The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 296 Welcome to Zhang Family

Chapter 296 Welcome Home
"Zi Jin, wait for me for a while, I'll come as soon as I go, and then I'll take you home." Leng Muxuan walked out of his exclusive private room with the phone in hand.

Ran Zijin nodded, they had already finished their meal, just now Leng Muxuan received a call, there were some things to deal with, she knew he was working hard, so she obediently followed him.

After waiting for ten minutes, Leng Muxuan hadn't come back. Ran Zijin felt bored, took out her cell phone from her bag, and called Ran Senyang again. From noon onwards, whenever she was free, she would call Ran Senyang to avoid him worried.

When she put the phone back, she saw the key in the bag. She took it out and shook it in her hand, and decisively walked out of the private room.

Standing in front of the familiar door, she took several deep breaths before taking out the key and inserting it into the keyhole. With a slight twist, the door opened.

Shocked, Ran Zijin pushed open the door, secretly thinking that he hadn't changed the key or the combination.

She remembered this password. Leng Muxuan used this password of 1314137 for almost all the passwords to be encrypted, as long as the seven-digit number could be used.

Walk in the door and come to the top floor, the scenery above is still the same, but the colored lights on the other side of the pavilion are on, half covered by the pavilion.

She walked over, walked through the pavilion, looked at the colorful lights in front of her, lost her key in shock, and covered her mouth with her hand so as not to cry out.

Putting the colorful lights together, it looked like a row of words, and each word was so beautiful, which made her heartache and happy.

"Zijin, welcome home, I love you!"

After all, Ran Zijin couldn't hold back and cried again. She realized that in the past few days, she had cried much more than the total number of times in the past four years.

He squatted down slowly, found the key that had fallen on the ground, ran downstairs almost like escaping, rushed to the private room, took his bag and left.

She sat in the taxi and sent a text message to Leng Muxuan: "I'm leaving first, I'm already in the taxi. You are busy with your work."

She didn't even have the courage to call him. She was worried that the moment he answered the phone, she would put down all her defenses and would not be calmly with him again.

Leng Muxuan was busy, saw Ran Zijin's text message, and learned from Rao Xueying that she had already been to the top floor, so she was not worried, but pursed her lips and smiled.

"Young Master Leng, what are you laughing at?" Mo Junhao asked Leng Muxuan, who is the president of Yue Palace.

"It's nothing." Leng Muxuan didn't explain.

"It looks like the winning ticket is in hand, it should be something good is about to happen." Mo Junhao raised his eyebrows.

"Well. Good things are coming soon. I will invite you to have a drink." Leng Muxuan said in a rare good mood.

"That's it, let's get together another day. Let's take a step first." Mo Junhao had almost finished what he wanted to say to Leng Muxuan, so he stood up and didn't intend to stay any longer.

Leng Muxuan asked Rao Xueying to send Mo Junhao downstairs, while he went up to the top floor to stay for a while before returning home.

"Dou Miao, I'm here to pick you up from get off work today!" Ran Senyang had already gotten into a taxi before calling Ran Zijin.

"Okay! How did you remember to pick me up from get off work?" Ran Zijin looked at the time, and there were almost two hours before get off work.

"Because I want Doumiao to take me out for dinner today. I want to eat steak." Ran Senyang wanted to eat western food. The restaurant he went to with Leng Muxuan last time was delicious, so he wanted to go again.

"Okay, then you come to the company and go upstairs to find me. If I'm not here, you can play with Sister Xiaoli for a while." Ran Zijin hung up the phone and continued to work on translating materials. It was said that there was an impromptu meeting later. too busy.

When Ran Senyang arrived at the company, Ran Zijin was indeed not in the office, so he had no choice but to find Xiaoli.

He often comes to the institute to play, and has the best relationship with the cheerful little raccoon, and Gao Lihong treats him well.

"Hello, Uncle Gao." Ran Senyang greeted Gao Lihong.

"Well, Senyang came to see Zijin again?" After Gao Lihong knew about Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan, he didn't need to think about it and knew that Ran Senyang was Leng Muxuan's son, so he couldn't get better with this little genius, so he could only reluctantly Do not hate.

"Hmm. Mom seems to be in a meeting." Ran Senyang called Ran Zijin's mother in the research institute, and others called him Ran Senyang, or just Senyang.

Gao Lihong left without saying anything.

Ran Senyang pouted secretly, and ran over to Xiaoli to ask, "Sister Xiaoli, does Uncle Gao like my mother?"

