Chapter 349

"Lie!" Ran Zimu jumped into the car happily, threw himself into Nangong Lie's arms without paying attention, took off the schoolbag and handed it to him.

While putting her schoolbag, Nangong Lie smiled and doted on her and said, "You're a 17-year-old girl, why are you so careless? Shouldn't you be very shy at your age, and you will blush even if you say a word to others?"

"I'm not like others! I only do what I like!" What I like to do is cling to you, I like to be in your arms, anyway, I want to marry you, why should I be shy!
As Ran Zimu said, he rubbed against Nangong Lie's arms, pushing him closer and tighter.

"Huh..." Nangong Lie took a deep breath secretly, trying to avoid Ran Zimu, but he was in the car, and the seat was only so big, he really wanted to hide, so he could only let Ran Zimu Move casually in his arms.

She is 17 years old, and she has been growing faster than others in the past few years. Dancing has also made her look better and better. If she didn't often wear school uniforms, she would definitely be regarded as an adult when walking on the road.

"Lie, can we hurry up when we have dinner later? I want to go home early." Ran Zimu didn't know what reaction he had caused in Nangong Lie's arms, he was still moving around, with one hand hanging around his neck, Playing with pinching his earlobe, this is what she often does when she is in his arms.

" get up first..." Nangong Lie couldn't stand it anymore, her two balls of beauty rubbed against his heart without saying anything, and her little butt just happened to sit on his or something, pinching up and down, making him almost Going crazy.

"Oh." Ran Zimu heard that Nangong Lie's voice was not quite right, he got off his body consciously, and sat on the seat by himself, "Lie, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing..." Nangong Lie forced himself to calm down, breathed evenly, and tried his best to sit so that no one could see what he was thinking at the moment.

"Liar!" No matter how cheerful Ran Zimu is, she is a person who has never experienced anything, so in many cases, as long as she doesn't think in that direction, other people's actions can hardly make her think in that direction, "Are you also uncomfortable?"

"Who else is uncomfortable?" What is it?

Nangong Lie felt annoyed, could it be that this Ran Zimu was still sitting in someone's arms, making someone mess up?snort!If he knew who was the one who didn't want his life, and dared to take advantage of his Zimu, he would definitely kill his dog!
"Qiu Shao! He gave me a gift just now, and his face was red. I thought he had a cold, and asked him what's wrong, but he said he was fine." Ran Zimu explained, "Now it's you, and your face is also red. "

"The kid is blushing?" Nangong Lie raised his eyebrows. It was definitely not because he was raising a tiger, but because he felt that he had to respect Ran Zimu, so he didn't drive Qiu Shao away.After all, that kid is her good friend since the first grade. He doesn't want to be a vicious parent who drives away all her friends one by one and makes her unhappy.

Nangong Lie's only principle in doing things is to make Ran Zimu happy. If she is unhappy, he will hold back whatever he wants to do.


"This is a gift from him?" Nangong Lie took the box that Ran Zimu just brought and opened it, "No idea!"

It's just a puppet!He thought that Qiu Shao gave Zimu some impure gift, and he blushed!
Ran Zimu snickered, someone is jealous!The expression is cute!
(End of this chapter)

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