Chapter 297 You are mine
"Do you think I treat him badly?" Leng Muxuan asked back, God can see, how good he was to Ran Senyang before, although it was because he could always see the shadow of Ran Zijin from Ran Senyang, but this did not hinder him Be nice to him.

"No. Senyang always asks me who his father is, and I can't change it. If he occasionally takes you as his father, can you fulfill his wish?" Ran Zijin asked cautiously.

This guy Ran Senyang is so attached to Leng Muxuan, since he can't tell him that Leng Muxuan is his father, letting him get along with Leng Muxuan often can make up for some of his missing fatherly love.

"I would like to be his father every day and aboveboard, but you don't seem to want to." Leng Muxuan smiled narrowly, "Zijin, if you come back to me, Xiaodou Miao will have a father Don't you have to worry about him always asking who your father is?"

"It's not fair to you. I'm used to taking him alone. And he doesn't want his father, and he lives well. He will grow up healthy." As if making a promise, Ran Zijin said seriously Said.

"I don't think it's unfair, Zijin, as long as you care, I will."

"But I don't want my child's father to be involved in scandals every day, and the child is unhappy every day, just like when I was a child, I feel like I have to compete with others for my father's love!" Ran Zijin thought in his heart, but didn't say it out loud.

"Mom, Dad, hurry up! No matter how late it is, the western restaurant will be closed!" Ran Senyang was in the car, lying by the window, waving to Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan.

Ran Zijin's head grew dizzy when he called "father", and Leng Muxuan's heart trembled, suddenly feeling full of happiness.

Just as Ran Zijin wanted to tell Ran Senyang not to yell at others, he heard Leng Muxuan's excited voice ringing in his ears.

"Zijin, this is the happiness I have always wanted, wife, child, I will wait for you to get off work with the child, and then we will go to dinner together as a family."

Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan trotting towards Ran Senyang, who looked like a young man in his late teens, and felt a little sad in his heart.

As soon as she got into the car, Leng Muxuan turned around and said to Ran Senyang in the back seat: "Xiao Doumiao, if you like, you can call me Dad in the future."

Now that he calls Ran Senyang his father, he doesn't have to worry about Ran Zijin's misunderstanding, and he will also please her.

"Really? That's good! But, Dad—" Ran Senyang leaned on the back of the chair and pressed it against Leng Muxuan's ear, "In crowded places, I will definitely not bark very consciously, and I won't give You are causing trouble!"

He smiled happily, and finally had a father!Although, he wasn't sure if he was his own father, but he just wanted to be nice to him, and it was just as long as they liked each other.

"Good boy! Sit down, I'm going to drive." Leng Muxuan smiled heartily.

Ran Zijin sat aside, looking at the father and son interacting, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Xiaodou Miao, don't mess around, how can Leng Shao be a father?"

"He wants to be it!" Ran Senyang shrugged, "Dou Miao, Mr. Leng is willing to be my father, so should I also give him a nickname that belongs to our family?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your name is Dou Miao, and I'm Xiao Dou Miao. Shouldn't my father be called Dou Miao?" Ran Senyang smiled until his eyes rolled.

"That's good, we can form a family of bean sprouts!" Leng Muxuan readily agreed.

Seeing that Ran Senyang was so happy, Ran Zijin didn't say anything, but told him to sit down obediently and not to be naughty.

"Dou Miao, this western restaurant is where my father often brings me!" Ran Senyang said very politely, and his father called each mouthful very smoothly, "The taste is very good, and the environment is also good!"

Ran Zijin glanced at Leng Muxuan, this guy is really... She can't describe him anymore!
This restaurant was the one they used to come to at noon when they were at work. Only Ran Senyang didn't know the truth, so he showed off to him so excitedly.

"Really? Is there any special recommendation?" It's better for her to pretend that she hasn't been here, otherwise Ran Senyang will be very disappointed.

"Red wine steak!" Ran Senyang was the first to run to the table where he and Leng Muxuan sat, "We sit here, by the window, and we can still enjoy the scenery!"

Ran Zijin was speechless again, isn't this seat also the old seat that Leng Muxuan often brought himself to sit on!

"Did you do it on purpose?" Ran Zijin took advantage of Ran Senyang's inattention, and asked Leng Muxuan angrily in a low voice.

"It's Xiaodou Miao who wants to eat western food, not me!" Leng Muxuan immediately put all the responsibility on Ran Senyang.

