Chapter 303 Mu Xuan, I Was Wrong
"You're back? Wash your hands and eat! Aunt Zhang made a lot of delicious food today." Ran Zijin, who was originally laying out the dishes in the restaurant, came out to greet Leng Muxuan who came home when he heard the door open.

"Why are you down and walking? Does your ankle still hurt?" Leng Muxuan walked over to hug Ran Zijin, and kissed her between the eyebrows.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's not that serious. I think it's all over." Ran Zijin smiled and took Leng Muxuan's coat, "Why are you coming back late today? Are you busy?"

Since her ankle was sprained, she and Ran Senyang moved to live with Leng Muxuan. After Leng Muxuan knew that Ran Senyang was his son, he treated them better, so she gradually accepted Leng Muxuan again, and no longer Ran Senyang didn't bully him anymore if he got into trouble with him.

"Well, I'm a little busy, you won't come to help me, I'm busy every day."

"It's not that you don't have money to hire another secretary." Ran Zijin smiled and took Leng Muxuan's arm and walked towards the restaurant.

"But I can't hire a secretary who is better than you and more suitable for me. The husband and wife are willing to pay each other's money. If you don't return to the company, I will be at a loss." Leng Muxuan said half-seriously, jokingly.

"Spoof!" Ran Zijin served Leng Muxuan a bowl of rice with his own hands.

"Why don't you see Xiaodou Miao? You haven't come back from the cold house yet?" Leng Muxuan didn't see his son who had been clinging to him since he came back.

"Yeah. Mom said to ask the driver to bring it back at night." She took some food for him, "You eat more, why did you lose weight?"

Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan's face distressedly, her chin really became sharper, this was discovered on the first day she returned to China, but recently he was tossed by Ran Senyang again, he didn't have a good rest, he was tired from work, and he became thinner some.

"I look thinner when I wear clothes, and I look thinner when I take them off!" Leng Muxuan is in a good mood recently, because Ran Zijin has never left Isa Garden again, nor has he lost his temper with him, and has another son, and feels that life is good It's incredible.

"Aunt Zhang, is that soup ready? Bring it to Mu Xuan!" Ran Zijin smiled, looked back to the kitchen and called Aunt Zhang.

"Okay. Okay." Aunt Zhang came out with a casserole. The owner was in a good mood, so she was also in a good mood, "Mr. Leng, this is the soup that Young Madam specially arranged for me to make for you. It's good for your health! And this table of dishes is also cooked by the young lady."

Leng Muxuan's heart was agitated, he was satisfied with Ran Zijin's concern for him, but he felt sorry for her more, "Zijin, your feet are not healed yet, don't stand for too long. Let Aunt Zhang do these."

"It's okay." Ran Zijin shook his head, she would make him what he likes to eat.

Leng Muxuan was in a good mood. After eating two bowls of rice, the pot of soup was almost drained.

After the meal, it was time for a walk, and Ran Zijin's feet were inconvenient. During this time, Leng Muxuan helped her, or went with her on his back.

"Mu Xuan, I want to walk by myself today." Ran Zijin consciously wanted to walk by herself, he was so tired, and besides, she could walk on her own.

"Is it okay? How about I carry you?" Leng Muxuan asked Ran Zijin worriedly.

"Okay!" Ran Zijin put his hand into Leng Muxuan's big palm, "You hold me like before, okay?"

"Okay!" Leng Muxuan scratched Ran Zijin's nose affectionately, "Tell me if you can't walk."

Ran Zijin nodded, and the two went downstairs for a walk together.

There are people coming and going on the street, it's just nightfall, life is still going on, and all the wonderful things are going on.

Ran Zijin's feet were almost healed, so she pestered Leng Muxuan to the street outside the community, and she didn't come out to breathe for a long time.

"Huh? Muxuan, when did the multimedia TV advertising display screen be installed there?" Ran Zijin asked Leng Muxuan looking at the wall of a building in the distance. The screen was displaying cosmetics endorsed by a Korean actress.

"A few days ago. The previous owner of the building was not doing well, and now he has been bought out."

"It feels pretty good." Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan walked forward while looking at the screen.

Suddenly the screen flickered and switched to a gossip entertainment program. The reporter was reporting on a popular artist going to the night.The store looked for women to play with, and was reported and taken away.

