Chapter 372 Chatting
Wu Yanan also suddenly remembered something, her face turned red, and she hurriedly explained: "I mean, you stayed at my house for several nights when you were on vacation."

She knew that he was also thinking about that night, at the hotel in the town, the mistake that almost caused it.

"Don't worry, before you accept me, I won't do anything to you, nor will I allow you to do anything to me." Wu Yanan let go of Luo Yining's sleeve, "Come in!"

Luo Yining didn't insist anymore, walked in, shook the rain off her body, "You..."

"You sleep on the big sofa in the living room."

"Then... you go take a shower first." Luo Yining spent the night at Wu Yanan's house for the first time, to be exact, it was in the house he rented for her.

That night in the hotel, he drank too much, and he was indeed a little irritable, that's why he took her as someone else, and made such a move that he later regretted.

Later, he really wanted to apologize to her seriously, but she never gave him a chance. When he looked at her, as long as he thought of that, he would inexplicably feel irritable in his heart, but he didn't know why he was irritable .

Wu Yanan went to take a shower, put on home clothes instead of a nightgown, and came out and called him: "Go and wash! There is no pajamas you can wear at home, this sweater is too big, maybe you can make do with it. "

Luo Yining took the sweatshirt from her hand, it turned out to be a man's, she couldn't help but look at Wu Yanan in surprise, when did she become so open, there are men's clothes at home.

"The last time I went to the mall to buy it, I planned to take it home to my dad, but I haven't been back recently." Wu Yanan explained, and went to dry his hair.

While walking, Luo Yining looked at the clothes again, it really was an old man's shirt!
After washing, he was wearing a sweatshirt. Wu Yanan took a look and said, "It's a little small, but it's okay."

She estimated that if she bought clothes for him in the future, they should be bigger.My father is not very tall, but his body is gaining weight, so he always wears large clothes, while Luo Yining is tall and thin, so the clothes that are too big are a bit short, so if you want to go up a size, it will be almost the same up.

"It's past ten o'clock." Luo Yining looked at the phone, not knowing what to do.

Wu Yanan didn't turn on the TV or play music. She had a comic book in her hand. She sat on the carpet in front of the sofa with bare feet. She looked up at Luo Yining who was sitting on the sofa for a while, and said, "Let's chat for a while." God!"

"Okay." Luo Yining agreed, but he didn't know what to talk about with Wu Yanan, there were really too few common topics between them.

Wu Yanan happily put the book aside and asked him, "Can you tell me about your childhood?"

Luo Yining frowned, looking a little unhappy.

"You have gone to my house to see the environment I lived in when I was a child. To be fair, you should also tell me a little bit!"

"I also lived in the town when I was a child, and my family was in business, but something happened later, and my parents' business failed. I didn't even go to high school, and I went out to work. I met Mr. Leng, and he gave me a lot of opportunities. , I am what I am today."

When Luo Yining opened his mouth, it didn't seem like he had paused. He thought about telling Wu Yanan all about his situation, maybe she wouldn't like him any more, and wouldn't come to pester him anymore, "So the bright things you saw I am actually just an appearance, I have nothing. My parents need me to support me, and my family still lives in a very old house. I leave Guangbo and Lengshao, and I have nothing.”

Back then, his parents' business failed, and those people came to collect debts. His parents were injured and even had no money for hospitalization, and he was beaten and injured everywhere.

Later, when those people saw that their family was indeed unable to repay their debts, they began to move their belongings. Those valuable belongings were all removed, and all of a sudden the house was completely empty, making the family of three cry all day long.

However, even if the family was completely destitute, there was still someone who was unwilling to let them go. That person even took over the house because they owed him a considerable amount of money.

The family had no place to live, so they lived in a ruined temple in the town.He had no money to continue studying at the key high school in the city he had just entered, so he had to work in the city, keeping a small part of the money he earned for himself, and sending most of it home to his parents.

With the money he earned, his parents slowly started some small businesses again, and only then did they build an inconspicuous house.And he met Leng Muxuan, a bole, when he was working as a car wash in Leng Zhai.

Leng Muxuan gave him the opportunity to study, gave him the opportunity to exercise, let him grow rapidly in just a few months, and then became strong in those few years. After he inherited the Leng family's property, he will be successful became his right-hand man.

Over the years, the money earned by his parents has been repaid one after another, but because they are ashamed of him, they refuse to ask for any more money from him. His relationship with them has also fallen into a strange circle.Parents obviously need him, but they always push him away.And he clearly wanted to get close to his parents, but he didn't know where to start.

