Chapter 298
"Dou Miao, help me take a bath!" Ran Senyang went to the bathroom to make water by himself, and called Ran Zijin to bathe him. He is not a clingy child, but he is so happy today, so he wants to cling to his mother.

"Okay. Have you got your clothes?" Ran Zijin adjusted his mood and walked to the bathroom.

"Forgot!" Ran Senyang stretched out his small head and smiled mischievously at Ran Zijin. In fact, he didn't take it on purpose, he just wanted to ask Ran Zijin to take it for himself so that he could enjoy his mother's love.

"Little guy! Wait!" Ran Zijin gave Ran Senyang a doting look, first went to find him a change of clothes, and then went to bathe him.

Ran Senyang was sitting in his exclusive bathtub, playing with bubbles in his hand, dripping a few drops on Ran Zijin's face and nose from time to time, laughing mischievously.

"Naughty! Xiaodou Miao, you are already four years old, and you still ask me to bathe you, so shameless!" Ran Zijin also put a little foam on the tip of Ran Senyang's nose, "It's a cat!"

"I'm not ashamed! I just like my mother!" Ran Senyang hugged Ran Zijin's face and kissed twice, "Mom smells so good!"

"Did you secretly eat a lot of candy again today, your mouth is so sweet."

"No." Ran Senyang looked up at Ran Zijin's face and was silent for a while, making sure she was in a good mood, before asking cautiously, "Dou Miao, is Young Master Leng my father?"

"Why do you ask that?" Ran Zijin's brows twitched, his heartbeat became disordered, and Ran Senyang's mind was too sentimental.

"Because Leng Shao said that he is your ex-husband and you are his ex-wife. You divorced four years ago, and I was born four years ago. If you calculate it this way, he is very likely to be my father!" Ran Senyang thought to himself Everything was said all night.

"No. Xiaodou Miao, you think too much!" Ran Zijin pretended to be relaxed and knocked on Ran Senyang's forehead, "Young Master Leng is Young Master Leng, you can call him father jokingly, but he is definitely not your father! You Don't think about it, huh? Xiaodou Miao's father has really traveled far away, and it will take a long time to get home."

"Oh. I see." Ran Senyang was obviously disappointed.

Ran Zijin held his little face, let him look at him, and asked him seriously: "Xiao Doumiao, if Dad never comes back, will you be sad?"

"Yes." Ran Senyang nodded without hesitation, "However, Mom, I won't lose my temper. I promise that although I am sad, I will still listen to you, take care of you when I grow up, and continue to love you instead of Dad!"

"Good son!" Ran Zijin's nose turned sour, and his eyes turned red. He hugged Ran Senyang out of the water, dried him and changed his clothes.

"Dou Miao, don't be sad. If you love Dad and fall in love with Leng Shao, I will support you. Leng Shao is a good man and treats me very well. I can tell that he is also very good to you." Xiao Ran Senyang Said to Ran Zijin like an adult.

"It's not good for children to think too much!" Ran Zijin smiled slightly, "It's too late, go to bed quickly! Mom has to go to work tomorrow."

"Then I'll go play with Mr. Leng, okay?" Ran Senyang got into the quilt, showing his head, and asked Ran Zijin innocently.

"Didn't you just have dinner with him today?" Ran Zijin was a little worried. Ran Senyang was really too clingy to Leng Muxuan, so she was really afraid that Leng Muxuan would find out.

"Mom~~~Dou Miao~~~I want to play with Dad!" Ran Senyang began to act like a baby.

"Okay. Let's go!" Ran Zijin is no match for Ran Senyang's little coquettish, this child is too sensible, and occasionally acting coquettish will make her feel distressed and sad, "But it can't be too long, Mr. Leng also has work to do, and work It's more complicated than mine."

"I know! I can read and have snacks in his office, while he is working. Mom, good night!" After Ran Senyang finished speaking, he closed his eyes consciously and began to sleep.

Ran Zijin pursed her lips and smiled bitterly. Ran Senyang's faults were really inherited from her. He loved to stay in Leng Muxuan's office, not saying or doing anything. He worked and she read, so he could spend a day.

The next day, when Ran Zijin went to work, Ran Senyang went to find Leng Muxuan.

Now with Leng Muxuan's permission, he can directly go up to the 32nd floor and enter Leng Muxuan's office without going through any procedures.

"Father, Mom said that we are going to cook hot pot today, do you want to come and eat?" Ran Senyang sat on the carpet that Leng Muxuan had just prepared, playing with the toys he bought for him.

