Chapter 346 Growing Up

The smell of medicine in the corridors of the hospital is pungent, and most of the people who come and go have sad and worried faces. Those who come to see the doctor are always uncomfortable in one way or another. Who would smile when they are uncomfortable?
Ran Zimu rushed out of the elevator, brushed aside the crowd, and ran forward quickly. Although he was panicked, he didn't cry like before.

"How is Lie?" She rushed to the door of the emergency room, pulled a random person and asked, she knew that they were all from Nangong Lie.

"Mr. is still in the process of being rescued. The doctor said just now that a blood transfusion is needed, and Mr. Leng is going to draw blood." A Qiang squeezed over from the other side and said to Ran Zimu, "Sir and Mr. Leng fell from the third floor on a mission. The tree blocked it, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Executing the mission?!" Ran Zimu asked back in shock, "Didn't you say that you will no longer do that dangerous thing?! Why are you doing it again now?!"

Nangong Lie opened a security company. He and Leng Muxuan had done some shady things before, but after the establishment of the company, they made up their minds not to do any more. Ran Zimu's peaceful life, he didn't hide it from Ran Zimu, so Ran Zimu knew it all.

In recent years, Nangong Lie has paid and sacrificed a lot for the company. The company is running well, and it is rewarded. He really did not do those things that are not seen in the light. Ran Zimu sees all these things. She also felt very relieved.

She thought he wouldn't do it anymore, and he would be fine, but who knew that he went again today, and still had a gun battle with so many people, he was framed, fell down from upstairs and fell into a coma, so serious that he was lying in the emergency room Don't be too cold to come to the point of blood transfusion!
"This is a special situation, we are forced to do it." Ah Qiang knew that Ran Zimu was worried about Nangong Lie, so he didn't worry anymore, but today's situation is indeed very special, and Nangong Lie didn't ask them to Tell her the truth of the matter, and he can only explain it in this way.

"There are so many times in life that people are forced to do so. Do we have to be so desperate every time?!" Ran Zimu shouted tremblingly. She was practicing dancing when she suddenly received a call saying that Nangong Lie had entered the emergency room. He fell down and sat on the ground, and it took him a long time to recover, and he had the strength to stand up and go to the hospital.

She was almost scared to death, but his subordinates said that, and his subordinates must have heard what he said before they said that, what they meant was what he meant, how could he be so casual and disregarding his own safety!
"Zimu, don't worry, Lie will be fine." Ran Zijin accompanied Leng Muxuan to draw blood and came back to comfort the worried Ran Zimu who was about to die.

"Sister Zijin, I'm afraid..." Ran Zimu was very strong at first, but after seeing Ran Zijin, the feeling of being wronged appeared, and his nose was sour.

"Don't be afraid! I'm also thinking about it. If Lie is there, he definitely doesn't want you to be so sad!" Ran Zijin put her arms around Ran Zimu, in her heart, no matter whether Ran Zimu is 15 years old or not, she is still a child , a child who needs to be cared for.

She knew the truth about Nangong Lie's injury, but she was told not to tell Ran Zimu, so she couldn't say anything more.

"Well. I'm not sad. Lie will be fine." Ran Zimu pulled himself together again, and waited for Nangong Lie to come out with Ran Zijin.

About five hours later, Nangong Lie was finally pushed out by the doctor and sent to the ward.

"Mu Xuan, come to my office." Mo Shaochun stopped Leng Muxuan after seeing that everyone's attention was focused on Nan Gonglie.

When he called Leng Muxuan, Ran Zijin also heard it, and thought there was something wrong, so he followed Leng Muxuan to his office.

"Sit casually." Mo Shaochun pointed to the sofa, and sat in his office chair, "Mu Xuan, just now you gave Lie a blood transfusion, we found that he may be related to you by blood, and the possibility is very high .”

"How is it possible!" After hearing Mo Shaochun's words, Leng Muxuan felt two murderous eyes shooting at him, he quickly turned his head, looked at Ran Zijin and explained, "Zijin, you have to trust me, Lie is not my illegitimate child! Before I did anything with you, my body and mind were always clean!"

