" Bei Yiduo laughed twice, and his ridicule towards Ran Zijin became more obvious, "Brother Muxuan doesn't love me, I'm already even more pathetic. I didn't expect you to be worse than me." It's sad! Brother Muxuan doesn't love you, but you are deceived by him, and you still firmly believe that he loves you, how pitiful are you!"

"Don't scare me here! I only believe in Mu Xuan, I believe that he loves me, we love each other!" Ran Zijin repeatedly emphasized that Leng Muxuan loves her, but God knows, she was mocking at Bei Yiduo How unconfident there is in the eyes and the firm tone.

She was not even sure whether her persistence and firm belief were worth persisting and believing in.

Damn it, she actually started to waver!

In front of Bei Yiduo who is nothing, she actually wavers and doubts Leng Muxuan's love for her, as well as their love and marriage.

"Actually, none of this is the point. The point is that I learned about that incident by accident. I think that incident is simply the best opportunity God gave me, and I must grasp it well."

"What the hell is it, tell me quickly!" Ran Zijin went crazy, her strong curiosity made her want to know what Bei Yiduo was going to say, but she felt that she shouldn't listen, because she knew it was not good news.

However, she couldn't control her behavior, she was still hesitating in her heart, and she actually asked Bei Yiduo to speak quickly.

"You promise to let me go out with my mother, and I'll tell you." Bei Yiduo raised the condition again.

"Okay. I promise. Tell me." In order to get what she wanted to know, Ran Zijin could only compromise.

"There's no evidence to say it. You call the leader who sent you in just now, and tell him to let my mother go immediately, and I'll tell you."

"Okay." Ran Zijin stood up, staggered a little and went out to call for someone.

She found the leader, talked to him, and then asked him to come in.

"Let's release Bei Yingcai now, tell me." He said to Bei Yiduo as soon as he came in, everything was arranged, but it was just acting for her.

"Send my mom out, let her leave in the car, call me, and I'll tell you. Otherwise, how would I know if you sent her away." Bei Yiduo thought about it for a long time just now, and this method is also hers. It's been planned for a long time, so I don't miss any details.

"No problem. This is my mobile phone, you take it. Tell Bei Yingcai to call here later." The leader glanced at Ran Zijin and went out.

Less than 10 minutes later, the mobile phone in Bei Yiduo's hand rang, but her hands were locked and she couldn't answer the call, so she pressed the speakerphone.

"Duoduo, Mom has come out and is safe. I got into the taxi and left immediately. Are you sure you can come out?" Bei Yingcai's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Bei Yiduo's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and she choked up and said: "Yes! I will go out! Mom, you hurry up! The farther you go, the better!"

Bei Yingcai hung up the phone without saying too much to Bei Yiduo.

Ran Zijin looked at the sobbing Bei Yiduo, "Speak now! Stop playing tricks!"

"You are a substitute that Leng Muxuan found, a substitute for his first love. Do you know that you look exactly like his first love. Not only Leng Muxuan thinks you are like his first love, but even his classmates think you are like his first love. You consider him his first love."

After hearing Bei Yiduo's words, Ran Zijin felt that there was a click, that something was broken in his heart, and it was broken into pieces, and he couldn't even find the pieces, let alone mend them.

"You're a liar, aren't you?" She leaned slumped in the leather chair, looked at Bei Yiduo with vacant eyes, a smile gradually appeared on her face, as if Bei Yiduo's words were just a joke, it was very funny , so that she couldn't help but want to laugh.

"What's the point of lying to you? My purpose is to get you away from Brother Muxuan..."

"That's why you made up such a lie to lie to me, telling me to leave Muxuan in a fit of anger! Bei Yiduo, you dream! I will not leave Muxuan!" Ran Zijin interrupted Bei Yiduo, but because of heartache Closing his eyes, his softened body almost slipped from the leather chair to the floor.

"Believe it or not! You can go to the XXX engineering office and find an engineer named Yang Guanhua. He is Leng Muxuan's college classmate. He has met Leng Muxuan's first love, and he mistook you for Leng Muxuan. The first love is that girl named Ruan Yifei, that's why I know that you are Leng Muxuan's substitute!" Bei Yiduo knew this news by accident.

That was not long ago, when she had already planned to attack Gu Meihua, she went to follow Ran Zijin, and met a man on the street who saw Ran Zijin passing by and shouted at her: "Ruan Yifei! Hi, Ruan Yifei, I It's Yang Guanhua, do you remember?"

But Ran Zijin walked in a hurry, crossed the sidewalk, and jumped into a taxi. The man named Yang Guanhua did not catch up with Ran Zijin.

Bei Yiduo went to greet Yang Guanhua as she was Ran Zijin's younger sister, and asked him why he called her sister Ran Zijin Ruan Yifei.

He explained to her: "She is Ruan Yifei, that's right! I don't know who Ran Zijin is! I only know Ruan Yifei. She is my college classmate Leng Muxuan, who is Leng Shao's first love. They had a very good relationship back then. , I just returned to China not long ago, I don’t know if they are married or not!”

At that time, Bei Yiduo was so happy that she almost jumped up, God was helping her!
She thought, if she didn't do anything to Gu Meihua and told Ran Zijin the news, wouldn't she be able to leave Leng Muxuan directly, and she wouldn't have to bother.

However, playing cards in the cold house that day changed her focus.

"You just relied on being the shadow of Brother Muxuan's first love, so you asked for benefits from him, and asked him to help you secretly, which caused my mother and I to lose so much money. Not to mention, you really think you are a Brother Mu Xuan's true love is the young wife of the Leng family, who said that kind of words to provoke and insult us." Bei Yiduo suddenly changed his face, it was no longer ridicule, but anger and hatred, "You are just a shadow, you Why are you so bullying?! You insulted us, why didn't I let you taste the hurt of your loved ones?!"

"Yang Guanhua? Ruan Yifei?" Ran Zijin raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on Bei Yiduo's direction, but he didn't see anything at all.

"Yes!" Bei Yiduo thought that she was confirming the name of the person, so she nodded and replied, "It is indeed these two people, you can ask to see if I have lied to you, and see if Brother Muxuan is I don't really love you!"

Ran Zijin stopped talking, the bottomless pit in her heart finally disappeared, taking her heart with her.

She clutched her heart, there was an empty space there, nothing could fill it.

Ever since she met Leng Muxuan, he had been trying to keep her by his side.

He gave her a job, gave her money, gave her a car, gave her a house, gave her a marriage certificate, and announced in a high-profile manner that she was his woman at the wedding!

He said that he only wanted her, that she was worth a thousand gold, and a thousand gold would not be exchanged!

He gave her an unprecedented and prosperous wedding, making her the envy and envy of many women!

He said that he is not confident in love, he is afraid, he is worried, he is nervous that she will leave him!
He said that she wants to be a couple for life, and he will follow her, and will never leave her!

He says……

He said too much, he did too much, he promised her too much...

(End of this chapter)

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