Chapter 308 Dating in Paris

"Yes." He Yacheng looked at Hu Die with a smile, "You are my medicine, the best medicine. With you by my side, I can be cured."

"Be serious! Don't be joking, I'm not in the mood to fight with you!" Hu Die gave He Yacheng a disgusted and distressed look, and gently pinched his Yuetui, "We'll see a doctor when we go to Paris this time. I have doctors I know."

He Yacheng was startled, if he watched it in Paris, then...

"No need. Hu Die, I'm watching at Shaochun's side. I've been watching it all the time. I'll do treatment every once in a while, so I don't need to go to other places. The medical team and facilities at Shaochun's side are also excellent. ?"

"Well. Then when you come back from Paris, you should treat yourself well, don't worry about everything in the company, and leave the business to Uncle He first." Of course Hu Die knew the authority of Mo Shaochun's Lanshan Hospital, Moreover, Mo Shaochun was a friend, so since He Yacheng was there for treatment, she felt more at ease.

"It's okay. I can handle the company's affairs well." He Yacheng has taken over the family's business in a serious way in the past few years. It is recognized that I have worked extremely hard these years, and managed the company well.

"You must listen to me! You must put down your work first, and then work after the month is cured!" Hu Die now has her own company and knows how hard work is. Sitting and standing will cause normal healthy people to feel pain in Yuetui, not to mention He Yacheng is a person who has already been injured in Yuetui.

"Okay. Hu Die, don't worry, I am not a child anymore, I have my own measure." He Yacheng pulled Hu Die over to sit beside him, let her rest for a while, "I promise you a good treatment, the doctor told me to do it, I do everything, and I will never be willful, but I can't give up on things at work, okay?"

"Yeah. But if the doctor tells you not to work, you have to stop working!" Hu Die can no longer see the shadow of the playful and irresponsible person from He Yacheng. Now he is enthusiastic about work and He knows how to struggle and cherish his career, so he is more attractive with a sense of responsibility, and he has really grown a lot.

"Okay. If the doctor refuses to let me go, I won't go." He Yacheng put his arm around Hu Die's shoulders, with the corners of his mouth bent upwards. With her by his side, everything will not make him fear, nor will it make him cringe. It's just treatment. , no matter what the result is, he will work hard to live.

Because, only by being alive, can he hug his beloved woman peacefully like now!

Hu Die's DP clothing design company is located in the most prosperous place in Paris. He Yacheng came here for the first time. Looking at such a company, he couldn't help but appreciate Hu Die even more.

He always knew that Hu Die was a smart girl, but he couldn't connect her with a strong woman. Now that her career is booming, he realizes how great her potential is. This is a little woman and a big woman. The perfect woman to combine, how lucky he was to have met her, and she happened to love him too.

"There are the most famous designers over there. I hired them at a high price, and some of them are undercover." Hu Die pointed to the offices on the right and introduced to He Yacheng. Like a pure and innocent little girl who is well protected at home.

He Yacheng looked down at her smiling face and the little pride in her eyes, "I didn't expect you to be so good!"

"Of course! And I have something even better! You'll know when the time comes!" Hu Die said mysteriously.

"Then I'll wait and see!" He Yacheng and Hu Die walked to her office.

"Mr. Hu, you're back!" Secretary Xiaoya greeted Hu Die when she saw Hu Die coming back, then glanced at He Yacheng again, and asked Hu Die, "Mr. Hu, do you want coffee or tea?"

"What can't you drink?" Before Hu Die answered Xiaoya, he asked He Yacheng first. His injury must avoid a lot of things.

"A glass of plain water is enough." He Yacheng always felt that the person in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he was not sure if he had seen it before.

Xiaoya looked unnaturally at He Yacheng's suspicious eyes, but as a person who has been in the workplace for many years, she chose to turn a blind eye and asked Hu Die directly: "Then what does Mr. Hu drink?"

"Green tea." Hu Die looked between He Yacheng and Xiaoya for a while, and put more force on He Yacheng's arm.

