Chapter 50 She Called Back 2
But Ran Zijin entered the dormitory hall with his head downcast, without realizing his existence. This was the first time he had seen her like this, so he felt nervous all of a sudden.

"No." Ran Zijin squeezed out a smile, not wanting Ye Simian to worry, and then asked all kinds of things, without bothering to explain, "It's just that finding a job is a bit tricky."

"Why are you in a hurry to find a job? This kind of thing is not in a hurry for a day or two." After hearing Ran Zijin's explanation, Ye Simian relaxed a little, and stretched out his hand to rub her bangs, "How many companies do I know?" A slightly larger company, how about I help you find out if there is any suitable position for you?"

Ran Zijin suddenly remembered that Leng Muxuan said that girls should love themselves, so he took a step back, avoiding Ye Simian's hand rubbing his bangs, and then felt that he was overreacting, so it shouldn't be an issue of self-love ?
So, she smiled sweetly at him, "Okay. Thank you in advance."

Ran Zijin knew that now was not the time to maintain his so-called dignity and face, and the airborne army was better than no job, so he agreed to Ye Sizhen's proposal, thinking about finding a job first.

"We still need to say thank you?" Ye Sizhen raised his brows, he didn't feel embarrassed by Ran Zijin's avoidance on the surface, but actually felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It seemed that she could only accept him as her good friend after all, if she wanted to go any further, she would really be unwilling.

To win her heart, he still has to work harder, even harder than now!

"Have you had lunch yet? Shall I take you to eat something?" Ye Simiao had just checked the time, and it was time for lunch.

Eating is also a good opportunity to get to know Ran Zijin and let her know himself, so he doesn't want to miss any such opportunity.

"I've eaten. I ate with my friends." Ran Zijin squeezed his phone, pretending to check the time, "I'm a little busy..."

"It's okay, then go get busy, let's have dinner together next time." Ye Simiao said thoughtfully.

In fact, he was not very clear about the authenticity of Ran Zijin's words, because she always found excuses to shirk before, and didn't want to get in touch with him.

But if he insists on taking Ran Zijin to dinner, he is afraid that she will find him even more annoying, so leaving some free space between the two is also a matter of maintaining a good image of himself in her heart, so there is no need for him to insist on his own opinion .

"Well. Goodbye then." Ran Zijin waved his hand, turned around, walked into the dormitory hall and went upstairs.

If the matter in the orphanage is not resolved, she will have no peace.

Sitting anxiously in the dormitory, after thinking and thinking, Ran Zijin still turned on the computer, Baidu called the front desk of Jiamei Group, and then mustered up the courage to dial it.

The phone was quickly picked up, and a sweet female voice came from the other end, "Hello, this is the front desk of Jiamei Group. May I help you?"

Ran Zijin's breathing became heavier and faster, and the hand holding the phone was tight and tight, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand could be clearly seen.

"Hello? Are you still there?" The female voice came again.

"Please, may I ask..." Ran Zijin took a deep breath, held back the pain and sadness in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked, "Can you tell me the contact information of Mr. Ran?"

"The lady will introduce herself first, we will make a record, and then hand it over to General Secretary Ran, and they will contact you again."

Hearing this, Ran Zijin hung up the phone and threw the phone on the bed.

Self introduction!

For a daughter to see her father, she had to go through such trouble, passing through the company's front desk, passing through the secretariat, and then her father would just ignore her if she felt like it.

Ran Zijin threw herself on the bed and burst into tears, why was she so useless, she hated a person to death, but in the end she had to turn to this person for help.

In the next few days, Ye Simiao really helped Ran Zijin contact several companies and asked her to go for an interview.

Ran Zijin went to every company, interviewed for every job seriously, and finally passed three companies, and asked her to wait for the notice to go through the entry procedures.

"Which company do you want to go to?" Ye Sizhen also personally accompanied Ran Zijin to every company for the interview.

"I want to go to the planning department and be an assistant to the minister." Ran Zijin had already made a decision in his heart, and he passed three jobs, one was the front desk lady, the other was a clerk in the secretarial department, and the other was the assistant to the director of the planning department.

The salaries of the three are similar, and the company environment is also similar, but the planning department is one of Ran Zijin's favorite departments.

"Then go there. Go back and have a good rest. Are you tired these days?"

"No. It made you work hard. I invite you to dinner, what do you want to eat?" Ran Zijin breathed a sigh of relief after finding a job.

Thinking of how Ye Simian drove her to and from her in the past few days and took care of her relationship with others, she felt that she should invite him to dinner to thank her.

"Whatever." Ye Simian opened the car door and let Ran Zijin get into the car.

"But there are no restaurants that serve casual meals." Ran Zijin joked in a rare good mood. They just went to meet the head of the planning department, and Ye Sizhen introduced her to several important people in the company.

"Then Sichuan cuisine."

"You also like Sichuan cuisine?" Ran Zijin asked while buckling up his seat belt.

"Yeah." Ye Simian responded casually, not because he likes Sichuan food, but because she likes it.

If she likes it, he will try to like it.

So, even if every time he finished eating Sichuan food, he would suffer from spicy stomach pains, he would endure it and take her to eat Sichuan food next time.

Ran Zijin thought that Ye Simian liked Sichuan cuisine, so he went with him to the Sichuan restaurant that the two of them frequented most.

After eating this meal, Ran Zijin went back to the dormitory to tidy up, then went to the passenger station to return to the orphanage.

The matter in the orphanage has not been resolved, and I don't want to ask that person for help, so I want to go back to the orphanage to have a look.

"Sister Zijin!" A boy named Pang Dun'er was the first to notice Ran Zijin's return, ran over and threw himself into her arms, "Sister Zijin, you haven't come back for a long time, have you forgotten Mama Gu and Pang Duner?" baby?"

"No, my sister is busy, so I'll be back when I'm free?" Ran Zijin adjusted Fatty's hat, "Go play first, pay attention to safety, I'll go and see Mama Gu, okay?"

"Yeah. My sister remembers to come and play with me later." Fat Duner nodded vigorously and ran away.

Ran Zijin felt very uncomfortable looking at the carefree and fat man.

There are many terminally ill children like Fat Duner in the orphanage. Fat Duner has leukemia, leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease.

The money for the children's medical treatment is usually donated by the society.The children couldn't afford to live in the hospital, and only went back to the hospital for emergency treatment when their condition got worse. After a little relief, they were taken back again, and they relied on medicine to maintain their lives.

Ran Zijin found Mama Gu in the medical room. Normally, she was giving medicines and injections to the children at this moment.

"Mother Gu, I'm back." She said hello, washed her hands, and helped Mama Gu give the children injections.

After living in the orphanage for so many years, she and Gu Mama had already learned how to get injections and various wound treatments, otherwise going to the hospital would increase unnecessary expenses.

"Zijin is back. Let's take a break first. I can do it by myself, and I'll finish with two children. I'll cook for you." Gu Meihua was very happy when he saw Ran Zijin come back, so he kissed him The daughter is almost back, or even happier than this.

"Two people together, it's faster this way, I'm not tired." Ran Zijin looked at the prescription and began to dispense it.

"You are so busy graduating, and the orphanage still has to trouble you. It's really hard for you." Gu Meihua and Ran Zijin were talking, putting the needle tube aside, and opened the door to call for the child to get the injection.

(End of this chapter)

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