Mo Shaochun's words reminded him of the first time Nangong Lie met Ran Zijin and joked with her about his illegitimate son. Ran Zijin was very angry at that time, so he knew that Ran Zijin was thinking too much now!

"He's about the same age as you!" Ran Zijin thought in his heart, and said so.

"It's unscientific!" Seeing that Ran Zijin didn't believe him, Leng Muxuan said to Mo Shaochun again, "Shaochun, you're taking a big joke! This is not funny at all!"

He is now a wife, with children, a model husband, a model father, how could he be so inexplicably hacked!
"There must be a blood relationship. Based on my experience, there will never be any deviation. Now there is only one test. Do you want to do it?" Mo Shaochun called Leng Muxuan, in fact, he wanted to ask him Don't do the inspection.

"Do you want it?" Leng Muxuan really wanted to clean himself up, but Ran Zijin's face was not good, so he had no choice but to seek his wife's opinion first.

"En." Ran Zijin nodded, "Mu Xuan, I suddenly feel that Lie might be your younger brother!"

She thought about it carefully, the possibility of Nangong Lie being Leng Muxuan's son was very unlikely, or almost zero, otherwise how would his parents who died in the explosion explain it!
Leng Muxuan once told her that the parents of Nangong Lie, who died in the explosion accident, were university professors.His parents died, but Nangong Lie, who was only three years old, was so calm that he didn't cry, and asked the police to take care of his parents' funeral.His heart is more resolute and indifferent than adults, which is the main reason why Leng Muxuan adopted him.

"My mother loves my father very much!" Leng Muxuan knew that Ran Zijin finally chose to believe him, but her speculation made him feel completely impossible.

"After the inspection is done first." Mo Shaochun said, everyone's guesses are just guesses, and the specific results still need to be checked and investigated.

"That's the only way to go." Leng Muxuan was a little surprised. He picked up a child by himself, and he was actually related to him by blood. Would the probability of this be too high? !

"What happened to Lie? How is the situation now?" Ran Zijin changed the subject and asked Mo Shaochun. She believed in Leng Muxuan. He is such a good person. Before being with her, he had never been close to women. Have an illegitimate child!

"It will take two days of observation to be sure. After all, the back of the head is injured." Mo Shaochun said while signaling Leng Muxuan and the others to go with him to the ward to see Nangong Lie.

Nangong Lie's head injury was not a trivial matter, so he stayed in the hospital for more than a week before being discharged. During this period, Ran Zimu came to the hospital to accompany him every day after school, and did not go home to rest at night.

"I lost a lot of weight again!" Nangong Lie sat in the car that picked him up and left the hospital, and looked at Ran Zimu beside him and said, she guarded him every day, not eating well or resting well, her chin became even sharper.

"No!" Ran Zimu pinched his face, "Look, so much meat, so fat! I think I should lose weight!"

"How dare you!" Nangong Lie threatened, she was so thin, she still wanted to lose weight!If she loses more weight, her body will definitely collapse, "If you lose weight endlessly for dancing, then don't dance anymore!"

"It's not for dancing!" Ran Zimu said suddenly, "Lie! If you don't tell me why I got hurt, I'll go on a hunger strike and starve to death for you!"

threaten?Such a low trick, she will also be good!
Since he woke up, he has been going around in circles with her, no matter how she asked him, he never told her how she got hurt and what it was for.

"I said it was to help Brother Muxuan!" Nangong Lie continued to lie. This excuse was actually made by Leng Muxuan. At that time, in order to protect Ran Zimu, he did not want her to know the truth. He took it all on himself.

"Then you didn't tell me what you were doing to help!"

"It's just a small matter. As for the business entanglement, I said it so clearly, it's of no use to you, anyway, it's all over."

"You don't want to tell me, do you? Okay! Just wait and see!" Ran Zimu looked out of the car window angrily, and stopped talking to Nangong Lie.

Nangong Lie thought that Ran Zimu was joking, and he just got angry and nothing happened, so he didn't care about her, he had more important things to deal with.

