Chapter 366
"I've already called. Now you say you're taking the train, what should I say?"

"I..." Obviously he made the decision alone, she said early in the morning that she would take the train, but now he actually blames her!

"Okay! Hurry up! I still have to work!" Luo Yining waved to Wu Yanan impatiently, and continued to look at the computer.

"Then I'm leaving." Wu Yanan shrugged and limped out of the study.

Luo Yining watched her wobbly back disappearing through the door thoughtfully, and a few minutes later she heard a scream outside, and rushed out without thinking.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He lifted Wu Yanan who was lying on the ground, and saw that her arm was black and blue from the corner of the table, "Did you hurt your bones?"

"No. I was going to take the bag, but I couldn't stand firmly." Wu Yanan said with a smile, "You are nervous again!"

"Do you think I'm nervous about you?! Don't dream! I'm nervous about whether the blue and white porcelain on my table was broken by you!" Luo Yining said and deliberately lifted up his precious blue and white porcelain to take a good look , Make sure there is no damage before putting it back.

"You can't blame me for falling! Whoever told you not to say hello to me, just put my bag here!"

Wu Yanan's bag was originally placed over the sofa, but when Luo Yining came back and saw her cooking in the kitchen, she tidied up the living room, and her bag was placed on the table.

"If you can't get it, you won't call me!"

"Call you, will you help me?" Wu Yanan tilted her head and leaned against the edge of the table. The table is too big, and there are so many precious collections of Luo Yining in the middle, so she didn't dare to move too much. Big, the result is that she fell down by herself.

"How could there be such a stupid creature like you in the world!"

"I'm not only stupid, I'm also disabled! Luo Yining, carry me home! My ankle just hurt." Wu Yanan stretched out her hands and looked at Luo Yining expectantly.

Luo Yining glanced at her, turned around and walked to the study without saying a word.

Wu Yanan withdrew her hand resentfully, saw that her bag was still on the table and could not be taken off, so she gave up, no more, and jumped to the door empty-handed to change her shoes and leave.

"Hey!" Someone who was changing shoes was suddenly picked up by someone from behind, his body unbalanced and shouted.

Regardless of someone's cry, Luo Yining opened the door and carried her all the way into the elevator.

"Luo Yining, you are in love with me at all! Otherwise, how could you tolerate physical contact with me!" Wu Yanan faced down, her face was congested with blood, and her head was a little dizzy, but she still did not forget to follow her. Luo Yining spoke.

She remembered that in the past, Luo Yining had never been close to women, and many women would keep a distance when they spoke, let alone have any physical contact. He also hated physical contact with women the most, but recently he has frequently She has had contact with her in one way or another, and when she thinks of this, a flower can bloom in her heart with a smile.

"If you keep arguing, I'll let you go!" Luo Yining said in a low and cold voice.

"Then I will stop arguing! Tomorrow morning, can you come to my house and help me carry my luggage downstairs?" Wu Yanan liked the feeling of being held on Luo Yining's shoulders very much. Although she was dizzy, she was so happy.

Luo Yining ignored the person talking on his shoulder, sent her home with a dark face, threw her on the sofa at her house, left without saying a word, without staying for a second.

"Why are you so cruel! It's obvious that you're attracted to me, so I'm sorry to admit it! Hehe!" Wu Yanan fell down on the sofa, hugging the puppy pillow and giggling.

In the middle of the night, Luo Yining was still asleep, he couldn't fall asleep, so he liked to drink some wine, listen to music, staring at the dark night outside the window in a daze, full of thoughts, but also empty in his heart.

The glass reflected the night outside. He remembered that a long time ago, when he first set foot on this land, when he was full of expectations and curiosity about all the feasting and feasting here, there was a person standing beside him, calling stupidly. Write his name on the glass in one breath, over and over again.

Sometimes, that person would write hers next to his name, draw a heart in a naive and cute way, circle the names of the two people, and say, "Ah Ning, we want to be together forever! Look at us Names in the same heart, this is called eternal knot, you know?"

"I know." He was still a young boy at that time, and he was supposed to be sunny and cheerful, but he couldn't see it at all. He was always the kind of person who couldn't express his heart, so she asked him what He said he knew, and he would respond with the simplest words to any nice love words she said.

"A-Ning Let's break up! I can't be with you anymore. I'm leaving."

Also in this night, she also stood beside him, exhaled on the glass, wrote his and her names in the white mist, and drew a heart, but in the middle of the heart drew a A crack.

