Chapter 135 Your Boyfriend?

"Well, it's scary..." Mu Niange nodded heavily, looking serious.

In fact, Mo Yunhao didn't know anything about Mu Niange. The only thing he knew was that Mu Niange was a chubby girl with low self-esteem, and from a chubby girl with low self-esteem, she transformed into a confident girl. beauty.

Mo Yunhao hugged Mu Niange's shoulders affectionately, looked down at Mu Niange, then reached out and pinched Mu Niange's cheek, saying: "The horror is only temporary, after you get used to it, the unfamiliar People, it’s just like that, just like when I pinched your cheeks before, they were fleshy, but now I pinch your cheeks, there is no flesh at all.”

The strength Mo Yunhao pinched Mu Niange's cheek was not heavy, but not light, Mu Niange curled his lips, and pulled Mo Yunhao's hand away: "I am not the little chubby girl I was before, senior, are you really Do you want to continue doing this to me?"

Mo Yunhao smiled 'hehe': "If I don't test it, how do I know if you are the little chubby girl back then?"

Mu Niange: "..." I really want to beat Mo Yunhao hard, it's still the same as before, so unscrupulous, and being unscrupulous makes Mu Niange feel at ease.

Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao casually watched a movie, ate a meal, and chatted for a while. The whole day passed. When Mu Niange asked, why Mo Yunhao was in City A? It was only then that Mu Niange found out that Mo Yunhao was from City A. Back then, he only went to City B to study, and it was because of going to City B that he met Mu Niange.

"So, we are all from City A?" Mo Yunhao waited for Mu Niange to get off the bus, and followed closely behind Mu Niange.

Mu Niange said 'hmm' when he heard the words: "Yes, I went to City B for some reason at the beginning, and now that I'm back, I won't go back again. Senior, if you want to ask me out, you can ask me out anytime. Call me, and I'm from a school with Shuangshuang, if you are free, you can come to the school to visit us."

At the gate of the compound, Mu Niange turned around and looked at Mo Yunhao: "I'm here."

Mo Yunhao looked in the direction Mu Niange pointed, the compound was huge, and every building in it was a villa, Mo Yunhao was slightly startled, and in the next second, he teased Mu Niange: "Unexpectedly, You turned out to be a wealthy daughter."

No matter how Mu Niange heard these words, it was so awkward.

Mu Niange didn't open his mouth to explain, which was equivalent to acquiescing Mo Yunhao's meaning.

Finally waved goodbye to Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange watched Mo Yunhao's back disappear around the corner, then turned around and walked into the compound. She had just walked into the gate of the compound when Ji Jingchen's figure blocked Mu Yunhao's back. The way to read songs.

Mu Niange was intimidated by Ji Jingchen...

Ji Jingchen didn't seem to see Mu Niange's frightened face, he stood on tiptoe, looked at the direction Mo Yunhao had just left, lowered his head, looked at Mu Niange with a smirk and said, "Niange, that man , is that your boyfriend?"

Mu Niange was startled when Ji Jingchen asked this question, without the slightest precaution. For a moment, since Mu Niange fell into silence...

And Mu Niange's silence, in Ji Jingchen's view, is tantamount to acquiescing, he opened his eyes wide, looked at Mu Niange in disbelief and said, "Damn, it can't be true, that man is really you boyfriend?"

Ji Jingchen couldn't accept the news in front of him. He reached out and grabbed Mu Niange's arms, shaking Mu Niange: "Niange, although Ah Che didn't care about you before and caused you to be hurt by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, but Ah Che is absolutely sincere to you, do you really plan to give Ah Che another chance?"

"You, let me go..." Mu Niange was not only hurt by Ji Jingchen's grasp, but also dizzy from being shaken by Ji Jingchen. She struggled to break free from Ji Jingchen's hand, and said with a bad expression, "I don't care if it's my boyfriend or not." You have no right to manage your affairs."

What Mu Niange said is absolutely correct...

Ji Jingchen is not qualified to intervene, but he is just interfering, can't he even intervene?
Ji Jingchen was taken aback by Mu Niange's reprimand, he loosened his hands, and Mu Niange took the opportunity to escape, Ji Jingchen chased after Mu Niange unwillingly: "Niange, don't be angry, tell me the truth , that man just now is really your boyfriend?"

This was Ji Jingchen's first time seeing Mu Niange alone with a man. Most importantly, none of them knew this man, only Mu Niange knew each other...

When did they meet each other, what is the relationship between them, and to what extent, they are all very patient.

The first thing Lu Yanche did after get off work was to go to Mu's house to look for Mu Niange. When he walked into Mu's house, Mu Yuanling's first reaction when he saw Lu Yanche was: "Niange is not at home."

Hearing this, Lu Yanche was taken aback, Mu Niange was not at home, so where would he go?
According to Mu Niange's past habits, on weekends, Mu Niange either went to the hospital to work part-time, or stayed at home, living a two-point and one-line life. Lu Yanche stood at the door, and it took a long time for him to realize that he turned around and walked out of Mu's house. I saw Ji Jingchen and Mu Niange walking side by side.

His face darkened, and he strode forward...

When Ji Jingchen saw Lu Yanche, he was slightly surprised. Just as he was about to say hello to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche ignored him and said to Mu Niange, "Are you back? Have you eaten yet?"

Lu Yanche's voice was surprisingly gentle, so gentle that it made Ji Jingchen's goosebumps rise, he pretended to touch his arm and said, "Come back at this time, of course I have eaten."

Just as Ji Jingchen finished speaking, Lu Yanche gave him a cold look.

Mu Niange saw the delicate atmosphere between Ji Jingchen and Lu Yanche, and didn't want to linger any longer. After she nodded, she passed Lu Yanche and walked towards the door of the house. After watching Mu Niange leave, Lu Yanche turned to Ji Jingchen and said: "Did you go out with Niange?"

Ji Jingchen blinked and said uncertainly, "What did you say? Say it again..."

"Did you go out with Nian Ge?" Lu Yanche's tone was a little more serious.

Ji Jingchen laughed twice with a 'hehe', and then he looked up to the sky and laughed. After laughing, he regained his composure, cleared his throat and said, "Ah Che, are you fucking kidding me?"

How could Ji Jingchen go out with Mu Niange for no reason? What's more, now is an extraordinary period. The only person who can go out with Mu Niange is Lu Yanche, except for Mu Yuanling. However, Lu Yanche has been entangled by Xia Minmin recently. , wherever Lu Yanche was, Xia Minmin was always there.

Looking at Lu Yanche's eyes, Ji Jingchen became sympathetic. He sighed and said earnestly, "Ah Che, you can't go on like this."

(End of this chapter)

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