Chapter 367
After tossing and tossing for a long time, Wu Yanan finished her IV and it was already past four o'clock in the morning. Luo Yining, who had been guarding her all this time, fell asleep while sitting on the side.

Wu Yanan listened to the nurse's words, pressed the place where the needle was pulled out, looked at Luo Yining who was still frowning while he was sleeping, and finally limped over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Luo Yining, wake up, go home."

Luo Yining opened his eyes, stunned for a moment, the woman in front of him made him think it was the same one from before, he shook his head, without saying anything, stood up, took Wu Yanan's medicine bag and went out.

After walking two steps, I realized that it was inconvenient for her to retreat, so I walked very slowly behind, so I turned back and put the medicine bag in her hand, "Take it."

"Oh." Wu Yanan hugged the medicine bag and saw Luo Yining slowly squatting in front of her.

"Come on. Come on."

It was still such an impatient voice, but Wu Yanan laughed when he heard it, and happily threw himself on his back and put his arms around his neck.

"Luo Yining, do you know? I really want you to carry me, even once is enough. Because every time I see your generous back, I feel that this is the warmest and safest place in the world." Wu Yanan This time he was more obedient than ever, obediently lying on Luo Yining's back, even speaking softly.

In fact, she is not a noisy girl, it's just that when she met such a cold and wooden person as Luo Yining, she had no choice but to become noisy, so strong, and so invulnerable, otherwise there would be no one approaching him No chance, where would he get the slightest attention to her.

Luo Yining didn't listen to a word of Wu Yanan's words, she was not thinking about her words, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Did you drink again today? Luo Yining, you should drink less. If you don't take care of your stomach, no one can take care of it for you. When your stomach stops working, it's too late for you to regret it."

Wu Yanan smelled the alcohol on Luo Yining the moment he rushed to the hospital, but at that time he was in a hurry, and his face was so ugly, she didn't dare to say that he didn't like to hear it, but she was right His kind words.

"Sit on it yourself." Luo Yining opened the car door, turned around, turned his back to the car door, and told Wu Yanan to get in the car.

He has listened to her advice to him so many times that he is tired of listening.He doesn't want to drink either, but what can he do if he doesn't drink.That woman, and the memories related to her, suddenly popped up in his mind, and then disturbed him, messing up his emotions and life.

Wu Yanan got into the car, and watched Luo Yining get into the car from the other side, as if unwilling to speak, so she didn't speak any more.

On the way home, Luo Yining kept a dark face, in a very bad mood, and didn't say a word, Wu Yanan felt the strong low pressure inside the car, and felt so depressed that he was about to go crazy.

When she arrived downstairs at her house, she quickly opened the car door, wanting to breathe some fresh air, so as to ensure that she would not be suffocated to death.

"I went upstairs to get my things. It's still early and I can take the train in time. I'll go home by train."

Luo Yining got out of the car one step ahead of Wu Yanan, blocking her who was about to get out, "Key."

"This one. I've already packed my things and put them in the entrance. There's a pink suitcase and a leopard-print travel bag." Wu Yanan gave Luo Yining the keys to the house.

Luo Yining didn't say anything, took the key and walked into the night that was about to light up.

Wu Yanan stood by the car door, watched Luo Yining put her luggage into the trunk, walked slowly over and grabbed his sleeve, and gently stroked his face with his right hand, "Why are you always so sad? Happy Are some bad?"

Luo Yining didn't dodge Wu Yanan's movements, but his face became more and more ugly. The appearance of a storm that was coming was very frightening.

He looked at Wu Yanan with a pair of eyes like fire, why does this woman always do something similar to that woman, and it always reminds him of it!

During that most difficult period of time, when a fact that he was unwilling to accept but could not accept had befallen him, that woman, like Wu Yanan now, supported his face and said loudly and loudly. Calling his name, he said, "A-Ning, can you be happier? Don't be so sad, things will pass!"

He thought she was the one who could accompany him through the pain, but she ruthlessly broke his dream, gave him a hard blow in the extremely cruel reality, and made him wake up completely—— There are many people in this world who can accompany you through joys and sorrows, but there are very few people who can accompany you through hardships!
"Luo Yining, you are scary when you have a dark face, I'm afraid." Wu Yanan's fingers still caressed his face lightly, across his eyebrows, the corners of his eyes, and the bridge of his nose, resting on his lips A moment, then slowly withdrew his hand.

