Chapter 345

"Ran Zimu!!!"

"It's coming!" Ran Zimu just went out to wash an apple, took a bite, and heard Nangong Lie roaring in the study, she thought the sky was about to fall, so she ran back as if flying , but saw him holding a chemistry book in one hand and a pink envelope in the other, "What's the matter?" She walked over, carefully looked at the envelope in his hand, and then at his disheveled face, She teased him with a funny face, "Lie, how old are you, and you still use this pink envelope of a good little girl to seal letters! Who did you write the letter to? Is it a love letter? If so, I don't mind that You wrote it to me!"

"Ran! Son! Mu!" Nangong Lie slammed the chemistry book on the desk, causing the computer to jump up and the mouse was about to roll over, "You actually fell in love with me again!"

"Ah?!" Ran Zimu opened his mouth in surprise after hearing Nangong Lie's words, and forgot to take a bite of the apple.

"Don't pretend to be confused! Tell me honestly, when did it start!" Nangong Lie held the envelope between two fingers and shook it in front of Ran Zimu's eyes. With the other hand, he almost snatched the apple from her mouth and gnawed it hard. He took a sip, as if the apple was his punching bag.

He was going crazy, just now he was helping Ran Zimu with her homework, and she insisted on packing her schoolbag after finishing her homework, and he was willing to pack her, but after packing, an envelope fell out of the chemistry book , There is actually a nasty love letter inside the envelope!

"You are my oxygen, I can't breathe without you!" - lo and behold!How gross!And such a low sentence was actually written by a boy in the third year of high school. It really requires talent but no talent, innovation but no innovation!And the point is, he, a senior in high school, actually wrote a love letter to Ran Zimu, who was only in the first year of junior high school, an old cow with a red fruit eats tender grass!How could this student be so shameless!

"Didn't you say you don't eat apples?" Ran Zimu looked at the apples he washed into Nangong Lie's mouth, so he asked sadly. When she went to wash them just now, she obviously asked him, and he said If you don't want to eat, why do you want to eat her now!
"Now it's not about Apple, it's about this!" Nangong Lie shook the envelope violently again, signaling Ran Zimu not to change the subject.

"Uh——" Ran Zimu curled his lips, and then suddenly smiled, his smile was brighter than flowers, he tilted his head and asked Nangong Lie, "Are you asking as a parent? Or is it something else?"

"What do you mean?" Nangong Lie had a headache, Ran Zimu could always talk to each other, and he still had nothing to do with her!At this moment, I don't know what kind of trouble she is going to make!
"If it's a parent, I'll tell you the truth! If it's someone who has a crush on me, I'll have to think about it!" Ran Zimu smiled, looking at Nangong Lie with bright eyes. It's all smiles.

"You..." Nangong Lie was speechless, dropped the envelope, and stuffed the remaining one-third of the apple back into Ran Zimu's hand, "Redeem me carefully! If you don't tell the truth, don't talk to me in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the study and slammed the door hard.

Sometimes, he really hates that Ran Zimu is beautiful, and so smart and cute that everyone likes her, making him feel insecure at all!

"How could you do this?" Ran Zimu looked at the innocent door panel that was thrown by Nangong Lie and yelled, this person really loves to be serious, she was just joking with him, and she didn't know where the letter came from Yes, if he didn't get it out of the book, she probably wouldn't have seen it for a while.

Don't tell her to talk to him? !Resolutely say no!

She ran out to catch up with Nangong Lie, but was blocked by him with a door panel, and the door panel that was thrown towards her almost hit her forehead.

Hoo hoo!Take a deep breath, who is Ran Zimu, can he just compromise like this?Totally impossible!
"Ouch! It hurts to death!" She held her forehead and began to cry out the pain, louder and more vivid, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Nangong Lie heard Ran Zimu crying and crying outside the door, thinking that he closed the door too much just now, whether he bumped into her, his heart suddenly became nervous, he opened the door without thinking, and opened the door Ran Zimura, who was weeping and frowning while holding his forehead, pulled into his arms to check.

