Chapter 371 Birthday
"Sister Zijin, sit down for a while, my kitchen is busy!" Wu Yanan opened the door for Ran Zijin and the others, and asked them to sit down. She had already prepared fruit and so on, so she went into the kitchen again.

"Oh! Yanan, it's not bad! The level of a chef! Luo Yining is really lucky!" Ran Zijin sat in the living room outside for a while, leaving the child for everyone to take with her, and she went into the kitchen to help Wu Yanan.

"He doesn't care about it! Every time he sees me, he looks at me as an eyesore and hates me!" Wu Yanan poured tofu under the faucet. Although her relationship with Luo Yining had improved after they came back from their vacation, there was no change. How many substantive developments, Luo Yining gave her a dark face more often than a good face.

"I think you are about to achieve a real fruit." Ran Zijin cut Wu Yanan's washed tofu into pieces, "You really look like a hostess!"

"I'm just here to annoy others." Wu Yanan shrugged, "When Sister Hu Die comes, it's only the two of them that are missing. Luo Yining said that she is already on her way home."

"Just now I called and said they are on the way."

"The doorbell is ringing. I'll go and see if sister Hu Die is here." Wu Yanan wiped her hands on the apron and ran out to open the door, but the door had already been opened by Ran Senyang.

"Sister Hu Die, why did you come here! Sister Zijin and the others have been here for a long time! I was just thinking about you with her!"

"I've been a little busy recently." Hu Die came in and hugged Leng Haohe, and said to Wu Yanan.

"Hu Die just rushed over from the company. He worked so much overtime during this period that he was so busy that the design competition had to be postponed." He Yacheng explained to everyone.

"Postponed? When will it be held?" Wu Yanan calculated the time. It is almost the end of the year, and if it is postponed again, it will be next year.

"Probably next year. It's not going to work this year anyway. I've been busy with the release of these new clothes, and now I've received orders from a few celebrities to make custom-made film festival dresses!" Hu Die likes to play with Leng Haohe the most, as long as As soon as she held her, she didn't want to let go.

"Really! That's really great! Sister Hu Die, I'll ask you for an autograph later! Can you meet a star like the Friends of Middle-aged Women? My mother likes that one so much!" Wu Yanan said about a recently popular one The name of a middle-aged male actor.

"I'll ask you about this later. If I can see it, I can definitely get you an autographed photo!"

"Then thank you sister Hu Die in advance!"

Wu Yanan was talking when the door was opened. Luo Yining stood at the door in a daze for a moment, looking at the people in the room, he suspected that he had gone to the wrong place, then looked up at his door to make sure that he did not I made a mistake and entered the door.

"Luo Yining, you really don't know your blessings!" Hu Die teased Luo Yining.

Luo Yining greeted everyone, and asked Wu Yanan in a low voice: "What's going on?"

She called him and asked him to go home for dinner. He thought that there would be something suitable for his taste, so he came back without eating outside, but the room was full of people as soon as he came back.

"Luo Yining, today is your birthday, have you forgotten? I invited everyone to celebrate your birthday!" Wu Yanan explained with a smile, and then said to him, "You are here to greet everyone, I and sister Zijin Let's cook!"

"I told you to follow suit immediately!" Nangong Lie didn't speak for a long time, seeing Wu Yanan talking to Luo Yining like the hostess, he only answered a sentence to Luo Yining.

"From what! Don't talk nonsense!" Luo Yining wanted to slap Nangong Lie on the forehead, but he avoided it.

"Don't hit our Lie! What if you beat such a smart Lie into a fool?" Ran Zimu 'angrily' protested Luo Yining's actions.

Luo Yining raised her eyebrows, come on, everyone has help to talk, but he doesn't, so he better stop talking!
"It's time to eat! It's time to eat! Gentlemen, please take the children to wash their hands, and the lady has helped serve the dishes!" Ran Zijin shouted to a group of people in the living room when he came out with a plate of dishes.

"What about those without children?" He Yacheng joked.

"If you don't have children, follow those who have children, and learn how to take care of your children in the future!" Hu Die twisted He Yacheng's arm, and said to him, "Go help Leng Muxuan!"

"Okay!" He Yacheng is the wife who speaks the most, so he happily ran to help Leng Muxuan wash Leng Haohe's hands, but Leng Haohe splashed water on his face, and came out to complain to Ran Zijin, "Your children have grudges against each other, right?" ? Xiao Dou Miao robbed me of his wife, and when Xiao Dou Sprout saw me, he either hit or splashed water!"

"Who's your RP bad!" Ran Senyang answered.

"What do you mean?" He Yacheng didn't understand.

"What is this kid talking about? It's not big or small! If you dare to talk to your uncle like that again, I'll see if I will punish you!" Ran Zijin poked Ran Senyang on the forehead.

