Chapter 122 Three Idiots

"Lu Yanche, no matter how dare you say you don't know, try it!" Mu Niange thought for a while, and then said a harsh word to Lu Yanche.

As soon as the words finished, there was a "hahaha" mocking sound from the other end of the phone. Ji Jingchen put his hand on Lu Yanche's shoulder and said, "Ah Che, why are you still the same as before? Change your face immediately?"

Mu Niange couldn't see Lu Yanche's expression, but Ji Jingchen's words made Mu Niange startled, before?

When did Mu Niange let go of harsh words to Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange frowned, thinking about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any answer. She was about to ask, when a 'beep' sound came from the phone, and then, the communication on the phone screen disappeared. Mu Niange threw the mobile phone in his hand on the bed, walked towards the closet, changed his clothes, and went out.

Mu Niange's driver's license test was accompanied by Yang Zhishuang.

After coming back for so long, Mu Niange has never driven the Mu family's car out. The car keys were given by Mu Yuanling, and she has kept them in the cabinet. Right now, she can't go to Madam Mu's room and call Madam Mu to get up , I can only drive out by myself.

While driving, she was typing on Mu Yuanling's cell phone.

After making more than a dozen calls, Mu Yuanling didn't answer any of them. Mu Niange had no choice but to look at Lu Yanche's phone and keep calling, beeping, but no one answered for a long time...

Mu Niange drove a long way without Lu Yanche and others to guide her. She couldn't find them at all. She rarely went out with Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen, and Mu Yuanling. Mu Niange was not very familiar with the places where they played. ...

What's more, Lu Yanche and the others were drunk, so they naturally went to the bar. It was really embarrassing for Mu Niange to ask which bar Lu Yanche and the others went to.

Mu Niange googled the nearest bar nearby, and when she was near her destination, she slowed down the car, opened the window and looked around, looking for figures of Lu Yanche and others, Mu Niange frowned, and every place Everywhere, she looked very carefully, and waited until she finished reading this section of the road.

Not seeing Lu Yanche and the others, while Mu Niange was disappointed, he was even more worried...

If there was one of them who was sober, Mu Niange wouldn't be so worried. The three elders might be sold out, and they wouldn't know what was going on.

With the mentality of trying, Mu Niange called Lu Yanche. The phone beeped, but no one answered. Mu Niange simply parked the car aside, opened the door and walked out. Feeling, walking forward, walking, she actually heard a pleasant bell ringing.

Mu Niange was stunned, and strode towards the direction of the voice. Soon, she saw Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling, and Ji Jingchen sitting on the ground. Pressed on Ji Jingchen's body, Ji Jingchen's expression was painful, moving the two of them from time to time: "Get up quickly, you will crush me to death."

Mu Niange looked at this scene, coupled with Ji Jingchen's expression, Mu Niange inexplicably wanted to laugh...

She put away her phone, knelt down and helped Mu Yuanling up.

As soon as the weight on Ji Jingchen's body lightened, he instantly felt very comfortable. He looked up and saw Mu Niange, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Niange, are you here?"


Why is Mu Niange here?

It should be, how did Mu Niange know they were here?
Although Ji Jingchen really wanted to ask Mu Niange this question, what he should do right now is to get the two of them settled quickly, and then go back to bed by himself and fall asleep soundly.

Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling fell asleep, and Mu Niange supported Mu Yuanling, feeling the pressure...

She glanced at Mu Yuanling, then at Lu Yanche, then turned her gaze to Ji Jingchen and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Being accused by Mu Niange, Ji Jingchen didn't take it seriously at all. I don't know if it was under the influence of alcohol, but Ji Jingchen smirked at Mu Niange: "What's the matter with us? Well, I don't know... "

"Why don't you wait for them to wake up and ask them this question?"

Mu Niange is crazy, she only expected Ji Jingchen to communicate with her, she supported Mu Yuanling to walk forward with difficulty, after two or three steps, she looked back at Ji Jingchen and said, "Hurry up and follow."

Ji Jingchen let out an 'oh', and stumbled to keep up.

Mu Niange's car was parked not far away. She could have driven the car over and got Mu Yuanling and the others into the car, but Mu Niange was afraid, so she turned around and came back. People will disappear, look at this unreliable Ji Jingchen, he really doesn't feel safe at all.

When Mu Niange successfully put Lu Yanche and others back on the seat, Mu Niange was already out of breath from exhaustion...

After she sat in the driver's seat, she looked back and saw that Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen, and Mu Yuanling were sleeping in a hug, and a look of helplessness flashed across Mu Niange's face.

Waking up by Mu Yuanling's phone call, Mu Niange expressed that he was very unhappy. Hearing the drunken Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling's voice, Mu Niange didn't want to use words to describe his mood, but why did he meet Lu Yanche and others? People, after bringing Lu Yanche and others into the car, will she have such an unprecedented sense of satisfaction?

It seems that the distance between her and Lu Yanche and the others is getting closer...

She knew them well, so she could find them and bring them home without contacting them.

Mu Yuanling opened his eyes in a daze, and the first thing that came into his eyes was the white ceiling. Mu Yuanling moved his body, trying to sit up, but a headache struck Mu Yuanling's movements. Paused, followed by a frown.

He felt that his hand was being pressed by something huge, and when he looked sideways, what fell into his eyes was Ji Jingchen's indecent sleeping face. It's like eating something.

Mu Yuanling was surprised...

Why is Ji Jingchen here?

This is his room, this bed, even more his bed.

He tried his best to recall what happened yesterday. He went to the bar with Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen. He got carried away and drank too much. He couldn't remember what happened afterwards. He seemed to call Mu Niange in front of Lu Yanche. Call?

The more Mu Yuanling thought about it, the more strange his expression became...

What did he do?

People who are drunk speak differently from those when they are awake. Mu Yuanling ruthlessly pulled out the hand that was being held down by Ji Jingchen, taking advantage of the situation, kicked Ji Jingchen out of the bed!
With a 'bang', Ji Jingchen fell to the ground and screamed, "Ah..."

"To shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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