Chapter 302
"Let's stay with Xiaodou Miao again." Kong Jiayi didn't want to leave. It had been four years before she knew that she had a grandson, and they were all four years old!

When she got the news, she was already planning to sleep, so she dragged her husband to the hospital to see how her grandson was doing.

"Grandma, when I recover from illness, I'll go home and play with you. I can play computer games, can you?" After observing for a while, Ran Senyang found that the Leng family was indeed in the hands of Kong Jiayi, so the good ones first started to please She is coming.

"I don't know how, but you can teach me. If I know how, we can play together." Kong Jiayi said.

The corner of Leng Muxuan's mouth twitched, if his mother could put mahjong aside for Ran Senyang, he would be happy and relieved.She played mahjong all day long, and he was worried that she would suffer from cervical and lumbar spondylosis, as well as arthritis and rheumatism.

"Okay! What does grandma like? I can also learn and play with you."

"Mahjong! Looks like you can't play it yet." Kong Jiayi said her only hobby.

"It's okay, I've learned, don't play with others, just play with grandma. If you win money, give it to mom, if you lose money, let dad pay!" Ran Senyang said to Kong Jiayi, and made a face at Leng Muxuan.

"Small man!" Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Senyang angrily. He knew how to make connections and take care of the people he cared about. Pity him, a father, who actually wanted to pay for him!

"That's a good idea!" Kong Jiayi agreed with a smile.

"Xiaodou Miao, grandpa likes boxing and chess, so you don't want to accompany him?" Leng Qingbai felt that Kong Jiayi monopolized his grandson, so he took the initiative to attract Ran Senyang's attention.

"Accompany me! Of course I will! Grandpa, teach me how to write calligraphy!" In Ran Senyang's impression, successful people like Leng Qingbai can basically write well.

"Do you know that I can write well?" Leng Qingbai rarely showed so many smiles on his poker face, and the smiles were so unreserved.

Leng Muxuan was at the side, and seeing that Ran Zijin hadn't come out of the bathroom, he went to look for her.

"Yeah. As soon as I saw Grandpa, I knew that Grandpa is amazing! Of course, Grandpa is also very powerful." Ran Senyang's sweet mouth is not comparable to that of ordinary children.

Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai teased Ran Senyang for a long time before planning to leave.

"Zijin, Mom will play mahjong with me when you get home. Mom hasn't won yet!"

"I will go when I have time." Ran Zijin agreed.

After Leng Muxuan's parents left with Leng Muwan, Ran Zijin closed his eyes and began to pretend to sleep.

"Zijin, what did my sister tell you in the bathroom just now?" Leng Muxuan consciously walked up to Ran Zijin, took off his shoes and lay down on the bed.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ran Zijin wanted to push him down, but it was in vain. In the end, he could only compromise and ignore him.

"Why not? I suspect that you are speaking ill of me!" Leng Muxuan played with Ran Zijin's hair.

"Boring!" Ran Zijin rolled his eyes at him.

She wouldn't tell him that when she was in the bathroom with Leng Muwan, she actually told her how she was born after she found out she was pregnant with Ran Senyang and went to France.

This guy doesn't even admit that the child is his, so what's the use of her saying that!It's best for him not to admit that the child is him for the rest of his life, and it's best not to know that she gave birth to him for the rest of his life, and she will never give birth to him again in the future, let him regret it!
"Bean seedlings, soybean seedlings, you ignore my existence!" Ran Senyang was forgotten, and sat there protesting dissatisfied.

Ran Zijin blushed, and then remembered that the child was next to her. She pushed Leng Muxuan away, and looked back at Ran Senyang with a smile, "No. Xiaodou Miao, do you want your mother to sleep with you?"


"do not want!"

One small and one large, all with one voice.

But obviously, Ran Zijin chose to ignore Leng Muxuan's protest, jumped down on one foot, got into Ran Senyang's bed, and hugged him fragrantly, "Son, sleep!"

"Huh! Mom, what a dream!" Ran Senyang said sweetly to Ran Zijin, and wrinkled his nose and made a face at Leng Muxuan. He refused to admit that he was his son, and he got close to him too!
Ran Zijin snickered, he understood Ran Senyang's thoughts best, this little guy's stinginess was exactly the same as Leng Muxuan's.

For the convenience of taking care of them, both Ran Zijin and Ran Senyang stayed in the hospital for several days, and Leng Muxuan took them back to Isa Garden.

"Father, where are the two nurse sisters who took care of me before?" Ran Senyang found that the nurses had changed to two people, not the two who liked to laugh and fight with him before.

