Chapter 359 Drunkenness
"Good luck then!"

Zhang Xiaoya smiled and stretched out her hand, and Wu Yanan also reached out to shake her hand.

"What's your name? Can you make a friend?" She is always friendly to girls who have the same experience as herself, because she understands how sensitive and needy people who have had pleasant and unpleasant experiences are. understand and care.

"You don't need to know the name. And—" Zhang Xiaoya let go of Wu Yanan's hand and kept smiling, "I don't like making friends very much. I don't have friends around me, and I don't need friends. Thank you for your kindness, I want We're not fit to be friends."

"..." Wu Yanan met such a strange person for the first time, and she wanted to ask her why, but she had already gone far, how could she be as virtuous as Luo Yining!

She's gone, so let's go, go find Luo Yining.

Luo Yining was talking to some people, many of them were people who had business dealings with Leng Muxuan, so they naturally knew him.

He is Leng Muxuan's assistant, so he naturally has the obligation and responsibility to help him handle his interpersonal relationship and contact his relationship circle.

"Luo Yining..."

Wu Yanan just yelled, but was stared at by Luo Yining's murderous gaze and shut up, not daring to yell anymore.

Luo Yining greeted the people around her, came over and dragged Wu Yanan to a place with few people to let her go, and shouted fiercely: "Didn't you see that I was talking about business with others? Can't you be quiet for a while? Just Can't you not appear in front of me?"

"I just want to tell you to drink less alcohol, or you will get drunk and vomit like last time, and your stomach will feel uncomfortable." Wu Yanan was like a child who did something wrong, "Now I'm telling you, then I'm leaving. I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

Looking at Wu Yanan's back as he walked away, Luo Yining suddenly felt a sense of temporary relief. Why did she come to Leng Haohe's full moon party? It would be better if she didn't come!He can be clean all the time, instead of being disturbed for so long, he can feel comfortable when she is gone.

"Luo Yining—" Wu Yanan took two steps, stopped and looked back at him.

"What's the matter?!" Luo Yining was full of impatience.

"Don't drink too much. The doctor said that your stomach is not good, so it's better not to drink." Wu Yanan told him again, but the doctor refused to drink, but she knew the special nature of his work, so it was impossible not to drink. I can only drink less.

"Got it! Got it! Long-winded! Let's go!" Luo Yining waved to Wu Yanan, this time he finally saw her completely disappear from his sight, and he snapped his fingers like a child and blew it out of joy. A whistle.

Wu Yanan walked out of Leng Muxuan's villa, feeling secretly sad, in fact, she had nothing to do at all, she left here early, but she didn't want Luo Yining to see her bored.

She's not stupid, she can feel it, Luo Yining's temper is very bad today, and her mood is also very bad, more irritable than ever, and her attitude towards her is also worse than ever.

He used to treat her badly, that is, he didn't show mercy when he spoke, and he didn't yell at her, say she hated things, so she better stop pissing him off when he was angry.

His attitude towards her today was so bad that she, who was always optimistic, felt disappointed and even flinched a little.

Her heart is not made of iron, she will also feel pain and sadness, doesn't he know?

But, so what if he knew, in his eyes, her pain and sadness were not worth mentioning at all, so how could he care!

Sitting in the car home, Wu Yanan was still not at ease with Luo Yining, so she called Ran Zijin and asked her to help persuade Luo Yining to drink less.

"I think I'm a bitch! I'll be full for nothing!" After hanging up the phone, Wu Yanan scolded herself, Luo Yining treated her so badly, yet she could treat him so well!
This is all the aftermath of the last time, that time when Luo Yining got drunk and vomited everywhere, she was the one who scrubbed him, cleaned his house, washed his clothes, made him hangover soup, and served him all night!

As a result, as soon as the guy before the second day woke up, he held his stomach and screamed for pain. The whole body was in a cold sweat because of the pain. She sent him to the hospital again. After a whole morning, various examinations and forms were filled out, and the final conclusion was that Stomach bleeding!

The doctor told him to quit drinking, but he said without fear of death: "I need to drink to complete my work."

Immediately she gave him a slap, of course she didn't dare to slap him on the face, but on his arm, "Then you should drink to death! If you want to work, you should die! You should die! But Don't let me clean up the mess for you next time!"

He called her back: "I didn't call you again!"

"Then why are you calling me?!" Wu Yanan took out the call records on the phone, and held it up for Luo Yining to read.

"That's to call someone else, I made a mistake! I'm drunk, I'm just dazzled! Don't be so self-righteous, I'll call you? Dreaming!"


"Okay! Keep quiet, both of you. This is a hospital. Consider the feelings of other patients." The doctor couldn't take it anymore and interrupted the noisy two.

"Let's go!" Wu Yanan dragged Luo Yining out of the doctor's office. She also felt that she was too impulsive, so she actually spoke loudly in the hospital.