"These public figures don't know how to maintain their image. They are goddesses and gods. It's ruined all at once." Ran Zijin didn't know that artist very well, but she remembered that when she was in college, her roommate liked him very much for a while Songs and dances and film and television works.

"It's just gossip, half-truth and half-false, who knows what it is, maybe it's hype." Leng Muxuan is used to such reports, after all, he is also a person who often appears on TV and has been entangled in rumors.

As the saying goes, being upright is not afraid of crooked shadows, but there are always people who like to find trouble for others when they have nothing to do.

"Mu Xuan!" Ran Zijin suddenly stopped, and looked back at Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan looked at the screen, and found that it was reporting that he and a lady were going in and out of the hotel late at night. He also said that someone had learned from his friends that the lady was his mistress, but recently it surfaced On the surface of the water, some people speculate that their marriage is imminent.

"Zijin, I just said that this kind of report is half-truth, half-false, you can't believe it!" Leng Muxuan explained to Ran Zijin with a headache, and the way she looked at him became that kind of cold, hurt emotion again.

"You say half-truth, half-false!" That is, half is true, so which half is true?
Did he really have a wife, or were they really going to get married?
"I can definitely tell you that it's fake!"

"But what about the photos? Didn't you see them yourself just now? There are so many photos!" He and the lady of the family hugged each other intimately, walked into the hotel together late at night, and walked out of the hotel together in the morning, there was still time in the photos!
"That's from PS!"

"you're lying!"

"Ran Zijin! Do you believe me or not?!" Leng Muxuan was already annoyed by such a report, but Ran Zijin still didn't trust him, so he lost his patience and his tone became a little aggressive.

"I believe you are the one to blame!" Ran Zijin withdrew his hand from Leng Muxuan's, turned around and left.

"Ran Zijin, if you dare to take a step forward, I'll immediately go find the woman in the photo!" Leng Muxuan said with a cold face to Ran Zijin who turned around and left.

Ran Zijin cried and walked forward bitterly, she was really crazy to believe him again!It's only been a few days since her relationship with him has eased, and he's just like other women, and he even said he's going to find her!

"Ran Zijin!" Leng Muxuan gritted his teeth and roared again.

Ran Zijin still didn't stop, he waved his fist and walked in the opposite direction to her without a word.

He was very angry, very sad, and even a little bit chilled. He was blacked out like this, and the person he loved the most not only did not stand by his side to help him clarify, but even so capriciously did not believe him!

"Young Madam, Young Madam, it's bad!" Aunt Zhang went out to look for Ran Zijin after receiving the call, and finally met her at the gate of the community, "Young Master has been kidnapped! You don't have a phone, so I can't contact you , the kidnappers called home!"

"What? What did the kidnapper say?" Ran Zijin's legs softened, and Aunt Zhang quickly supported her, and she stood still.

"Just tell Mrs. Young and Mr. Leng to prepare the ransom, and they will call again." Aunt Zhang said anxiously, but she couldn't see Leng Muxuan after looking around, so she asked Ran Zijin, "Where is Mr. Leng? He didn't have a phone either, so he couldn't be reached."

"He..." Ran Zijin patted his face, telling himself to wake up and calm down, "Aunt Zhang, hurry up and chase Mu Xuan, he should not have gone far, he was near the XX building just now. I will call the police now."

"No, Young Madam, don't call the police! The people over there say don't call the police, otherwise they cruel to the young master!"

"Then go find Mu Xuan first." Ran Zijin shook his body and pushed Aunt Zhang away, unable to think of a solution in his confused mind for a while.

"Why are you looking for me? You don't even believe me, so you still looking for me?" Leng Muxuan glanced at Ran Zijin lightly, walked around her, and left without looking back just like she did just now.

"Mr. Leng!" Aunt Zhang called Leng Muxuan anxiously.

"I still have things to do, don't bother me!" When Leng Muxuan spoke, he didn't turn his head, and he didn't stop in his footsteps, as if Ran Zijin and him were strangers, and Ran Senyang was not his son. of.

"..." Ran Zijin was so choked by Leng Muxuan that he couldn't speak. Seeing him walking away, he called Kong Jiayi in a panic.

When Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai rushed over, Ran Zijin had already returned home, but Leng Muxuan stayed in the study.

"Didn't I ask the driver to bring the child back? The driver said he left after watching Xiaodou Miao enter the elevator! What's going on? Has the kidnapper called yet?" Kong Jiayi asked Ran Zijin anxiously.

