Chapter 136 Recite the song with a man

Even though Ji Jingchen didn't go out with Mu Niange, Lu Yanche couldn't help but feel a little disgusted seeing Ji Jingchen and Mu Niange coming together. The more he looked at Ji Jingchen, the more unpleasant he felt, and what Ji Jingchen said was yin and yang.

Lu Yanche turned around, ignored Ji Jingchen, and walked towards Lu's house.

Being ignored by Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. He wanted to remind Lu Yanche with good intentions that he turned out to be a bad person when he came to Lu Yanche's place. He stroked his chin with one hand, pondered for a while, and said to Lu Yanche's back: " Ah Che, you left so fast, don't you want to only have news about reciting songs?"

Hearing this, Lu Yanche paused. He didn't look back at Ji Jingchen immediately, but was waiting for Ji Jingchen's next words...

The relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, in Ji Jingchen's view, is not complicated at all, on the contrary, it is very simple and easy to solve, but in the eyes of Lu Yanche and Mu Nianche, it seems to be a very complicated matter Things are difficult to solve.

Lu Yanche slapped Xia Minmin in front of Mu Niange, and even warned Xia Minmin. Mu Niange should know what Lu Yanche wanted to tell her.

However, how do onlookers understand the feelings of those in the game?

This matter can only be resolved if Mu Niange and Lu Yanche open their hearts. Ji Jingchen is optimistic about Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, and he doesn't want them to become strangers in the end. Otherwise, he won't Will carry Lu Yanche on his back, and bring Mu Niange to the place where he used to be, which brings back memories about Mu Niange that he doesn't want to recall.

While thinking about it, Ji Jingchen put his hand on Lu Yanche's shoulder and walked along with Lu Yanche, "I saw Niange at the gate of the compound."

Ji Jingchen's words can be said to be explaining to Lu Yanche...

"Then, I saw that Nian Ge was with a man." Ji Jingchen said it casually, not taking it seriously at all.

However, falling into Lu Yanche's ears was another matter. His face darkened, and he took Ji Jingchen's hand away from his shoulder. He stopped and turned to face Ji Jingchen with a serious expression. Said: "What did you say?"

"I said, Niange is with a man." Ji Jingchen explained patiently: "I only saw it when I got closer. I only saw the man's back, not what he looked like, but , Judging from Nian Ge's behavior towards her, the relationship between him and Nian Ge is extraordinary, and Nian Ge's attitude towards him is far better than that towards us."

Ji Jingchen said that Mu Niange was with a man, and all that appeared in Lu Yanche's mind was Mu Niange's smiling face.

Mu Niange can't be said to be a person who loves to laugh, but she definitely has a beautiful and sweet smile. Her smile was once only given to Lu Yanche, but now, her smile is not only distributed to Yang Zhishuang , and even left Ji Jingchen and the others, and when he arrived at his place, there was only a little smile left.

Although it was just a slight smile, in Lu Yanche's opinion, it was the most beautiful and most attractive to Lu Yanche.

What Lu Yanche couldn't stand was seeing Mu Niange face other girls with a brighter smile than he did...

And Ji Jingchen said that Mu Niange's attitude towards that man is better than theirs, what is the relationship between that man and Mu Niange, and when did they meet?Why did that man appear here?Could it be that Mu Niange went out today to date that man?

A lot of questions swirled in Lu Yanche's mind.

Lu Yanche couldn't do anything anymore, with a calm face, he walked towards the gate of Mu's house with big strides.

Ji Jingchen looked at Lu Yanche's back, and subconsciously wanted to call Lu Yanche to stop. In a blink of an eye, Lu Yanche had always been very concerned about Mu Niange's affairs. Even after Ji Jingchen calmed Lu Yanche down, he went to ask Mu Niange They won't hear it.

In desperation, Ji Jingchen had no choice but to leave with Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen came to Mu's house. Mu Yuanling was in the living room. He opened the door and saw Lu Yanche. When Ji Jingchen saw him, Mu Yuanling was slightly surprised. Seeing Lu Yanche's gloomy face and Ji Jingchen's helpless expression, Mu Yuanling couldn't help He frowned and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Mu Yuanling's straightforward question made Ji Jingchen a little speechless.

He stood behind Lu Yanche and made a show at Mu Yuanling. Mu Yuanling probably understood. He turned his head and glanced at the door of Mu Niange's closed room on the second floor: "Niange is too tired today. I fell asleep after taking a shower."

Regardless of whether Mu Niange slept or not, Lu Yanche wanted to see Mu Niange at this moment.

"I have something to do with Niange." Lu Yanche left such a sentence, passed Mu Yuanling, and walked towards the stairs. Mu Yuanling was displeased with Lu Yanche's powerless behavior, and was about to speak to stop him, but Ji Jingchen stopped him Mu Yuanling's shoulder moved closer to Mu Yuanling's ear and said, "Ache was stimulated, and Niange went out with a boy today."

Mu Yuanling was slightly taken aback when he heard this...

This was beyond Mu Yuanling's expectation. He looked at Ji Jingchen suspiciously. Ji Jingchen nodded heavily, wanting to tell Mu Yuanling that he didn't lie, and every word he said was true...

Mu Niange is not really tired.

Going out with Mo Yunhao was just to have a meal and watch a movie. She went upstairs in such a hurry, but she didn't want Mu Yuanling to ask her where she was going today, and when she met Lu Yanche at the door, Mu Niange always felt that Ji Jingchen would say something wrong in front of Lu Yanche.

When Lu Yanche heard this, he would definitely come to look for her.

The only way for her to avoid Lu Yanche was to go home, and Mu Yuanling would naturally solve the rest for her.

She found a set of pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She didn't wash her hair, but after 15 minutes, it was done. When she came out of the bathroom, she heard a knock on the door of the room. She looked surprised and stepped forward. Subconsciously, she wanted to open the door, but just as her hand touched the doorknob, her movements stopped again.

She moved her lips and asked, "Who?"

"..." There was silence in response to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange stared at the doorknob for a while. Just as Mu Niange was about to turn around and go back inside, the knock on the door sounded again. This time, it was accompanied by Lu Yanche's deep voice: "Niange ,it's me."

A simple sentence touched the heartstrings of Mu Niange.

The hand she had just let go was on the doorknob again, and this time, it was much heavier than before. She was silent for a moment, then pursed her lips and said, "What's the matter?"

Mu Niange didn't intend to open the door to Lu Yanche.

(End of this chapter)

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