"Hot pot? Okay!" Leng Muxuan frantically tapped on the computer keyboard.

"I'm creating an opportunity for you. You have to seize the opportunity, otherwise my bean sprouts are so beautiful that they may be chased away by someone at any time." Ran Senyang smiled secretly. He wanted to give Leng Muxuan a sense of crisis, "We are in Paris. At that time, many people chased the bean sprouts, and there were also very good people.”

"Really?!" Leng Muxuan stopped typing on the keyboard instantly, and looked at Ran Senyang nervously, "Did Zijin agree to date them?"

"Of course it's true!" Ran Senyang snickered, Leng Muxuan finally became anxious, but he still had to add fuel to the fire, "There are really many suitors! They all buy flowers, diamonds, gold and so on for Dou Miao , Some directly give vvip cards, Doumiao and I both like money, so I plan to promise a rich one and marry."

"No! Xiaodou Miao, you must help me check it out. You can't ask Zijin to associate with anyone, she can only be mine! I also have money, come, this is for you! Unlimited overdraft!" Leng Muxuan said briskly He took out a gold card and handed it to Ran Senyang, "Not only am I rich, but I also treat you well, and I'm also handsome, right?"

Ran Senyang tilted his head, pretended to think about it, and nodded slowly, "Yes. That's why I chased Dou Miao for you! However, I can't accept this card now! When you marry Dou Miao back home, Give it to me again!"

"Okay! It will be done within ten days!" Leng Muxuan finally caught up!

If he didn't move faster, Ran Zijin would really be snatched away!

Ran Senyang tilted his head, pursed his lips and snickered, did he sell his mother?Use a gold card with unlimited overdraft?
Leng Muxuan's work efficiency was particularly high this day, all the work was done more than an hour before get off work, and then he packed his things and asked Luo Yining to wake up the sleeping Ran Senyang.

"Father, what are you going to do?" Ran Senyang rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked.

Luo Yining's opened mouth couldn't close anymore!dad? !This kid actually called the CEO Dad? !He must be hallucinating!definitely is!

"Son, let's pick up the bean sprouts, let's go shopping, and cook hot pot at home." Leng Muxuan didn't have time to think that Luo Yining, who was stunned by the petrified side, went out with Ran Senyang in his arms.

Luo Yining watched them leave, and the CEO called the kid his son?The president is going grocery shopping?The president is going to cook hot pot?Can the president do any more abnormal things? !
After petrifying for a while, Luo Yining went downstairs to finish other work. When passing by the front desk, he still had that shocked expression.

Wu Yanan quickly ran up to him, holding a cup of yogurt in her hand, "Assistant Luo, this is for you!"

"Yeah." Luo Yining, who was in the petrochemical industry, took it in his hand without looking at what it was, and put it in his mouth. After taking a sip, he realized that it was yogurt, and then glared at Wu Yanan viciously, "you give me such a mother thing?!"

His image of a man!Why did she always ruin him when she met Wu Yannan? !
"This is called cute! Cute!" Wu Yanan smiled happily, Luo Yining finally drank what she gave him, so excited!
"It's fantasy!" Luo Yining said in a low voice, putting the yogurt box back into Wu Yannan's hand.

"The world is originally fantasy, so don't make a fuss!" Wu Yanan grinned silly, took out a tissue and wiped the corners of Luo Yining's mouth.

Luo Yining instinctively took three steps back, "Stop!"

"I..." Wu Yanan was a little hurt, pouted, "I didn't do anything else."

Laughter came from around, even though it had been deliberately suppressed, it could be heard that they were holding back, but they couldn't hold back after all!

Luo Yining glanced back, then turned to stare at Wu Yanan, and walked out.

Wu Yanan followed him, pushed the revolving door for him to see him out, and said to him innocently with a smile: "Assistant Luo, did everyone think I did something special to you just now? Why did they look at your The look in your eyes, just like looking at a little subject being teased by me?"

"Wu Yanan! It's useless for you to tell me these things again, and see if I don't knock your head off!" Luo Yining finally got angry, how could this girl be so... so... so open!Dare to say anything, don't you know how shy it is? !

"Okay! Then you knock! When you knock my head off, you can see that I'm thinking about you!" Wu Yanan looked at Luo Yining who was driven crazy by him, and continued Pressing every step of the way, she couldn't believe that he could still ignore her when she walked around in front of his eyes all day long and drove him crazy from time to time!

"..." Luo Yining gritted her teeth, closed her eyes helplessly, and walked away holding her forehead.