"No! I think you are great! Even without Leng Shao and them, you can still be successful." Wu Yanan listened to Luo Yining's words, and took the initiative to hold his hand, "Now you are already very successful. There is more , how your family is doing, it's not your fault, on the contrary, you changed your family from that sluggish state, you are really strong!"

"You..." Luo Yining didn't expect his words. Instead of telling Wu Yanan to back off, he came to comfort him instead. He really couldn't figure out why she fell in love with a person who didn't have any qualifications.

"I'll answer the phone!" Wu Yanan was about to say something, when the phone rang, she stood up and took it to the window to answer it, "Are you downstairs? Are you going out? There are many people? Okay! Then wait for me for 10 minutes! "

Luo Yining watched Wu Yanan happily answer the phone, then ran back happily, and said to him: "Wang Bing is downstairs, pick me up for class reunion, karaoke!"

"It's almost eleven o'clock."

"It's okay! I don't go to work tomorrow anyway!" Wu Yanan ran back to the bedroom, hurriedly changed her clothes and put on light makeup.

"It's still raining." Luo Yining stood by the window, opened the curtains and said to Wu Yanan who was ready to go.

"Wang Bing is driving! I'm leaving! This is the key. I guess I'll have to come back tomorrow and get it at your house." Wu Yanan put the key in Luo Yining's hand, and waved away.

Luo Yining looked at the key, looked at the closed door, and instantly had the urge to throw the key and smash the door.

Obviously she was the one who wanted to chat, but he made a big push. After she listened, she left with a phone call, leaving him alone to chat with the air? !
"Hi! Why didn't you call me earlier? What a rare opportunity for a class reunion!" Wu Yanan jumped into the car and said to Wang Bing.

"It's all the fault of Fatty Wang! He said he contacted you, but he forgot, so I came to pick you up again." Wang Bing drove the car, and when he passed the gate of the community, he glanced at the car on the side of the road, " Your friend is at your house?"

"Yeah. He sent me back, but the rain was too heavy, so I didn't let him go back." Wu Yanan replied without thinking too much.

"Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?" Wang Bing felt a little uncomfortable, but because he hadn't said anything to Wu Yanan, he could only feel bored and uncomfortable.

"I didn't do anything, what are you afraid of!" Wu Yanan glanced at Wang Bing, "Comrade traffic police, when did you gossip like this? Say, are you a spy sent by my parents?"

"How is it possible! I'll just ask casually. I personally think that young man is nice, but he just doesn't suit you."

"But my parents said it was very suitable for me! But they have high eyesight and look down on me!" Wu Yanan said with a smile, "Is this your girlfriend?"

She saw a photo in Wang Bing's car, took it and saw that it was a beautiful woman, so she asked him.

"My classmate's younger sister, the blind date person I introduced to me, I haven't met yet. I'm not afraid that I may be mistaken, so give me a photo so that I can recognize her face in advance." Wang Bing smiled self-deprecatingly, "Every time I go on a blind date. , never succeeded."

"Is it because your vision is too high?" Wu Yanan took a closer look, the girl has delicate features, she is really a beauty, Wang Bing is not bad, and the two are a good match.

"As a little traffic policeman, I am picked by others. How can I pick others? How can I have a high vision?"

"So you already have a bright moon in your heart?" Wu Yanan put down the photo, flipping through the CD in his car.

"Well, a bright moon shines on my heart!" Wang Bing laughed humorously.

"Yo, really? That girl? Tell me, if you're too embarrassed to talk about it, I'll tell my parents later and let them talk about it for you!" Wu Yanan hasn't seen anything from Wang Bing in these years. Thinking that there is still someone hidden in such a person who never shows his feelings, I can't help being curious.

"Who else is there but you?" Wang Bing glanced at Wu Yanan before turning back and continuing to drive.

"It's a joke, there is no creativity at all. I despise you very much!" Wu Yanan smiled and patted Wang Bing on the shoulder, "Dude, we are not too young, so hurry up and find a buyer and sell yourself Let’s go! Otherwise, we’ll all be leftover defective products picked by others.”

"How about I be the buyer and you sell it to me?" Wang Bing said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Then it's better for me to be the buyer, and you sell it to me as a little maid!" Wu Yanan looked and joked like the old lady who was in charge of the house.

She didn't think about anything else at all, she had been in a relationship with Wang Bing for so many years, how could she have thought that he really had more than a little bit of thought about her.

"Come on, you!" Wang Bing finished speaking halfway, but didn't say anything more.

He basically knew that she didn't have any thoughts about him, but she had thoughts about that friend who had a dark face all day long but drove a luxury car.

He was chasing her here, she was chasing others there, chasing one after another, I really don't know what the result will be.

(End of this chapter)

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