He Yacheng felt that Hu Die tightened his arms around him, so he withdrew his gaze from looking at Xiaoya, and looked at her with a smile, "Let's go, go to your office."

Hu Die nodded, opened the door and walked in, and asked He Yacheng with some displeasure: "Do you know Xiaoya? Who told you to see her?"

With a beautiful woman like her on the side, this guy He Yacheng dares to look at other women!
"I always feel familiar." Seeing that Hu Die was jealous, He Yacheng smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth, "Okay! I guarantee that it's not my woman! And I'm not sure if I've ever seen her before."

"It's best!" Hu Die pointed at He Yacheng's heart, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at him dangerously, "If you dare to look at other women indiscriminately again, let's see how I will deal with you!"

"I promise, I won't look sideways in the future!" He Yacheng raised three fingers to promise, then sat on the sofa and stretched his right moon back.

"Did Yuetui start to hurt again? Didn't you take the painkillers?" Hu Die squatted in front of He Yacheng, and wanted to pinch Yuetui again, but was pulled up by He Yacheng.

"You don't need to pinch it, and you don't need to drink medicine. You'll be fine after a while. Sit down and rest for a while." His butterfly, how could he be willing to ask her to pinch the moon for him and retire.

"President, here are the tea and water you want." Xiaoya knocked on the door and walked in, put the green tea and water on the coffee table, and was about to leave, but was stopped by He Yacheng.She asked him suspiciously, "Sir, what's the matter?"

"Xiaoya, this is He Yacheng, my boyfriend. Just call him Mr. He." Hu Die first introduced Xiaoya, and then introduced Xiaoya to He Yacheng, "Xiaoya's full name is Zhang Xiaoya. work in America."

He Yacheng nodded, and then answered Xiaoya's previous question, "It's nothing, I just want to ask you if you were from City H before you went abroad? I vaguely remember that I have a friend who should be very close to you."

There was a slight change in the mood on Zhang Xiaoya's face, but it only took a few seconds before she recovered quickly, and said to He Yacheng with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. He, I'm not from City H, I was born in the United States, but I went back to China to live After a while, but I don’t have close friends in China.”

"Oh. That's why I remembered it wrong. It's okay, you can go to work." He Yacheng watched Zhang Xiaoya walk out of his eyes neatly, and became even more puzzled. He should have no memory deviation, but she refused to admit it.

"Yacheng, do you really know Xiaoya?" Hu Die asked as he handed the water cup to He Yacheng.

"I should have seen her photo at Luo Yining's place. I was wondering if she was the woman Luo Yining loved so much, but she refused to admit that she was from City H. Luo Yining is out-and-out People from City H, and his childhood sweetheart will not be an American." He Yacheng said, he also got drunk with Leng Muxuan in Luo Yining, and accidentally learned that he had a woman he loved deeply and had a childhood sweetheart with him.

"It turns out that Luo Yining really likes women!" Hu Die was surprised, "You know, before Zijin and I always thought he liked men, and there were many rumors in Guangbo that he liked men, and there were rumors that he liked men. Speaking of having a crush on Leng Muxuan! At that time, Zijin was still depressed about this for a long time, thinking that her rival in love was a man!"

"You..." He Yacheng shook his head speechlessly, "He has always had a woman he likes, a childhood sweetheart, but I don't know exactly how they separated later. Luo Yining never said anything. Now the front desk of Guangbo That Wu Yanan was the one who was the bridesmaid for Zijin with you, remember? She chased Luo Yining, and what she chased was a hot pursuit, no exaggeration! It's a pity that Luo Yining was too cold! Like someone, those who get close to the ink will be black!"

"This guy will regret it sooner or later! That girl Wu Yanan is very nice, she has a good personality, and she is no worse than Xiaoya in appearance." Hu Die said honestly.

She is straight-tempered, to the point, and warm to others, so everyone in the company likes her, and there is no pressure between superiors and subordinates when she is with her.

