Chapter 347 Family
"Dou Miao, Lie and the others are here!" Ran Senyang originally planned to go outside to look for Leng Haohe, but she went to bully the little fat man next door, and when she went out, she saw Nangong Lie's car just stopped, so she turned and went back Notify your mother.

"Understood. You go and ask your sister to come back, don't always bully Xiaopang." Ran Zijin put down the book in her hand and came out of the study. She needed to translate something and needed professional economics knowledge, so she went to read Leng Mu Xuan's book.

"It's fun to bully Xiaopang!" Ran Senyang didn't care, anyway, as long as his sister is happy, and her happiness is based on other people's 'pain', he is also happy!

Ran Zijin twitched, forgetting to glance at Leng Muxuan who came back from the swimming pool, "Look at the children you educate, they will spoil you sooner or later!"

"Children! It's boring if you don't be naughty!" Leng Muxuan said in a low voice, looking at his son proudly.

He always felt sorry for Ran Senyang. From his formation, to his birth, to his five-year-old growth, his father was never by his side.He owed his father's love for five years, as if he owed him his whole life, so after he returned to Leng's house, he loved him very much, and sometimes even spoiled him a little.

Although he said so, he was still very principled when educating children. For small disputes between children, he always advocated that they should resolve them by themselves. He never intervened, in order to train children to deal with interpersonal problems. The ability to relate to things, teach them to be independent from an early age, and the ability to be independent.

"Sister Zijin! Your Xiaodou Miao is so rude!" Ran Zimu came in and complained to Ran Zijin, "It's fine if he doesn't call me aunt, but he just called me a nickname!"

Ran Zijin shrugged, and looked at Ran Zimu sympathetically, "His father is so used to it, I can't do it anymore!"

She is really lost, Ran Senyang is sometimes naughty, and when she talks about him, he goes to Leng Muxuan, and then the father and son form a team to fight against her. In the end, there are a lot of "fallible reasons", but she can still talk about it Nothing to say!
Sometimes, she thinks, if father and son are connected, she can connect with Leng Haohe, mother and son, but Leng Haohe is good, just a bystander, which is an out-and-out point in the dialect of H city Cannon barrel', not only did not help her, but also did not talk about Ran Senyang, and kept fanning the flames. The three of them had more fun, and she just watched the show with a smile, which was only a small bench and a A bag of melon seeds and peanuts!

"Like a father, like a son! It's true!" Ran Zimu consciously occupied Leng Muxuan's sofa, picked a grape and threw it into his mouth, looking at Leng Muxuan provocatively.

"Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted!" Nangong Lie was also speechless, Ran Zimu and Leng Muxuan had been at odds from the beginning, until now that Leng Muxuan's children are old and she is in high school, they still can't resolve the conflict. Leng Muxuan's 'gut disease'.

"I support my son!" Leng Muxuan replied unceremoniously to Ran Zimu, she is so proud, she should let his prouder son deal with it!

"Brother Muxuan, you said you wanted to find me, what exactly is it?" Nangong Lie got back to business and stopped fighting with everyone.

"Wait a minute, let me tell you when my mom comes." Leng Muxuan pulled his wet hair and asked Ran Zijin, "What time is it? Is mom coming soon?"

"A little after two o'clock." Ran Zijin picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table to check the time, "I called my mother just now, and she said she will be there soon."

"Then let's enjoy the luxurious swimming pool at sister Zijin's house!" Ran Zimu dragged Nangong Lie to swim together.

The villa of Leng Muxuan's family is one of the best here. His swimming pool is not only big according to his local tyrant's taste, but also made of the best materials. Every time Ran Zimu comes here, he likes to swim laps twice. , because swimming in Leng Muxuan's swimming pool made her feel like a queen!

"Aunt Wang, find Zimu her swimsuit." Ran Zijin ordered to the servant at home.

Aunt Wang is Aunt Zhang’s sister-in-law. She doesn’t cook as well as Aunt Zhang, but she is good at other jobs. When Aunt Zhang introduced her, Ran Zijin agreed to hire her and paid them high salaries. .

Ran Zimu and Nangong Lie went swimming for a few laps, dried their hair, changed their clothes, and when they returned, Kong Jiayi had already arrived.