"No. And after Xiaodou Miao went out in the morning, she never came back."

"Where's Mu Xuan? Are you quarreling again? You ignorant ones! The two of you know they are arguing, and the child is no longer arguing, so you can rest assured?!" Leng Qingbai didn't speak to Ran Zijin this time, but told her to Leng Muxuan Both said it.

"Okay, don't get angry, first go and persuade Mu Xuan to come out and discuss countermeasures." Kong Jiayi sent Leng Qingbai away, and then asked Ran Zijin, "What's going on with you? Didn't you have a good time?"

She learned from Aunt Zhang that Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan had been very sweet recently, and she thought that the remarriage would be a success soon, but now something is wrong!

"Mom, it's none of my business! It's Mu Xuan, he has someone outside!" Ran Zijin was sad about this, and worried about Ran Senyang, he was restless. "He actually said just now that he was going to find that woman!"

"Then did he go in the end?" Kong Jiayi felt relieved, she understood her son.

"No. He came back in the end and stayed in the study all the time."

"That's it?" Kong Jiayi's attitude was very serious at the moment, she looked like a strict mother, she looked at Ran Zijin and asked again, "Did you believe Mu Xuan when you saw the report?"

Ran Zijin nodded, that kind of report was not groundless, how could she believe him!

"What makes Mu Xuan angry is that you don't trust him, Zi Jin, you don't even trust the person you love the most, and you only want to think from your own point of view, have you ever thought about what Mu Xuan thinks? Zi Jin, It's not that I'm partial to my son, this time it's really your fault, Mom must say something to you!" Kong Jiayi sat beside Ran Zijin like the Lafayette, her intimidating aura made Ran Zijin dare not speak casually.

"At this moment, what you should do is to stand with Mu Xuan, arrest those rumormongers, give back the truth to the person you love, and appease his heart hurt by the rumors. Zijin, Men are also human beings, and they can also get hurt. You can’t just get the love you want from them blindly, you should also learn to give! If you make trouble with Mu Xuan like this, there will be a problem with the child here. Look at you, yes Isn't it that you are too willful?!"

"Mom, I was wrong!" Ran Zijin felt that Kong Jiayi's tone was harsh, but what he said was reasonable. After careful reflection, it turned out that he was too self-righteous and didn't know how to understand Leng Muxuan.

"If you make such a fuss, you are undoubtedly pushing Mu Xuan away from you. You are not afraid that he will annoy you. If you really go to someone else, you will not want you and the child in the future? Family and everything are prosperous, you and Mu Xuan have a good time, at home All talents are good! If you are like this, your dad and I will come over in the middle of the night, so you are not afraid that something will happen to us in a hurry? Let alone us, look at Xiaodou Miao, you only care about your own temper, and the bad guys took the opportunity to kidnap the child If you make a scene a few more times, Xiaodou Miao doesn't know what else will happen!"

"Mom, I'll change it later. I just love Mu Xuan so much, that's why I care if he treats me sincerely, and then I get into a dead end."

"You left four years ago because you were too capricious. You didn't even give Mu Xuan a chance to explain. In the past four years, Mu Xuan hadn't been happy at all. He bought land to build you a villa and a flower garden. Other women are entangled, and he created a scandal by himself, just wanting to wait for you to come back with peace of mind!"

"Mom!" Ran Zijin was shocked, it turned out that Leng Muxuan had done so many things for her when she was not around, "Did Muxuan also spread the scandal this time?"

"No. But specifically, you can ask Mu Xuan yourself, if you really care about him and plan to really trust him."

"I won't ask. Mom, I won't ask. I want to help Mu Xuan get rid of these negative news and maintain his positive image." Ran Zijin cried and stood up and walked to the study.

Kong Jiayi followed, winked at Leng Qingbai and called out, leaving the two in the study behind.

Ran Zijin was crying badly, standing in front of Leng Muxuan, reaching out to hold Leng Muxuan's hand, but he avoided it.

"Mu Xuan..." She looked at the person sitting there in astonishment, staring at the computer screen expressionlessly, not even wanting to look at her. "Mu Xuan, I was wrong..."

She reached out to pull him again, but he avoided him again, and this time he gave her a particularly disgusted look.

Ran Zijin's heart moved, and she cried even harder. The way Leng Muxuan looked at her was the same as when she first met him. The alienated distance made her feel helpless and regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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