Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 154 Yes, He Is More Important Than You

Chapter 154 Yes, He Is More Important Than You

How could Mu Niange not feel Lu Yanche's approach, Lu Yanche's hug, Lu Yanche's kiss, and Lu Yanche's touch?
Her disguise was accumulated over time, not formed in a short period of time. How much effort and thought did Mu Niange take to push Lu Yanche away?Lu Yanche wouldn't know about these things, and it was impossible for him to understand them.

Mu Niange chose to escape, so no matter what Lu Yanche said, Mu Niange pretended that he didn't hear it and moved on...

Mu Niange was calm and walked normally. Lu Yanche might not have any strange emotions in his heart, but Mu Niange did not. Not only did he not slow down his pace, but he even quickened his pace every time Lu Yanche said a word. .

Lu Yanche doesn't mind...

But Lu Yanche would feel sad and sad.

Does Mu Niange disdain to answer his question, or does he not want to answer at all, or, in other words, Mu Niange doesn't even want to look at Lu Yanche...

"It seems that you really don't feel anything at all." Lu Yanche laughed at himself. He lowered his head and stopped looking at Mu Niange's back. He seemed to want to vent his emotions. He clenched his hands into fists and pointed at him. Jian pinched into the flesh fiercely, however, this kind of pain was far inferior to the pain in his heart.

Xia Minmin's words were spinning in Lu Yanche's mind...

For the sake of Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange confronted Xia Minmin tit for tat, out of warning to Xia Minmin, if he dared to do anything to Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange would never let Xia Minmin go.

When did Mu Niange, in front of Xia Minmin, say that if she dared to touch Lu Yanche, she would make Xia Minmin look good?
All along, Xia Minmin was the one who warned Mu Niange not to get close to Lu Yanche. Mu Niange flinched and followed Xia Minmin's wishes, so that there was a follow-up development. If Mu Niange didn't feel inferior at the beginning, he would Mu Niange is more caring and protective, will Mu Niange tell him everything?
Lu Yanche and Mu Niange will not go to the point of separating later.

"Then, if Mo Yunhao was the target, would you give a different reaction?" After Lu Yanche laughed at himself, he focused the topic on Mo Yunhao.

Hearing this, Mu Niange stopped in his tracks...

When Lu Yanche said that Mu Niange had no feelings for him, Mu Niange had the urge to stop. However, that urge was suppressed by Mu Niange. Now, Lu Yanche changed the topic to Mo Yun. On Hao's body, how can Mu Niange calm down, how calm down?
The more you pretend, the easier it is for people to puncture...

Lu Yanche found Mu Niange's breakthrough very well.

Lu Yanche just said the word 'Mo Yunhao', and Mu Niange stopped in his tracks. If Lu Yanche continued to speak, how would Mu Niange react?
Lu Yanche damn wants to know, damn is jealous of Mo Yunhao, why, why, Mo Yunhao can get such care from Mu Niange, so much care?
Lu Yanche gave two "hehe" and laughed sarcastically. He picked up his steps and slowly approached Mu Niange...

Sensing Lu Yanche's approach, Mu Niange's body froze. She neither moved forward nor retreated, and could only stand quietly in place.

"It turns out that my position in your heart is far inferior to that of your senior, Mo Yunhao." Lu Yanche stopped when he was five steps away from Mu Niange. He didn't have the courage to approach Mu Niange again. Fear, fear that I will do things that are beyond my control.

Mo Yunhao...

Mo Yunhao...

Lu Yanche didn't think about it, all he could think of was this name.

Last time, Mu Niange was silent, Lu Yanche accepted Mu Niange as acquiescing, Lu Yanche kept comforting himself, Mu Niange didn't admit it, he can't make random conclusions, what kind of person is Mu Niange, shouldn't Lu Yanche be clearest?
But the current situation is telling Lu Yanche that Mu Niange's silence is equal to everything.

He didn't need to find a reason to defend Mu Niange, even if he did, it would be an unchangeable fact, and Lu Yanche had to learn to accept it happily.

"When something happened to your senior, you were very nervous..."

"When Xia Minmin said what to do to your senior, you were very nervous..."

"You accept your senior's touch, you agree to your senior's request all the time, you go here when you say you want to go, and you go there when you say you want to go..."

"If you say a word from your senior, you obey it. If you say a word from your senior, you believe it very much. If you say a word from your senior, you can just ignore my existence and pass me by."

"Mu Niange, you are doing well, you are amazing, I underestimated you, and valued my position in your heart too much. Facts have proved that any random person can surpass my position. I Still foolishly by your side, waiting silently, waiting for the day when you change your mind."

Lu Yanche pointed out one by one, the difference between Mu Niange's treatment of Lu Yanche and his treatment of Mo Yunhao...

The more he talked, the more excited he became. In the end, he yelled at Mu Niange. He didn't want to talk about this topic. Xia Minmin's sowing discord was useless to Lu Yanche, but , Mu Niange disobeyed Lu Yanche's wishes.

Lu Yanche was using other methods to ease the emotions in his heart.

Who would have thought that this emotion would become more and more agitated after being relieved, and in the end, it became uncontrollable.

Mu Niange's eyes and smile belonged to Mo Yunhao and was contracted by Mo Yunhao. Mu Niange was happy, excited, and smiling?
Mu Niange turned his back to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche couldn't see Mu Niange's face clearly, let alone what kind of reaction Mu Niange gave when he said these words, was she laughing?To laugh at Lu Yanche's stupidity, to trample on his own dignity again and again?

"Why, don't you talk?"

Lu Yanche pressed Mu Niange: "Don't say anything, I'll take you as acquiescing, your senior, what's so good about it, how can it compare to mine, you're so determined, you don't want to deny any of my words."

Even if it is a sentence.

Just one sentence can make Lu Yanche feel better, but Mu Niange doesn't.

"Mu Niange!" Lu Yanche couldn't bear to pull Mu Niange's wrist. Mu Niange's stubborn face met Lu Yanche's gaze. She shook off Lu Yanche's hand with a sneer, and said forcefully: "Yes. , what you said is absolutely right, the senior's position in my heart is far more important than yours."

"A word from the senior can shake my heart, and a movement or a smile from the senior can make me feel his warmth."

"Senior has an accident, I am worried, senior is bullied, I will pay any price to seek justice for senior..."

(End of this chapter)

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