Chapter 137 But that's it
Lu Yanche actually wanted it very much, so he forced open Mu Niange's door, pressed Mu Niange against the wall, and asked Mu Niange, what happened to the man Ji Jingchen was talking about?

However, Lu Yanche knew in his heart that there was no relationship between him and Mu Niange. He was not qualified to question Mu Niange like this. What he could do was to suppress the impulse in his heart so as not to be careless Couldn't bear it any longer, and did something that Mu Niange hated...

Mu Niange's question did not come to Lu Yanche's response for a long time.

Although there is only one door separated, Lu Yanche feels that the distance between him and Mu Niange's heart is very far away. The distant Lu Yanche wants to catch Mu Niange's heart, but when he blinks, Mu Niange is far away from him. more and more distant.

Lu Yanche's hand holding the doorknob on the other side moved slightly. He pulled the doorknob, and the doorknob on Singer Mu Nian moved. Lu Yanche, what do you want to do?

Mu Niange opened his mouth, and was about to ask Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche said in a strong voice, "Niange, open the door, I want to come in!"

Could it be that Lu Yanche could come in Mu Niange's room if he said he wanted to?

Lu Yanche's words made Mu Niange feel a little uncomfortable. Her eyes were slightly cold, and her attitude was not weaker than Lu Yanche's: "I'm going to sleep, you have something to talk about tomorrow, or you can talk to my brother."

This time, Mu Niange simply ignored Lu Yanche, turned around and walked directly inside. She wiped off the skin care products, closed them, and lay down on the bed. Just when Mu Niange pulled the quilt, she heard a voice coming from the door. The door opened with a 'click'.

Mu Niange's hand froze, she looked at the door, Lu Yanche walked in quickly, and then closed the door with a 'bang', and then locked it, a series of actions, fast, ruthless, accurate, There was no chance for Mu Niange to react at all.

Lu Yanche stepped forward and turned on the light in the room...

As soon as the light came on, Mu Niange was a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously squinted his eyes. Lu Yanche's figure flashed, and he immediately came in front of Mu Niange. He sat on Mu Niange's bed, his deep eyes, deeply Looking at Mu Niange: "Are you hiding from me?"

There was no prologue, let alone an apology.

On the contrary, it seemed that it was only natural for Lu Yanche to enter Mu Niange's room.

Mu Niange's face sank immediately, she took off the quilt, and walked down, she ran to the door of the room to see, her door was intact, how did Lu Yanche get in in the blink of an eye.

Mu Niange immediately questioned Lu Yanche: "Who gave you the room key? Who allowed you to come in without authorization? Get out!"

Mu Niange said that he wanted Lu Yanche to go out, but she didn't open the door of the room. Her behavior fell into Lu Yanche's eyes. Lu Yanche's eyes deepened. He stood up from the bed and slowly approached Mu Niange with.

Lu Yanche didn't say a word, his figure enveloped Mu Niange, the aura emanating from his body, the suppressed Mu Niange couldn't breathe...

Lu Yanche's real toughness was not due to Mu Niange's ability to resist. Mu Niange knew it all along, but she never challenged Lu Yanche's patience, and she ignored Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche was intoxicated by Mu Niange's neglect.

The closer Lu Yanche got, the more Mu Niange retreated. She didn't stop until Mu Niange's back was leaning against the wall and there was no way to retreat.

She lowered her eyes and didn't look at Lu Yanche. She knew that the way Lu Yanche looked at him was extremely hot.

Under such circumstances, Mu Niange is undoubtedly dangerous. What kind of actions Lu Yanche will make is beyond Mu Niange's expectation. Mu Niange took a deep breath and dispersed the thoughts in his mind. She slowly raised her eyes to meet Lu Yanche's gaze, curled her lips, and smiled sarcastically: "Why, those great principles you said are just words, and you forgot them all in the blink of an eye?"

How could Lu Yanche forget?

That was what Mu Niange requested, and Lu Yanche would naturally show it to Mu Niange.

However, Lu Yanche slowly realized that he followed Mu Niange's ideas, blindly giving in, blindly forbearing, blindly standing still and not moving forward, in exchange for Mu Niange getting farther and farther away from him.

"Niange, I'm wondering if the way I treat you is really correct." Lu Yanche propped one hand on the wall behind Mu Niange, looked down at Mu Niange, and raised his other hand Mu Niange's chin forced Mu Niange to look at him even more.

In Lu Yanche's deep eyes, flashed an emotion that Mu Niange couldn't understand...

Being lifted up by Lu Yanche like this, she subconsciously wanted to get rid of Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche's strength was so heavy, it was useless for Mu Niange to break free, and her jaw hurt so badly, she frowned, and said: " You have the way you treat me, and I have the way I treat you, this is the law of our respective existence, do you want to cross the line and interfere with my freedom?"

Mu Niange laughed twice, "hehe", she looked at Lu Yanche's eyes, which gradually turned cold.

Her eyes were telling Lu Yanche that she hated Lu Yanche for treating him like this...

However, the more Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche with cold eyes, the more Lu Yanche was irritated. He raised the hand of Mu Niange's chin and tried again, looking at Mu Niange's eyebrows which were furrowed more and more because of the pain. , He hooked his lips and smiled: "I'm curious, would you show such a face in front of other people, or, besides me, who else have you shown such a face to?"

cold, heartless...

don't wait...

"You don't understand the principle of what kind of attitude you have when you treat someone?" Lu Yanche's words completely angered Mu Niange, and Mu Niange responded not to be outdone. She even made a move to lift Lu Yanche up The hand on her chin was severely knocked off, and she pushed Lu Yanche back hard with all her strength.

After leaving Lu Yanche's envelope, Mu Niange's breathing became a little smoother.

What words should Mu Niange use to describe his mood?

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanche would say such a thing...

Could it be that Lu Yanche's changes were only superficial, and what Mu Niange saw was only the superficial Lu Yanche?The real Lu Yanche has not changed at all. Like now, he entered her room without her permission, forced her against the wall, pinched her chin, and forced her to look at him.

"Lu Yanche, I was too naive to believe that you have changed. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

(End of this chapter)

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