Chapter 307 You Are My Medicine

"Little Bean Sprout, that password is 1314137, do you remember which one is which?" Ran Senyang held Leng Haohe in his arms, and he taught her how to count when he had nothing to do. She babbled and learned quickly, but It takes a lot of effort to recognize it on paper.

Now, he carried her to the company to play, and asked her to press the number when he was about to enter the elevator.

Unexpectedly, Leng Haohe said 'remember', but his fingers pressed randomly.


"1314137!" Leng Haohe repeated, it seemed that she was arguing with Ran Senyang, and she pressed the number he said.

"You are simply too stupid! Could it be that my dad's high IQ was inherited from me, so I didn't give you any?" Ran Senyang said proudly, thinking that when he was his age, he knew a lot more than Leng Haohe.

"Little bean sprouts, take little bean sprouts and go to the lounge to play! Don't make noise here and affect everyone's work!" Ran Zijin has returned to Guangbo to work, and continues to serve as Leng Muxuan's secretary.

"Got it!" Ran Senyang took Leng Haohe to Leng Muxuan's office with ease, "Little Bean Sprout, press the password!"

Leng Haohe pressed randomly, Ran Senyang rolled his eyes, let him do it himself!

"You are really stupid! 1314147! What an easy number to remember, don't you even know the homonym?!"

After entering the office, go directly to the lounge inside. There is a children's room specially arranged by Leng Muxuan, which is suitable for Ran Senyang and Leng Haohe to play.

Ran Zijin was holding the signature pen in her hand, and her heart was agitated. Just now, Ran Senyang's words of "don't you know the homonym" made her feel excited, and something clearly appeared in her mind all of a sudden.

She didn't have time to think about it, and ran to Leng Muxuan's office quickly.

"What's wrong? Zijin, what's the rush?" Leng Muxuan looked up at Ran Zijin who was running away.

"1314137! Love forever!" Ran Zijin excitedly ran behind the desk and sat on Leng Muxuan's moon retreat.

"You are so stupid! You are only now trying to understand such a simple meaning!" Leng Muxuan said dotingly, pointing at Ran Zijin's nose.

"My IQ is not as high as yours!" Ran Zijin smiled coquettishly, and bit Leng Muxuan's chin, "Mu Xuan, let the child live in Leng's house tonight, shall we have a candlelight dinner? I want to go to heaven Yuan, go to the top floor!"

"Are you inviting me?" Leng Muxuan raised his eyebrows.

"Do you want it or not?" It was rare for her to take the initiative, but he still pretended to be stupid!
"Yes! Of course!" Leng Muxuan blew into her ear, "Honey, how many positions shall we use tonight? Do you want to do each of them?"

"Hello!" Ran Zijin pointed at his heart, "Work hard! It's working time!"

Leng Muxuan nodded, hugged Ran Zijin but did not let go, and said in an extremely gentle voice: "Zijin, you want a couple for a lifetime, I will give you a couple for a lifetime, and I will give you love for a lifetime!"

"Mu Xuan, the world is so big, all I need is you!" Ran Zijin hugged his neck tightly, looking affectionately at his pair of hands, which will always be so tender that water will drip out just by looking at her. like eyes.

At this day and at this moment, she finally understood that he was her world, and she could never escape his heart in this life.

"Miss Hu, your passport is no longer valid."

"Why?!" Hu Die asked in surprise. She came to pick up the ticket and go to Paris. Why can't she use her passport?Wasn't it fine when I booked the ticket? !
"I don't know, we can't see what's going on here, but it's indeed unusable, so you can't get your ticket either."

"..." Hu Die looked at the passport in her hand, she was really speechless!

"Miss Hu, please come with us!"

"You..." Hu Die looked at Ma Dai who suddenly appeared behind her, and suddenly understood what was going on. She was angry, "He Yacheng! How dare you play dirty with me!"

In the car, He Yacheng looked at Hu Die who was angrily walking towards his car, and the corners of his mouth rose up and down with pride.

"He Yacheng! You are despicable and shameless!" Hu Die slammed open the car door, bent down and shouted at He Yacheng, who was with the old god, "Hurry up and take out the ticket for me, I'm going to Paris! Now! Immediately! Must!"