"Don't use your child as an excuse!" If he didn't do it on purpose, she would definitely have his surname!
There are so many western restaurants in the city, and he doesn't go to others, so why single out this one? !

"Don't you think that your tone is like Xiaodou Miao is my son, and we are a family of three?" Leng Muxuan smiled mischievously.

"Bastard!" Ran Zijin stomped her handbag and walked forward stepping on her high heels.

"You're ruthless!" Leng Muxuan looked at a small gray spot on his shiny leather shoes, it wasn't the key point, the key point was his feet, it really hurt when Ran Zijin stepped on them!And because of the need to pay attention to his image outside, he can't grin his teeth, and can't bend over to touch his feet, so he can only grit his teeth and endure.

"Xiaodou Miao, order for mom." Ran Zijin sat next to Ran Senyang, without even looking at Leng Muxuan, and said with a smile.

That guy Leng Muxuan looked deflated, it was really fun!
"Okay." Ran Senyang raised his head and asked Leng Muxuan, "Soy bean seedlings, shall I order them for you?"

This is outside, he can't call him father anymore, so he has to change his nickname.

"Well, anyway, you know what I like." Leng Muxuan smirked in Ran Zijin's murderous eyes that suddenly looked up, "My son just understands me, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"That's my son, thank you!" Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan just now, and felt that why his son didn't kiss him, but was so close to Leng Muxuan, which directly threatened his unique status as a mother!

"I belong to the two of you, stop arguing, be good!" Ran Senyang ordered the meal, and turned to comfort the two who were more like children than him.

"you are mine!"

"you are mine!"

in unison!

Ran Senyang burst out laughing, "You guys have a tacit understanding! Doumiao, how long have you known Doumiao?"

"I don't know!" Ran Zijin looked at him in disgust and didn't even bother to look at Leng Muxuan.

"Five years." Leng Muxuan replied to Ran Senyang with a smile, "I have known your mother for five years. But to be precise, we have known each other for longer, regardless of the mistakes in the middle."

"I just said, why do you have such a tacit understanding! It turns out that you are an old friend!" Ran Senyang said with a smile.

"You kid, what do you call a good old friend!" Ran Zijin flicked Ran Senyang's forehead, "Usually tell you to study Chinese hard, look at you and make a fool of yourself!"

Ran Senyang curled his lips and secretly gave Leng Muxuan a look.

Leng Muxuan laughed loudly, "I think it's very correct! We are old friends!"

"Don't talk nonsense! If you don't teach your children well, teach them some unscrupulous ones!" Ran Zijin gave Leng Muxuan a look. She really regretted that she promised Ran Senyang that she could play with him in the future. what!

"Mom, don't criticize soybean seedlings." Ran Senyang spoke for Leng Muxuan.

Ran Zijin was unhappy, and looked sideways out of the window without saying a word. His son was just bought by Leng Muxuan's sugar-coated bullets, and he betrayed his mother!

Ran Senyang and Leng Muxuan both took a look at Ran Zijin, and then lip-synced to each other.

"Your mother is angry!" Leng Muxuan said.

"She thinks I'm too kind to you, and she's jealous!" Ran Senyang snickered.

"You are my son, of course you have to treat me well! Remember?"

"Of course I remember! Dad!"

"One more call!"

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Ran Senyang called three times.

"My dear son, I will buy you a new toy tomorrow." Leng Muxuan said happily.

"Mom, what should I do if she doesn't want me?" Ran Senyang liked the new toy, but just now at the research institute Ran Zijin was crying about it, and he couldn't bear to make her unhappy.

"Leave her alone! She's too mean!"

"Who is so stingy! Leng Muxuan!" Ran Zijin just turned around and saw Leng Muxuan whispering to Ran Senyang furtively, and even called her stingy, "You are so stingy! You are stingy for 10,000+. I……"

Suddenly realizing that he had said something wrong, Ran Zijin quickly shut up and looked at Ran Senyang with a smile, "Xiao Doumiao, am I such a stingy person?"

"No. Dou Miao is the most generous, kind and beautiful!" Ran Senyang shook his head and said, "So Dou Miao promises Dou Miao to buy me toys!"

"Little heartless!" Ran Zijin was very happy when he heard Ran Senyang's previous compliment, but he became annoyed when he heard the latter request.

The old god Leng Muxuan was leaning on the back of the chair and looking at Ran Zijin, with an expression of "You say I'm not serious, but you are more outspoken than me".