"Hello, Auntie!" Ran Zimu greeted Kong Jiayi sweetly, "Long time no see, Auntie is young again!"

"Zimu's mouth is so sweet! She's smart and cute, and the more people look at her, the more they fall in love with her. I wish I could keep you by my side every day, and never ask you to go anywhere." Kong Jiayi laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and patted her The seat next to him asked Ran Zimu to sit over, "Fortunately, we will be a family from now on! I don't have to worry that you will forget about me as an old woman when you get married in the future!"

"Auntie is not old, she is young!" Ran Zimu told the truth, Kong Jiayi took good care of her, and looked really young, "But, auntie, what do you mean by family?"

She was a little puzzled, did Kong Jiayi want to betroth her to Ran Senyang, who was five years younger than herself, to be their child bride-in-law, and when they got married, they would become a family?

oh no!

Ran Zimu thought about it for a while, and was so frightened by her own thoughts that she had goosebumps, so she didn't want to be a child bride for Ran Senyang, who was not obedient at all!She is going to be Nangong Lie's bride!
"I'd better ask Mu Xuan to tell you about this!" Kong Jiayi told her son that they called Nangong Lie here to talk about this matter.

Leng Muxuan nodded and started from the beginning, while Ran Zijin prepared fruits for everyone.

"Lie, when you were injured, Shaochun detected that you were related to me by blood. I asked someone to investigate this matter and found that you were really my brother."

"Brother? Auntie's illegitimate child?" Nangong Lie was quite surprised. Looking at Kong Jiayi, she actually had an illegitimate child. How would his parents who died in the explosion explain?

Ran Zimu was secretly happy, it turned out that Kong Jiayi meant this when she said they were a family!She had already regarded her as Nangong Lie's woman!Nangong Lie is her son, isn't she her daughter-in-law?Oh hehehe!I am so happy!
However, how did Nangong Lie become Kong Jiayi's illegitimate child?Is the story a little too twisted?If it were written as a novel, it would be bloody, touching, and tearful... Ran Zimu was holding an apple in his hand, wirelessly associating!

"Not an illegitimate child. Your deceased mother is my aunt." Leng Muxuan continued to explain, "Your mother is many years younger than my mother. She is not my grandmother's daughter."

Huh?Another twist?Have a new plot?Ran Zimu stretched out his ears, and while listening, he continued to think, and he was eager to write this into a novel of wealthy families.

"Well, it's like this." Kong Jiayi continued Leng Muxuan's words, "My father and my mother were very in love with each other back then. Your grandmother fell in love with my father at first sight, so she took the initiative to throw herself into her arms and used some tricks. That's why your mother was born. But my father didn't love your mother, and your mother had no choice but to leave. My father also knew about your mother's existence and kept giving them money secretly, but he concealed my Mother, so we don't know your grandmother and mother."

"Your mother and mother are half-sisters, and you are my cousin." Leng Muxuan looked at Nangong Lie who couldn't digest this, "Maybe it's the subtle relationship between blood, so I'm here America meets you."

quack!Ran Zimu continued to fantasize, this is simply a rich man!If I don't write it out, I'm sorry for the audience!

"My grandma gouged my grandpa?" Nangong Lie didn't expect that he was born in such a way. A woman who tried to destroy other people's marriage designed to give birth to his mother with a man who didn't love her, and his mother gave birth again he……

"Don't say that." Kong Jiayi looked at Nangong Lie as if she was looking at her own child. These years, she has gotten older, and her temper is not as sharp as before. She has opened up a lot and can tolerate more Something happened, "Lie, I'm glad to find you again, glad to know that I still have a younger sister, and my younger sister has such an excellent son! As for the entanglement between my parents and your grandmother, that's all. It’s the old people’s business, they are no longer alive, what’s the use of thinking so much?”

"I'm sorry." Nangong Lie apologized to Kong Jiayi. Although he was not the one who made the mistake, he still felt that they owed Kong Jiayi and her daughter an apology.

"This has nothing to do with you." Kong Jiayi smiled and took Ran Zimu's hand, and Nangong Lie's, "Lie, welcome home! Marry Zimu back later and be my nephew and daughter-in-law! "

"Auntie!" Nangong Lie felt a little embarrassed when he heard Kong Jiayi say this.

