Chapter 105 Fighting against each other (3)

"I don't have your means, your ability, and your despicableness..." Mu Niange picked up his steps and gradually approached Xia Minmin. Every time she said a word, she emphasized her tone. At the end, Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin's eyes were full of sarcasm and contempt.

"Xia Minmin, I just retorted you a few words casually, and you are so angry? Tell me, can the conversation between us continue?" Mu Niange suddenly felt that he was ridiculous...

In fact, she is no different from Xia Minmin. She has been worrying about the same thing, circling, thinking, and falling into it. Among them, none of them is an outsider, and they are all insiders. You are fighting to die !

No matter in the past or now, without Lu Yanche, it is impossible for Mu Niange and Xia Minmin to get along peacefully!

Mu Niange approached, and Xia Minmin backed back in coordination. Mu Niange's approaching steps were not large, but her retreating steps were large. When she was about to reach the pool, Mu Niange stopped, and then finished her words.

In the past, if Mu Niange dared to talk to Xia Minmin like this, Xia Minmin would definitely give Mu Niange a hard time, but now, she is the one who is suffering, and the one who needs to suffer, she must force Mu Niange, the best The forced Mu Niange faced his opponent.

Xia Minmin thought to herself, observing Mu Niange's emotions, she always felt that Mu Niange was not provoked by her so much, but Xia Minmin was really, as Mu Niange said, by Mu Niange's anger. A few or two sentences poke the pain and become angry from embarrassment.

"Why should I become angry from embarrassment, everything you said may be true..." Xia Minmin looked away from Mu Niange, turned to face the swimming pool, looked down at the sparkling water and said, "I don't need you to come forward at all." Come to remind..."


Xia Minmin was right.

Xia Minmin knew what Xia Minmin was doing, and the only thing Xia Minmin didn't remember, was not to provoke Mu Niange, let alone tie Mu Niange and Lu Yanche together...

However, what Mu Niange didn't know, Xia Minmin felt from the bottom of her heart that the two names Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were inseparable, so she targeted Mu Niange in this way when Mu Niange appeared , so wishing that Lu Yanche didn't know that Mu Niange was back, so much wanting to prevent Mu Niange from being alone with Lu Yanche!
Xia Minmin's mood calmed down too quickly, which surprised Mu Niange...

Mu Niange stared at Xia Minmin's back, with deep thought flashing across his eyes.

This banquet was not attended by Mu Niange voluntarily. In addition to Mu Yuanling's persuasion, Mu Niange wanted to give Madam Mu some face. After all, Madam Mu has long regarded Mu Niange as a family. On such occasions, Mu Niange should appear.

Mu Niange thought that she would stay quietly and wait for the banquet to end.

Ji Jingchen's approach meant that Mu Niange would not be at peace tonight, first Lu Yanche, then Xia Minmin, Mu Niange felt for the first time that if she got involved with Lu Yanche, she would not end well.

Perhaps, Mu Niange was thinking too much, or, from the moment Mu Niange and Lu Yanche met, Mu Niange's life was destined to never be peaceful or ordinary...

Mu Niange thought about it, lowered his eyes, and a self-deprecating smile curled up on his lips: "I think, you really need to wake up!"

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door again.

This time, Xia Minmin didn't step forward to stop her, but stood where she was, looked sideways at Mu Niange's back, and lightly opened her thin lips and said, "Mu Niange, the conversation between me and you is not over yet, and you are thinking about it again?" Got to go?"

"I guess, you must have doubts in your heart."

"That day, what happened between Lu Yanche and me, and why I fell into such a haggard state. In this banquet tonight, according to the usual practice, I will definitely be the most amazing one in the audience. , but, not only did you not see my astonishment, you also didn't see my appearance, and Xia Youyou even left in the middle of the banquet..."

"I know that no matter how many doubts you have, you won't ask them out, but, Mu Niange, at this moment, I really want to tell you what's going on..."

Xia Minmin's first sentence came out, but Mu Niange didn't look back, Xia Minmin's second sentence came out, Mu Niange's footsteps paused slightly...

In fact, Mu Niange knew in his heart that apart from Lu Yanche's ruthless words to Xia Minmin, it was impossible for other things to affect Xia Minmin to such an extent. When he said the last sentence, Mu Niange's footsteps stopped completely.

She didn't look back at Xia Minmin, but kept her original movements, waiting for Xia Minmin's next words.

Whether Mu Niange turns back or not, to Xia Minmin, it doesn't matter. What she said to Mu Niange just now is just the anger in Xia Minmin's heart, and she wants to vent on Mu Niange. It made Mu Niange angry, but she didn't expect that the person who finally became angry from embarrassment turned into herself...

When anger blinds his eyes, no matter how smart a person is, he will do something stupid. Xia Minmin's previous actions are the best proof!

"However, it doesn't matter if I tell you what's going on? You already have the answer in your heart. Brother Che only has you in his heart. For you, he hurt my heart severely, and he even warned me that if things go on like this , he will not let me go easily, he also said, he really wants to give me a taste of suffering!"

While talking, Xia Minmin couldn't help but think of the scene that day...

Lu Yanche's cold eyes and ruthless words were all not joking with Xia Minmin. Her decadence and sadness were all indirectly caused by Mu Niange...

"Do you know what I was thinking when Brother Che said he wanted to give me a hard time? What I was thinking was that the more Brother Che said such things, the more I would make you suffer. I want Brother Che to sprinkle salt on my wounds, and sprinkle twice as much salt on your wounds..."

Xia Minmin gritted her teeth as she spoke, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes.

Xia Minmin is not joking...

This was Mu Niange's first feeling after hearing Xia Minmin's words. She really might have doubled the salt on her wounds. However, what method Xia Minmin wanted to use to return it to her? Mu Niange?
"Xia Minmin, do you think your methods are getting better and better, or am I still the same Mu Niange from back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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