"Why? You're going to Paris, so I told you to go? Do you think I'm a fool?" He Yacheng rested his elbows on the steering wheel, supported his head, and looked at the angry little woman leisurely.

"Aren't you a fool?! You are simply a big fool!" Hu Die was anxious, her flight was about to take off, she had to go to Paris, she had to go! "You give me a plane ticket! Did you hear that!"

"Then tell me how long it will take you to go to Paris? When will you come back? What are you going to do?" He Yacheng asked as if he was investigating a criminal.

"Leave me alone!"

"Then I'm leaving. Do you like to go or not!" He Yacheng said and wanted to drive away.

Hu Die was afraid that he would really leave, so she quickly got into the car and sat next to him, but put one foot on the ground, so that he would not dare to drive rashly.

"I'm going to talk about business! If you don't go for a few million, it will be gone!" Hu Die first opened a store abroad in the past few years, then opened a fashion design company, and created her own brand. Go back to the press conference.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ran Zijin was pregnant and about to give birth to Bean Sprouts, she would come back to see her. She is so busy, how could she have time to come back to China.

"Ma Dai, book a ticket, the next flight, two tickets, first class." He Yacheng listened to Hu Die's words, without looking at Ma Dai's order.

He thought that if she wanted to leave him and go out again, she would never come back. It turned out that she was only going to Paris to attend the press conference, and he finally felt a little relieved.

"Okay, Mr. He, I'll handle it now." Ma Dai quickly went to handle it.

"Why two? Don't tell me you're going too! He Yacheng, stay away from me! I don't want to see the plane disappear again!" Hu Die looked at the calm He Yacheng, this man, after these years, has changed She has become more and more mature, and like Leng Muxuan, her joy is not shown.

"Don't worry! It doesn't matter if we are missing, we are together anyway and we won't be separated." He Yacheng looked at Hu Die sideways, his eyes bright, "Hu Die, Mu Xuan and the others have two children. We used to be slow They are a little bit, but now the gap is getting bigger and bigger. When they all have grandchildren, our children don't know how old they are, and whether they are married or not!"

"Stop talking!" Hu Die glared at He Yacheng. Since he found her in the hospital that day and resisted her from Ran Zijin and Ran Senyang, he had been hanging around her all the time, making her upset and wishing she could slap her. It's like swatting a fly, even if you slap him on the wall, you won't be able to buckle him down!
"I'm serious. Hu Die, let's get married when we come back from the press conference in Paris. I'm tired and don't want to make trouble anymore." He Yacheng had a tired look on his face.

Hu Die looked at him. He really looked extremely tired, and he was so thin that he was out of shape. There was a circle of blue stubble on his chin, reminding everyone that he worked overtime last night.

"I don't want to get married, I'm not interested in it!" She frowned.

"Hu Die, I have already explained to you the misunderstanding back then. It was all planned by Su Maiqi. My mother was also used by her. I know you can't forgive my mother, and I don't ask you to forgive her. I want it I just want to grow old with you."

"He Yacheng! This is not a question of whether I forgive or not, but a question of whether a person has a conscience!" Hu Die suddenly straightened his face, and said to He Yacheng seriously, "If you want to go to Paris with me, go, if you don't go, go back, Anyway, don't mention your mother to me again! I don't want to hear it!"

She is not a saint, and she cannot be able to deal with any harm calmly, and can accept everything without principles or bottom lines.

What she said was a matter of conscience, so it was really a matter of conscience. She didn't understand how He Yacheng's mother could still hold her breath and not tell the truth.

It's not that she doesn't want to get back together with He Yacheng, nor does it feel that He Yacheng is unforgivable. After all, he, like her, was deceived by Su Maiqi and his mother's design.But as for his mother, if she doesn't admit it this time, if she doesn't tell the truth, and she just bears what she doesn't dare to bear, then in the future, who can guarantee that his mother won't lie to her again, who will dare? Is it guaranteed that He Yacheng will trust his mother again and make her feel wronged?
If she wants to marry He Yacheng, if she wants to be with him forever, and be together happily and smoothly, then this time, his mother must bow her head and admit her mistake.Regardless of whether she is an elder or not, no matter whether she is someone her favorite person cares about, Mother He must confess her mistakes.

