Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 161 Chanting Songs, I Need Your Help

Chapter 161 Chanting Songs, I Need Your Help


Lu Meiqi's situation has changed.

It was far more serious than when Lu Meiqi was ill. At that time, Lu Meiqi was afraid of people, but at least, at home, she would not hide from Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu, and sometimes, she would hide from Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche's arms. in, seeking comfort.

Lu Yanche frowned, his face darkened.

Mrs. Lu saw Lu Yanche approaching, and Lu Meiqi looked indifferent, her heart was really anxious...

She looked at the tightly closed room door with a worried face, and said to Lu Yanche: "Ah Che, what's wrong with Meiqi, some time ago, she was reciting songs and healed well, could it be that Meiqi didn't make it on time Are you taking the medicine prescribed by the hospital?"

Apart from this, Madam Lu couldn't think of anyone else.

However, Madam Lu's words reminded Lu Yanche...

The person who can move Lu Meiqi is not Lu Yanche, not Mrs. Lu, but Mu Niange. If Mu Niange was around, Lu Meiqi might open the door...

Lu Yanche's eyes deepened, and he confessed to Mrs. Lu: "Mom, you stay here to guard Meiqi, and I'll go find Niange."

Mrs. Lu nodded repeatedly when she heard this.

After Xia Minmin tidied up Lu Meiqi and taught Xia Youyou a lesson, she fell into deep thought. She was thinking about how she could know the secrets Lu Meiqi knew, and whether Lu Meiqi would tell this matter.

Xia Minmin couldn't feel at ease when Lu Meiqi's matter remained unsolved for a day.

Early the next morning, she was sitting in her yard, staring at the gate of Lu's house, to see if Lu Meiqi would come out from inside. She waited and waited, but it wasn't Lu Meiqi who came, but Lu Yanche. Looks like it's in a hurry.

Xia Minmin subconsciously stood up from her seat, and watched Lu Yanche leave.

Xia Minmin's hands on the table were clenched into fists, and her eyes were rolling. At this time, Lu Yanche might have gone to Mu Niange's place, but Lu Yanche and Mu Niange didn't have a dispute just yesterday. Reconciled so quickly?
Thinking of this, Xia Minmin's face darkened instantly.

Damn Mu Niange, he knows the tricks, but in just one night, Lu Yanche was taken care of?
If there is no matter about Lu Meiqi, Xia Minmin will definitely chase after Lu Yanche to see if Lu Yanche is looking for Mu Niange, and how Mu Niange will react to Lu Yanche, what a pity...

Xia Minmin let Mu Niange go first.

Lu Yanche came to Mu's house and knocked hard on the closed door. When Mu Niange ran back in the morning, he was taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him, then walked forward with a blank expression, took out the key, and opened the door. the door.

Mu Niange didn't even look at Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche's eyes were fixed on Mu Niange's body. The moment Mu Niange walked in, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's wrist, and said with a serious expression: " Chant, I need your help."

Mu Niange stopped shaking her hands, looked at Lu Yanche, and asked with some uncertainty, "What?"

"I need your help. Help me to see Meiqi. Meiqi has been shutting herself in the room since yesterday afternoon, refusing to come out. No matter how we call her, she shouldn't..." Lu Yanche said roughly Mu Niange explained the situation.

Hearing the words 'Lu Meiqi', Mu Niange couldn't sit still.

She quickly shook off Lu Yanche's hand, and said with a serious face, "Wait here for me, I'll come down right away."

Mu Niange went upstairs to change his clothes, and after taking the things he needed, he quickly followed Lu Yanche towards Lu's house...

Xia Minmin couldn't believe her eyes anymore, she saw Lu Yanche walking into the gate of the Lu family with Mu Niange, the first thought in Xia Minmin's mind was Lu Meiqi.

Lu Meiqi showed off everywhere that Mu Niange treated her, and her condition improved very well. Therefore, the matter between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi is well known in the compound. Now, Lu Yanche takes Mu Niange came together, what happened to Lu Meiqi?

Lu Meiqi lost the chain on this joint...

Xia Minmin was going crazy.

If so, if Lu Meiqi told Mu Niange what happened yesterday, wouldn't Xia Minmin be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River?
When Mrs. Lu was guarding the door of Lu Meiqi's room, did she look towards the gate? Seeing that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche went upstairs together, Mrs. Lu subconsciously stepped forward, grabbed Mu Niange's hand and said, "Niange , help your aunt call Meiqi, and see what is going on with Meiqi, Auntie is really worried..."

Mu Niange could understand Mrs. Lu's mood.

Thinking of myself, thinking of Lu Meiqi...

It's a common thing to lock yourself in the room and not come out. Mu Niange nodded heavily, and comforted Mrs. Lu: "Auntie, don't worry, go and prepare something to eat, I'll bring it to Meiqi .”

When Mu Niange said this, Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu were both surprised. Mu Niange took it in and gave it to Lu Meiqi to eat. The premise was that Lu Meiqi wanted to open the door. Mu Niange had such confidence to let Lu Meiqi open the door?
Before Madam Lu could ask, Mu Niange let go of Madam Lu's hand, stepped forward and knocked on the door of the room, "Meiqi, I'm Niange..."

Although Lu Meiqi was in the room with the door tightly closed, she was very clear about what happened outside, especially when she heard Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu's worried voice, Lu Meiqi wanted to open the door and tell them that she was fine. They don't need to worry.

But Lu Meiqi can't speak. Once she speaks, Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche will ask more questions. At that time, Lu Meiqi will show her flaws and they will find out...

Lu Meiqi stared at herself in the mirror, the marks on her neck pinched by Xia Minmin were still there, her eyes were full of hatred when she looked at the mirror, and there was even a flash of fear, Xia Minmin dared to treat her like this at the door of her house , if Xia Minmin was not at the door of the house, wouldn't Xia Minmin do something more serious?

Lu Meiqi didn't have the guts to continue thinking.

She didn't sleep all night. When it was dawn, she was sleepy and hungry. She really wanted to eat, and she really wanted to find someone to talk to. Going crazy.

Mu Niange's coming is undoubtedly Lu Meiqi's salvation...

Lu Meiqi got off the bed immediately, and she walked slowly to the door, leaning her ear against the door, listening to Mu Niange's voice clearly: "Meiqi, I'm Niange, if you have anything, you can tell me .”

"Nian, sister Niange..." Lu Meiqi hadn't spoken for a long time, her voice was hoarse, dry, and not loud, but Mu Niange clearly heard Lu Meiqi's response, Mu Niange's expression changed, and he continued: "Yes, it's me, can you open the door for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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