Chapter 291 Bastard, Get Out!
When Ran Zijin heard the waiter's footsteps running away quickly, he knew that Leng Muxuan was not going to take him back to the private room, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Leng Muxuan looked down at the person in his arms, hugged by him like four years ago, put his head against his heart, a deep smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and he also felt a trace of love in his heart. Satisfy.

After getting out of the elevator and walking a certain distance, Leng Muxuan took out the key to open the door, and directly put Ran Zijin on a chair.

Ran Zijin sat down and looked around, only to find that he brought her to Elizabeth, and the telescope was not far from her.

"Zi Jin, what did you wish for the shooting star when you watched it for the first time here?" Leng Muxuan walked to the telescope and bent down to look at the blue night sky.

"Forgot." Ran Zijin turned his head unnaturally and said, not looking at the telescope, nor at Leng Muxuan.

"Forget?" Leng Muxuan suddenly turned his head to look at Ran Zijin, "But I remember. You told me that your wish is to have such a day every year in the future, and watch the meteor shower with me until your life is exhausted!"

"You remember correctly, I didn't say that, and this is not my wish!" Ran Zijin stopped crying, and there was a faint light in her slightly red eyes, just like her tone, "My My wish is never to see you again in this life, and never to have anything to do with you again! Leng Muxuan, if you are a man, don't pester me again! We are divorced!"

Ran Zijin gritted her teeth, if she had known in advance that the person who invited the people in the institute to dinner today was Leng Muxuan, she would never have come!

In fact, she knew from the beginning that Guangbo Group outsourced some work to the institute, but she was not doing this part of the work, so she didn't know that because of the excellent work done, Leng Muxuan would invite the people in the institute to dinner.

"But what are your conditions for divorcing me? Do you still remember? Do you still owe me a chance to explain?" Leng Muxuan pressed on every step of the way, he managed to catch her, how could he not hurry up Give yourself a chance, and give her a chance.

"Okay! Leng Muxuan, I'll give you a chance to explain today! After you explain, I won't owe you anything. From now on, we will go our separate ways, as if we never knew each other!" Ran Zijin knew herself Without asking Leng Muxuan to explain, he would not let him go today.

What's more, what he said to her in Alexander's private room just now has aroused suspicion in the institute at the same time. If she doesn't go back now, she will save the trouble of being questioned by them and trying to explain to them with excuses.

"Zijin, do you remember what I told you, when I first met you, you stood under a tree and watched butterflies? I fell in love with you at first sight at that time, but I didn't know you had a twin sister It's Ruan Yifei."

"Sister? Twins?!" Ran Zijin was quite surprised. Before Leng Muxuan could finish speaking, he asked, "Where is she? Why haven't I seen her before?"

"She was sent to Ruan's family by Ran Huabo, but in fact, you were the one who sent her away at first. In the end, you were in poor health, so you changed back. You were kicked out of Ran's house by Ran Huabo and transferred to her school. She knew that Because of jealousy that you were not sent away, and because you have a mother's love, I tried to drive you out of school."

"It turned out that the school asked me to transfer, and it was Ruan Yifei who forced me to do so. I said why the school suddenly asked me to transfer." Ran Zijin remembered that she was suddenly called to the office by the principal to inform her of the transfer. At that time, she didn't know why. Now that I know it, I feel that it is better not to know it, and it makes me even more sad.

Although she has never met her sister, how could she, as her relative, treat her as cruelly as Ran Huabo!

"After letting you transfer to another school, she deliberately approached me and imitated you to get a mole on the palm of my hand, so I thought she was you. I was deceived by her for many years, until we were freshman, she suddenly Disappeared for a year, and then died of leukemia. But she concealed the truth. When I saw you again, I thought you were her, and I thought I loved her from the beginning, so I approached you. But you As if I didn’t know anything, I began to wonder if you were her, so I started to investigate you, and gradually found out the truth. It turned out that the person I loved was you from the very beginning. Zijin, I was also deceived For many years, you divorced me without giving me a chance to explain, isn't it too unfair to me?"