Ran Zijin stood up in embarrassment, said "I'm going to the bathroom", and left quickly.

Ran Senyang couldn't help but also laughed, and said to Leng Muxuan: "Dou Miao, I will help you chase me Dou Miao! I am from the same country as you, and I will tell you all the information about Dou Miao so that you can do it. Know thyself, ever-victorious!"

"It's better to be a son!" Leng Muxuan nodded happily, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to work for nothing, you can tell me anything you want."

"Okay! It's great to have a father!" Ran Senyang suddenly thought of another question, so he stopped smiling and asked Leng Muxuan seriously, "Don't you have a wife? Why are you still chasing after my mother?"

"She is my wife, but we divorced four years ago, and she went to France alone. I couldn't find her, and now I met her again. I still love her very much and want to get back together with her."

"Oh. So that's it!" Ran Senyang seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't say anything.

When Ran Zijin came back from the bathroom, the three of them ate western food noisily, and Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin, mother and son, to go shopping again, and bought a lot of food and clothing for Ran Senyang.

"He's a kid, why are you buying him so many expensive things?" Ran Zijin watched Leng Muxuan holding Ran Senyang's hand and sweeping up all the brand-name stores on a street, he couldn't help sighing secretly that local tyrants are local tyrants, I can't get rid of the habit of spending money in my life.

"Children are expensive, if they don't wear good clothes that are delicious and easy to use, how can they raise them?" Leng Muxuan said nonchalantly, and asked the shopping guide to wrap some clothes for Ran Senyang.

Ran Zijin pursed his lips, Leng Muxuan was right, but it doesn't have to be so expensive!The things she usually buys for Ran Senyang are not cheap. Although they are not world-famous brands, they are still some popular brands, and they are well-known. The prices are much more expensive than her own.

She looked at Ran Senyang again, that guy was just like her, a little money fanatic, he knew that Leng Muxuan was rich, so he didn't save him some money, the two of them actually discussed together what is the fashion trend of this year, what to buy and what to wear Not fashion.

"Do you live here now?" Leng Muxuan drove the car to the place Ran Senyang said, and when he looked up, he bumped into a very ordinary building, not too high, only four floors, it was a long time ago, and the walls were all dusty .

"Yeah. It's nice here, it's quiet, and people get along well." Ran Zijin took Ran Senyang out of the car.

"Dad, do you want to go up and sit down?"

"it is good."

Ran Zijin just wanted to say that it was too late and Leng Muxuan had to go home, and he came to reject Leng Muxuan, but he didn't expect him to answer first, and he could only accept such a big Leng Muxuan patiently with Ran Senyang's happy expression. Invade' your own home!
"What to drink? I only have boiled water here." Ran Zijin expressed with practical actions that he did not welcome Leng Muxuan's arrival.

"Plain water is also very good." Leng Muxuan didn't mind either.

Ran Zijin went to pour a glass of water, thinking to himself that this person really didn't realize it, he didn't go home so late, what was he doing here.

"Zijin, the conditions here are too bad for children to grow up." Leng Muxuan just observed the house. Although there are bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens, the house is too old. The fourth floor is the highest floor. Floor, there are some traces of water leakage on the roof.

"Why isn't this place suitable? The landlord's children all grew up here, and all of them have been admitted to key universities."

"I have the ability to give Xiaodou Miao a better environment, why do I have to let him suffer here?" Leng Muxuan asked rhetorically.

"Leng Muxuan, the child is mine. He called you daddy, but he thought he had never met his daddy. You can't mess around with a child." Ran Zijin frowned, and issued an order to evict the guest displeasedly, "It's getting late, Don't hurry back."

"I want to live here."

"No, there is no place!"

"I can sleep on the sofa." Although the sofa is a bit small, it is still fine for one night.


"Zijin, I'm tired." Leng Muxuanxue used to act coquettishly, but he just wanted to stay and experience Ran Zijin's life now.

"That won't work!" Ran Zijin directly pushed Leng Muxuan to the door, opened the door and pushed it out, and then leaned against the door panel to feel sad.

Leng Muxuan was indeed very tired like that. She took them to play after a tiring day of work. Only she knew how much she loved him, but she really couldn't ask him to stay.

If there is a first time in everything, there will be a second time. There are still children here, and she doesn't want to have a bad influence on the children.

(End of this chapter)

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