Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 153 Chanting Songs, I Miss You So Much

Chapter 153 Chanting Songs, I Miss You So Much

"Lu Yanche, don't go too far!" Mu Niange was furious at Lu Yanche's refusal. She raised her eyes and stared at Lu Yanche fiercely. Those eyes were full of warning.

Mu Niange is warning Lu Yanche that if this continues, Mu Niange will not be difficult to guarantee that he will not do anything to Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche went too far?
Where is it too much?
Hearing this, Lu Yanche couldn't help laughing. He looked at Mu Niange's resistance, and the more he wanted to let Mu Niange know that not all of Mu Niange's resistance was useful to Lu Yanche, he could do whatever he wanted... …

But because he didn't want to hurt Mu Niange, he would show weakness to Mu Niange when Mu Niange was angry and crying sadly.

Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange's waist and tightened his strength. He pushed Mu Niange's raised head back into his arms, and let Mu Niange struggle no matter what Things, as if you didn't see it.

Lu Yanche panicked...

After hearing the conversation between Xia Minmin and Mu Niange, he was very flustered. He didn't know what to do to stop the fluster in his heart. Right now, he thought the only thing he could do was to hug Mu Niange tightly , let Lu Yanche feel the existence of Mu Niange, let Lu Yanche know that Mu Niange belongs to her, and she doesn't belong to anyone. Didn't Lu Yanche lose all opportunities...

"Recite the song, recite the song, recite the song..." Lu Yanche lowered his head and buried himself on Mu Niange's shoulder. He couldn't help calling Mu Niange's name, every sound was very gentle and light...

Mu Niange's movement of breaking free stopped after hearing Lu Yanche's voice. She was stunned and looked at Lu Yanche's chest with wide eyes.

Lu Yanche's shout fell into Mu Niange's ears, and was deeply imprinted in Mu Niange's mind.

What kind of emotion can make Lu Yanche call his name with such a volume, such a voice, such a tone, Mu Niange's heart was touched by Lu Yanche, she resisted the hand on Lu Yanche's chest , she let go slightly, and she grabbed Lu Yanche's clothes with her backhand, using all her strength.

Lu Yanche is really too cunning...

The cunning Mu Niange doesn't know how to treat Lu Yanche...

She kept turning a blind eye to Lu Yanche, kept turning hot and cold towards Lu Yanche, and sometimes even made trouble with Lu Yanche, but what about Lu Yanche?

Time and time again, enduring Mu Niange, enduring Mu Niange, flattering Mu Niange, what exactly is Lu Yanche doing for?Is it for forgiveness?For the mistakes he made, to apologize to Mu Niange and take practical actions?
It's not, and it can't be...

Lu Yanche could clearly feel Mu Niange's movements.

Lu Yanche buried his head deeper into Mu Niange's arms. He allowed himself to inhale the smell of Mu Niange, coveted the smell of Mu Niange, so close to Mu Niange, Lu Yanche felt a little more at ease.

For some reason, the corner of Lu Yanche's lips couldn't help evoking a smile.

He recalled the past, Mu Niange six years ago, himself six years ago...

It was the first time Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange, and only then did he know that Mu Niange's smell was so good that he liked it so much that he couldn't put it down.

But Mu Niange was always hugged by Lu Yanche for a while, and then pushed Lu Yanche away in embarrassment. Then, his face blushed, and he lowered his eyes, not daring to look at Lu Yanche again, and let Lu Yanche go No matter how much he called Mu Niange, Mu Niange didn't even look up at Lu Yanche.

Sometimes, when Mu Niange got annoyed by Lu Yanche's yelling, she would stomp her foot in frustration, raise her head and stare at Lu Yanche: "You are so annoying!"

Mu Niange's red cheeks and moist lips were fatal to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche took advantage of the situation and kissed Mu Niange's lips, embracing all the beauty of Mu Niange...

Those good times, so nostalgic, so gone forever.

"Sing a song, I miss you very much."

Love words can't help but say it...

And Lu Yanche's memory made Mu Niange, who was stunned, completely unable to recover.

Lu Yanche missed her.

Where do you miss her?
After all, it has been almost half a year since she returned to City A and appeared in front of Lu Yanche and the others. In the past six months, there were no good memories for Mu Niange, but the ones she had were unforgettable for Mu Niange It's not that Mu Niange wants to remember these things, but these things, for Mu Niange, if she wants to forget them, she needs to remember them all the time.

This is how it happened, and how it ended...

She wants to be a person who holds grudges, and when the time comes, she will pay back everything, so that those people will be like Mu Niange, if they want to forget, they can only remember, remember...

Mu Niange lost his mind for a moment, and did not resist landing on Lu Yanche, so that the unhappiness in Lu Yanche's heart was diluted a little. He hugged Mu Niange, enough hugging, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's shoulders, and pulled Mu Niange out of his arms.

Seeing that Mu Niange was still in a daze, he transferred the hand that was on Mu Niange's shoulder to Mu Niange's cheek. He rubbed Mu Niange's cheek with his thumb, once Again, the strength is very light, and I can't put it down.

Lu Yanche's practice brought Mu Niange back to his senses, and Mu Niange, who came to his senses, slapped Lu Yanche's hand off fiercely. She tugged at the strap of her backpack, turned her head and walked away without even asking. Ask Lu Yanche a few words.


Mu Niange turned his head and walked away, Lu Yanche should have thought of it.

The current Mu Niange is not the Mu Niange six years ago. Lu Yanche has long been a stranger to her, and Lu Yanche can't even guess her every move.

This time, Lu Yanche didn't catch up. He stood on the spot and shouted at Mu Niange's back: "Niange, don't you feel anything in your heart?"

The nonsensical words made Mu Niange's pace quicken a little. Mu Niange was annoyed, how could she lose her mind in front of Lu Yanche time and time again, and let Lu Yanche see his flaws. If it goes down, how should she continue to pretend in front of Lu Yanche?

"My approach, my hug, my kiss, my touch..." Lu Yanche didn't mind that Mu Niange continued to walk, and even didn't mind that Mu Niange accelerated his pace.

He said this, on the one hand, to let Mu Niange see through his heart, on the other hand, he wanted to comfort himself, he didn't understand the relationship between Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange, so he couldn't make random remarks, but in the end At least, he knew that their relationship was not ordinary, so Lu Yanche could no longer just sit idly by.

(End of this chapter)

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