Chapter 290 Intimacy
"Sister Zijin, don't forget the dinner later!" Xiaoli reminded Ran Zijin who came out of Gao Lihong's office as soon as it was off work.

"No. Director Gao was still talking about this just now! The venue has not been decided yet, where are we going?" Ran Zijin knew from Gao Lihong in the morning that there was going to be a party tonight, but the venue was not yet sure. I haven't seen him say this again.

"Get in the car first, anyway, every time we have dinner, the institute will send a car to pick us up!" Xiaoli shook the car key in his hand, "I just got a key, do you want to take a car with me? Zhang Sister and the others also ride in the car I drive!"

"She doesn't need it."

Ran Zijin just wanted to say yes, but was interrupted by Gao Lihong who came out of the office afterwards.

"Director Gao, who should I go with?" She looked at Gao Lihong, the so-called director was really kind to her, and she was not a fool, so she just gave it a try and told him Get along with each other, maybe one day the spark of love will be sparked, and Ran Senyang will find a father!

"You come with me!" Gao Lihong raised his hand and threw the car keys to Ran Zijin, "Go down to pick up the car first, and I will come later."

Ran Zijin nodded, "OK!"

"It's so unfair! Director, you are so kind to Miss Zijin!" Little Fox joked pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Go pick up the car too, stop talking nonsense!" Gao Lihong tapped the little raccoon on the head, smiled at Ran Zijin again, and turned to look for someone on the other side.

Ran Zijin called Xiaoli, and they went downstairs to pick up the car together.

"Sister Zijin, how far have you developed with the director? The director is a golden bachelor in our area, and many female colleagues want to marry him. He has never been in love. At first, we thought he had something. What's the problem! But now he cares so much about you, so it's not that he has a problem, but that he didn't find the right person!" Xiaoli asked Ran Zijin gossipingly.

"As far as you can see, he treats me like a secretary and asks me to pick up the car!" Ran Zijin joked with a smile.

"Tch! I think you guys have definitely confirmed your relationship, otherwise you wouldn't have such a tacit understanding!" Xiaoli is Gao Lihong's assistant, and he can see Gao Lihong every day, and of course he can also see Ran Zijin who was summoned by Gao Lihong for nothing, so I feel sorry for them. Knowing the situation can be said to be the first-hand first-hand, chatting with colleagues and breaking the news is also exclusive news!
"You're overthinking!" Ran Zijin walked up to Gao Lihong's car, and the car that Xiaoli was going to drive was next to her. Before she got into the car, he said to Xiaoli, "It is said that you can meet many handsome guys during the dinner party. Don't forget to hurry up and find one!"

"Sister Zijin!" Xiaoli called out embarrassingly, watching Ran Zijin get into the car, she also got into the car, waiting for Gao Lihong to get down so that he could drive ahead and lead the way.

Ran Zijin sat in the driver's seat, thinking that Gao Lihong wanted to ask her to drive, because she had been working in the institute for almost two months, and Gao Lihong often used various excuses to call her out to play or eat. Be used by him as a driver.

Although Ran Zijin still doesn't like to drive, and she always has some shadows in her heart when driving, but Gao Lihong asked her to drive, and she didn't bother to explain to him, so she resisted the discomfort in her heart and persisted.

"Zijin, I'll drive today." Gao Lihong knocked on the window, and Ran Zijin rolled down the window. He stood outside and bent over and said to Ran Zijin.

"Okay." Ran Zijin was so happy, so he changed to the co-pilot seat.

"Do you want to open the window?" Gao Lihong drove the car and asked Ran Zijin who was beside him. The weather is a bit hot, so maybe it would be more comfortable to open the window.

"No need." Ran Zijin shook his head, "I'll sleep for a while, call me when we arrive."

"Yeah." Gao Lihong didn't say anything, just watched Ran Zijin leaning on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Recently, the institute has taken over a lot of work, and those companies have outsourced part of the work to them, so they are very busy. Ran Zijin has also worked overtime for several nights, and it is normal to fall asleep now.

Ran Zijin didn't sleep well, she was always dreaming, and she was still entangled with that figure in the dream, she wanted to wake up but couldn't wake up, she seemed to hear Gao Lihong answering a call in a daze.

