Chapter 348

In a blink of an eye, it was June again, and the [-]st was Ran Zimu's birthday. She was already in the third grade of high school, and she was no longer eligible to celebrate Children's Day, and the school would not give her a holiday because of this.

However, in Nangong Lie's eyes, Ran Zimu will always be a child who needs to be taken care of and protected, and every June [-]st he will allow her not to go to school, and she can do whatever she wants.Sometimes she would let him take her to the playground, sometimes it would be a day at the orphanage, sometimes there would be a party he prepared for her, and sometimes she would just pester him to do nothing, just stay at home stay a day.

"Actually, what I like the most is staying at home with Lie, spending a day in peace, no one is making noise, no one disturbs us when we want to do anything." Ran Zimu said to Zhang Keke while packing up his books.

Today is her birthday, but this year is special, she is about to take the college entrance examination, although Nangong Lie wanted her to stay at home and not go to school as usual, but she didn't want to delay her studies, so Nangong Lie followed her.

However, Nangong Lie still asked someone to prepare a sumptuous dinner, and even came to pick her up in person.He wanted her to relax a bit, after all, the college entrance examination was just a few days away.

"Just be content! I want someone to take care of me like this!" Zhang Keke envied Ran Zimu very much. Nangong Lie took care of her so meticulously that it made people almost want to strangle Ran Zimu to death with jealousy.

Nangong Lie is ten years older than Ran Zimu. He is like a brother and a father. He is rich and handsome. The perfect one is a prince, and Ran Zimu is a princess. The stories between princes and princesses always fascinate girls. Zhang Keke He often uses Ran Zimu and Nan Gonglie as models to develop various associations.

"Okay!" Ran Zimu nodded helplessly. In fact, she only wanted to be accompanied by Nangong Lie, and he would explain the key knowledge to her. She didn't want everyone to come, which made her a little nervous, but she didn't want him to be unhappy. , so she agreed to his arrangement.

"Go! Don't make your prince wait too long!" Zhang Keke waved to Ran Zimu, who had already given her a birthday present.

"En. Goodbye." Ran Zimu took out his schoolbag, but was held back by Qiu Shao, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" She asked Qiu Shao, who was blushing.

"This... is a gift for you..." Qiu Shao handed a box in his hand to Ran Zimu, hesitating not to leave.

"Thank you. After the college entrance examination, I invite you and Ke Ke to go play at home." Ran Zimu said with a smile, "Qiu Shao, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

"No...I...go first..." Qiu Shao ran away blushing.

He originally wanted to ask her if he still had a chance. As he grew older, his feelings for her became more and more obvious, and he couldn't help liking her.Although he knew that Nangong Lie was the most important thing in her heart, but he was ten years older than her, the gap was too big, they were not suitable, and he himself was only one year older than her, he was younger, so he was more suitable for her.

But just now when he saw her hurrying outside to meet Nangong Lie, he suddenly lost the courage to speak.He has never expressed his heart to her, it's not that he doesn't want to, but every time he summons up his courage, she always shows that she cares about Nangong Lie, which makes him sad and heartbroken, his enthusiasm always It was completely wiped out by her.

(End of this chapter)

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