"Let go! Don't worry about it!" Luo Yining shook off Wu Yanan's hand, not even looking at her with disgust.

"Luo Yining, if it weren't for the fact that you are still sick, it would be no wonder I would treat you so well!" Wu Yanan was a little angry, her nose was sore, but she was strong enough not to shed tears. I'll love you only if I'm blind!"

"No one asked you to like me!" Luo Yining said annoyed.

"No one invited me here! Do I like to commit cheap behavior?!" Wu Yanan threw the medicine bag in Luo Yining's arms, and rushed out of the hospital alone, but still called Ran Zijin to ask for help just like today She helps.

"Driver, please stop in front." Wu Yanan recalled his past with Luo Yining, the feeling of failure became more and more obvious, so when he saw the word 'poison', he asked the driver to stop.

She needs to go get a drink to clear herself up.

The music in 'Poison' was loud, Wu Yanan ordered a drink and sat on the edge of the bar and drank it, she gradually became drunk without much drink.

"Do you know? His stomach can't drink! But he was disobedient, he went to work after leaving the hospital, drank alcohol, was admitted to the hospital again, and still had a high fever! I asked for leave to take care of him for a week , Today I told him to drink less, but he still dislikes me! Hehe... Is it wrong for me to care about him?" The drunken Wu Yanan said to a man beside him, he invited her to drink a lot of wine, and listened to her talk, He can comfort her, what a generous and good man.

"Have another drink." The man took away the empty glass from Wu Yanan's hand and changed her to a glass of wine.

Wu Yanan took a big sip from the cup, and swallowed it with a smile, "It turns out that wine is really a good thing! When you're drunk, you don't know anything! You won't be bothered! No wonder he likes to drink it!"

He had a woman in his heart, and that woman was the poison. Every time the toxicity flared up, he would drink and get completely drunk... She finally understood the reason why he loves to drink so much!
"Miss, do you still drink?" The man took the empty glass from Wu Yanan's hand again.

"Drink! Why don't you drink! If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!" Wu Yanan lay on the bar, shaking her arms, directing the man in front of him to pour the wine.

"Okay! Then we won't get drunk! It's easy to do things when we're drunk!"


The man had just picked up the wine bottle to pour wine for Wu Yanan, when he was punched on the temple, and the wine glass in the other hand flew out.

"Get out! Don't let me see you appearing in front of her next time, or I'll break your neck!" Luo Yining grabbed the man by the collar and threw it away.

"Hehe...huh..." Wu Yanan looked at the furious man in front of him, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I'm such a bitch, yet I can see him dangling in front of my eyes when I'm drunk! I must be crazy!" She Shaking his head, he said to the bartender at the bar, "Have another glass of the strongest bar!"

She had to get drunk, just like Luo Yining was drunk and unconscious, otherwise his shadow would always flash in front of her eyes, making her sad and upset!

"You dare to drink another cup!" Luo Yining snatched the cup from Wu Yanan's hand, and pulled her arm away.

Wu Yanan didn't leave, but he pulled her so hard that she fell to the ground all of a sudden, and pressed her palm on the wine glass that flew and fell to the ground just now, and bright red blood flowed out.

"It's so stupid! It's as stupid as a pig!" Luo Yining silently hugged Wu Yanan and walked to the hospital to bandage his injured hand.

On the way to the hospital, Wu Yanan fell asleep, and Luo Yining had no choice but to carry her upstairs.

As expected, Wu Yannan was so drunk that she fell unconscious. She slept in the hospital all night and woke up at the top of the day the next day.

"Sure enough, I can't drink. I drank to the hospital. That kind man must have sent me to the hospital last night!" She stretched herself, and saw that her right hand was wrapped in gauze. She could do everything. Can't beat the rhythm!
"Forget about drinking to death, what are you doing when you wake up?!" Luo Yining heard Wu Yanan talking to herself as soon as she entered the door, "That's a good man?! Are you blind?"

"I'm invited to drink, what's wrong?" Wu Yanan retorted.

"I invite you to drink. When you are drunk, you will take advantage of others. You are a pig's brain?!" Luo Yining poked Wu Yanan's head, if he hadn't seen her yesterday, he would have called He Yacheng, He Yacheng Tell him again that he just rushed over to save her, and she will cry now! "Next time you go to drink and hook up with dubious men, my surname will not be Luo if I go to rescue you again!"

"Hehe! So it was you who saved me!" Wu Yanan smiled happily, "Luo Yining, you are so anxious because you really love me and are afraid that I will be cheated, right? You and Ben just care about me! "

"Drink the medicine yourself!" Luo Yining was so shocked by Wu Yanan's words that he didn't want to look at her any more, so he threw the medicine bag beside her, and went out again.

(End of this chapter)

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