Chapter 103 Fighting against each other (1)

Lu Yanche's words deeply touched Mu Niange...

Mu Niange thought that after so many things, she might believe that the promise Lu Yanche said was true, but there was a knot in Mu Niange's heart, no matter what Lu Yanche tried, she couldn't get Mu Niange's heart This knot is untied, it is a knot, if you want to get rid of it, unless Mu Niange cuts it with his own hands.

Mu Niange laughed twice with a 'hehe': "I see."

The phrase "I see" made what Lu Yanche wanted to say stuck in his throat. He wanted to say it, but he couldn't.

Compared with the previous period, this kind of Mu Niange's attitude towards Lu Yanche has been completely improved. Lu Yanche should be happy and thankful.

Lu Yanche stood up slowly from the side of Mu Niange, put his hands in his trouser pockets, lowered his head, and stared at Mu Niange's back, he was silent for a long while, then lightly raised his thin lips and said, "Well, you are here Come back after a while."

Lu Yanche thought, Mu Niange needs to digest, he needs to give Mu Niange time to meditate...

This is undoubtedly the most suitable place.

The sound of Lu Yanche's footsteps resounded in Mu Niange's ears. When Mu Niange heard the sound of the door opening and closing, Mu Niange seemed relieved. Looking down at himself reflected in the water, a self-deprecating smile curled up on his lips.

She took off her shoes, put her feet into the water, and threw the water out again and again.

What Mu Niange doesn't want to admit is that she is very cowardly. Cowardly, sometimes she is afraid to face some problems. When some problems come, she chooses to pretend to be calm and drive away the people who ask the questions. Thinking about that question, she kept thinking about it, lost her mind, and forgot herself. In the end, she still couldn't think of the answer.

"Lu Yanche..."

Mu Niange couldn't help murmuring.

Xia Minmin left the room, and as soon as she reached the stairs, she saw Lu Yanche holding Mu Niange, her heart sank, her hand holding the handle of the stairs slightly tightened, her eyes were fixed on Lu Yanche and Mu Nian Look at the song, when they opened the door and walked to the swimming pool on the other side, Xia Minmin slowly walked down from upstairs.

She walked very carefully, so that the ladies in the living room did not notice her, and with Mrs. Xia protecting her, Xia Minmin even went straight to the door of the swimming pool smoothly.

Through the glass window, she looked at the scene inside, the scene where Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were sitting side by side, she found it so dazzling, she wished she could pull Mu Niange away immediately and replace it with herself sit there.

She was just heartbroken for a while, and Mu Niange came to power so soon?

Mu Niange ignored Lu Yanche's love earlier, but it was just a means to deal with herself. Now, she has lost her luster in front of Lu Yanche, Mu Niange couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to act?

The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the uglier her face became. She really wanted to hear what they were talking about, but through a door, a window, and a pane of glass, Xia Minmin felt as if a century had passed. She seemed to be watching from a distance. watching them.

Xia Minmin turned around and turned her back to Mu Niange and Lu Yanche. She took a deep breath and warned herself that she couldn't watch it anymore. If she continued to watch it, what happened later was out of her control.

Time passed by, Xia Minmin watched from the corner of her eye from time to time, and when she saw Lu Yanche standing up from Mu Niange's side, her eyes lit up, and a tinge of pleasure arose in her heart, Mu Nian I'm afraid Ge is having trouble with Lu Yanche again.

Xia Minmin hid quickly, and when Lu Yanche came out and walked away, she quietly approached the door, opened it carefully and walked in.

Her movements were very light and gentle, and Mu Niange was too absorbed in thought, unable to notice Xia Minmin's actions at all...

When Mu Niange came back to look, she was startled by Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin sat across from her, looking at her with a smile across the water of the swimming pool.

Mu Niange jerked his feet away from his hands, stood up, and looked at Xia Minmin vigilantly.

Mu Niange's actions fell into Xia Minmin's eyes. Xia Minmin stood up unhurriedly, and slowly approached Mu Niange. It seemed that Mu Niange still had some scruples about him.

Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange, they just looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

Mu Niange remembered what Lu Meiqi said, that Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin had a falling out, and according to Xia Minmin's personality, there would be a big scene, she chose not to appear in front of Lu Yanche for a long time, it turned out that she was hurting herself.

Xia Minmin's pale face instantly betrayed her.

This is Xia Minmin's home, and even Xia Minmin's territory...

Mu Niange is undoubtedly at a disadvantage when dealing with Xia Minmin here. When did Xia Minmin appear and how long did she stay here? These are all doubts in Mu Niange's heart. .

After staring at Xia Minmin for a while, Mu Niange looked away, turned around, and walked towards the door!

Mu Niange's escape was expected by Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin didn't rush to stop Mu Niange, but waited until Mu Niange's hand landed on the doorknob before she opened her thin lips and said slowly: : "Mu Niange, facing me makes you feel scared, so you want to escape?"

Mu Niange's hand on the doorknob paused slightly...

She is afraid, she wants to escape?

That was all in the past...

Mu Niange didn't understand why Xia Minmin used such an aggressive method against her, but what Mu Niange wanted to say was that Xia Minmin succeeded, and successfully stopped her footsteps.

"Oh... so it's not that you're afraid to face me, let alone want to run away. Then why did you want to leave here as soon as you saw me?" Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange's actions with satisfaction. , walking in circles, every word and every sentence of her was full of provocations to Mu Niange.

"Xia Minmin, you are really idle!" Mu Niange smiled sarcastically upon hearing this.

She turned to face Xia Minmin, and responded not to be outdone: "You always think about how to deal with me, I want to say, aren't you tired when you are like this?"

Mu Niange's sarcasm made Xia Minmin's complexion change instantly. This pale and ugly complexion was the first time Xia Minmin appeared in front of Mu Niange. At this moment, Mu Niange didn't know what words to use to express Describe your mood!

Mu Niange can't back down. Her back down will only get Xia Minmin's aggressive attack...

(End of this chapter)

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