Several times when he came to the company, he saw him driving Ran Zijin out for dinner, so he hid himself pretending that he had never been to the company.Although he really wanted to know who his father was, Ran Zijin didn't tell, and he didn't intend to ask. He didn't reject someone who wanted to chase Ran Zijin, but he had to help her check it out.

This Gao Lihong, for some reason, felt that he was not worthy of his Dou Miao.His Dou Miao is good at everything, among the people he knows, only Leng Muxuan is the most qualified and capable to match her, but unfortunately Leng Muxuan actually has a wife!For this reason, Ran Senyang was depressed for a long time.

"You can see that? You really are a little genius!" Xiaoli gave Ran Senyang a thumbs up, "But I think your mother doesn't like the director, what do you think?"

"Of course! The director is not worthy of my mother!" Ran Senyang said arrogantly.

The little raccoon frowns, how does this arrogant little look look so much like Leng Muxuan!

"Then who does your mother like?" The little raccoon continued to cliché, children never lie, they always tell the truth!
"My dad!"

"Then who is your father?" Xiaoli pricked up his gossip-loving ears and listened carefully to Ran Senyang's next answer.

However, it was obvious that Ran Senyang's answer disappointed her.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it before, can you know?" Ran Senyang skillfully grabbed the mouse on Xiaoli's desk, opened the webpage and started playing games online.

"It's not kind!" Little Fox was dissatisfied with Ran Senyang's answer, and dialed his phone.

"Don't move!" Ran Senyang stretched out his hand, intending to tickle the little raccoon.

What he dislikes the most is when others touch his head. His clever head is for people to worship, not to make people mess up.

And the little raccoon is the one who likes to move his head the most, but fortunately he knows how to deal with her, that is to tickle her, she has a lot of tickles!

"Okay! Let's live together in peace!" Little Fox decisively surrendered.

Ran Zijin came over from a meeting, and Ran Senyang was still playing games. She dragged him back to the office, and said with some reproach: "Why are you playing games again? Your eyes will be short-sighted. Do you like wearing those clothes that are as thick as the bottom of a wine bottle?" glasses?"

"Don't! It will affect my handsome image!" That kind of glasses is scary, it's ugly, okay?
"Then you still play games! If you are disobedient, you will be punished for copying the Three Character Classic tomorrow!" Ran Zijin's Chinese training for Ran Senyang was really spot on.

"How many times?" Ran Senyang hung his head, not wanting to copy, but he knew that the consequence of bargaining with Ran Zijin would be to copy it a few more times.

"Once! Next time you play for such a long time, it will be ten times, and twenty times, you can figure it out!" Ran Zijin packed up his things and prepared to leave work.

"My God! You're a stepmother!" Ran Senyang helped Ran Zijin take the bag and put it in her hand.

"Not a stepmother, not your mother at all, you picked it up." Ran Zijin held Ran Senyang's small head and kissed him on the forehead, "It stinks! You haven't washed your face clean!"

"It doesn't stink! I washed it carefully!" Ran Senyang retorted after smelling his arm.

Ran Zijin was very busy, and Miteno had to prepare breakfast and lunch for him in the morning, saying that he did all the washing up by himself, and she seldom helped him even take a bath at night.

"Xiaohuamao! Let's go, I'll take you to eat western food!" Ran Zijin held the bag in one hand and led Ran Senyang in the other, and the two went downstairs talking and laughing.

As soon as he left the hall, Ran Zijin's cheerful footsteps stopped, and Ran Senyang stopped after her, looking at her face puzzled.

Ran Zijin frowned, Leng Muxuan's figure not far away was too eye-catching, he didn't want to see it, but he was still facing her, looking at her and Ran Senyang who was holding her hand.

Ran Senyang also saw Leng Muxuan, but seeing that Ran Zijin was in a bad mood, he knew something was wrong, so he obediently stood beside Ran Zijin and ignored Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan occupied for a while, but Ran Zijin still didn't move, he just had to walk over, stand beside her, look at Ran Senyang, and ask her, "Is this your child?"

"Yes." Ran Zijin replied in one syllable.

"Who is the child's father?" Leng Muxuan felt that his voice was trembling when he asked this question.

"Drunk in the bar, I don't know who it is." Ran Zijin explained to Leng Muxuan with a smile, seeing the disappointment on his face, suddenly felt very happy, "I just arrived in Paris and lived in a difficult situation. I had no money, so I went to I work in various places, and the bar is also a place I often go to, and you know that kind of place is messy."

