Chapter 358 Dancing
"Let's go dance!"

"I won't!" Luo Yining's face was as dark as a space that was about to rain, covered by a black cloud, only a thunderstorm was coming.

"It doesn't matter!" Wu Yanan continued to carry forward the spirit of optimism, and he would not give up until he pulled Luo Yining on stage to dance with him, "Anyway, I don't know how to dance well. If I dance badly, we will dance together. All right!"

Jump around? !Do you think you are jumping rope? !Luo Yining glanced at the woman standing in front of him speechlessly, wishing he could slap her out of the sky with a slap, so that he would never see her again, and his world would be clean from now on.

"Hey——where are you going? Dance with me, please!" Wu Yanan grabbed Luo Yining who turned around and left, and asked him to dance with her with both soft and hard methods.

"I said I can't, you have a problem with your ears?!" Luo Yining impatiently shook off Wu Yanan's hand, which made Wu Yanan feel that the next second was that he was going to give her a hard fist , so she froze in fright, and looked at him helplessly, not daring to speak anymore.

Luo Yining didn't expect that Wu Yanan would be frightened stupid just by shaking her hand, so she didn't say anything, and continued to turn around and walk to the other side.

He really felt that he was in trouble. He could meet Wu Yanan, an annoying woman wherever he went. She was chatty and clingy. She dangled in front of his eyes every time, making people all over the world think that he was with her. Very familiar, very good relationship, even a little unclear!
But, God knows how much he hates such an unfeminine woman like her!Being so active in front of men, without being reserved at all, is simply not knowing what self-esteem and self-love are!
"Luo Yining! Wait for me!" Wu Yanan was stunned for a moment before realizing that Luo Yining had already left, so she raised her foot and chased after her, "You are walking so fast, I can't even catch up!"

"Who told you to come after me! Do you know how annoying you are?! You are buzzing around me like a fly all day long, I really want to kill you with my palm!" Wu Yanan roared.

"Hey! What are you doing with such a vicious mouth?!" Wu Yanan was not happy anymore, and her voice was raised a few degrees, "I am a human, okay? Is a fly as big as me?!"

"You..." Luo Yining was defeated by this unreasonable woman, "Go away! Go as far as you can! Don't bother me!"

"Who said I'm here to bother you!" Wu Yannan raised her head proudly, walked over and grabbed Luo Yining's sleeve, "I'm here to teach someone who can't dance to dance."

"Let go!" Looking at the woman who took the initiative to post, Luo Yining felt the urge to die with her, so she didn't want to say a few words to her.

"Don't make trouble! Be good! Look at the people over there are looking at us!" Wu Yannan smiled and pointed to a few people not far away with her other finger.

Luo Yining looked up and saw that those people came to Leng Haohe's full moon party just like him, and they happened to know him too, and they were still nodding and saying hello to him.

He was a little embarrassed, and nodded to those people. It's not good to get rid of Wu Yanan again, lest she drag her further, and he would not be able to explain clearly.

"Luo, is this your girlfriend?" At this time someone came over to greet Luo Yining with a wine glass, Wu Yanan looked at the New Yorker with a smile, she was happiest that people thought she was Luo Yining's girlfriend!



She and Luo Yining spoke in unison, and then saw Luo Yining looked at her with murderous eyes, while the New Yorker looked at them with a very clear smile.

"She si so beautiful! Luo, she is a gift for you!"

The New Yorker left after finishing speaking, Wu Yanan looked at Luo Yining with a smile, "He said I am beautiful!"

"In the eyes of foreigners, every Chinese woman is beautiful! So don't be too confident!" Luo Yining hit Wu Yanan mercilessly.

"Why are you always so vicious to me?" Wu Yanan pursed her mouth to express her dissatisfaction, but the next second she was full of fighting power, and she pulled Luo Yining away, "Let's go! I'll teach you how to dance!"

Luo Yining looked at all kinds of eyes around her, squeezed her fists to suppress the urge to kick Wu Yanan away, and was dragged by her to an open space behind the villa.

"You can hear the faint sound of music here!" Wu Yanan smiled like a child, "Let's dance to the rhythm of the music outside!"

"I do not know!"

"I told you I taught you! Come on!" Wu Yanan took Luo Yining's hand, "Your hand is going to be on my shoulder, and this side is holding my hand. That's right, that's it !"

"This..." Luo Yining didn't know why, standing so close to this annoying woman, he actually got a little nervous.

"When you enter your left foot, I will step back with my right foot, and then I will tilt my body. When your right foot brushes past my left foot, I will take a step sideways and lean to the left. That's it, learn from me. Demonstration action. Then my left foot brushes your right foot, and after moving sideways, I lean towards you... let's practice this first!"

