Chapter 120
When Lu Yanche came, Mu Yuanling kept a straight face. Seeing that Lu Yanche was standing there, showing no signs of going forward, Mu Yuanling frowned, wondering if Lu Yanche was stupid?

Mu Yuanling couldn't bear to wink at Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche didn't see his wink. After Mu Yuanling finished winking, he realized that Lu Yanche's eyes had never been on his own from beginning to end. Get on me.

Mu Yuanling burst into tears!

His degree of self-indulgence is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Mu Yuanling moved Mu Niange with his arm, and said softly, "Niange."

When Mu Niange heard the words, she came back to her senses, she suddenly said 'ah', looked sideways at Mu Yuanling and said, "What's wrong?"

Shouldn't Mu Yuanling ask Mu Niange this sentence?

Mu Yuanling sighed, rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, and reminded: "Look ahead, don't look so engrossed..."

Mu Niange was not fascinated by looking at Lu Yanche, she was fascinated by seeing Lu Yanche's car, Mu Yuanling's words made Mu Niange a little embarrassed, she stood on tiptoe, pulled Mu Yuanling's arm, Leaning into Mu Yuanling's ear, he said, "Brother, what's going on."

Mu Niange finally saw the point...

Mu Yuanling raised his eyebrows and joked, "Isn't that obvious?"

"You want him to take me back to school?"

To be honest, Mu Yuanling was not happy to let Lu Yanche send Mu Niange back to school. This is different from helping Lu Yanche, taking advantage of Lu Yanche?
However, if Lu Yanche was not allowed to take action even for such a trivial matter, what would Mu Yuanling do to make Lu Yanche suffer?The pain for Lu Yanche is to accumulate little by little, and let Lu Yanche know that the price he paid for hurting Mu Niange is here.

Mu Yuanling's silence was equivalent to acquiescing.

Mu Niange's expression changed...

She had seen Lu Yanche's change, but it didn't mean that Mu Niange would make Lu Yanche so close to her all of a sudden.

"I can go back by myself."

Moreover, Mu Niange is used to being alone, so suddenly letting Lu Yanche come here is what makes Mu Niange most uncomfortable.

Mu Niange tugged on the strap of her backpack, she said to Mu Yuanling with a sullen face, "You can deal with the things you make yourself."

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, he walked towards Lu Yanche's direction, but Mu Niange didn't stop in front of Lu Yanche, but passed Lu Yanche straight away.

From Mu Niange's expression, Lu Yanche could tell that Mu Niange was very displeased. Lu Yanche's eyes followed Mu Niange's movements and moved. When Mu Niange was about to walk by him, Lu Yanche reached out and clasped He grabbed Mu Niange's wrist.

Mu Niange's wrist tightened, her feet stopped, she broke free from Lu Yanche, the force was not strong, but it was enough to prove that she was repelling Lu Yanche's touch.

Lu Yanche loosened his grip on Mu Niange's wrist, stared at Mu Niange, and said very honestly, "Niange, I didn't come here by myself."

While Lu Yanche was explaining, he couldn't help looking at Mu Yuanling: "Yuanling asked me to come..."

Mu Yuanling: "..." Why did he have the feeling that he instantly became a bad person?

Since this is the case, Mu Yuanling doesn't mind being more thorough.

He coughed twice, looked at Lu Yanche with a serious face and said, "Ah Che, I'll give you a chance to send my sister to school, remember, send it in person!"

After Mu Yuanling finished speaking, he stopped looking at Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, turned around and walked into the house, he closed the door with a bang, the movement reminded Mu Niange that she was betrayed by Mu Yuanling up.

Mu Niange stood where he was, neither walking nor staying.

She felt overwhelmed...

Lu Yanche let go of her hand, but she was taking a step forward, Lu Yanche would definitely catch her back again.

After Mu Yuanling's words, Lu Yanche's lips curled up into a faint smile, he looked at Mu Niange with an innocent face and said, "Niange, look, it's really none of my business , I followed your brother's orders, now, your brother asked me to take you to school, you said, should I follow your brother's orders, or should I follow your brother's orders?"

Lu Yanche didn't give Mu Niange a choice at all, and he didn't allow Mu Niange to have a choice either.

This is a rare opportunity, he does not persecute Mu Niange, he wants to defeat Mu Niange verbally.

Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche a hard look. After she stood there and struggled for a while, she finally pulled the strap of her backpack and walked towards Lu Yanche's rear driver's seat.

Seeing this, Lu Yanche's eyes deepened. His hands were faster than Mu Niange's. Before Mu Niange's hand touched the car door, he had already opened the passenger's door. Lip smile looked at Mu Niange: "Well, I promised your brother to take you back to school, but I didn't promise to be your driver."


Lu Yanche's aggressive attitude made Mu Niange's face darken...

Looking at Mu Niange's changing expression, Lu Yanche froze the smile on his lips. He thought to himself, should he close the car door, and do whatever Mu Niange likes.

"Annoying." Mu Niange complained, and when Lu Yanche had no warning, he got into the co-pilot.

Hearing Mu Niange's voice, Lu Yanche was taken aback for a moment, then he closed the car door with a 'bang', quickly walked to the driver's seat, and sat in.

The car slowly drove out of the compound, Xia Minmin's eyes were full of resentment, and then she came back from watching, she...wouldn't let Mu Niange go so easily.

Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange home that day. Although he didn't say a word to Mu Niange in the carriage, Lu Yanche clearly felt that Mu Niange no longer rejected him as before... …

He boldly used his own number to send text messages to Mu Niange. Occasionally, Mu Niange responded. Occasionally, after a long time, he had to come to Mu Niange to say a word. Lu Yanche was not disappointed, let alone lost. Yes, It is a faint joy that spreads from the bottom of my heart.

If he knew...

If his actions can change Mu Niange's outlook, he will definitely do it earlier.

There is no friend Lu Yanche knows well by Mu Niange's side. If there is any news about Mu Niange, Lu Yanche has to ask Mu Yuanling...

Mu Yuanling's attitude towards Lu Yanche was a 180-degree turn, first cold, then lukewarm, and then back to the previous attitude, as if the expression Mu Yuanling showed Lu Yanche didn't exist at all.

Ji Jingchen saw this strange scene.

He thought it was dazzled, but he misread it, blinked, and looked again, that's right...

Mu Yuanling and Lu Yanche really reconciled, this day's great news made Ji Jingchen excitedly call out Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling to cheer him up.

(End of this chapter)

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