Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 119 Don't Take Him Cheap, Give Him Suffering

Chapter 119 Don't Take Him Cheap, Give Him Suffering

She didn't pay too much attention to Mu Yuanling's relationship with Lu Yanche, what's more, the current situation is different from the original one. Mu Niange needs to change, Mu Yuanling needs to change, and Lu Yanche needs to change even more.

Mu Niange's expression was firm, and he didn't give Mu Yuanling any room to refute.

Looking at Mu Niange like this, Mu Yuanling felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart. He said before that he respected Mu Niange's choice, and he would not intentionally influence Mu Niange, nor would he Will helplessly watch Mu Niange being wronged.

Mu Yuanling slowly sat down on the chair, and his slender fingers knocked on the table again and again: "Since this is the case, I can't say anything, but you have to give Ah Che some bitterness when you read songs. Tasted..."

While Mu Yuanling was pondering, he inadvertently saw the bag that Mu Niange had just taken off upstairs. With a flash of inspiration, he took out his phone and sent a text message to Lu Yanche.

After Lu Yanche separated from Mu Niange last night, all the scenes of hugging Mu Niange appeared in Lu Yanche's mind...

Recalling the past, it's not that Lu Yanche has never hugged Mu Niange, but, after a long time, he has long forgotten the feeling of hugging Mu Niange. It is a feeling that cannot be described in words, and it can make Lu Yanche's mood fluctuate instantly. Calm down, as if holding Mu Niange quietly, all of Lu Yanche's troubles can be eliminated.

Lu Yanche almost didn't sleep all night. When Lu Yanche got up at six o'clock in the morning, he knew that today was the time for Mu Niange to go back to school. He would not overestimate his capabilities, let alone do something that Mu Niange would hate.

He was in the assessment period at Mu Niange's place, and he had to be more cautious when doing things, so, he thought, it would be good if he could watch Mu Niange walk out of the compound from a distance and get on the bus.

However, sometimes, happiness comes too suddenly, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

When Lu Yanche received Mu Yuanling's WeChat message, he was about to go out. He paused slightly with the hand holding the doorknob. After he finished reading the WeChat message, he was stunned, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes. look.

He read the WeChat a few more times, and after making sure that he read it correctly, he wanted to confirm with Mu Yuanling that it was true to ask him to send Mu Niange back to school. Unexpectedly, there was no message from Lu Yanche yet. After sending it, Mu Yuanling's phone bombarded him directly.

When the phone was connected at the other end, Mu Yuanling didn't have any preface, and directly cut to the topic: "Send it or not, just a word."

What Mu Yuanling said was simply nonsense.

To Lu Yanche, this is a pie from the world, he won't give it away, unless he is stupid...

After Lu Yanche said 'send', he turned around and took the car keys, strode out of the room, and walked towards the door of the living room.

After Xia Minmin experienced what happened last night, she seemed to have just walked through hell. She looked not only haggard, but also lifeless. Her thin body could blow her away like a gust of wind...

Xia Youyou went downstairs from her room, seeing Xia Minmin like this, she couldn't bear it.

She frowned, and didn't go up to talk to Xia Minmin, you know, what happened last night happened to Xia Youyou, she might be more concerned about it than Xia Minmin.

"You're happy." Xia Minmin said with her thin lips lightly when Xia Youyou passed behind her.

When Xia Youyou heard this, her steps paused slightly, what could she be happy about?Xia Minmin's result, Xia Minmin's end, she had expected, without any accident, she would come the next day, which surprised Xia Youyou, but what she didn't expect was Lu Yanche's merciless slap.

That slap was equivalent to interrupting the friendship between Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche for so many years...

Xia Youyou wanted to ignore Xia Minmin and not answer Xia Minmin's words, but after thinking about it, Xia Youyou still couldn't help it. She looked sideways at the back of Xia Minmin's head and said, "What can I be happy about? Your fate is now Between me and us, no one gains, and no one wins, but I lose first, and then it's your turn..."

Xia Minmin was stimulated by Xia Youyou's words, she threw the pillow in her hand at Xia Youyou fiercely: "You are the one who loses, and you are the one who loses, I, Xia Minmin, will never lose, never lose .”

Xia Minmin roared heart-piercingly, and as soon as she finished speaking, she rushed to the door without even looking at Xia Youyou, opened the door, and walked out.

When Xia Minmin went out, she happened to run into Lu Yanche who opened the car door and got into the car. Xia Minmin was stunned, and her steps paused slightly. She stared at Lu Yanche closely. Every expression and every movement of Lu Yanche, It was all in Xia Minmin's eyes.

According to Xia Minmin's understanding of Lu Yanche, during this time period, Lu Yanche will not go out. Even if he is busy with work on weekdays, Lu Yanche always leaves the house on time at nine o'clock...

There are still 10 minutes until nine o'clock.

Xia Minmin couldn't understand, and couldn't just watch Lu Yanche drive the car. On the premise that she didn't know where Lu Yanche was going, she watched Lu Yanche leave. She trotted behind Lu Yanche, and when she arrived at Mu's house, she saw The scene of Mu Yuanling and Mu Niange standing at the door.

Xia Minmin finally understood...

It turned out that Lu Yanche drove out to pick up Mu Niange. If Xia Minmin remembered correctly, today is the day for Mu Niange to go back to school.

Mu Niange...

Ha ha……

Xia Minmin couldn't help laughing, she just asked Lu Yanche to tidy herself up last night, and today, she did it so blatantly for her, did Mu Niange want to tell Xia Minmin?You lost, you lost a lot, and there is no chance to stand up again, just look, this is the proof, Lu Yanche will never look at you again.

how sad.

How ridiculous.

She Xia Minmin, will she lose to a vulgar bastard like Mu Niange?

Not reconciled, not reconciled, not reconciled! !

Xia Minmin's hands were tightly clenched into fists, her eyes stared fiercely at Mu Niange's body, she pressed her lips tightly, and bit her lower lip, as if she wanted to vent her unhappiness. mood.

Mu Yuanling didn't clearly say in front of Mu Niange that he wanted to make Lu Yanche suffer, what he was referring to.

When Mu Niange came out of the house, he saw Lu Yanche's car parked in front of him, and when Lu Yanche slowly stepped out of the driver's seat, Mu Niange's thoughts were instantly pulled away.

Such a scene is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Six years ago, when she first came to Mu Yuanling's house, Lu Yanche did the same. He drove to the door of the house every day and drove her and Mu Yuanling to school. When Mu Yuanling was away, the only person Lu Yanche carried was Mu Yuanling. I read a song.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's ecstasy, and didn't dare to go forward. He stood where he was, waiting for Mu Niange's order.

(End of this chapter)

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