Chapter 160 Your Motive
"Yes, I'm hopeless, so what?" Seeing Xia Youyou's angry look, Xia Minmin laughed sarcastically, she did not deny Xia Youyou's words, nodded, and said provocatively: "Could it be that you are worried , we are twins, mine is hopeless, will it infect you?"

"Xia Youyou, you are so funny..."

"You feel your conscience and ask, when are you not my kind of person?"

In Xia Minmin's view, the person who is least qualified to criticize Xia Minmin is Xia Youyou. Seeing Xia Youyou's upholding justice, Xia Minmin wants to laugh when she smiles. Is it because of the influence of Mu Niange? Myself, no one is normal?
Xia Minmin straightened her messy hair and walked towards the door of the house.

Xia Youyou's hands were clenched into fists by Xia Minmin's sarcasm, her heart was full of resentment, she stared at Xia Minmin's back, and wanted to refute, but couldn't find the right words to refute...

What Xia Minmin said is absolutely correct, when did Xia Youyou stop being someone like Xia Minmin?

From the very beginning, it was Xia Youyou who did it first. Although Xia Minmin's motive was instigated by Xia Minmin, once Xia Minmin did it, he did it. No one can change that fact.

Xia Youyou closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down her emotions...

She turned her head, took another look at the closed door of Lu's house and said, "Just now, did you really want to kill Lu Meiqi?"

When Xia Minmin heard Xia Youyou's question, her steps paused slightly. Only Xia Minmin knew whether she wanted to kill Lu Meiqi...

When Lu Meiqi said those words, Xia Minmin became nervous. The first thought in her heart was to want Lu Meiqi to explain the matter clearly, so that Xia Minmin would not have any shadow in her heart, and she would not be held by Lu Meiqi. to threaten.

But the more Xia Minmin asked, the more Lu Meiqi kept silent...

Xia Minmin lost her mind and grabbed Lu Meiqi's neck.

Xia Youyou saw such a look, no matter how Xia Minmin defended, Xia Youyou would not believe it. In this world, the person who knows Xia Minmin the most is Xia Youyou.

Instead of arguing against Xia Youyou, being suspected, ridiculed, and warned by Xia Youyou, Xia Minmin might as well admit it generously: "You are right at all, I want to kill Lu Meiqi, but unfortunately, your appearance will make Lu Meiqi die. My motivation was shattered, and now I don't have that idea."

How Mu Niange used to be in front of Lu Yanche made Xia Min sensitive to the eyes.

Xia Minmin had never done such a thing before, but it was Lu Meiqi who made Xia Minmin do this. Xia Youyou inevitably had doubts in her heart.

She squinted her eyes slightly, looked at Xia Minmin carefully, and said uncertainly, "Really, that's all?"

What Xia Minmin needs to let Xia Youyou know is her motives, not to explain to Xia Youyou, Xia Youyou's uncertain questioning made Xia Minmin look at Xia Youyou's eyes with contempt even more: "Xia Youyou, you have no eyes I don’t know, am I really like this, you don’t know? Still need to ask?”

"Could it be because Lu Meiqi is brother Che's younger sister, that you care about Lu Meiqi so much that you said you gave up on brother Che, but in fact, you are just taking advantage of the opportunity to once again break into brother Che's sight and let her Brother Che saw your existence?"

"Do you think everyone is as despicable as you, with such nasty thoughts?" Xia Youyou sneered when she heard this, and responded unwillingly to show weakness.

"So, in your opinion, liking brother Che is a despicable and nasty thing?" Xia Minmin became interested, she turned to face Xia Youyou, folded her arms around her chest, looked at Xia Youyou in feigned surprise and said: " If Brother Che heard this, what would Brother Che think of you? Xia Youyou, you really exceeded my expectations..."

Meeting Lu Meiqi was a coincidence, and meeting Xia Youyou was even more of an accident.

Xia Minmin is not worried that Xia Youyou will tell what she saw, but Xia Youyou, it is impossible for her to tell it. Even if she wants to say it, Xia Youyou can't find a suitable partner to say it...

Xia Youyou has self-esteem, so it is impossible to tell Mu Niange about it. As for Lu Meiqi and Lu Yanche, that is even more impossible. In their eyes, Xia Youyou knows what kind of person Xia Youyou is like than anyone else.

"Xia Minmin!" Xia Youyou gritted her teeth and called Xia Minmin's name, remembering just now, Xia Minmin pinched Lu Meiqi's neck, Xia Youyou who was so strong was speechless to describe it, what she saw was Lu Meiqi's entire neck, her face was red up.

"Don't call me so loud, I'm not deaf, I can hear everything you say..."

"You just can't stand it. You gave up on Brother Che, and I have been dangling in front of Brother Che. You are actually worried. You are worried that Brother Che will be snatched away from Mu Niange by me. Instead of If you lose to me, you might as well lose to Mu Niange, right?"


Xia Minmin was right.

But Xia Youyou couldn't admit this fact.

She turned her eyes away and stopped looking at Xia Minmin. She was afraid that under Xia Minmin's anger, she would force her emotions and do something extreme...

"Xia Youyou, you're nothing more than that." Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou's silence, and let out a disdainful laugh. She reached out and brushed her hair, looking very excited: "What am I doing, what are you doing?" If you see it, it’s best to pretend that you didn’t see it, and if you hear it, keep your mouth shut, otherwise, don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance if the fire burns on you one day.”

"Oh, right……"

"One thing, you don't understand. I am a person who will not give up lightly. As long as it is what I want, I will definitely try my best to get it, including Brother Che."

What Xia Minmin did to Lu Meiqi, Lu Meiqi did not dare to tell anyone. These few days, she locked herself in the room, and did not even come out of the room when eating. Lu Meiqi's move immediately attracted Mrs. Lu's attention. She was worried that Lu Meiqi's condition, which had finally improved, had relapsed again?

Mrs. Lu stayed at the door of Lu Meiqi's room all night, and Lu Meiqi didn't eat the food at the door.

Looking at the haggard Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche was very worried, and instead he waited at the door of Lu Meiqi's room...

Lu Yanche knocked on the door of Lu Meiqi's room, and the response to Lu Yanche was silence. Lu Yanche recalled this period of time, not only did Lu Meiqi's mood improve, but she even became more courageous. I hate whoever is scolding in front of me...

(End of this chapter)

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