Whose girl is this, why is she so difficult, why is she so speechless!He's about to explode!

Driving to run some errands, passing by the supermarket, Luo Yining saw his CEO's car, he shook his head, it seemed to be true as what Wu Yanan said - the world is originally fantasy, so don't make a fuss!
Leng Muxuan's nose was itchy, and he wanted to sneeze but couldn't, so he reached out to touch M's nose.

"Father, is this good?" Ran Senyang went to the freezer and took his favorite mutton roll and asked Leng Muxuan.

"Okay. Take whatever you want, I'll swipe the card!" Leng Muxuan pushed the shopping cart with one hand, and followed Ran Zijin and Ran Senyang, like a good husband and father.

"Xiaodou Miao, look at the date or something, don't take the broken one." Ran Zijin was choosing something on the other side of the shelf, turned around and said to Ran Senyang, and then thought to Leng Muxuan, do you know how to swipe a card, and don't know how to care about it? The things the child takes are not nutritious. Is there any quality problem?

"I know! I've checked it hard, there's no problem!" Ran Senyang took a big bag and put it in the shopping cart.

Leng Muxuan smiled and picked up Ran Senyang and sat on the shopping cart, "Isn't it more fun to sit here?"

He saw people and children from other people's families sitting on the shopping cart by his father, pushing them all the way, and picking things from the shelves all the way, so he also imitated others.

"Well, it's fun!" Ran Sen leaned his head back and leaned against Leng Muxuan's heart, the two of them laughed happily.

Ran Zijin held a pack of side dishes in his hand, looked at the two people in front, Leng Muxuan pushed the shopping cart very quickly, Ran Senyang screamed in the car, he was so lively and happy.

However, why does she no longer have the courage to fight for happiness when she looks at it so easily?

"Mom, hurry up!"

I don't know when Leng Muxuan pushed the shopping cart back, Ran Senyang sat on it and waved to Ran Zijin, while Leng Muxuan also looked at her with a smile.

She pursed her lips and smiled slightly, put the side dishes back on the shelf, lowered her head and quickly wiped her wet eyes, then raised her head again, it was still the normal looking Ran Zijin.

"Here we come! Xiaodou Miao, do you want to eat bean sprouts?" She asked Ran Senyang.

"Yes!" Ran Senyang nodded, then smiled suddenly, and said to Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin, "Father, mother, if mother gives me a younger sister in the future, let's call her Little Bean Sprout, okay?"

"Okay!" Leng Muxuan happily agreed, God knows how much he wants to have a child with Ran Zijin.

"Naughty! Do you really think we are all bean sprouts?" Ran Zijin tapped Ran Senyang on the head.

After leaving the supermarket and on the way home, Ran Senyang moved happily on his seat, extremely excited.

"Father, mother, when we have a younger sister, we will also come to the supermarket together. Other families come together as a family, and we are no exception!"

"Little Dou Miao!" Seeing that Ran Senyang's words were getting more and more outrageous, Ran Zijin looked at him with warning eyes.

"Zijin, what are you fussing about with a child?" Leng Muxuan didn't mind, and Ran Senyang created an opportunity for him, so of course he had to hurry up.

"Okay! I'm silent. You guys talk!" Ran Senyang cocked his lips at Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin frowned and looked out the window, she didn't speak anymore, she didn't want to talk, the more Ran Senyang relied on Leng Muxuan, the more she was afraid, afraid that one day the child would go away with Leng Muxuan, she would not want her, and she would have to be alone again to this complicated world.

"Son, carry this!" When the car drove downstairs, Leng Muxuan gave a small bag to Ran Senyang, while he took several big bags, none of which was given to Ran Zijin.

"I'll get it." Ran Zijin wanted to help Ran Senyang.

The little guy ran away quickly, "My father and I are men, we want to protect you! We won't take it for you!"

"Let's go." Leng Muxuan grinned at Ran Zijin.

"Is this how you take care of the child? He's growing up, so what if he's too tired to grow taller?" Ran Zijin didn't appreciate it, ignored his smiling face, and gave him a blank stare.

"I was wrong, wife."

"Shut up!" It's annoying to hear him speak!terribly upset!
After going upstairs, Ran Zijin went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Ran Senyang took Leng Muxuan to choose dishes at the kitchen door, and then secretly said to him: "Dad, didn't you want to stay last night? I will help you today, and you can tell me later Stomach pain is fine, leave the rest to me!"

"Okay!" Leng Muxuan made an OK gesture, he was influenced by Ran Senyang.

(End of this chapter)

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