"They are irresponsible at work, so they just resigned!" Leng Muxuan thought that the two nurses did not take good care of Ran Senyang, so he wished he could slap them to death.

"How can you quit! I want them to come back!" Ran Senyang has been getting angry with Leng Muxuan these days because he refused to admit that he was his son, "I don't want anyone else except those two nurse sisters!"

"They didn't take good care of them, so we can't have them." Leng Muxuan explained, "You had a fever like that that day, and they couldn't even be seen."

"That's why I asked them to buy snacks for me! Because the two stores are not together, I told them to leave separately! I don't care, I want those two older sisters!" Ran Senyang yelled.

Ran Zijin didn't stop him even though he saw it. Ran Senyang basically never lost his temper since he was a child, so she was very relieved to take him with him.These few days he was always having temper tantrums with Leng Muxuan, and Leng Muxuan was going crazy. The more she watched, the more she relieved her anger, and occasionally gave Ran Senyang some advice, teaching him how to bully Leng Muxuan.

"Then I'll find it for you, little ancestor, stop making trouble!" Leng Muxuan went to tell Luo Yining with a big head.

This child is not his, and he can't treat it severely, otherwise Ran Zijin will be unhappy and think he doesn't love her child anymore.But let him get used to him, his temper tantrum has gone too far recently, and he won't be able to hold it any longer.

After Ran Zijin waited for Leng Muxuan to go out, he couldn't help laughing.

"Dou Miao, did Dad bully you a lot before, that's why you didn't go home with him? It doesn't matter, I will definitely avenge you!" Ran Senyang looked like he vowed to protect Ran Zijin to the death.

Ran Zijin nodded and readily agreed.

Ever since, the following blah blah, blah, blah, blah.

At twelve o'clock one night, Master Leng had already fallen asleep, and Ran Senyang cried loudly like spring thunder.

"What's wrong?" Leng Muxuan looked at his watch, he only slept for less than half an hour after serving the child, okay?

"I'm hungry, I want cake!"

"Then I'll ask someone to buy it for you." Leng Muxuan was about to cry. Does a cake have to be eaten in the middle of the night?

"I don't want others to buy it!" Ran Senyang protested, "I want you to buy it!"

Young master Leng sadly urged to buy it.

Then another day, Leng Muxuan woke up early and bought breakfast for Ran Zijin and Ran Senyang, because Ran Senyang said he wanted to eat the takeaways that Ran Zijin often ate.

He took care of them and started eating, but he was too busy to take a bite, so he grabbed his clothes and left. He had to catch a plane to go on a business trip.

As soon as they arrived at the airport, Ran Senyang called.

"Dad, the things you bought in the morning are not clean. I have a stomachache, a stomachache, a sore throat, and a toothache! Come back quickly, I want Dad to take me to the hospital! If you don't come back, I won't go to the hospital, and I won't go to the hospital. Don't ask the nurse to give me medicine and injections!" Ran Senyang cried heartbreakingly while holding the phone.

Ran Zijin looked at his son and thought to himself that this kid has good acting skills, should he ask Mo Junhao to become a young actor?
"Then you wait, I'll be back right away, but you have to listen to the nurse and take some medicine first." Leng Muxuan broke down, and could only lose his temper and yell at Yang Ming, "Go home! Don't go to the airport!"

Isn't it okay if he can't leave the job? !Tears!

After returning home, Ran Senyang was eating Huanshi with a bag of snacks.

Leng Muxuan endured and endured, suppressed and suppressed, before he extinguished his anger, "Xiao Doumiao, don't you feel pain everywhere?"

"I took the pills just now! Dad, you're really back! Then give me a hug! I was really not feeling well just now." Ran Senyang could tell his words and expressions, and he could see that Leng Muxuan was unhappy, so Just act coquettishly and play cute together.

"Ran Senyang!" Leng Muxuan finally couldn't hold back, and roared, this kid is trying to make things difficult for him, doesn't he!
He is not his child, but he loves him as if he is his own son. He is still so disobedient!

"Wow!" Ran Senyang was really frightened by Leng Muxuan this time, and ran into Ran Zijin's arms, crying so much that he couldn't play anymore.

While coaxing Ran Senyang, Ran Zijin glared at Leng Muxuan: "What are you yelling at! He is still a child, only four years old, and he wants you to hug him. If you don't, you can hug him. Who cares?"

