Chapter 368 Crazy
"Xiao Nan! Xiao Nan!"

"Hey, here we come! Mom, what's the matter?" Wu Yanan was making tea for her father, but when she heard her mother yelling at her in the kitchen, she hurried over. Seeing this really frightened her, "Mom, what's going on?" thing?"

I saw that the mother's hand was glowing red, and the mother's face was wrinkled into a ball, and she kept blowing on the red place.

"I accidentally burned it." A thin line of sweat broke out on Wu's mother's forehead.

"I'm going to find toothpaste, wait!" Wu Yanan walked halfway to the bathroom, and suddenly remembered that alcohol can cool down, so she went to her room to find alcohol and took it out.

Mother Wu was already sitting on the chair in the living room, holding her hand up and waiting for her daughter to come out and deal with it for herself.

"Mom, use alcohol to cool down first, and then we go to the hospital." Wu Yanan's foot injury is still not healed, and he is walking with a limp, which is inconvenient for him. Now he has to take care of his mother, and there is another person waiting for dinner in the house Her father, she was really in a hurry.

After rubbing alcohol on my mother's hands, she took medical cotton and asked her to apply it herself. She went to the kitchen to clean up the pots and soup that had fallen on the floor, and called the second uncle's house next door.

The second uncle came over very quickly, and asked the second aunt to bring some food to take care of Wu Yanan's father.

Wu Yanan and her mother didn't have time to eat, so the second uncle drove them to the hospital to see their injuries.

"The scald is serious, so there is no delay. I went to see it earlier, and I will eat when I come back." The second uncle's family has a small supermarket, and this small bread is what they usually buy.

Wu Yanan was in a state of desperation, and after the doctor had treated her mother's burns and her second uncle sent them back, she limped back and tidied up the kitchen by herself.

"Xiao Nan, your feet hurt, so don't clean them up. Tomorrow my hands won't hurt anymore, so clean them up slowly."

"It's okay, Mom, I'll clean it up now, or else I'll attract flies." Wu Yanan lives in a small yard built by himself. The kitchen window is open, and there are a few trees outside. If you don't like to hurry, mosquitoes and flies will come.

My mother's hand was burned, and my father was still lying there unable to move. Wu Yanan is now taking care of two people alone. Although the second aunt next door is helping, but they are also very busy taking care of the small supermarket, so she has to extend the leave for a few more days .

"Sister Zijin, I want to ask for a few more days off, but it's hard to talk to the HR department, can you help me?"

"Okay. I'll call there when I get back. Xiao Nan, is uncle feeling better?"

"It's better. But my mother got burned again, so I have to take care of it here."

"Take care of the family affairs first, and call me if you need help. You don't have to worry about the company's affairs."

"Well. Then thank you, Miss Zijin!"

"What are you being polite about?" Ran Zijin hung up the phone, saw Luo Yining passing by, and stopped him, "Xiao Nan's mother is in trouble again, and she still needs to ask for leave for a few days, you go and go through the leave formalities for her in a while."

"Xiao Nan?" Luo Yining squeezed the phone, wondering who is Xiao Nan, and why he had never heard of this person.

"Wu Yanan! You——" Ran Zijin was also speechless, Luo Yining didn't like Wu Yanan, and he couldn't remember her name after hanging around him for so long, so he didn't know who she was, right?
"Yeah. I'll do it now." Luo Yining suddenly realized that the proprietress was talking about Xiao Nan, not Xiao Nan!
After the company asked for leave, Wu Yanan felt a little more relieved. She was busy at home taking care of the two elderly people. From time to time, some children would come to the house. She loves children and didn’t find it annoying. She stayed to eat and drink fruit. , Mother Wu couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm already very tired, and you still leave some children at home."

"It's okay, Mom, it's only lively when the kids come. Usually I don't go home from work, you and Dad, if it weren't for these kids, you would be so lonely!"

"It's just empty, and she still speaks foreign languages." Wu's mother has been living in the town, and she has been a hardworking woman all her life. She has never used the word loneliness, and she doesn't know how to use it. It sounds good to use it on herself Feel awkward.

"Where is the foreign language? I don't speak English." Wu Yanan smiled and gave a piece of watermelon to her mother. "This melon is quite sweet. I will give a piece to Dad."

"Xiao Nan, the phone is ringing, let's see if it's from the company." Wu's mother said to Wu Yanan who brought watermelon to his father.

"It's midnight, it shouldn't be the company." Wu Yanan picked up the phone to check the number, her expression changed for a moment, and then she smiled and said to her mother, "I'll go out and answer the phone."

"Go ahead, this kid is still on guard against me." Wu's mother waved to Wu Yanan with a smile, thinking, maybe her daughter is in love and her boyfriend is calling, so she is embarrassed to answer.

