Chapter 104 Fighting against each other (2)

"Mu Niange, do you really think that you have won everything?" Xia Minmin clenched her fists with both hands, she looked at Mu Niange's eyes, and gritted her teeth in hatred.

She was wearing white pajamas, and with her pale and ugly face, she looked extremely haggard under the dark moonlight. However, what Xia Minmin uttered from her mouth were tough words, tit for tat!
"Aren't you tired of asking me? This question...I'm afraid I will ask you instead."

"Mu Niange, you keep saying that you don't want to have any more contact with us, and you won't have any more conversations with Lu Yanche, so, have you done it? Didn't you still kiss me and me with Lu Yanche in places I couldn't see? , walked very intimately, Mu Niange, you are so hypocritical, aren't you tired?"

"Or, you are actually like me. You are one way on the surface, but another way behind your back. This makes you really disgusting and disgusting!"

Xia Minmin complained about Mu Niange, feeling a little agitated, if it wasn't for Mu Niange's reappearance, if it wasn't for Mu Niange saying one thing and doing another, contacting Lu Yanche again and again, which aroused Lu Yanche's attention, Xia Minmin It is impossible to be reduced to such a point.

The source of all this was all started by Mu Niange...

Everything she planned was destroyed by Mu Niange.

Xia Minmin never took Mu Niange seriously, but she never thought that when Mu Niange really exploded, it would make Xia Min so sensitive that she couldn't reach her. She in front of her was the best example, but she was caught by Lu Yanche. After three words, this kind of virtue has been achieved.

She never thought of giving up, let alone giving up. Now that she has taken the first step, she will take all the remaining steps...

She wanted Mu Niange to know that Xia Minmin's real strength was not only in bullying her.



Such adjectives are no longer new to Mu Niange's ears...

Mu Niange deeply remembered that Xia Minmin used to say even more vicious things, but now, Xia Minmin has regressed, or is she thinking that she should show mercy to her subordinates?
Mu Niange pursed his lips, and couldn't help laughing: "Xia Minmin, I have never understood, nor can I understand, how did a person like you stay in front of Lu Yanche for so long? Even Xia Youyou was raped by Lu Yanche Disgust is set off, and you are unscathed?"


"I can see from your performance in front of Lu Yanche that you have a superficial trick and a secret skill that is not comparable to ordinary people. I thought you didn't know, but I didn't expect you to be so self-aware, and you Now, it will become like this, it's a superficial thing, but the secret thing was exposed by Lu Yanche?"


"Compared to you, Xia Youyou looks much nobler. At least, Lu Yanche just hates Xia Youyou. When Xia Youyou appears, he will treat Xia Youyou coldly. But what about you? I can predict your ending, You are far more miserable than Xia Youyou, because... once you appear in front of Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche will be so disgusted that he can't help but throw you out!"

"Mu Niange, I know, you must be very happy to know that I am hated and disliked by Brother Che..." Xia Minmin took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and stretched out her hand to brush the hair that fell on her cheek After being picked up to the base of her ears, she picked up her steps and slowly approached Mu Niange, her eyes stared straight at Mu Niange, without the slightest dodge, retreat, or want to divert her gaze!

Here, meeting Mu Niange who is alone is a great opportunity for Xia Minmin. She wants to use this opportunity to let Mu Niange know that even though Mu Niange has become articulate now, there are some things that It's not that Mu Niange said that if he wants to change, he can change it...

Even if the picture in front of him gave Mu Niange an illusion, but until the end, Mu Niange couldn't see the ending!
"But, have you ever thought that some things are just passing by, and they will pass away soon." Xia Minmin stopped when she was two or three steps away from Mu Niange, her words were full of confidence.

With this approach, Mu Niange really saw how haggard Xia Minmin, whom he hadn't seen for a while...

The originally red and tender face was not only pale, but not a trace of blood could be seen. Xia Minmin lost a lot of weight, and the white pajamas were worn on her body, which was empty, leaving a lot of space. Such a Xia Minmin, inexplicably Mu Niange thought of her former self...

The difference is that Mu Niange was hurt by Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou, Lu Yanche and others, leaving a shadow and suffering from mental illness.

And Xia Minmin was hurt by love, what exactly did Lu Yanche say to Xia Minmin, and what did he do to Xia Minmin to bring Xia Minmin down to this point?
No wonder Lu Meiqi wanted to remind herself that on the one hand, she was worried that Xia Minmin would take revenge on Mu Niange, on the other hand, maybe she wanted to tell Mu Niange that Lu Yanche only had her in her heart, she really didn't need to worry, she could try Open your heart, let Lu Yanche approach slowly, slowly approach...

It's a pity that Lu Yanche tried to get closer with the first step, but was rejected by Mu Niange outside the door...

Mu Niange didn't know whether her decision was right or wrong, but the truest feeling in her heart told her that she should do this, so she did...

Just like Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou always acts with the most authentic thoughts in her heart every time she makes a move.

Mu Niange laughed two times: "Xia Minmin, what's the use of telling me these things? After all, you are just afraid of me, afraid of me, that's why you want to warn me, wait for me to wait for you Promise in front of me that I will not move forward, I will stop, and when Lu Yanche is turned away, you may feel a little more at ease in your heart, but, as you said, some things are just a passing moment, you prevented this For a moment, Lu Yanche and I approached, so may I ask, after you stopped him, Lu Yanche wanted to approach me again? Or, I figured it out, and tried to approach Lu Yanche proactively?"

"Mu Niange, you are a shameless bitch!" Xia Minmin couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at Mu Niange.

She thought of Lu Yanche's face when he said those ruthless words to her. It was the person she thought about and missed all the time. He was so ruthless, so ruthless, which caused all this to happen. The person in front of him is Mu Niange in front of him!

"Yes, you are right, I am cheap, not a little cheap, but very cheap, but compared to you Xia Minmin, I am far inferior..."

(End of this chapter)

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