Chapter 121
As soon as Ji Jingchen sat down at the bar, he patted Mu Yuanling's shoulder fiercely and said, "Yuanling, I didn't see it, you actually listened softly..."

The word 'soft-hearted' is inappropriate no matter which boy it is used on. Ji Jingchen said that Mu Yuanling was soft-hearted, so he yelled so loudly that the people next to him followed the direction of the voice and turned towards Mu Yuan. Ling looks.

Mu Yuanling slapped Ji Jingchen's hand off: "Shut up."

Ji Jingchen was wronged by Mu Yuanling's photo. He gave Mu Yuanling a blank look, and said angrily: "The mouth is on my body, you can't control it. Besides, I'm not wrong about you. If you don't have a soft heart, you are right. Will Che's attitude change so much overnight?"

When Mu Yuanling's attitude towards Lu Yanche began to change, Ji Jingchen tried many remedies but to no avail. In the blink of an eye...

Ji Jingchen chose to remain silent and watched quietly, but Mu Yuanling was beyond Ji Jingchen's expectation.

"You think I'm you?" Mu Yuanling's retort made Ji Jingchen lose his voice instantly.

Not only Ji Jingchen was surprised, even Lu Yanche was surprised...

He wanted to ask Mu Yuanling, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity. Seeing that Ji Jingchen was left speechless by Mu Yuanling's few words, Lu Yanche smiled and said, "Yuanling, I also want to say this question, you are soft-hearted." Now, have mercy on me?"

Mu Yuanling glanced at Lu Yanche, and snorted coldly: "Extremely merciful?"

Mu Yuanling didn't hit Lu Yanche, that was already the greatest gift to Lu Yanche.

"Don't you all understand me? The decision I made would not be changed easily, if it wasn't for reciting songs..." Mu Yuanling spoke, and the words turned to the protagonist.

When Mu Niange was mentioned, the smile on Lu Yanche's lips faded, Ji Jingchen's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What's the matter with Niange? Yuan Ling, please make it clear..."

Mu Yuanling glanced at Lu Yanche meaningfully again, but he pursed his lips and remained silent.

What Mu Yuanling said is so obvious, if Lu Yanche is still unclear, then he is probably out of his mind...

The only one who can influence Mu Yuanling and make Mu Niange change his mind is Mu Niange, besides Mu Niange, I don't know why Mu Niange suddenly let Mu Yuanling do this, but after learning that Mu Niange has done something for himself, When something like this happened, the emotion in Lu Yanche's heart was hard to suppress.

Is it joy?
Or, just can't believe it...

"The two of you are silent, are you in collusion?" Ji Jingchen looked at Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling, who looked like they had made a deal and fell silent. He waved his hands boredly and said, "It's really boring."

I don't know if it's because the three of them haven't been together for a long time. Anyway, during this gathering, the three of them drank a lot of wine...

Ji Jingchen was the most sober among them. After he called the driver to pick them up, he followed Lu Yanche, and Mu Yuan went crazy. Lu Yanche usually didn't talk, and when he was drunk, he became a chatterbox instead. He draped Mu Yuanling's shoulders, and said to Mu Yuanling, "Yuanling, you have to trust me, I am serious about reciting songs, I never wanted to play with reciting songs, let alone Too much harm to read the song."

Mu Yuanling laughed twice, "hehe", he pushed Lu Yanche away from his side, and cursed: "You fucking shit, who will believe you? After you hurt me by reciting songs , are you telling me this, do you find it meaningful?"


It makes no sense at all.

Even so, Lu Yanche had to tell Mu Yuanling.

"Yuan Ling, I don't care if it's meaningful or not. Anyway, I just want to tell you that these are all my sincere words. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Anyway, my love for reciting songs can be blocked by anyone. No way!"

Lu Yanche stood where he was, yelling at Mu Yuanling's back.

He was clearly excited, his voice was too loud, his body was shaking, and he was about to fall to the ground.

With a quick glance, Ji Jingchen stepped forward to support Lu Yanche, opened his voice, and said to Mu Yuanling who was walking in front: "Yuan Ling, don't go so fast, Ah Che and I... Che can hardly catch up with you."

Hearing this, Mu Yuanling turned around in a daze, and strode closer. He pulled Lu Yanche away from Ji Jingchen, and said impatiently, "Men are trouble."

Ji Jingchen smirked twice with 'hehe': "Aren't you a man yourself?"


"I called my bodyguard to come over..." Mu Yuanling took out his cell phone, and made a random call without even looking at who the other party was.

When the call was connected, Mu Yuanling was overwhelmed: "Hey, come pick me up quickly, do you hear me? Come pick me up quickly..."

Mu Niange was stunned by Mu Yuanling's roar. She was awakened by the phone ringing in her sleep. Looking at the caller displayed on the screen, she frowned, got up and walked out of the room , knocked on the door of the room next door, but no one answered, she picked up the phone, just about to ask where Mu Yuanling had gone.

Mu Yuanling's words swallowed back what Mu Niange originally wanted to say...

After Mu Niange was stunned for a while, he realized that he was holding the phone tightly and said, "Brother, are you drunk?"

"Drunk, how can I be drunk..." Mu Yuanling accidentally pressed the speakerphone, and Mu Niange's voice slowly came from the phone: "Okay, okay, you are not drunk, where are you now, do you need it?" I'll pick you up?"

"Ache, isn't this the voice of reciting a song?" Ji Jingchen pushed Lu Yanche, pointing to Mu Yuanling's phone.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche narrowed his eyes and looked at Mu Yuanling's lit phone screen. He reached out and snatched the phone over, and yelled directly into the phone: "Recite the song, recite the song, recite the song, recite the song... "

Lu Yanche kept calling Mu Niange's name without saying a word.

Mu Niange was nearly deafened by Lu Yanche's yelling. However, Mu Niange could finally confirm that Mu Yuanling was drunk and was with Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen. Feel more at ease.

Mu Niange said patiently, "It's me, where are you?"

"Niange asks you, where are we..." Lu Yanche grabbed Ji Jingchen's collar and asked viciously.

Lu Yanche's strength was not well controlled, and Ji Jingchen was hurt by Lu Yanche's grip. He looked around and smirked: "I don't know..."

Mu Niange was really going crazy.

These three people must be mentally ill.

Staying awake in the middle of the night, running out to drink, still drunk, and now, calling to disturb my sleep, Mu Niange holding his forehead, suppressing the anger in his heart, it is unreasonable to face drunk people to speak of.

(End of this chapter)

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