Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 143 I'm Not Your Punching Bag

Chapter 143 I'm Not Your Punching Bag
Xia Minmin remained motionless and kept falling to the ground. She lowered her head, and her tears fell to the ground drop by drop, like raindrops, making a 'pop' sound...

Xia Youyou had just walked into the courtyard, and when she saw Xia Minmin's distressed appearance, she was taken aback for a moment. After she realized it, she stepped forward in small steps, and slowly walked in front of Xia Minmin, looking down at Xia Minmin, she didn't speak, she was just so quiet Quietly watching Xia Minmin.

Xia Youyou looked at Xia Minmin, and thought of herself inexplicably. They were twins. When one was sad, the other would also be sad. The more she looked, the more furrowed her brows became.

Just when she was about to speak, Xia Minmin, who lowered her head, suddenly looked up at Xia Youyou. This was the first time Xia Minmin looked up at Xia Youyou. Inexplicably, she felt very ridiculous, so ridiculous that she couldn't help laughing out loud: "Heh hehe……"

Xia Youyou was inexplicably laughed at by Xia Minmin.

Why did Xia Minmin become like this? Xia Youyou knew the reason without thinking about it. Like her, if she simply let go, couldn't Xia Minmin do it?

Why keep pestering?
In the end, the injured person will only be Xia Minmin, not Lu Yanche, nor Mu Niange...

Xia Youyou's words of persuasion reached her lips, and she swallowed them back. She believed that if she said it, she would definitely attract some ridicule from Xia Minmin. In this muddy water, why should Xia Youyou bother to spread it out, and why should she meddle in other things? ?

When she was disgusted by Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin not only did not comfort her, but kept suppressing Xia Youyou, making her fall into a situation where life would be worse than death. Now... Xia Minmin should feel it, not everything, As she imagined, it was all within her expectation.

Xia Youyou waited for Xia Minmin to laugh, then turned around and wanted to leave.

Xia Minmin's cold voice reached Xia Youyou's ears: "Do you feel very happy seeing me like this?"

"To be honest, I used to be very happy when I saw you being hated by brother Che, who spoke sarcastically and made a move on you, but when I was happy, I felt a little sad. Do you know where this sadness comes from? Yes You passed it on to me, you are in a bad mood, I feel it more clearly than anyone else, but you, for the sake of Brother Che, have never considered my feelings, how do you want to cry, how come..."

"Now, it's me..."

"I know, you are secretly happy in your heart, but at the same time as you are secretly happy, I will not let you have a good time, I want you to try, the feelings you brought to me before, how do I want to cry, how come, what to do No, I will go crazy and self-harm, you said, we are twins, will you be influenced by me and go crazy together?"

Xia Minmin slowly stood up from the ground...

She didn't say a word, just laughed once, her laugh was almost crazy.

Xia Youyou never thought that Xia Minmin would say such things to herself. She was hurt deeply by Lu Yanche before, and she couldn't sleep every night. When she thought of Lu Yanche, she couldn't help crying. She was very sad, depressed, and wanted to To burst out emotions all at once.

Facing Lu Yanche, she couldn't.

Facing Xia Minmin, he would only be sarcastically returned.

Facing Mu Niange, she played tricks again and again, and finally, she saw clearly and let go, and she naturally relaxed.

What Xia Minmin said is absolutely correct, Xia Minmin is suffering, and Xia Youyou is also suffering, so Xia Minmin is having a hard time, and Xia Youyou is not going to feel better either.

Especially when Xia Minmin said that she was going to self-mutilate, Xia Youyou immediately wanted to yell at her. Xia Minmin is completely insane and hopeless. For Lu Yanche, is it worth putting her life on it?

"The way you look now, isn't it crazy enough?" Xia Youyou curled her lips and smiled sarcastically. The way she looked at Xia Minmin was full of disdain.

Hearing this, Xia Minmin kicked the stones on the ground, and attacked Xia Youyou: "So, in your eyes, I am crazy like this? Then, if I am like this, don't you want to say that I am hopelessly crazy?"

Xia Minmin was in desperate need of a punching bag, so she caught Xia Youyou and wouldn't let her go. Normally, she wouldn't even bother to look at Xia Youyou...

In Xia Minmin's view, Xia Youyou is her prodigal son, and Xia Youyou has no right to talk to her at all.

Xia Youyou didn't pay attention, and was hit by the stone kicked by Xia Minmin, her face darkened, her eyes were full of anger and said: "Damn, Xia Minmin, I'm letting you down, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Xia Minmin kicked it, Xia Youyou directly picked up the stones on the ground, and threw them at Xia Minmin, and the stones Xia Youyou picked were all very big, Xia Minmin was hurt by Xia Youyou's smashing, stepped forward and tore Xia Youyou.

Xia Youyou fought back...

For a while, the scene became chaotic.

Screams, screams, on the verge of breaking out...

Xia Youyou couldn't believe that she hit Xia Minmin's hand that was pinched by Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin's face turned pale, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, her lips were pressed to death, she looked very painful...

Xia Youyou was frightened by Xia Minmin's expression, she stopped the movement of her hands, followed Xia Minmin's line of sight, and saw Xia Minmin's red and swollen hands, she took a step back, even though she stopped halfway, Xia Minmin I got hit hard a few times, but that didn't matter.

Xia Youyou is the one who knows Xia Minmin best, and also the one who knows Xia Minmin best.

Xia Youyou had been looking forward to this fight with Xia Minmin for a long time. In the past, she always thought about how to beat Xia Minmin, but when she thought of Lu Yanche, she dismissed this idea. If Lu Yanche knew, wouldn't Xia Minmin want to Write an article?
"The pain Ah Che has brought to you is nothing compared to the pain I have brought to you..."

Xia Youyou's straightforward words made Xia Minmin startled. She looked at her red and swollen hand, and felt a dull pain, and her heart ached. This is the second time Lu Yanche created a wound on Xia Minmin's body. She thought she could get used to it. , but I didn't expect that the pain this time was more painful than the last time...

"The path you choose, walk on your own. I'm not your punching bag. Next time, if you sprinkle the fire that Ah Che brought on you on me, don't blame me for not being a sister..."

After Xia Youyou left these words, she turned and left without looking at Xia Minmin again.

Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou's back, her eyes deepened, Xia Youyou was right, she had to walk on the path she chose, and treating Xia Youyou as a punching bag was not an option, not to mention, Xia Youyou was not subject to Xia Minmin's control. Controlled, she gave up on Lu Yanche, which is equivalent to leaving her world. What's the point of her pestering Xia Youyou like this?
(End of this chapter)

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