She said: "I'm leaving, so this heart is no longer complete. I drew an opening. If I go out, you can go out too."

She walked out, but after so many years, he was still stuck in the same place and couldn't get out.

He was like a frog trapped at the bottom of a well, he could see the way out when he looked up, but he would never be able to jump out of that environment.

Memories of the past, such good times, and the little girl who used to laugh innocently and purely, were imprinted into sections of blood in his life, deeply crushed and fused in every part of his life. He couldn't get rid of them within an inch of his skin.

He watched her leave step by step, and said such provocative and humble words for the first time.

"Don't go, okay? Please don't go."

But what responded to him was not only the cool night breeze, but also his own salty tears, and there was no girl who loved to laugh anymore.

Many years have passed in a flash, he has grown older and older, and he is no longer the youthful boy he was back then, but he still hasn't learned how to express his heart.

What he says is never what he really thinks in his heart. There are always some deviations of one kind or another, which makes him sound frustrated sometimes.

The phone rang over and over again accompanied by adele's slightly hoarse and deep voice, and Luo Yining realized that there was a call coming in.

After answering the phone, his face became even more ugly. He grabbed a piece of clothing and walked outside.

"Doctor, how is she now?" In the ward, Luo Yining asked the busy doctor with a dark face.

"The injury has become more serious. Be careful not to have such an accident again." The doctor took care of Wu Yanan's ankle and left with the nurse.

Luo Yining sent them away, and walked back to Wu Yanan, "How old are you, can't take care of yourself? I'm not your boyfriend, I don't have time to take care of you every day!"

"I'm sorry." Wu Yanan also knew that it was too late, she called him and disturbed his rest, but if she didn't call him, she didn't know who to call.

"I'm sorry, is it useful?! Can you stop worrying so much?!" Luo Yining waved his fist in the air, he really wanted to punch someone, but who could he punch!
"what happened to you?"

Luo Yining closed her eyes and shook her head, then opened them again, breathing heavily, what happened to him, nothing happened to him, just thinking about some past events.

Once the past is touched, he can't control his emotions.

"Are you going home tomorrow?" He tried his best to calm down, but his tone of voice was still bad.

"I'm going back. I've already told my mother, if they don't go back, they will definitely be in a hurry again." Wu Yanan frowned slightly, looking at Luo Yining who had a very ugly face.

Luo Yining nodded to show that he understood, then left the ward to find the doctor.

"Prepare some medicines for her to take home, pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medicines, prepare more." Luo Yining said to Wu Yanan after learning about Wu Yanan's injury from the doctor.

"This is no problem. I will prepare according to the situation." The doctor looked at the medical record for a while, "The patient's ankle sprain is already serious. After returning home, don't let her do housework, such as cooking and washing, standing for a long time. It is not conducive to wound healing. Just now when the patient was cooking, his foot hit the cabinet, so the swelling was severe and the pain increased."

"Wu Yanan told you this?"

"Well. If I want to know about the condition, of course I will ask her." The doctor gave Luo Yining the written medicine list, "Take these medicines home, and I wrote them down clearly for internal and external use."

"Thank you." Luo Yining took the medicine list and went downstairs to pick up the medicine, with a cold face and frowning, even the pharmacy nurse found it scary.

"You take these medicines back. There are also a few bottles of painkillers inside, which are for your father."

Returning to the ward with a large bag of medicine, Luo Yining said to Wu Yanan who was on the drip.

"Oh. I thank you on behalf of my father." Wu Yanan was a little moved. The ruthless Luo Yining was so careful that she remembered that her father was also injured.

"Stop doing housework when you go home, take a good rest, seven days off is not enough, I will help you find a way." Luo Yining put the medicine bag aside, "Did you kick down the boxes under the sink while you were cooking?"


Wu Yanan likes to be clean, the kitchen is tidy, and she never puts anything next to the sink to prevent cockroaches from breeding, so she didn't care about the extra box there. I didn't care. After returning home, it became serious in the middle of the night before I remembered to go to the hospital.


"What's wrong?" Wu Yanan asked when she saw that Luo Yining had stopped talking halfway.

"It's okay." Luo Yining originally wanted to tell her to be more careful next time, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't come out.

He felt a little embarrassed, the new stove he just bought was in the box.

She always came to cook for him recently, and he felt that the stove should be replenished, and some should be replaced with new ones, but he bought it and put it under the sink before he could take it apart.

(End of this chapter)

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