Chapter 51
"It's not that hard. I have found a job. After a few days, I will go through the entry procedures and go to work."

"Speaking of looking for a job, Zijin, I want to remind you a few words, you must keep your eyes open, don't let people deceive you." Gu Meihua suddenly remembered that someone came to the orphanage yesterday, saying that they wanted Ran Zijin to go to their company work.

At that time, she thought it was a bit strange, so she ignored the man, thinking of calling Ran Zijin to remind him, but then she was too busy and forgot.

Now that she heard Ran Zijin talking about work, she remembered it again and felt a little worried.

"Well, I know. This job was introduced by a friend, and there will be no problems. In the planning department, I am an assistant to the minister. Mama Gu, don't worry." Ran Zijin knew that Mama Gu was worried about herself, so she told all her.

After hearing what Ran Zijin said, Gu Meihua felt even more strange, and she asked again: "Is the person who introduced you to the job male or female?"

"Men." Ran Zijin chuckled, "Mother Gu, this is not a boyfriend. My relationship with him is within the absolute safety range."

"That's not what I meant." Gu Meihua smiled, packed up her things with Ran Zijin, and stopped her from going out of the medical room together. "A man came to me yesterday and said he wanted you to work in their company. I thought this man was a liar."

"You want me to go to work? Did that person tell me what company it is?" Ran Zijin was also surprised. The resume she submitted online and her contact address were filled with the school, and she didn't mention the orphanage at all. How could someone come here to find her? up.

"Well. At first I thought it was someone from the company we were moving to negotiate, so I chased him away with the children, but he said he wanted you to go to work. I thought he was suspicious, so I just kicked him out. I didn't give him a chance to say what company it is." Gu Meihua still doesn't know what the man is going to do, but he just thinks he is a liar.

"Then you don't know what that person's name is?"

"I don't know. Since he is a liar, there is no need to talk too much with him. Talking too much will make mistakes!"

"That's right." Ran Zijin thought about it carefully, and felt that it couldn't be Ye Simian, because the jobs he introduced to her were all personally followed by her.

But who else can come here to find her and ask her to go to work, why not come to him in person?

Could it be Leng Muxuan?

will not!

Ran Zijin was taken aback by his own thoughts, thinking about it, it wouldn't be Leng Muxuan.

Although Leng Muxuan has the ability to investigate her details and know the existence of the orphanage, but he has absolutely no reason to force her to work in his company.

Besides, if Leng Muxuan wanted to give her a job, he would say it on the phone, or just ask Luo Yining to go to school to find her.

Who is this person?
Ran Zijin was startled again, stopped suddenly, looked at Mama Gu and asked eagerly, "Could it be someone from Ran's family?"

"Ran's family?" A look of unnaturalness flashed in Gu Meihua's eyes, then he turned his head quickly, avoiding Ran Zijin's gaze, and continued walking forward, saying, "No. You don't have any contact with the Ran's family, how could they send someone Here to give you a job. Unless you reach out to them."

Gu Meihua walked quickly, leaving the bewildered Ran Zijin behind, rubbing her hands anxiously, thinking, does Zijin know something?
But according to her recent performance, she should still not know.

But why would she ask that again?How could you guess that it was Ran's family?

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, Gu Meihua finally stood still, turned his head to cover up the emotion in his eyes, and asked Ran Zijin, "Zijin, did you hear something?"

"Huh?" Ran Zijin was still thinking about calling the front desk of Camry Group a few days ago to ask that person's contact information, so he didn't notice Gu Meihua's emotional fluctuations at all.

Gu Meihua saw that Ran Zijin's eyes were full of bewilderment, and since she was sure that she didn't know about that matter, she felt relieved a lot.

She smiled at Ran Zijin, stretched out her hand, "Come on, let's cook for you."

"Oh. Good." Ran Zijin also smiled at Gu Meihua, ran over quickly, took the hand she extended, and walked forward together.

She felt that Mama Gu's words were reasonable, unless she asked Ran's family for help, how could they take the initiative to help her.

For so many years, Ran's family has ignored me, even if I ask them for help, they will not readily agree to my request.

After all, it was the person who drove her and her mother out of Ran's house at the beginning, and the car accident caused her mother's death. How could he be so kind as to remember that there was still a daughter of his in the orphanage?

Ran Zijin smiled wryly in his heart, his blood was running down her body, but he never regarded her as his child.

He never gave her fatherly love, never smiled at her, never cared about her, and he did such cruel and inhuman things!
As soon as Ran Zijin thought of this, he wanted to plunge a knife into that person's heart to see what color his heart was, and what color his blood was, so that he could be so cruel!

In just two days, people from Yiyang Foreign Trade Company and the government came several times, bombarding her and Gu Meihua in turn, telling them to move out quickly.

Gu Meihua was determined not to compromise, and neither were the people there, and in the end they couldn't come up with a countermeasure.

"Mother Gu, why don't we move out. I'll figure out how to pay for it." Ran Zijin knew that it was useless to fight the government, and sooner or later the orphanage would have to be demolished.

Move out earlier, maybe you can get some subsidies from the government.If they persisted and angered them, the orphanage would get nothing and would have to close down.

"Zijin, it's not that I haven't thought about this, but money is really a big problem." Gu Meihua was also very anxious.

At the beginning when the government came to inform about the relocation, she called Ran's family, but before she spoke, she heard that there were also some problems there, and she couldn't help the orphanage at all.

She was desperate, so she called Ran Zijin, hoping that she could think of a way.

"No matter how big the trouble is, there is a solution. If I think about it again, there will always be a solution. We can't mess up." Ran Zijin took Gu Meihua's hand to cheer her up.

She thought, if it doesn't work, she will go back to Ran's house once and meet that person in person.

Isn't it just bowing your head and begging for help?What's the problem!

Compared with the safety of the orphanage, bowing your head and not caring about your dignity once is nothing at all.

Gu Meihua nodded and smiled, but his brows were still furrowed.

She knew that she would not be able to come up with a solution for a while, and those units that could subsidize the orphanage would not give 200 million at a time, even if several units added up, they would not be able to raise enough funds.

"Grandma dean! Grandma dean! It's not good! It's not good!" At this time, Fat Duner rushed into Gu Meihua's room with a few children.

"What's the matter?" Ran Zijin stood up and held Fat Dun'er. The child was sick, so he didn't dare to touch it, otherwise it would kill him.

"That, that, that person came again that day!" Panting heavily, Fat Duner pointed in the direction of the gate of the orphanage.

"That's the liar!" another kid added.

"I'll go and have a look." Gu Meihua knew that what the children were talking about was the person who tricked Ran Zijin into working in their company.

"I'll go too right away." Ran Zijin said to Gu Meihua, while holding back the children running around, "Children, be careful, don't run around."

(End of this chapter)

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