"Hello?" Wu Yanan answered the phone, but there was no voice from the other side for a long time. Luo Yining never called her, except for that time when she was drunk and called her by mistake.

"What you said doesn't count! You said it to the person you like the most, what you said..."

After a while, intermittent words finally came from the phone, the voice sounded a little tired, Wu Yanan knew he was drunk again.

"The person you like the most... the person you like the most..."

"Luo Yining? Are you listening to me? Go home and stop drinking!"

"I miss you when I don't drink. I forgot what you said? How can you be so cruel! I miss you when I don't drink..."

"Luo Yining! Do you know who you are calling? I am Wu Yanan, not someone else!" Wu Yanan thought what Luo Yining would say when he called him, but he made a wrong call again.

The second time he called her, it was still a wrong number, and he also regarded her as the shadow in his heart that could never be erased.

"I know, I know, I know..."

"Since you know, go home quickly! Don't make trouble anymore!"

"I know you have always lied to me! You are a liar, you cruel woman!"

"Luo Yining! Go to hell!" Wu Yanan held back tears and hung up the phone resolutely. She wasn't pregnant enough to listen to him tell her his true feelings for another woman, and she wouldn't be sad. To the point of wanting to kill someone!

"You cruel woman, how dare you hang up on my phone! If you hang up, I'll call again!" The drunken Luo Yining staggered towards the door, pressing her phone randomly while walking. .

The ringtone of the mobile phone sounded particularly loud in the silent night. Wu Yanan looked at the familiar number and didn't want to answer it, but she was afraid that something might happen to Luo Yining, so she finally got through with a sigh.

"Where are you?! Come out!"

"Luo Yining, have you had enough trouble? You're going crazy, don't come to me in the middle of the night! I'm not your venting bucket!" Wu Yanan growled in a low voice, if Luo Yining was in front of her eyes, she wouldn't know that she Will you slap him across the face and tell him to wake up.

He is in pain, but if he tortures her like this, won't she be in pain? !

She likes him and loves him, but why should she listen to his old stories about him? It's between him and her, she doesn't want to care about it!
She can care about him, but she will never add another person!

"Am I crazy? Haha! I must let you know what a big mistake your choice was! You will definitely regret it!" Luo Yining opened the car door, sat in, put the phone in the other hand, and then Started the car.

"Luo Yining, you bastard!" Wu Yanan couldn't take it anymore, this time he just hung up the phone, Luo Yining didn't answer any more calls.

Squatting in the small courtyard under the dense and humid night, with the sounds of insects and frogs beside her ears, and the fragrance of various flowers and fruits at the tip of her nose, this was Wu Yanan's favorite environment when she was a child, but now that she has grown up, she is no longer the same as before. The kind of state of mind that is so simple that you can calm down and enjoy it all.

"Xiao Nan? It's late at night, go home and rest early!" Wu's mother stood at the door of the house and called Wu Yanan, "It's too humid outside, be careful of arthritis in the future!"

"Well, here we come." Wu Yanan sniffed and slid her nose, but there were no tears, but sore eye circles and nose.

She has always been a strong person, there are very few things that can make her cry, even if she is treated like that by Luo Yining, her eyes are red, her nose is sore, and she can't shed a single tear.

Sometimes, she wanted to be like other girls, she cried once, shed a couple of tears, and she couldn't even pretend to be pitiful. No wonder people thought she was invulnerable and didn't treat her like a girl.

Wu Yanan went back to the bedroom and took a look at the mirror on the table. In fact, her skin was also very fair, her eyes were neither too big nor too small, her nose was small, her mouth was well-shaped, and her face was slightly fat like a baby. Together, it's not ugly at all, and she can be considered a beauty if you look at her more, but why Luo Yining just doesn't like her!
"Suddenly I really want to know what she looks like in his heart, and how beautiful she is, so that after he meets her, the girls he knows again are not as beautiful as her, and they can't make him fall in love." Lostly put down the mirror , Wu Yanan hugged the pillow and thought, closed his eyes and began to feel sleepy.

Maybe it's because I'm too tired these days, or maybe I want to fall asleep without having to face too many troubles. In short, Wu Yanan slept very soundly. The phone rang for a long time, and she woke up slowly. Three beats later, it was the phone ringing, and by this time the phone had finished ringing.

There were five missed calls in total, three from Luo Yining, and two from strangers. Another call came in while Wu Yanan was flipping through her phone.

"Hello?" It was the strange number just now. She had seen it before, and it was the city's number.

"Is this Miss Wu Yanan, please? This is the entrance of the town center primary school. A Mr. Luo had a car accident. Please come here and go through some formalities."

"You are?" Wu Yanan subconsciously felt that the other party was a liar.

"I'm Wang Bing! Your primary school classmate..."

"I'll come right away!" Wu Yanan interrupted the other party, quickly changed clothes and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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