Chapter 142 Sad Smile
Mu Niange shook his head, subconsciously looked behind him, Xia Minmin was missing from the crowd: "She probably didn't come out today."

Mu Niange is not in the compound, isn't it the best time for Xia Minmin to pester Lu Yanche?Thinking of this, Mu Niange smiled self-deprecatingly, saying that she didn't care, but in fact, she helped Xia Minmin think about Xia Minmin's next path, and it was only for Lu Yanche.

"I think her mind is not normal, she needs to go to a mental hospital for a checkup..." Yang Zhishuang pursed her lips and said disdainfully.

Being scolded by Yang Zhishuang like this, Mo Yunhao became interested: "Who can make Shuangshuang yell at her so disregarding her image?"

Yang Zhishuang realized her rudeness, waved her hand, and said vaguely to Mo Yunhao: "It's just a psychopath anyway."

Mo Yunhao knew a little about Mu Niange, but he didn't know everything. Yang Zhishuang would not let Mo Yunhao know about Mu Niange without Mu Niange's consent. No matter how Hao asked, it was all in vain.

"Since he's a psycho, don't waste time on him, let's go..." Mo Yunhao rubbed his brows, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Niange nodded, took Yang Zhishuang's arm, and walked forward, but... without Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange noticing, Mo Yunhao glanced back, his eyes full of It's all cold.

Xia Minmin never thought that the person Mu Niange came to see would be Mo Yunhao.

When seeing Mo Yunhao, Xia Minmin opened her eyes wide in shock and couldn't believe it. When Mu Niange turned around and looked back, she subconsciously hid, calming down the emotions in her heart...

After calming down, Xia Minmin narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking carefully.

The people who are least likely to know have come together, this is so unexpected to Xia Minmin, and, from the actions of Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang, it can be seen that their relationship with Mo Yunhao is extraordinary.

After a while, Xia Minmin poked her head out. It happened that when Mo Yunhao turned his head, she met Mo Yunhao's eyes, and her heart tightened.

Whether Lu Yanche knew about the existence of a male friend like Mu Niange, Xia Minmin felt the need to reiterate it in front of Lu Yanche. Xia Minmin was at the gate of the compound, waiting for Lu Yanche to come back. When Lu Yanche's car drove into the compound At the door, Xia Minmin didn't even think about it, and directly blocked it.

If it wasn't for Lu Yanche's quick hands, he might have bumped into Xia Minmin.

Seeing that it was Xia Minmin who came, Lu Yanche's ugly face turned gloomy and cold...

Lu Yanche didn't get out of the car, just sat in the car and kept honking the horn at Xia Minmin. The sound of the horn became louder and longer, and Xia Minmin made up his mind. Lu Yanche didn't get out of the car and made it clear to himself that she was She definitely won't go away. If she missed this opportunity, she wanted to be alone with Lu Yanche and talk about things. She had to observe and observe in order to find the opportunity.

"If you want to die, I can help you." Lu Yanche opened the car window, and a cold and heartless voice slowly came from inside.

Xia Minmin was startled, and looking at the movements of Lu Yanche's hands, she believed that Lu Yanche might really drive the car towards her, a flash of pain flashed in Xia Minmin's eyes, her steps moved slowly, However, just when Xia Minmin was about to walk away, her expression changed, and she rushed towards Lu Yanche's car window again. She grabbed the car window with both hands, looked at Lu Yanche and said, "Brother Che, do you know I know, Mu Niange recently fell in love with a guy."

Xia Minmin's words made Lu Yanche's face dark, ugly, and even colder...

How could he not know that he witnessed Mu Niange leaving with Mo Yunhao with his own eyes, and the relationship between Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao was ultimately a mystery to Lu Yanche.

Now, Xia Minmin ran in front of Lu Yanche, talking about Mu Niange, how could Lu Yanche not know what Xia Minmin's intentions were, but Lu Yanche was damnably affected, the image that emerged in his mind was Mo Yunhao The picture of walking side by side with Mu Niange.

The anger in his heart 'cracked' up, Lu Yanche shouted: "Shut up!"

"Brother Che, what I'm telling is the truth. If you don't believe me, I can take a photo for you next time. That man has a very close relationship with Mu Niange. I saw his hand and hugged Mu Niange. Niange's shoulder, Mu Niange did not refuse..."

"Mu Niange doesn't like you at all, you don't like Mu Niange anymore, he doesn't deserve what you do for him at all, brother Che, I... ah..." Xia Minmin screamed in the middle of her sentence, and took a closer look , Lu Yanche closed the car window, and Xia Minmin's hand was firmly pinched by Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche didn't give Xia Minmin any sympathy.

The only way to make Xia Minmin shut up is to let Xia Minmin know that there is a price to pay for saying what Lu Yanche doesn't like to hear, and the price is pain. Only when it hurts can Xia Minmin have a long memory.

"Brother Che, I'm not lying. Why don't you want to believe it? Could it love Niange to the point of no dignity?" After Xia Minmin screamed, she continued to speak without giving up.

She pursed her lips sarcastically, even if the pain from her fingers made her pale and sweat, she didn't care, she wanted Lu Yanche to recognize the truth about Mu Niange, she wanted Lu Yanche to give up Mu Niange, she wanted Lu Yanche Looking at his own heart again, the object he needs is not Mu Niange, but Xia Minmin.

The more Xia Minmin talked, the tighter Lu Yanche closed the car window. When Xia Minmin finished talking nonsense, Lu Yanche opened the car window, slapped Xia Minmin's hand off in disgust, drove, and disappeared in front of Xia Minmin's eyes...

Xia Minmin was slapped by Lu Yanche, and she fell to the ground. She stared blankly at the direction Lu Yanche left, with a sad smile on her lips...

She kept talking in front of Lu Yanche, and when they fell into Lu Yanche's ears, they all turned into ridiculous words. Presumably, Lu Yanche had a tangled heart. On the one hand, she was not allowed to speak ill of Mu Niange, On the one hand, he didn't want to hear such news, so he vented all his anger on her.

She became Lu Yanche's punching bag...

When Lu Yanche was done venting his anger, he didn't even look at Xia Minmin. This was Xia Minmin's tragedy.

Xia Minmin laughed "hehehe", she smiled, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, how could she become so pathetic, the pathetic Lu Yanche didn't believe it, and she still wanted Lu Yanche to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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