Leng Muxuan paused, then continued, telling Ran Zijin everything.

"Ruan Yifei wanted someone to kill you with a car, but your mother saved you. I found the driver and asked him to take all the responsibilities. I was afraid that you would be sad if you found out. Zijin, you have been arrested. Ran Huabo hurt too much."

"Why? Why? What did I do wrong?" Ran Zijin burst into tears after hearing Leng Muxuan's explanation.

She never knew that she had a twin sister, but this sister had caused her so much behind her back, she even wanted to kill her!

"Zijin, don't cry, it's all over. You didn't do anything wrong. The one who made the mistake was someone else, me." What Leng Muxuan hated the most was Ran Zijin crying. He walked over, took her into his arms, and gently Gently patted her on the back, "It's useless to cry, the dead rest in peace, and the living have to live better to reassure them."

"That time in the cemetery, your car hit me, and you went to see Ruan Yifei?" Ran Zijin suddenly remembered the experience of meeting him in the cemetery and being almost forced by him.

"Well. At that time, I thought I was in love with her, so I was in pain. I often went to see her, and then came home drunk. That time I almost hit you, Zijin, I'm sorry, I didn't know until later How wrong I was!" So much so that every time he thought of that experience, he was afraid that if he really hurt Ran Zijin, or worse, would he still have the courage to face it now.

"Leng Muxuan, have you ever loved Ruan Yifei? Even for a moment!" Ran Zijin raised his head weakly, and looked at Leng Muxuan with tears in his eyes. She is not a saint, and it is impossible to forgive someone who wanted to kill herself but killed her mother. sister, so she will not call her sister, even if she is dead.

"No! I always thought she was the girl I saw under the tree that day. She raised her hand and looked at the butterflies on the tree. She was so beautiful that I didn't dare to approach her." Leng Muxuan replied firmly, "Zijin , I am always grateful to God, let me meet again, let me not lose you. But you wanted to divorce me at the beginning, do you know how painful I was? I didn't want you to do stupid things, so I agreed to divorce, and then I wanted to explain it clearly to you and remarry, but you disappeared in a blink of an eye. I forced you so much, but you didn't show up. Do you know how disappointed you are to me? "

"Didn't you know the truth a long time ago? You have so much time to explain to me, but why didn't you tell me? Why do you want me to get the truth from someone? Leng Muxuan—" Ran Zijin shook his head resolutely, " It's because you didn't give you a chance, and you didn't give me a chance! It's too late now, it's useless for you to explain, we can't be together again, I won't remarry you, and I won't be cheated by you again!"

She remembered that as soon as she returned to China, she saw rumors about his affair with famous ladies in various magazines and news.Now that he is playing the role of lover in front of her again, how could she be deceived by her again?
"Zijin, I think I've explained it very clearly. I don't tell you. I'm just afraid that you will be sad and lose you! I've told you from the very beginning that my love is not confident at all. You were afraid Losing me, I feel the same as you." Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Zijin, even if she struggled, he would not let go.

"How do you know that if you tell me the truth, I will leave you and you will lose me? Leng Muxuan, after all, you still don't trust me! But fortunately, I don't love you anymore!" Ran Zijin said against her will If not, she is really afraid of being deceived, so she no longer wants to be hurt emotionally.

In the future, all she needs is the little bean sprouts, and as long as she grows up with the little bean sprouts, this life will be considered complete.

"Zijin, do you have to be so unfeeling to me? Can't you see my sincerity towards you? You said I don't trust you, but do you trust me again?" Leng Muxuan was heartbroken, if he could , He really wanted to take out his heart and put it in Ran Zijin's palm, and let her see how true his heart is for her, and how deep his love for her is!

"These are not important anymore!" Ran Zijin wiped away tears, "As you said just now, it's all in the past. Those are all old things, and it's useless to mention them now, let's all live our lives well in the future! Young Master Leng, Let's get together and get separated, isn't it good to let each other go?"

"Not good!" Leng Muxuan suddenly became angry, he had explained so much to her, why didn't she understand him! "Ran Zijin, I won't let you go! I will never let you go!"