In the end, her dream was transferred to Ran Senyang. The little guy pulled her and told her to look at Leng Muxuan's photo in a financial magazine, and asked her if that was his father. She was struggling with how to answer Ran Senyang's question, but was caught Gao Lihong was woken up by pulling his arm.

"Zijin, are you dreaming? A bad dream?" Gao Lihong looked at Ran Zijin worriedly. He called her many times, but she didn't wake up. He just had to shake her arm.

"Well, no." Ran Zijin looked at the face of Gao Lihong who was close at hand with misty eyes, and it took a long time for Qingming to come over. He reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, moved his body and sat down.

"What's the matter?" It was the first time Gao Lihong saw Ran Zijin, who was always smiling, crying, and it was still in a dream, crying so intently that everyone who listened felt sad along with her.

"It's okay. We're here?" She shook her head, then turned her head to look out the window, but suddenly shivered in the weather from May to June - Tianyuan Hotel!

The signboard is still as dazzling as before, as if nothing has changed!

"Well, it's here." Gao Lihong reached out and handed over a tissue, "Do you want to clean it up?"

"Yes. Lend me your car. You go to the private room first, and I'll come when I pack it up." Ran Zijin sat in the car and didn't want to go down, as if hiding something, but he didn't want to go down, even if he could stay in the car for a while. If she stays for one second, she will stay for another second, "Which private room is it?"

"Alexander. How about I stay and wait for you." Gao Lihong was not at ease about Ran Zijin like this. Her complexion was not good, and the sadness in her eyes had not completely disappeared because of the sleepiness just now.

"No need." Ran Zijin needed to be alone for a while. On the one hand, he had to tidy up his makeup, and on the other hand, he had to do a good job in the psychological construction of "revisiting the old place".

"Then call me if you have anything to do." Gao Lihong got out of the car and left.

Ran Zijin suddenly slumped like a deflated ball, leaning against the back of the chair, tears streaming out again uncontrollably.

She stayed in the car for a long time, until Gao Lihong called twice to urge her, then she opened the door and got out of the car and walked into Tianyuan.

Walking into the familiar elevator, she remembered that it was in this elevator that Leng Muxuan had kissed her more than once. He took her to the top floor, saying that it only belonged to the two of them, and the key there was still in her hand. She wasn't sure if the door had been replaced, if the mistress there had been replaced...

After entering Alexandria, the little raccoon joked with Ran Zijin, "Sister Zijin, if you don't show up, the director is in a hurry to post a missing person notice!"

"Exaggeration!" Ran Zijin looked around, and sure enough, the seat reserved for her on the two tables was on Gao Lihong's left, so she had no choice but to go over and sit down.

Gao Lihong looked slightly puzzled, and then looked at Ran Zijin worriedly.

Ran Zijin pretended not to see his eyes, and after sitting down, he talked and laughed with his colleagues, as if dreaming and crying had never happened.

"Sister Zijin is sitting next to the director. Looking at it this way, it's really eye-catching! Director, when are you going to marry Miss Zijin? We're all waiting for the wedding wine!" Sister Zhang happened to be sitting not far from Ran Zijin. place, joked with Xiaoli and the others about her and Gao Lihong.

Anyway, Gao Lihong intends to pursue Ran Zijin, and everyone in the institute knows it.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ran Zijin smiled and threw a melon seed to Sister Zhang.

"I'm so shy! Miss Zijin is also impatient to marry the director?" Xiaoli blinked at Ran Zijin.

"Yes! Yes! I'm almost thirty, why don't I want to marry! Director Gao is so young, promising, and handsome, if you want to marry him, I will marry him for you!" Ran Zijin also said. Mess with her.

Outside the door of Alexander's private room, a slender figure stood at the door. Through the door panel and the slightly opened door, he could clearly hear the voices inside.

He held the doorknob tightly and tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging. He couldn't believe what he heard in his ears!
That woman, damn it, was able to smile and say that!

--yes!yes!I'm almost thirty, why don't I hate getting married!Director Gao is so young, promising, and handsome, if you want to marry him, I will marry him for you!
He had been looking for her for four years, but she suddenly appeared without saying a word, and even said so easily that she was going to marry another man!
"Sister Zijin, you said this yourself! Director, hurry up and propose! Then go to get the certificate tomorrow, and have a banquet the day after tomorrow! Quickly and quickly!" Hearing Ran Zijin's words, the little raccoon continued to joke.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry! Take your time!" Gao Lihong said with a smile, without saying a word, and looked at Ran Zijin with a sideways smile.

