Chapter 162 I'm Really Scared
Mu Niange's response made Lu Meiqi subconsciously grab the doorknob to open it...

The moment the door opened, Lu Meiqi slammed the door shut again, not only startled Mu Niange, but also made Lu Yanche, who was standing behind Mu Niange, frown even more fiercely. He lowered his voice and said, "Mei Qi, what's going on with you?"

Lu Meiqi forgot...

Mu Niange was here, and Lu Yanche was also there.

The person Lu Meiqi doesn't want to see is Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu.

Lu Meiqi leaned her back against the door, feeling extremely annoyed. She was thinking about how to drive Lu Yanche away, leaving Mu Niange alone...

Mu Niange seemed to understand Lu Meiqi's meaning. She stood quietly at the door, maintaining her original movements, and waited for Madam Lu to bring the food. After Mu Niange took it, she politely said to Madam Lu: "Auntie , Meiqi just wants to see me alone, can you please avoid Lu Yanche for a while."

Lu Yanche never expected that Mu Niange would speak so bluntly.

His complexion changed, and just as he was about to speak, Mrs. Lu nodded, and said very straightforwardly: "Well, Ah Che and I went downstairs first, you go in and help Auntie take a good look at Meiqi..."

After Madam Lu finished speaking, she did not forget to pat the back of Mu Niange's hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche, and Mrs. Lu went downstairs. After they were completely gone on the second floor, Mu Niange knocked on the door of Lu Meiqi's room again and said, "Meiqi, your mother and your brother are going downstairs. Now, you open the door and let me in."

Lu Meiqi absolutely trusts Mu Niange...

Hearing what Mu Niange said, Lu Meiqi opened the door without even thinking about it, and Mu Niange entered the room logically, Lu Meiqi quickly closed the door, and turned around when Mu Niange put the plate on the table When she looked at Lu Meiqi, her expression changed, and she quickly stepped forward to grab Lu Meiqi's hand and said, "What's the matter with your neck, who made it?"

Mu Niange was unexpectedly nervous and caring, which frightened Lu Meiqi. After realizing it, Lu Meiqi smiled bitterly.

Even if Mu Niange doesn't ask, he should know in his heart...

There is no one who would treat Lu Meiqi like this, and dare to treat Lu Meiqi like this, except Xia Minmin.

Lu Meiqi pulled away Mu Niange's hand, and sat down on the sofa. She was so hungry that she took the food brought in by Mu Niange and ate it in big mouthfuls. Mu Niange looked at Lu Meiqi like this, speechless , sitting opposite Lu Meiqi, watching Lu Meiqi quietly.

Mu Niange's face, how gloomy and gloomy...

Her eyes were fixed on Lu Meiqi's neck. To Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi's neck was the fuse. Now, what Mu Niange needs is a word from Lu Meiqi. Only one word is needed to completely break the The fuse was lit.

Seeing Mu Niange's expression, Lu Meiqi didn't dare to take a breath...

After she finished eating, she swallowed, met Mu Niange's gaze, and hesitated in her heart whether to speak or not.

"It's Xia Minmin, isn't it?" Mu Niange looked at Lu Meiqi firmly and asked.

Lu Meiqi nodded subconsciously when she heard the words, she lowered her eyes, and whispered: "I never thought that Xia Minmin would dare to treat me like this, pinching my neck, making me breathless, I feel, I feel that she wants to Killed me."

As Lu Meiqi spoke, she recalled yesterday's scene...

If it wasn't for Xia Youyou's appearance, she would probably be in the hospital now.

How dare Xia Minmin treat Lu Meiqi like this, she is really crazy, driven crazy by Mu Niange, driven crazy by Lu Yanche, and also driven crazy by Lu Meiqi!
"So, you shut yourself in the room, and you dare not show your mother, you, and brother like this, let alone tell them what's going on?" Mu Niange took a deep breath, suppressing the pain in his heart. Emotions.

Mu Niange always thought that as long as Xia Minmin liked Lu Yanche, she wouldn't dare to do anything to Lu Meiqi.

Unexpectedly, Xia Minmin did such a thing to Lu Meiqi in a place that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange couldn't see. Lu Meiqi learned to resist and refute, but she couldn't learn to sue...

Mu Niange stood up from the sofa with a 'rub'.

Lu Meiqi looked up at Mu Niange and said, "Sister Niange, what should I do? I'm afraid of Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou, because I saw how they bullied you, and I felt a shadow in my heart. Like you said, I They are my brother's biological sisters. They like my brother and dare not do anything to me. On the contrary, they want to please me, but Xia Minmin is so unreasonable. This time, this time, it's far more serious than before, I'm really afraid of Xia Minmin, I don't know how to deal with it, I..."

After being treated like that by Xia Minmin, Lu Meiqi ran back to the room in fright. She remained in a daze, suppressing her panic in her heart.

Seeing Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi saw hope. She confides to Mu Niange, expresses all the grievances she wants to say, and tears come out so uncontrollably...

She wanted Mu Niange to give her a way, how to deal with Xia Minmin, how to control the fear in her heart, and not show it in front of Xia Minmin, otherwise, it would only lead to Xia Minmin's bullying.

"Meiqi..." Seeing Lu Meiqi crying, Mu Niange felt more distressed than anyone else.

Mu Niange knew in his heart that Lu Meiqi would be treated like this by Xia Minmin, all because of Mu Niange's relationship, Mu Niange became not someone Xia Minmin wanted to bully, but could bully, on the contrary, Mu Niange would fight back against Xia Minmin, let Xia Minmin was caught off guard and fell for Mu Niange's tricks.

But Lu Meiqi is different...

She just hated Xia Minmin blindly, didn't want to get in touch with Xia Minmin, and was afraid of Xia Minmin. Her words and responses to Xia Minmin were all taught by Mu Niange behind her back. When the crisis really came, what Lu Meiqi showed was Unprecedented fear and fear.

After all, Lu Meiqi's thoughts are too simple, she is not suitable to deal with Xia Minmin.


Mu Niange walked slowly to Lu Meiqi's side and sat down. She stretched out her hand, patted Lu Meiqi's back, and said comfortingly, "Cry, cry out, you'll feel better..."

Receiving Mu Niange's promise, Lu Meiqi cried harder and louder...

Lu Yanche left and came back again. He carefully leaned against the door, listening to the movement from inside, first Mu Niange's voice, then Lu Meiqi's voice, their voices were sometimes soft and sometimes loud, Lu Yanche He could vaguely hear the words 'Xia Minmin', followed by Lu Meiqi crying loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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