"But I don't love you anymore!"

"Then I'll tell you to find your love for me!" Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Zijin again, walked to the side, and kicked open the door of another room.

"Put me down!" Seeing that this was the bedroom, Ran Zijin began to beat Leng Muxuan, trying to jump out of his arms.

But Leng Muxuan would not let her succeed, he threw her on the quilt all at once, and then bullied her.

Ran Zijin gradually lost the consciousness and ability to resist under his strong offensive, and could only let his desires and desires go.

The next day, when Ran Zijin opened her eyes, she suddenly recalled the first time she met Leng Muxuan, sold him drinks, and then was in the hotel room.

The only difference is that at that time, Leng Muxuan was still human, and he didn't do anything bad to her, but he lied to her for a long time.But this time, he was doing what he liked like crazy, until she couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

"How is it, have you found your love for me?" Leng Muxuan leaned her body sideways, looking at the confused people around her, she was still the same as before, when she just woke up, her consciousness was particularly unclear.

Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan's face that was close at hand, and it took him a long time to regain a sense of consciousness. He took his phone and checked the time - he was going to be late for work!She jumped up and went to take a shower and change clothes.

"You don't have to hide, you admitted it last night! You said you love me, you have always loved me, and there has not been a day in the past four years that you haven't loved me!"

Leng Muxuan's leisurely voice came, telling Ran Zijin who was brushing her teeth to be choked by toothpaste foam, she bent over and coughed non-stop, looking as embarrassed as she could be.

She tried hard to recall that when she did that thing last night, she didn't say anything like loving him to him, but she was unconscious at that time, how could she remember so clearly?

She was coughing and had a headache at the same time, had she ever said that she loved Leng Muxuan?

"You have to face it bravely. You are four years older again. Don't pretend to be an ostrich like you used to." Leng Muxuan walked in, patted Ran Zijin on the back, and rinsed her mouth.

"Bastard!" Ran Zijin wiped his mouth and glared at Leng Muxuan. She must have never said such a thing. Leng Muxuan is so black-bellied, he is definitely digging a hole for her again!This time, she didn't jump in so stupidly!

"Even this you remember clearly? It seems that you have found your heart to love me! Zijin—" Leng Muxuan lowered his head and kissed the corner of Ran Zijin's mouth, licking off a little bit of toothpaste foam there, "You used to talk to me When I do the most intimate things, I like to call me a jerk."

"Get out!" Ran Zijin became furious, kicked Leng Muxuan, pushed him out, and turned on cold water to cool herself down—she was crazy, she was still submerged in his strong offensive last night!Now tell him to look at her jokes like this!
"Cold water will catch a cold, so it is recommended to use hot water!" Leng Muxuan's hearty laughter came from outside the door, and Ran Zijin wished to smash his head against the wall to death, and then she heard him say, "I don't want to call Gao Lihong myself. You ask for leave, you know I hate that man! My jealousy is very strong, I'm afraid I will be ruthless!"

Ran Zijin shuddered, she still remembered what Leng Muxuan threatened her last night, Gao Lihong was innocent at first, she thought about trying with him at first, but she couldn't be tempted by him, but Leng Muxuan definitely won't believe her.

She took a shower, went out to change clothes, and Leng Muxuan went to take a shower.

As soon as she got dressed, he washed her and came out.

"I'll go first." She took her mobile phone and left a word to leave.

"I'll see you off later, I'm going to be late!"

Leng Muxuan changed his clothes in front of Ran Zijin, but Ran Zijin blushed and leaned against the door panel, not daring to turn his head.

"I'll go on my own! I'm in a hurry to get a taxi!" She didn't want people to see Leng Muxuan sending her to work, causing unnecessary troubles, as long as she thought of being questioned by Xiaoli when she arrived at the company, she would already have a headache up.

"If you don't want me to mess with Gao Lihong, just wait for me to see you off." Leng Muxuan didn't even look at Ran Zijin, got dressed seriously, then found a tie, turned around, and waved to her, "Come here and call me." tie!"

(End of this chapter)

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