"Where did you hit it? Here?" He checked her forehead, but he didn't see any marks of being knocked out, but the head was nothing else, it was a key part, so he was still very nervous, pressing with his hands while She asked Ran Zimu distressedly.

"Yeah." Ran Zimu grinned, pretending to be in pain, and took the opportunity to hook Nangong Lie's neck. Now it's impossible for him to get rid of her! "It hurts! Lie, my head hurts, I need to lie down!"

"Okay! I'll carry you to lie down now." He hugged her and put her on his quilt, then went to get an ice pack and put it on her forehead, "This can relieve the pain, is it more comfortable?"

Ran Zimu nodded with tears in his eyes, the ice bag rolled aside ridiculously, Nangong Lie hurriedly picked it up and put it on for her, she secretly gritted her teeth, can he not be so nervous, can he not put the ice bag back again!Her aunt is visiting, and something so cold is icing her, is this the rhythm that makes her sick? !
Can she regret it?Can time turn back?She stopped pretending that her forehead was hit, she had to pretend that it was her stomach, so that she would not have to bear the low temperature of the ice pack, and she could ask him to rub her belly to feel his warmth!
AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlyHe actually missed such a good opportunity to be cared for by him!
Ran Zimu lay there, his brows furrowed, his intestines turning green with regret.

"Zimu, still not feeling well? Let's go to the hospital!" Nangong Lie didn't know what was going on, so he wanted to find clothes to change and sent her to have a look.

"No. No." Ran Zimu was upset by Nangong Lie, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, and she suddenly became better. She looked at him shyly, " stomach hurts..."

"Stomach pain? Then let's go to the hospital!" She had a headache and a stomachache, but his heart ached!
"I'm not going!" Ran Zimu tilted his head coquettishly.

"..." Nangong Lie automatically made up his mind, and suddenly realized, "I'll ask Xiao Zhang to cook a bowl of brown sugar water for you."

"I don't want to drink that!" Ran Zimu held Nangong Lie's hand, pouted and continued acting coquettishly, "Rub my stomach for me, okay?"

Nangong Lie didn't think much, nodded, sat down and began to rub her belly, his warm palms passed through her clothes, pressed against her skin, and rubbed repeatedly, "Is it better?"

Ran Zimu nodded, then shook his head, "I don't know either. It feels weird."

"..." Nangong Lie withdrew his hand instantly, "I'd better ask Xiao Zhang to boil brown sugar water!"

"Then will you still rub my stomach?" Ran Zimu looked at Nangong Lie's side face and chuckled, he didn't think in other directions, she can guide him to think in other directions!

"It's useless to rub it. I'll go find Nuan Bao."

In order to hide his embarrassment and difficulty in calming down, Nangong Lie personally went to Xiao Zhang and asked her to cook brown sugar water for Ran Zimu.He really didn't think much about it just now, but Ran Zimu's 'feels weird' reminded him - he actually made such an intimate gesture with her!
Although he used to do it often, but now that she has grown up, he has always been careful not to let him have such intimate behaviors with her, but today he was so anxious that he got confused and even forgot the rules he set for himself up.

The time Ran Zimu came to his aunt, he made a rule. Before her, he must never treat her like a child again, and be too close to her, otherwise it will be detrimental to her physical and mental health. Will suffer for it too!

So since then, he has kept a certain distance in contact with her, and the behavior of sticking to the skin like this has almost never happened.

He went to her room and found her warm baby, a pink piglet, which he bought specially for her, because she had a stomachache when she was on her period, and it was used to warm her stomach.

"Usually eat less cold food, or it will hurt every time." Let him worry along with her, but he can't replace her pain.

"Got it!" Ran Zimu sat back on the quilt, holding Nangong Lie's pillow in his arms, "Lie, don't tell me not to talk to you, I don't have puppy love!"

She originally wanted to make a joke, saying that she fell in love early, and wanted him to worry about her, but he was so serious about her love that she didn't dare to joke anymore, and she couldn't bear the days of not talking to him, so she still Tell me obediently.

"Then what's the matter with the letter?" Nangong Lie felt uncomfortable, but because Ran Zimu was in a special period, he was very good-tempered and gave her a chance to listen to her explanation.