"I feel that since I have a father, Doumiao doesn't treat me like my own!" Ran Senyang protested softly.

"My son means that I treat him well, and he loves me more! I am my own father, and you are my stepmother!" Leng Muxuan joked with Ran Zijin again.

"Sister Zijin's house must be very fun, the two children are so lively!" Wu Yanan said enviously when he greeted everyone to eat.

She is an only daughter in her family. When she was young, she played with her uncle's children. She didn't think it was a big deal. Later, when she grew up, she saw other people calling her brothers and sisters, and she began to envy her. To give birth to two, so as to have companions.

"It's just as fun for you to have more babies with Luo Yining in the future." Hu Die looked at Luo Yining pointedly.

Luo Yining took a mouthful of vegetables and couldn't swallow or spit them out, why did she suddenly feel so uncomfortable.

Wu Yanan chased after him, but he never said anything about having a baby. He never even thought about accepting her, so he never thought of having a baby.

But in the past, that cruel woman, a little older, began to whisper in his ear shamelessly, "Let's have twins in the future! It's great to have a son and a daughter at once like this! "

"I especially like dragon and phoenix twins, Luo Yining, how about you?"

"Let's get married as soon as we reach the legal age of marriage! Once we get married, we will have children! Okay? Okay? Okay..."

She is often by his side, holding his arm and acting like a baby, smiling like a child, but talking about being a mother.

He can never disagree with her proposal, and he will follow her whatever she says.

"You said how many children you want, we will have a few."

"When you say get married, we will get married when."

"When you say you want children, we will have children..."

Look, look, that's how he spoiled a woman, spoiled her, made her cheat him again and again, even betrayed him...

"Today is Yi Ning's birthday, let's all have a drink together." Leng Muxuan found out that everyone's inadvertent words just now made Luo Yining fall into silence, and he was not in the mood, and Wu Yanan's face was also a little laughing meaning, so I raised a glass and proposed.

"I need a drink! Come on, Yi Ning, happy birthday!" He Yacheng also noticed that something was wrong with Luo Yining, he was a little distracted, so he patted him on the shoulder to remind him.

Luo Yining picked up the cup and had a drink with everyone, finally she wasn't distracted, but after all, it wasn't like before.

Everyone was full, and it was a good time to change venues and continue to be high, but unfortunately, those who had children had children, and those who were busy with work, everyone dispersed.

Wu Yanan cleaned up everything in the kitchen, while Luo Yining cleaned up the dining room, neither of them spoke.

"It's all cleaned up, I'm going back first." Wu Yanan came out of the kitchen, went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and said to Luo Yining while patting the hand cream out.

Luo Yining was sitting in the living room reading a military newspaper, when she heard that she was leaving, she stood up, "I'll see you off."

"No, it's not far away, I'll be back in a few minutes." Wu Yanan seldom asks Luo Yining to take him home. To be exact, no matter how long she stays with him, he won't see her off when she goes home. He sent her off only a few times when she was in poor health.

"It's thundering outside and it's raining heavily." Luo Yining obviously didn't want to talk too much, so he directly gave Wu Yanan an umbrella, and went out first by himself.

Wu Yanan followed him out, locked the door, and followed him downstairs. Sure enough, it was thunder and lightning, and it was pouring rain. She was busy in the kitchen just now, but she didn't notice it.

She held up an umbrella and waited for Luo Yining to pick up the car at the intersection, and sat in it. Seeing him hanging his face, she didn't speak.

Generally speaking, he is not talkative, but she often makes him unable to stop talking, and he has to talk more.But sometimes, his silence is like an invisible prohibition, which makes her dare not speak easily, dare not break his silence, dare not break the taboo, and she is afraid that he will kick her out suddenly when he gets angry. his world.

"What's the matter?" The car stopped by the side of the road in the community, and Wu Yanan looked at the building where she lived.

"There seems to be something wrong with the car, stop here, get out of the car and walk!" Luo Yining got out of the car first, and looked behind in the rain, but the light was too dim, and he couldn't see what was wrong.

Wu Yanan held an umbrella for him, "It's serious? Do you want to call someone to drag him away and fix it?"

"Leave this first." Luo Yining locked the cars and sent Wu Yanan upstairs.

"Aren't you coming in?" Wu Yanan opened the door and went in, but Luo Yining stood outside without moving.


"It's raining too much, and the car broke down again. You can stay here tonight." Wu Yanan was worried that he would catch a cold if he drenched in such a heavy rain.

"No. I'm leaving." Luo Yining refused again, turned and walked towards the elevator.

Wu Yanan grabbed his sleeve, "It's not like you haven't lived with me before! What are you afraid of! I'm not a wolf, what can I do to you!"

Luo Yining looked at Wu Yanan's face, his expression was a little unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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