Leng Muxuan seemed to hear his heartbroken voice, how he wished that Ran Zijin's answer just now was that Ran Senyang was his Leng Muxuan's son, but her answer was so calm, but she had experienced such a tragic thing.

He closed his eyes sadly, and stretched out his hand to take Ran Senyang from Ran Zijin's hand, "Zijin, no matter whose child Xiaodou Miao is, I will treat him well and treat him like my own son, shall we remarry? "

He can no longer make her run around outside, and he can no longer cause her to suffer any harm. She is so calm, but his heart is like a knife.

"Not good." Ran Zijin resolutely refused, and then asked him, "How do you know my son's name is Xiaodou Miao?"

"Dou Miao, Leng Shao is a friend I met on the plane back to China. He treats me very well, always takes me out to play, and buys me a lot of toys, all of which are in his office. I dare not take them home. , I’m afraid you’ll criticize me.” Ran Senyang explained to Ran Zijin before Leng Muxuan opened his mouth, and in order not to make Ran Zijin hate Leng Muxuan, he also specifically said that Leng Muxuan was good.

"Xiaodou Miao, how can you play with a stranger casually?! You are not afraid that he is a bad person?!" Ran Zijin suddenly lost control of his emotions, and Ran Senyang actually carried her behind his back. He has known Leng Muxuan for so long, and the two have a good relationship It's still so good!
"Dou Miao~~~ Don't be angry!" Seeing that Ran Zijin was angry, Ran Senyang knew that he had done something wrong, so he hurriedly pulled her clothes by the hem to admit his mistake coquettishly.

"Xiaodou Miao, why are you so disobedient! I told you not to talk to strangers, and don't take things from strangers. Are you listening? If you are so disobedient, what do you want my mother to do? ?!" After Ran Zijin finished speaking, he shook off Ran Senyang's hand and left.

"Wow!" Seeing that Ran Zijin didn't want him anymore, Ran Senyang burst into tears and went after Ran Zijin, "Mom... Dou Miao... I, I was wrong... You don't want Dou Miao..."

He ran too fast and fell to the ground all of a sudden, crying even more in pain.

Leng Muxuan stepped forward to pull him up, and yelled at Ran Zijin who was still walking thousands of times: "Xiao Doumiao fell down, don't you feel bad?!"

Ran Zijin turned around suddenly, ran over quickly, squatted in front of Ran Senyang, and hugged him, "Xiaodou Miao, it's my mother's fault that I can't give you a father."

Since she was a child, having a father is the same as not having a father, so she can really understand Ran Senyang's psychology. He just wants a father too much, so he is so dependent on Leng Muxuan.

"No, Dou Miao, don't cry, it's Xiao Dou Miao who is bad!" Ran Senyang cried in Ran Zijin's arms, and wiped her tears, and Ran Zijin cried very hard.

Leng Muxuan looked at the crying two, one big and one small hugging each other, and tightened his heart in distress. He stretched out his hand to embrace both of them in his arms, and comforted them softly.

"Okay, don't cry. People who don't know think I'm bullying you."

"It's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault!"

Blame, with one voice!

Leng Muxuan looked at the two people, one big and one small, staring at him with disgusting eyes, and suddenly felt that it was difficult to be a good person!He was just trying to comfort them, it's fine if they didn't appreciate it, they really didn't want to treat him harshly!
Well, it seems that it was his appearance that made the two of them cry, so he should make amends.

"Let's go. Treat you to dinner and make amends, huh?"

"That's about the same!" Ran Senyang said, and suddenly remembered that Ran Zijin was still there, so he looked at her expectantly, "Dou Miao, can we have dinner with uncle?"

"Yeah." Ran Zijin smiled and nodded, with tears still on his face, "If you want to go out to play with uncle in the future, you have to say hello to me first, remember?"

"Remember!" Ran Senyang was also happy, what Ran Zijin meant was that he agreed to ask him to go out with Leng Muxuan! "Thank you Dou Miao, and give me a sweet kiss!" He slapped Ran Zijin's cheeks left and right.

"Xiao Dou Miao, how many are one? You come from both sides, more than once, right?" Leng Muxuan patted the back of Ran Senyang's head and asked, doesn't this child sleep to count, can't he!

"I couldn't hold it back for a while, so I kissed a few more times." Ran Senyang happily ran to Leng Muxuan's car. He had gone out with Leng Muxuan many times, and he remembered his car.

"Xiao Doumiao doesn't have a father. If he wants to cling to you, you should treat him better. Please." Ran Zijin walked behind with Leng Muxuan, telling him worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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