In fact, he is just deceiving himself, he just feels awkward, even if Ran Zimu is not in the special period, he will still give her a chance to explain, after all, he cares about her so much, and he can't bear her not coming to talk to him.

"I don't know, but I'm sure someone sneaked it into my book." Ran Zimu reached out and took the warm baby that Nangong Lie handed over, and put it on his stomach, "Before you found it, I I don’t even know, after you dug it out, I didn’t take it apart to look at it, and just threw it into the trash can!”

"Throw it into the trash can? Do you want to pick it up after a while and have a look?"

"Pfft! Lie, why are you acting like a child? Are you jealous?" Ran Zimu laughed again, revealing his mischievous nature.

"Eat your head!" Nangong Lie refused to admit that he was just jealous. A big man is jealous, so embarrassing!
"You actually learned my mantra! Is this a cover-up?" Ran Zimu continued teasing, she likes to say sentences like 'xxx your head', which sounds childish and fun, but Nangong Lie has never used such childish words Tone!
"Take a good rest if you have a stomachache! Talk less!" In order not to be questioned by Ran Zimu, Nangong Lie decided to use his status as a parent to suppress her, "You are only in the first grade of junior high school, and study is the key point. Don't think about it , Do something that you shouldn’t do at your age! If you fall outside the top three in the next exam, the trip to Hawaii will be cancelled! New mobile phones and new laptops are gone!”

"Master! I have a headache! Please don't read any more!" Ran Zimu heard Nangong Lie's words, rolled into a ball with Nuan Bao in his arms and begged for mercy.

"I'm serious with you, be serious!" Nangong Lie stroked his head, with such black and shiny hair, how could he look like Tang Seng!But Ran Zimu is so eccentric, he really looks like Sun Monkey!
"Master's teachings, this disciple will always remember them in his heart!" Ran Zimu continued to be funny.

Nangong Lie glanced at her, shook his head and walked out. When passing by the study, he stopped at the door, looked back, saw no one, and then quickly opened the door and went in.

garbage can?Which trash can?He quickly rummaged through the room, and finally found the love letter that Ran Zimu had thrown away from the one under the desk!
"Hmph!" He snorted disdainfully, held up the letter in one hand, and pressed the lighter with the other, the pink envelope instantly turned to ashes.

After burying the ashes at the bottom of the trash can, nothing could be seen, so he left again and went to the living room.

Ran Zimu was lying on the corner of the wall, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. Nangong Lie was hard-spoken, obviously uncomfortable. Someone wrote a love letter to her but still refused to admit it, and even naively ran away secretly to burn the letter. I'm afraid that she will go back and pick it up again to look at it!

Xiao Zhang brought brown sugar water, after Ran Zimu finished drinking, he went to the living room to find Nangong Lie who was watching TV, sat beside him, and pretended to say unintentionally: "Sister Zhang just picked up the letter I threw away, She read it and told me what it contained..."


Before Ran Zimu finished speaking, Nangong Lie turned around and interrupted her excitedly.

"Why? Sister Zhang said that the letter was very disgusting!" Anyway, love letters are basically disgusting, and few of them can escape the tacky and disgusting essence!She can't be wrong to talk nonsense!
"Impossible! That letter has long been told to burn!" Nangong Lie said without thinking.

"Hahahaha!" Ran Zimu's little trick succeeded, he smiled wickedly, and looked at Nangong Lie with a look of 'do you dare to admit that you are jealous'.

Nangong Lie realized what he said, but it was too late, he actually... told the truth!With just a few words, Ran Zimu brought out his truth!
"No more stomach pains? Go to dance practice! Don't leave the practice room until twelve o'clock!" He was teased by her so badly, why is he always teased by her!

He is so smart, so wise, so high in IQ, so handsome, so handsome, so... (here omits all commendatory words), as the president of Shanda Company and a strong rookie in the economic circle, he is always given by a little girl. What a joke, how embarrassing it is to say this!

"You're abusing me again!" Ran Zimu reluctantly went to the dance studio, since she wanted to practice dancing anyway!
But, from now until twelve o'clock, will he tell her to rest!

(End of this chapter)

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