Chapter 118 I Saw His Changes
Mu Niange's movements slowed down while she was eating breakfast. She drank the last sip of milk, put the quilt on the table, swallowed, and lightly raised her thin lips and said, "Brother, if you have something to say, why don't you treat me like this?" I brought an invisible pressure..."

"What happened to you and Ah Che last night."

When Mu Niange spoke, Mu Yuanling wanted to show Mu Niange some face...

He had a calm face, without the slightest beating around the bush, and went straight to the point.

Although Mu Niange was prepared, Mu Yuanling would mention Lu Yanche, but when the name Lu Yanche really fell into Mu Niange's ears, Mu Niange couldn't help being startled...

What happened to her and Lu Yanche last night?

Isn't that obvious?
Mu Niange blinked, and responded to Mu Yuanling with an innocent face: "Brother, shouldn't you know what happened to Lu Yanche and I last night?"

"We stood together, you came out, didn't you block me behind?"

Mu Yuanling: "..." He never expected that Mu Niange would joke with him sometimes.

Mu Yuanling took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions. Since Mu Niange moved in, he has always regarded Mu Niange as his biological sister, and he has never been angry or yelled at Mu Niange. A Lu Yanche, who is fierce and yelling at Mu Niange, would be too sorry for Mu Niange.

"Recite the song, I'm not joking with you, I'm asking you seriously..."

Regarding the issue between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, Mu Yuanling has been very concerned since he learned that Lu Yanche had hurt Mu Niange. He remembered bringing Mu Niange to the club. When introducing each other face to face, he felt a little ridiculous.

Obviously they are two people who know each other well, so what he did was nothing more than superfluous...

"I'm not joking with you, I know you care about me very much, and you are also worried about me. You pay attention to Lu Yanche's movements, just like last night, when you entered the swimming pool, the first thing you did first The thing is to push Xia Minmin away from me, and hug me out of the swimming pool. When I wake up, you ran to Xia Minmin without even thinking about it, and questioned Xia Minmin. You almost did not fight Xia Minmin ..."

"Actually, Lu Yanche's mentality is the same as yours."

Mu Niange sighed, looked at Mu Yuanling's eyes, and instantly became serious.

She didn't say a word, but emphasized her tone. She seemed to want to swear to Mu Yuanling that Lu Yanche was very good to her, so he shouldn't treat Lu Yanche with prejudice.

It was just one night, but Mu Niange did not expect that she would start defending Lu Yanche. As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Niange clenched her fist on the table, biting her lower lip, Withdrawing his gaze: "Brother, in a word, let us handle the matter between Lu Yanche and me."

This is not the boundary that Mu Yuanling should cross...

Thinking of Mu Yuanling breaking up with Lu Yanche because of Mu Niange, Mu Niange actually felt guilty.

"Niange, Ah Che gave you medicine?" Mu Niange's serious words received such a response from Mu Yuanling. Mu Niange was startled at first, then frowned: "Brother , what do you mean by that?"

"If Ah Che hadn't given you the medicine, would you have defended him?" Mu Yuanling snorted coldly, obviously upset.

Mu Niange shook his head helplessly: "It's none of anyone's business, it's just that I suddenly feel enlightened."

When Mu Niange returned to this city, what he was thinking was that he would no longer communicate with people from the past. Mu Yuanling was a person from the past, but Mu Niange had socialized. When he was socializing with Mu Yuanling, Mu Niange Reciting songs is doomed not to escape Lu Yanche and the others.

After one, two, three, four, five times of self-deception.

Mu Niange found that instead of running away, he should make up his mind and face it well.

Those who should come cannot be avoided, those who should not come, will never come...

What Mu Niange needs to maintain is a normal heart, so that even if a storm comes, Mu Niange will not be afraid at all.

"So, you want to tell me that you are going to accept Ah Che and be with Ah Che again?" Mu Yuanling was silent for a while, and asked tentatively.

If Mu Niange really thought this way, Mu Yuanling suddenly felt unacceptable. Before, Mu Yuanling was optimistic about Lu Yanche. After learning what Lu Yanche did, he was disappointed in Lu Yanche. He would come out to intercept him, and occasionally, when he was in a good mood, he would release water for Lu Yanche.

However, this does not mean that Mu Yuanling will not stop Mu Niange from forgiving Lu Yanche when Mu Niange plans to forgive Lu Yanche...

What the hell, if this is the case, it would be too cheap for Lu Yanche, that bastard!

"I...not." Mu Niange lowered her eyes upon hearing this, so that Mu Yuanling couldn't see him clearly. Her voice was very soft and soft, and to Mu Yuanling's ears, it was a sign of lack of confidence.

"Nian Ge, let me tell you, if you really intend to forgive Ah Che like this, I will not let Ah Che go!" Mu Yuanling slapped the table loudly, and he stood up from the chair, His face was far uglier than before.

"You are really, I don't even know what to say about you..." Mu Yuanling stared at Mu Niange fiercely, the words of reprimand came to his lips, and Mu Yuanling swallowed them back alive.

It was only today that Mu Niange realized how bad Lu Yanche's image was in Mu Yuanling's heart. If Lu Yanche knew this, wouldn't he try to find ways to restore his image in Mu Yuanling's heart?
Mu Niange let out a 'puchi' laugh: "Brother, don't forget, I am not the Mu Niange six years ago."

Shouldn't forget, Mu Niange didn't forget, shouldn't remember, Mu Niange won't remember either.

"I saw Lu Yanche's change..."

"I don't want you to worry about these unnecessary things because of my relationship. You can maintain the previous relationship with Lu Yanche, and you can also communicate normally without worrying about my feelings. I remember that six years ago, Lu Yanche was three years old. I come to your house every day to look for you."

"If I'm not wrong, before I came back, Lu Yanche came here very frequently, and then I came back, but you stopped communicating with Lu Yanche. The reason for this, you understand, Lu Yanche understands, I understand better..."

"I rejected Lu Yanche earlier for many reasons. In fact, these reasons can't all be blamed on Lu Yanche. It's unfair to him..."

Mu Niange said lightly, looking very relaxed...

(End of this chapter)

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