Ran Senyang really cried this time, Ran Zijin hugged him distressedly, and jumped into the bedroom with one foot.Ran Senyang has always been very strong, he is very good at crying less, only he and her know how much he cares about Leng Muxuan, he doesn't know Leng Muxuan at all!

In the past few days, she has indulged the child too much and let him bully him, but he just wants to let him know that he can't always put the child in second place for work.

She was on a business trip and asked him to take care of the child. He threw the child to the nurse for work, and this happened. If she hadn't returned in time, the child would have a high fever!

"Be careful!" Leng Muxuan roared and regretted it, looking at the two mother and son who were crying, he went to support Ran Zijin.

He originally wanted to hug Ran Senyang, but Ran Zijin didn't give it to him, and Ran Senyang didn't ask him to hug him either.

"This early in the morning, why did the child cry like this?" Kong Jiayi heard Ran Senyang's cry as soon as she entered the door, followed the cry, and saw Ran Zijin hopping on one foot, and immediately became angry, "This room Where are the nannies and nurses in the house? The young master is crying and no one cares, and the young lady has injured her foot and wants to jump on one foot!"

"Madam, we are here, but..." Two nurses walked over tremblingly. They had been scared to hide by Leng Muxuan's yell just now, and now Madam came to ask the crime again. What happened to them innocent people today? Why are you so unlucky!
They all envied Aunt Zhang. She went shopping for vegetables, and she was lucky enough to escape this catastrophe.

"But what?! Take the money and don't do anything, why don't you all leave!" Kong Jiayi usually doesn't lose her temper, but her beloved grandson makes her feel so distressed, she can't do without getting angry!
"Mom, it's none of their business. They were also scared." Ran Zijin explained to the two innocent nurses.

Kong Jiayi thought about who else could be the 'culprit' who could frighten the servants besides her own son. She took out a folder from her bag and threw it into his hand, "Look for yourself! Your son! If you still don't admit it after reading it, then I will admit that he is my grandson, and he has nothing to do with you in the future, so don't yell at the child all day long!"

After speaking angrily to Leng Muxuan, Kong Jiayi gave the two nurses a bad tempered order: "Don't give Zijin a pinch? If the wound hurts again, I want you all to look good!"

"Yes, madam." The two nurses went to pinch Ran Zijin's legs.

Kong Jiayi took Ran Senyang from Ran Zijin's arms, hugged her and coaxed her, "Xiaodou Miao, grandma is here to make the decision for you today. If anyone bullies the only grandson of our Leng family in the future, I will be the first one to never end with him!"

"Grandma..." Ran Senyang choked, "Father is too fierce...I'm afraid..."

"Xiaodou Miao, stop crying! It's my father's mistake!" Leng Muxuan threw away the folder in his hand, and hugged Ran Senyang from Kong Jiayi's hand, "Xiaodou Miao, so you are really my son! I have son!"

"That's my son!" Ran Zijin cried and said, she didn't need to look at the things in the folder to know that it was the result of the paternity test done by Kong Jiayi.

"It's ours. Zijin, we have a son!" Leng Muxuan's eyes were red with excitement, and tears almost flowed out.

He was both happy and regretful that he didn't believe what Ran Zijin said, that the child he met on the plane with him was his own son, and that Ran Senyang bullied him so badly, he really deserved it.

"How to deal with it, you can decide for yourself. I'm just here to send an appraisal result, so I'm leaving first." Kong Jiayi knew that the family of three needed to calm down and solve it on their own, so she left consciously.

"You put me down! I don't want you to hold me!" Ran Senyang was hugged tightly by Leng Muxuan, and he beat his arm uncomfortably.

"Son, let Dad hug you for a while. Dad made a mistake before, and Dad apologized to you. I'm sorry, don't cry." Leng Muxuan patiently coaxed the restless little man in his arms, "Daddy will never talk to you again. I lost my temper. I said I will do it, okay?"

"Then you have to be nice to me, be nice, be nice! And be nice to Dou Miao, be nice, too!" Ran Senyang choked up and said.

"Of course! You and Dou Miao are both my treasures. I don't think it's enough to hold you in my hands. How could I treat you badly?" Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Senyang and looked at Ran Zijin excitedly. Seeing her laughing and crying, I knew that she was also happy, but his heart was still a little sour. It was him who made her and the child unhappy during this time.

"Then I also apologize to Dad. I was too self-willed before, knowing that you are busy with work, and still tossing you. Dad, I'm sorry." Ran Senyang consciously apologized to Leng Muxuan, "I just feel that you don't recognize me, I am very sorry happy."

(End of this chapter)

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