But who knows, Ran Zimu really put his strengths this time, after returning home, he really didn't eat or drink all afternoon.During dinner, Nangong Lie sat at the dining table and waited. Xiao Zhang invited her several times, but she didn't go out to eat.

Nangong Lie was worried now, and went to call Ran Zimu himself.

"Zimu, it's time to eat, why are you throwing a tantrum like a child?" He went into her room, and she was sitting on the carpet playing with Heibei.

"Don't eat it! I said I wouldn't eat it! You know the reason best!" Ran Zimu said without raising her head, she was holding the black back's paw and rubbing it.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Nangong Lie walked over and sat down next to Ran Zimu.


"Okay, then I'll tell you, but you can't cry!" Nangong Lie thought for a while, it's better to tell her, it's good to let her know.

"I'm not a child anymore!" Ran Zimu finally looked up at Nangong Lie. She was already 15 years old. This time Nangong Lie was injured and hospitalized. Although she was sad, she never cried once, and she always acted very strong. I feel that I am an adult and can take care of others.

"I didn't get hurt because of Brother Muxuan. It was because of my business situation. The other party planned to attack you. A few days ago, someone robbed you of your wallet and was almost taken away. It was they who did it. That time they just Put on airs and threaten me to compromise. If I didn’t compromise, they planned to do it again. This time they said they would kill you. Zimu, I don’t want someone to hurt you, so I acted. Although the means are not bright, but finally It settled everything."

Ran Zimu heard Nangong Lie finish, although what he said was very simple, but she knew what happened was not that simple, she looked at him distressedly, "Lie, I won't cry because of this, if I am always hurt by others , that means I'm not strong enough! Although I don't want to be hurt, I don't want to be very strong, because I want to be protected by you. I like the feeling of being protected by you. But, you know what, Lie, I said If I want to stay by your side, I will definitely stay and accept everything from you! I will trust you unconditionally! No matter what you do, I will believe that there is a reason for you to do this or that. It's just a way and means for you to achieve the right goal, it has nothing to do with right or wrong!"


Nangong Lie didn't expect Ran Zimu to say such touching words, and he opened his mouth very excitedly, but Ran Zimu covered his mouth with his palm, preventing him from speaking.

"Listen to me. Lie, I want you to protect me, but the premise is that you can't get hurt! If you can't protect yourself and your body is not healthy, how can you protect me? So, in order to complete such a difficult task of protecting me , you must be healthy and complete! Lie, you must know that when you are worried about me, I am also worried about you! What you think about me is what I want for you! You let me When you hurt yourself, you hurt me, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Nangong Lie nodded excitedly, unable to calm down. After all, his Zimu had grown up, become strong, and also became brave.

He looked at her with complicated eyes, his eyes gradually became moist, his nose was sore, he was so moved that he wanted to cry!
"We all need to be fine!" Ran Zimu put his arms around his neck, and slowly put his head close.

"Buzz!" When his lips were bitten by someone, and then sucked clumsily, Nangong Lie's brain buzzed like a hornet's nest, unable to think about anything.

He thought she was just the same as usual, she just wanted to lean her head over and bury her in his heart acting like a baby, but who knew she would kiss him on her own initiative again!
Ran Zimu's kiss didn't last long, she quickly backed away, stood up and ran out the door - she would be shy too!

Although there is nothing wrong with kissing the person you like, and there is nothing to feel shy about, but the problem is that she is still a child and has not yet arrived, and her approach is a bit too precocious!


Ah Qiang wanted to say hello to Ran Zimu, but she ran too fast, and she ran out of the gate before he could say a second word.

"Miss's face is so red, is she sick?" He shook his head and walked to the other side talking to himself. After walking a few steps, he met Nangong Lie again, "Sir!"

"Yeah." Nangong Lie nodded unnaturally, feeling embarrassed to be seen through.

"Eh? Sir, why is your face so red?" Ah Qiang looked at Nangong Lie leaving in a hurry, and suddenly remembered that he came out of Ran Zimu's room. —Sir, you are too harsh!Miss is not yet eighteen, but you actually did it!
(End of this chapter)

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