"Are you turning your elbow outward?" He Yacheng teased Hu Die.

"This is a fair and just evaluation!" Hu Die said with a smile, and then took out some picture albums from the side to show He Yacheng, "These are the designs of our company in recent seasons, and the market response has been very good, so this time the new product has just begun. As soon as the news of the design came out, people began to pay attention. I think this time it will definitely sell well! We are focusing on women's clothing this time, and summer is the season for women! Sensual, charming, enchanting, hot-spicy, simple, beautiful... I feel like all the adjectives God created are for women!"

After Hu Die finished speaking, she turned around, brushed her long curly hair sensually, fell into He Yacheng's arms, took away the album, pressed it against his lips and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think you are right, my little fairy!" He Yacheng trembled, and the tense feeling hit his whole body again. He hugged Hu Die and pressed her onto the sofa with one movement, "In Is it okay here?"

"En." Hu Die nodded shyly, but her fingers actively went to unbutton He Yacheng's shirt.

For many years, there is not a day when she does not miss the warmth he brought her. From the day she returned to China, the moment she met him in the ward, all the joys and sorrows were left behind, and the only thought in her heart was ——No matter what happened before, she will be with him in the future, forever!
Now that he is by her side, she can be with him regardless of everything, but she cannot marry him without principle. What she is waiting for is He's mother's confession, but in fact, she is also waiting for a promise from him to her. trust.

Although these problems seem to be small problems at the moment, all the cracks start from small problems. She doesn't want to break with him because of these problems in the future.

"Hu Die..." He Yacheng called her name excitedly, wrapped his fingers around her long hair, and brushed her cheek...

After Hu Die arrived in Paris, she continued to take the pills that He Yacheng bought for her to eliminate scars and long hair before. She also underwent several operations, so the scars have almost been eliminated, and the rest does not affect the appearance, and her hair has also recovered. She changed her previous appearance, her long hair was permed into big curls, and she looked sexy and charming.

"Hu Die, I think all the adjectives created by God are actually to describe you." He kissed her earlobe lightly, and looked at her blushing face and still beautiful body with satisfaction.

"Ya Cheng..." Hu Die hugged him tightly, with tears in her eyes, so many emotions that she couldn't express in words.

"Hu Die, let's go on a date! Date in the beautiful romantic city!" He Yacheng packed up Hu Die, packed himself up, and took her hand out the door.

"Where do you want to take me?" Hu Die has been in Paris for so many years, and she is very familiar with everything here, and has been to all the places she can go to, but it is the first time to go with He Yacheng, so it is still pretty Excited to look forward to it.

"Let's go on a cruise."

"Okay!" Hu Die nodded happily. She took the cruise ship on the Seine River once, but because she was with many people and the relationship was very ordinary, she didn't have much romantic feeling at all, and at that time Just after leaving He Yacheng, she had no intention of enjoying Paris on the Water, but this time she can guarantee that everything has changed!

He Yacheng took Hu Die onto the boat, which was already filled with black roses.

"Hu Die, this boat belongs to us tonight. There is no time limit. You can play as long as you want. We can have dinner here or rest here." He Yacheng picked one of the roses and broke off the excess The branches and tendrils of Hu Die put flowers in Hu Die's long hair, "this is how the surname is charming."

"Really?" Hu Die asked with a smile. It turned out that he had made arrangements in advance and deliberately surprised her.

He Yacheng nodded, "It is said that Paris at dusk is the most charming, it really is, especially when there are beauties around, it is simply a fairyland on earth."

"Hehe." Hu Die laughed happily. She has been in Paris for so many years, and on this evening today, looking around, this city by the Seine River made her feel kind, beautiful, and romantic for the first time...

Opposite the business district and political district on the right bank is the left bank, which is rich in culture, with many coffee shops and some Latin quarters.

In the evening, as the sun sets, Paris on the water is covered with a soft halo.Day and night slowly alternate, Paris and the Seine River look more charming, like a young girl, which makes people have countless reveries and emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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