Luo Yining was speechless, and followed Wu Yanan's movements, almost like that.

"You're still learning pretty fast!" Wu Yannan's admiring eyes fell on Luo Yining's face, "This waltz is the easiest. With your speed, you can dance with me on the dance floor in a while!"

After hearing this, Luo Yining shook off Wu Yanan's hand and wanted to leave again, but she quickly grabbed him again.

"Okay! I promise I won't talk too much, let's continue dancing!" She knew that he was shy, and he also disliked her for being noisy.

Wu Yanan taught very seriously, and Luo Yining studied very painfully.

He didn't understand how there could be such a stubborn woman in life as Wu Yanan in the world!Not to mention, how did God create such a cheeky creature like her!
"You should step back with your left foot, what are you doing with your left foot? You're so stupid!" Luo Yining yelled at the woman in front of her in a low voice, being as stupid as a pig to teach him, it's a mistake!

"Huh? That's right!" Wu Yanan realized that he had indeed made a wrong move in a hurry, "I haven't taught you this yet, how do you know?"

"Just said that! Are you forgetful?!"

"Did I say it?" Wu Yanan flicked her bangs, recalling whether she had said it or not. In my impression, she hadn't said it, but he said she had said it. Could it be that she was too excited to dance with him, so even she just said Have you forgotten what you said?
"Stupid!" Luo Yining pushed Wu Yanan away, saw that there was no one around, and quickly walked towards the crowded place in front.

Wu Yanan pouted, this person left as soon as he said, never considering her feelings, what a failure!

She sat on the grass, hugged her knees and looked at the dark blue sky, dotted with stars surrounding the moon.Luo Yining is like the bright moon, surrounded by many people, just like those stars, it really is the moon surrounded by stars!

She is also one of those stars, she finally traveled through countless stars, walked to his side, and wanted him to look at her more and pay more attention to herself, but he never would.

"I work so hard and am so optimistic, why do you still want me?" She drooped her head and pulled the grass at her feet, "Do you know that no matter how hard you work, there are times when you want to give up, and no matter how optimistic you are, there are times when you want to give up." When I am so depressed that I don’t know how long I can keep chasing after you, what should I do? You are really annoying! You still say I am annoying!”

Grabbing the grass one by one, throwing it to the blades of grass in front of her feet, Wu Yanan hung her face, feeling a little lost and sad.

"You're serious about teaching him how to dance."

"Huh?" Wu Yannan raised her head and saw a stylishly dressed girl standing in front of her, and she was also very good-looking, with the feeling of an international superstar, "Do you know me? Or do you know Luo Yining?"

"No. I don't even know each other." Zhang Xiaoya shook her head, and the golden diamond-encrusted handbag in her hand looked even more luxurious under the night. "I just happened to pass by and saw you teaching a man to dance, which reminded me of something from the past."

"What happened in the past?" Wu Yanan didn't know that Zhang Xiaoya in front of her was Hu Die's secretary, who had just returned from Paris.

"When I was in high school, I also taught dance to a boy I loved. He was as shy as he was just now, and he always stepped on my feet, but later he danced better than me and laughed at me as a teacher. His dancing is not as good as that of a freshman." Zhang Xiaoya said sadly, she just came to give Hu Die something, and she ran into such a scene when she went the wrong way by accident.

"It's really the same as Luo Yining!" Wu Yanan said with a smile, his eyes were full of pride, "Luo Yining is very smart, he is excellent, he can learn everything very quickly!"

"You really like him?"

"How do you know?" Wu Yanan stood up and patted the blades of grass on his clothes.

"You wrote three words on your eyes and face, and only three words - Luo Yining!" Zhang Xiaoya shook her head, took a deep breath with a smile, "Who will believe you if you say you don't like him!"

"Okay! I like him very much, but he doesn't like me. He doesn't like me at all. On the contrary, he still hates me." Wu Yanan is very straightforward and never hides himself.

"Maybe he has another girl in his heart. He's not too young. It's normal to have liked others before meeting you."

"I also think he should have liked someone, but I don't know who it is. However, this is not important. The important thing is how I can drive away the person who lives in his heart and live in his heart myself. "Wu Yanan cheered herself up, "There are no women who fail emotionally in this world, only women who don't work hard. I don't want to be a woman who doesn't work hard! I believe that as long as you work hard, an iron rod can be ground into a needle!"

"Then if he loves that woman forever and doesn't want to happen to that woman, what will you do?" Zhang Xiaoya asked again with a smile.

Wu Yanan was startled, looked at Zhang Xiaoya, and suddenly had a strange feeling, "I will persevere until the last second! I will not give up easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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