Ran Zijin pretended not to see Gao Lihong's complicated eyes, and peeled melon seeds in his hands, "Did you hear that? The emperor is not in a hurry, what are you guys in such a hurry!"

"Okay! Ran Zijin, you scoundrel, you can't utter dirty words!" The little raccoon threw a candy to beat Ran Zijin.


Everyone turned their heads and saw the door of the private room opened, and today's host came in!

"Wow, it's Young Master Leng!" The little raccoon was originally cheerful, and he didn't feel scared when he saw Leng Muxuan, and he shouted excitedly.

With a shake of the water glass in Ran Zijin's hand, the water spilled from his hand and flowed down from the table, wetting his legs.She lowered her head, not daring to raise her head, and she could feel that gaze falling on her as if with fire.

The moment Leng Muxuan came in, Gao Lihong stood up and walked over to greet him, so he didn't see Ran Zijin whose mood changed.

"Master Leng, long time no see." He reached out to shake hands with Leng Muxuan.

"It's really been a long time." Leng Muxuan stretched out his hand and spoke to Gao Lihong, but his eyes always glanced at Ran Zijin, cursing inwardly, this woman didn't even look up at him. Doesn't he even want to take a look? Fortunately, he still insists on being single for him, and waits for her to come back to continue the relationship!
When Ran Zijin heard Leng Muxuan's words, she knew that he was speaking for herself, but she still didn't want to, and didn't dare to look up at him.

She was afraid that as soon as she looked up and saw him, tears would roll out unsatisfactorily, and the wall in her heart that had been built with great difficulty would collapse, and she would become even more embarrassed in front of him.

"Master Leng, sit here!" Xiaoli, as Gao Lihong's assistant, is very capable of public relations, then picked up the bag on the other side of Gao Lihong, beckoned him to sit there, and poured him another cup of tea.

This was originally a seat reserved for Leng Muxuan, and she put her bag on it to prevent others from sitting.

"It's better for me to sit here." Leng Muxuan didn't sit next to Gao Lihong, but walked directly opposite Ran Zijin and sat down.

"Let's go with Leng Shao! Leng Shao, please drink tea!" The little raccoon put the teacup in Leng Muxuan's hand again.

This was originally a seat for a female colleague, but she went to the bathroom at the same time, and there was nothing on the seat, so Leng Muxuan sat down after finishing her work.

"You're welcome. This is my Leng Mou's place, everyone is the guest, please feel free." Leng Muxuan said, reminding Xiaoli not to be so warm to him, what he hates most is all kinds of women who are warm to him , all he wants is for that woman to be passionate about him!
However, that woman was sitting opposite him, and he was looking straight at her, but she never looked up at her, the teacup in her hand was about to be crushed!
There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, very good, if she ignored him, then he would take the initiative to talk to her!

"Go and make a pot of Tieguanyin that I have hidden here for Miss Ran!" He waved his hand and asked the waiter to make tea.

"Yes, President." The waiter went out.

The teacup in Ran Zijin's hand shook again, this time no tea was spilled out, because she had spilled all the tea in it just now.

"Master Leng and Zijin are old acquaintances?" Seeing that Leng Muxuan sat down and ignored no one, Gao Lihong ignored Ran Zijin and sat down to ask him.

"do not know!"


in unison.

Leng Muxuan's tone was firm, and he continued, "Miss Ran and I not only know each other, but also have a very, very, intimate, close relationship."

Ran Zijin had no choice but to look up at Leng Muxuan, with puzzlement, resentment, and embarrassment in her eyes, and even a trace of embarrassment that she wanted to hide, but was still caught by Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan laughed so hard that he couldn't believe that this little woman couldn't be cured!She didn't even look at him, didn't she look up now!

Ran Zijin's heart beat as fast as if it was about to fly out. She still remembered the familiar dialogue and scene. She still remembered that time when she met Hu Die at 'Maggie' and he suddenly appeared.

Hu Die asked: "Zijin, do you know each other?"

"do not know!"


She agreed with him.

Then with a firm tone, he also said, "Miss Ran and I not only know each other, but also have a very, very, close, close relationship."

Their conversation made Hu Die full of doubts that day, just like the colleagues in the box at the moment, but Leng Muxuan still stood by and watched her good show just like that time.

(End of this chapter)

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