But Ran Zimu on the other side is very happy, what she loves most is people saying that Nangong Lie will marry her!
"What's your name, Lie, change your name quickly!" Ran Zijin reminded Nangong Lie with a smile, "It's time to call you Auntie! We will really be a family in the future!"

"That's right! Lie, quickly call Auntie!" Ran Zimu also urged Nangong Lie, she is a smart and lovely Ran Zimu, she knows how to take Kong Jiayi's heart away first, and ask her to stand by her side, in case Nangong Lie later If Lie doesn't marry her, she can have one more supporter!
"Auntie." Nangong Lie shouted awkwardly. Since his parents passed away, he has no relatives, so these seemingly common names are completely unfamiliar to him, and he never needs to call anyone.

"Oh, it's better to listen to my aunt!" Kong Jiayi took out the red envelope and gave it to Nangong Lie. After she knew that he was her nephew, she specially prepared it for him.

"Thank you, auntie." Nangong Lie received a red envelope for the first time in so many years since he was three years old, and he couldn't calm down.

"Why are you being polite as a family!" Kong Jiayi took out another box, "We also have gifts for Zimu. I bought this when I went to London a few days ago. Although it is a bit early for you to wear diamonds now, it should be bigger. , this emerald and diamond necklace is definitely suitable for you!"

"Auntie, I like it!" Ran Zimu opened the box, took out the necklace, put it on his neck and gestured a few times, "I'm going to buy a nice dress to match it!"

"Then I'm going to Italy next week, you come with me, we're going to buy a dress." Kong Jiayi counted the time, "You're about to go on vacation, and you just bought a skirt, shoes, and jewelry, so you can go out and have fun."

Ran Zimu was very moved by Kong Jiayi's invitation, but she still looked at Nangong Lie to ask his opinion. Seeing Nangong Lie nodded, she said to Kong Jiayi again: "Auntie, let Lie book the ticket!"

Kong Jiayi nodded, seeing the interaction between the two children, she teased Ran Zimu, "Zimu, why don't you call me aunt instead, anyway, this will happen sooner or later."

"Okay!" Ran Zimu nodded unreservedly, and held up the teacup on the table to Kong Jiayi, "Auntie, drink tea!"

"Cough cough!" Nangong Lie coughed violently. Kong Jiayi's words were already shocking enough. Can Ran Zimu stop being ridiculous with her? !

Although it is a matter of time, it is too early now!The two women are interacting enthusiastically on one side, and what does it mean to leave him, the other party, aside?
Nangong Lie felt like he was being ignored!This feeling makes him happy and worried!Of course, the joy is that Ran Zimu can be accepted by everyone, and he is also taken for granted by everyone; the worry is that she is so popular, he will be ignored by everyone in the future!
However, she is so likable, she has naturally become a safflower in everyone's eyes, so he will be her green leaf, and the green leaves set off the safflower, isn't it also very good!Thinking of this, Nangong Lie suddenly felt enlightened!

"Mom, when is Dad's game over?" Ran Zijin asked Kong Jiayi, Leng Qingbai represented the seniors in the H city's economic circle to participate in the 'Five Cup' chess match. "Today is a happy day. I asked Auntie Zhang to prepare dinner. After a while, Mu Xuan and I will pick up Dad. Our family has a good get-together."

"It is said that it ends at 04:30, so there is no need to pick it up. The driver at home will follow. Just call the driver and tell the situation."

"Well, then I'll call now. By the way, I'll call my sister." Ran Zijin, as the young mistress of the Leng family, thinks about things thoroughly, and no one can be left behind at family gatherings.

Mo Shao went on a mission, and it's been half a month since he left without a single phone call, which was normal before, but this time Leng Muwan felt flustered all the time, really worried.

Leng Muwan has a quiet temperament, doesn't like to have too much contact with others, and doesn't have many friends, so she went to Ran Zijin a few times during this period, and told her her worries.

Ran Zijin asked her to come to eat, in fact, she was thinking about the crowds and alleviating her worries.

(End of this chapter)

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