She doesn't need to avenge the lost child, doesn't care about what Su Maiqi and He's mother have done to her, or doesn't want He's mother's apology, but she must get He's mother's acknowledgment of her mistakes, this is a matter of principle.

"Hu Die!" He Yacheng suppressed and endured, finally sighed and made a compromise, "Okay, let's not talk about my mother, let's go to Paris first. But, Hu Die, after the press conference is over and the business is negotiated, you have to talk to me I'm back. The matter between us, no matter what, we have to make a decision. And my decision has been very firm, I will not let go, I just want to marry you, have children, and live a lifetime. "

"I can promise you to come back with you, but the matter of getting married depends on your mother's attitude." Hu Die also calmed down, she knew that she had to deal with the matter and not the person, and she had to find someone related to the matter. He Yacheng has no direct relationship with this.

"Okay. I'll talk to my mother again." He Yacheng stopped talking about these annoying things, "Let's go have a cup of coffee, the next flight is still early."

"En." Hu Die nodded, and got out of the car with He Yacheng to the cafe.

"I'll go wash my hands." The two ordered their favorite coffee, and He Yacheng stood up to go to the bathroom.

Just now when he thought that Hu Die was going to fly away again, he was sweating nervously, and his palms were all covered with it. Now it's done, it's really uncomfortable.

Hu Die nodded and watched He Yacheng go to the bathroom, but when walking, it was a bit strange to have legs, it was unnatural anyway.

Ten minutes later, He Yacheng hadn't come back yet, Hu Die was a little anxious thinking about how he was walking just now, and went to the bathroom to look for New Year's greetings.

"Ya Cheng?" As soon as she entered, she saw He Yacheng leaning on the washstand, beating his You Yuetui. "What's wrong with you?" She walked over and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. Maybe it's because I've been walking for too long, so Yuetui hurts a little, I'll just beat it." He Yacheng put down Yuetui, straightened his trousers, "Okay, let's go!"

"Ya Cheng!" Hu Die frowned, and grabbed He Yacheng who was about to leave, "What's wrong with you?"

When he put Yue Tui down just now, he gasped obviously. It was so painful that it made a big man take a breath.

"I'm really fine. Let's go, go out first, what are you doing here anymore." He Yacheng insisted on leaving.

"He Yacheng! Stop!" Hu Die's eyes turned red, and he roared viciously, "If you don't want me to disappear before your eyes again, stop!"

He Yacheng stopped abruptly, turned his head and looked at Hu Die helplessly, with a very complicated light in his eyes, and his hands on both sides of the trouser seam involuntarily clenched into fists.

"Stand still! Move and I'll disappear!" Hu Die continued to threaten He Yacheng, and slowly squatted down, rolled up He Yacheng's trousers, just one glance, she fell to the ground, biting the back of her hand so as not to scream Called out, and the tears flowed like a broken thread.

"It's okay. Hu Die, it's okay." He Yacheng pulled Hu Die up and hugged her in his arms, and gently patted her on the back to comfort her, "It's just ugly, there's nothing wrong with it."

"You are talking nonsense!" Hu Die raised her head and looked at He Yacheng's face with distress, "It obviously hurts! You gasped from the pain just now! Tell me honestly, what's going on?" After she asked him, she suddenly thought When he woke up, he asked him guessing again, "Did you cause a car accident outside the airport on the day I was kidnapped by your mother?"

He Yacheng nodded, knowing that he couldn't hide it from Hu Die, "It was a bit serious that time. The doctor said that Yuetui was almost impossible to keep, but fortunately, it was saved. Although it sometimes hurts and left ugly scars, at least it is not deformed. "

At that time, his Yuetui injury was serious, and he had to go to Hu Die desperately, so he delayed the best treatment, and now it is like this.

"Why do you say so calmly! You are a big fool! You still say you are not stupid!" Hu Die came out of He Yacheng's arms crying, dragged him to the VIP lounge of the airport, found a corner, Seriously pinch the month back for him.

"When will it hurt more?" She asked him distressedly.

"I walked a lot, sat for a long time, maybe when the weather changed, I didn't pay much attention to it." He Yacheng thought about it secretly and said.

"Is there no medicine to cure it?"

"Yes." He Yacheng looked at Hu Die with a smile, "You are my medicine, the best medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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