She took a step back, grabbed the clothes on both sides of his body with both hands, stood on tiptoe, closed her eyes, and slowly pressed his lips against his, still only staying for a moment, she retreated in embarrassment, her eyes were a little red. with him.

"I want to go back by train, and my mother agreed to come back to pick me up. You go back and rest."


"The train is still in time, I want to take the train."


"I said I want to take the train!!" Wu Yanan heard Luo Yining's voice raised three degrees, and her voice also raised several degrees.

Her eye circles were particularly red, but there were no tears rolling in her eyes, and there was no sign of crying at all, but only she knew the severe dryness and the sour taste of her nose.

"Get in the car!" Luo Yining's voice was a little higher than before, with a smell of gunpowder mixed with impatience.

"No! Why should I listen to you!" Wu Yanan clenched her fists, lost her composure in front of Luo Yining for the first time, took out her luggage from the trunk like crazy, and limped towards the community with herself go outside.

"Get in the car!" Luo Yining grabbed Wu Yanan's arm, her eyes widened, like a trapped animal, trying to hunt the food in front of her, but she was locked in the cage and couldn't get out.

"No!" Wu Yanan's stubbornness came to the fore, she tried her best to shake off Luo Yining's hand, and continued to walk forward.

"I told you to get in the car!" Finally Luo Yining yelled, and crazily snatched all the luggage from Wu Yanan's hand and threw it into the trunk, then picked her up with a box of arms, just like throwing luggage He threw it into the car and slammed the door with a bang.

Wu Yanan was quite frightened. In fact, every time Luo Yining had a dark face, she hated to be afraid, but in order to catch up with him, she pretended to be fearless every time, and continued to rush forward bravely.

Luo Yining stood by the car door, with no intention of getting into the car. He didn't speak, and turned his back to the car. Wu Yanan couldn't see his face, but she could feel his emotional fluctuations.

He didn't speak, and she didn't dare to speak, the silence devoured the two of them like a wild beast, until Wu Yanan's phone rang.

"Mom, I'll be at the station soon. I should come in a hurry. If it's too late, I'll take the bus. Don't worry, I'll call you when I get there." Wu Yanan looked at the time, and now it's time to go to the train station There was time, but Luo Yining didn't intend to send her there.

After hanging up the phone, she opened the door to get out of the car, but Luo Yining slammed the door shut, and she saw him take out his phone to make a call.

"Chengzi, come over to my side now and take someone to the train station. Hurry up."

It turned out that she was looking for someone to take her to the train station. Wu Yanan was relieved now, leaning on the seat, staring at the glass in front of her in a daze.

She had just done the most embarrassing thing in her life, kissing a man who didn't love her without any self-respect!

When she kissed him, she closed her eyes, but her eyelashes kept trembling, she didn't dare to open her eyes to look at him, what was his expression like when he was receiving her kiss.

She was afraid that she would be stabbed by his ruthless appearance, even though she had already been hurt.

Cheng Zi came over very fast, took the key from Luo Yining, got into the car and sent Wu Yanan away.

Wu Yanan lowered her head and didn't look at Luo Yining again. She knew she was already ashamed enough. He must be laughing at her in his heart now, he has already looked down on her, and he will never look up to her again - she has no self-esteem like that An overbearing woman!
Luo Yining stood in place, watching the car disappear outside the community, he sighed deeply, closed his eyes in pain and shook his head, put his hands in his trouser pockets and planned to go home, but he found two things in his trouser pockets.

The right hand was taken out first, and it was still the small pink box. When it was opened, it was still a toffee. On the sticky note, it was written: "For my favorite person, I hope he will be happy every day!"

There is also a small smiling face at the back, and next to the smiling face is a row of small words - "Smile! Smile! Smile! If you don't smile, I will eat you!"

Really childish, Luo Yining's mouth hooked unconsciously, and he took out the same box from his left trouser pocket with his left hand.

Inside was a toffee and a post-it note.

"To my favorite person!"

The sticky note twitched, there was actually a piece of paper under it, Luo Yining pulled it out and opened it, the densely packed words on it made him dazzled.

"I'm not in the company this week, so I'll send you off early! Eat sweets every day, and life will be delicious! Warm tips: drink less and eat more; work less overtime and rest more; be less stern and smile more ;few……"

Luo Yining didn't finish the series, and didn't want to watch it anymore. Wu Yanan always nags like menopausal women, and the nags are always the same. He has already memorized them all, and she still wants to be here Chatting tirelessly.

Didn't she know that he was actually the one who hated her nagging the most? !
(End of this chapter)

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